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Bear Outlaw (She-Shifters of Hell's Corner Book 4)

Page 7

by Candace Ayers

  I was going to be tied to Charlie? As hot a fuck as she was, I’d bet my left nut that I wasn’t the kind of guy she dreamed of. She probably had some bullshit life plan of a wedding and the perfect family and fucking health insurance. Her idea of a perfect man probably wore a suit and knew how to tie a tie. He was probably in an office sixty hours a week and brought home enough to afford them all the luxury SUVs they’d ever want.

  I would never be that guy. I liked working on cars and bikes in my auto repair shop. I liked grease under my fingernails. I liked drinking and cursing. I wasn’t ever going to give up my leather cut and if anyone ever tried to get me in a pair of loafers, I’d just as soon eat them.

  Charlie and I just didn’t fit. It was insane. Yet, she was supposed to be my mate—the only woman for me?

  I groaned and rolled over and onto my other side. The cheering from the rest of the party grew louder for a few minutes as someone busted a nut and another guy lined up to have his turn. I could tell from the moans that they were running a train on the blonde bitch who’d followed me into my room earlier. It hadn’t taken her long to replace me. At least one of us was having a good night.



  I smelled my parents before I heard the knock. For the first time in my life, my nose was working as it should. As a warning system. I seriously considered running away. Before I could formulate a good plan, however, I heard the front door open.

  “Sugar! We’re back!” Mama Jean called out, her shrill voice penetrating the solitude of my home.

  I left my room and took my time getting downstairs. It wasn’t that I didn’t love my parents. I did. They were great and everything, but I wasn’t in a good place.

  Before I could react to them, Mama launched herself at me. “Oh, my god! Sweet lord above! You mated! Where is he? I want to meet him. I can’t believe you mated and didn’t call me right away!”

  I groaned. “Mama, I can’t breathe.”

  She laughed and stepped back. “Tell me everything.”

  “Later. What are you guys doing back here?”

  Daddy shook his head and moved towards the stairs. He was much more reclusive than Mama Jean. “Your father can’t deal with all those people in and out of our house. Your house is quiet most of the time.”

  “I thought the repairs were done weeks ago.”

  “Oh, they were. But, we decided that since the construction crew was there, we might as well have them put on an addition to the house. We’re having a great room put on for the grandkids to play in when they’re visiting.”

  “Go ahead.” I nodded to Daddy. “I need to remake the bed, though.”

  “I’ll do it.” And just like that, he disappeared into one of my guest bedrooms.

  Then, it was just me and Mama. She stood, her arms crossed, impatiently waiting for me to spill all the details. I frowned and ran my hands through my hair. I knew that she wouldn’t understand. There was no way.

  “I have to run to the shop for a while. I was just on my way out.”

  She shook her head. “Charlotte, you’re hiding something.”

  “Mama, I just don’t have time to stop and explain everything going on in my life right now. I promise we’ll sit down and do it later. Okay?”

  Sighing, she pulled me into her arms and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I love you. If there’s anything wrong, you let me know.”

  I blinked back unexpected tears. “I love you, too.”

  I hurried out before I completely broke down. It’d been awhile since I’d fallen apart in my mother’s arms, but I felt like I was millimeters away from it, and if I didn’t get out of there soon, it’d be a doozy of a breakdown.

  Thankfully, I was in leggings and a T-shirt, so I could run out without it looking too weird. A jog wasn’t out of the question, either. I needed it. Maybe some exercise would get me out of my funk.

  Jogging down Main Street, where I was likely to run into someone, sounded terrible, so I made a point of jogging through the woods near my house. I took it easy, not worried about pushing myself, but more about just getting some air and avoiding my mother’s nosy questions.

  What was I supposed to say? I found my mate, we’re total opposites, and we hate each other, but we accidentally mated anyway? Oh, and by the way, I can’t give you grandkids? I hadn’t had time to process any of it through my own head, yet. I sure as hell wasn’t going to be able to explain it to her.

  I caught a hint of a delicious scent and followed my wolf in that direction. Without thinking, and under the influence of my new senses, I followed until I stumbled into a clearing. I recognized the house instantly. Some asshole, Greg Jones, had bought it and stayed in it a few months out of the year. His was the only house close to mine and I liked him about as much as I liked a steaming pile of cow dung.

  I stopped where I was and watched as some of the bikers I’d seen before with Axel came out of the house. What the hell were they doing at Greg’s? Was he even back in town? I scowled as I realized what’d dragged my wolf closer to the house, but when I turned to leave, I walk right into a solid wall of muscle. Axel.

  He’d come up behind me, completely silently, somehow. When I jumped, he grinned slightly before his face settled back into a frown. “What are you doing here?”

  I hated how my body came alive when I saw him. My fine hairs stood on end and my libido kicked into gear working perfectly to alert me to how extremely hot he was. The dark hair, the voice, the chiseled jawline. It was all too much. God, his chest was massive. I took a step back and shook my head to clear it. “I was out for a jog.”

  “And you just happened by the place I’m staying at?”

  “I live nearby, asshole.”

  “Then let’s go back to your place.”

  The abrupt suggestion caught me off guard and I blinked up at him a few times, speechless. It was all it took for him to get closer to me. I jumped when his hand slid across the side of my waist and wrapped around my back.

  “I’d invite you back to my place, but it’s full right now.” He stared down at me, and for a second there was something softer in his eyes. “You look hot without all the makeup and shit.”

  I put my hand on his chest and told myself to push him away. “We’re not doing this.”

  “Then we’ll say we didn’t.” He licked his lips and gripped me tighter. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, either, but fuck. You’re here. I’m here.”

  The air between us was thick with the scent of lust and desire. It overrode the confusion and complexity of the situation, which was, suddenly, the farthest thing from my mind. At that moment, the thought of being with him felt like freedom from a prison I’d put myself in. “My parents are at my house.”

  “Woods it is.” He lifted me and tossed me over his shoulder before striding farther into the woods.

  “Put me down, you big ape.”

  He slapped my ass. “Silence.” He continued walking.

  My jaw hung open. Did he just silence me? What a cretin. “Listen, Fucknugget, I don’t know who you…”

  Smack! I squealed as his hand came down on my ass cheek again, this time harder. “I said silence.”

  I wanted to kick his ass, claw his eyes out, but my vajayjay was drenched.

  Sex with him again was a bad idea. I knew better, yet, there was something so intoxicating about him that I couldn’t ignore it no matter how much I tried. Sex twice didn’t have to mean anything serious. It didn’t mean anything serious. We were just two people who wanted to scratch an itch.

  His hand caressed my ass where I’d previously felt the sting of his slap. When he slid me down his body, there was a hunger in his eyes that made me shiver. He undressed me first and the slight breeze puckered my nipples and raised goosebumps along my flesh.

  When he undressed, I watched as he exposed his tattoos, his rippling abs, his powerful thighs. As his eyes raked over my naked body and he smiled in appreciation, he palmed his huge, stiff cock, giving it a few str

  He grabbed my shoulders and turned me. Then, with his hand on my upper back, he pushed, folding my body in half so that my palms were on the ground with my ass in the air.

  He grabbed my waist in his hands and I watched between my legs as he guided himself inside me. His dick disappeared inside of my wet channel. He moved his feet apart and I watched as he slowly slid out. I felt every inch of his thick cock as he thrust it inside again. And he fucked me, slow, and hard, and with a consistent rhythm.

  I started to shake. “I’m going to…”

  I tried to speak, but I tripped over my own tongue as my body shook. I watched him fuck me. I was so wet, I felt it drip down my thighs. My orgasm was a couple strokes away and I felt myself contract.

  Smack! I felt the sting an instant before I heard the sound. I opened and closed my eyes, feeling a rush from the slap on my ass cheek. I tensed to ease the pain, and I felt him slow his thrusting almost to a stop. After about four more strokes, his pace picked back up and I started to tingle. I felt myself begin to contract again.

  Smack! The sting was intense. More of a burn. His hand grasped my hip again and he began to forcefully fuck me like I have never been fucked before. His cock slid in and out like a jackhammer, the sound of his hips slapping against my ass was turning me on. Once again, I felt the first waves of an orgasm building.

  Smack! I jumped.

  “You want fucked?” He growled and clenched his teeth. “Say it. Tell me what you want.”

  “Yes! I want you to fuck me. Fuck me ‘til I come.”

  He continued to fuck me harder and after a few more seconds, I was done. I felt myself contract again. This time he let me go. The orgasm crackled through my entire body like a bolt of lightning taking with it my entire ability to think or reason. The rush I felt was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. I only vaguely felt the powerful bursts of his orgasm as he held me up, my legs still too weak to stand on their own.

  He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me tenderly, his tongue dancing with mine. Helpless. I felt helpless to control my urges when he was in front of me. I knew what I needed to do, but it was harder than I could ever have imagined. He didn’t make it any easier. When I told myself I should leave, he held me tighter against his body and placed gentle kisses on my forehead, temples, cheeks, and lips.

  I let out a sorrow-filled sigh. Too bad we couldn’t pretend like what was between us could work. It couldn’t. Ever.



  Some of the guys had gotten bored staying at the house. It didn’t take them long to get bored with the same bitches and the same scenery, so they’d decided to prowl the town. Most of the local chicks had disappeared anyway, so they didn’t have much choice. If they wanted to fuck, they had to find pussy.

  I was feeling out of my mind, so I liked the idea of getting some fresh air. I’d made the mistake of coming back from my tryst with Charlie and not showering before I got in bed. The whole room smelled like our fucking. If I had any real plans of staying the hell away from her, I needed space from the room.

  I couldn’t lie and say that I wasn’t keeping an eye out for her. After the last time we fucked, I was like a man possessed. I was thinking crazy thoughts, like maybe we could set up some kind of regular fuck sessions. It couldn’t hurt to meet up every so often, especially since neither of us would be getting it anywhere else. At least, neither of us had better be getting it anywhere else. The idea of some dickhead getting his junk anywhere near Charlie made me see red. I’d be cracking skulls if that ever happened. No man would ever touch her and live.

  “You okay, brother?” Pratt rode his softail up next to me. “You look like you’re ready to tear the whole town down.”

  I grunted. I had to get control of myself. I couldn’t care about who wanted to touch Charlie. Sure, she was mine technically, but not in a formal sense. Certainly not in an agreed upon sense. That didn’t sit right with me, though. Not looking after her, protecting her, and caring about who touched her went against everything in my nature.


  I blinked and looked over at Pratt. “Fuck.”

  “That good, huh?” Pratt and I slowed to let the other guys ride ahead of us. Seemed neither of us was looking for the same thing they were.

  “You ever find out what that smell was that was bothering you?”

  He shook his head. “It’s been fucking with me, though.” He looked from side to side to make sure no one else was in ear shot and cupped a hand around the side of his mouth as he spoke. “Performance issues. Never in my life have I ever gone soft so many times when I should’ve been as hard as steel.”

  I laughed, but it was without humor. “You’re in for a rude fucking awakening.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ll figure it out sooner or later.” I looked ahead at the guys leading the way and nodded, gesturing towards them. “I don’t know what they’re expecting to find. This town is dead.”

  Pratt grumbled something under his breath and then sighed. “They’re all so fucking drunk or high. They don’t give a shit. They’re just looking to continue their party.”

  I glanced over at him. “And you’re not?”

  “Well, you just said some cryptic bullshit to me, I haven’t been able to fuck anyone the whole time we’ve been in this piece of shit town. I’m about as fun as some rich fucking country club asshole these days. I only came out to get away from the stench of old dick in that house.”

  I laughed suddenly, unable to help but enjoy the fact that someone else was suffering as much as me. I shook my head and chuckled again. “Brother, the shit’s just getting started.”

  “It’s a mate, isn’t it? That’s what the smell is? It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

  I stared straight ahead, not responding. I didn’t want to talk about Charlie with anyone else, even Pratt. It felt wrong.

  “Fuck, Axel. I need to know something. I’m going crazy here.”

  Thankfully, up ahead one of the guys whistled and cheered. The while group was slowing down. “Found a party, brothers!”

  I tilted my head back and inhaled the scents of the evening, trying to pick out a scent over the exhaust fumes, that would tell me what was going on. Bitches. Lots of them. Charlie! I charged ahead, around the group of bikes that were slowing to a stop. The green-eyed monster in me was intent on getting to Charlie before the any of the assholes ahead of me. If anyone else so much as laid a finger on her, I’d rip their fucking hands off, brother or not.

  The guys were all shit faced and eager for pussy. It wasn’t hard to imagine one of them grabbing Charlie and playing around. I growled and kicked up the throttle to get to the front of the group. I could sense Pratt right on my heels. His bear was teetering on the edge, too. I could feel it.

  Someone catcalled and I felt the night energy shift. Somehow, I could feel Charlie’s panic and annoyance.

  “Lookie what we have here!”

  “Were you fine ladies looking for a little fun, or what?”

  I finally reached the front of the group of bikes and cut the engine. Charlie was at the head of a bunch of women, many of whom were completely naked, Charlie included. It looked like they’d been walking down the street. I stepped back in shock and then nearly blew a gasket as I noticed the way several of the guys were staring at Charlie. And grinning.

  I flipped down the kickstand and hopped off my bike. In a couple strides, I was facing Charlie, intentionally putting myself between her and the guys. I stared down at her. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and hissed at me. “Me? What the fuck are you doing? What the fuck are they doing? Why are y’all here?”

  “I asked first. What the hell is going on? Why are you naked in the middle of town?”

  She glanced behind her and then looked up at me. There was something almost needy in her eyes and I could feel through our bond that whatever we’d interrupted, it was important.r />
  “We were just out for a run. We’re going home now.”

  Pratt brushed by me and walked up to another woman, who immediately shied away from him. He looked back at me and growled. “I should kick your ass.”

  Fontaine stepped forward and wagged his eyebrows at a short dark haired human. He was clearly more fucked up than anyone realized. “Hey, baby. What’s going down?”

  Charlie growled instantly and bristled. “Stay the fuck away from her or I’ll skin you alive.”

  Fontaine flinched. “Aren’t you a barrel of laughs?”

  I bared my teeth at him and shook my head. “Move. The fuck. Back.”

  The little human looked at me and then at Charlie. “Oh, my god. Is this him? He’s hot, Charlie. No wonder you let him claim you.”

  Charlie’s face burned red, evident even in the twilight. She moved the human behind her and looked back up at me. “Get your men out of here. We’re going home. If any one of them touches her, I’m going to seriously hurt them, Axel.”

  She was clearly assuming the role of protector of the group of women and the human especially. I was feeling equally as protective—of her.

  I turned to face my brothers and felt like I was staring at a crowd of strangers. They were all trying to lure chicks, but they were so fucked up that they didn’t even realize that most of the chicks weren’t interested in the least. It wasn’t pretty. I couldn’t remember ever feeling more alienated from them. The revelation was staggering, to say the least.

  “Nothing to see here, brothers. Let’s go back to the house.”

  They laughed, thinking I was joking. One of them even blew a kiss to Charlie behind me.

  A deafening roar arose from my chest, breaking through the night and causing everything to go still. I snapped my jaw shut and looked around, having gained everyone’s attention. “We’re going back to the house. Now. Look at any one of these women again and you’ll be cleaning your fucking teeth up off the fucking ground.”


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