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Bear Outlaw (She-Shifters of Hell's Corner Book 4)

Page 12

by Candace Ayers

  My hands continued massaging her tits as I kissed back up her throat and neck. When I ran my tongue over her claiming mark, both of us shuddered.

  I trailed kisses back down her body to her wet pussy. I slid my tongue inside and when she let out a strangled cry, I thrust it in and out. Charlie threw her head back and moaned loudly as I continued to fuck her with my tongue, after every third stroke, circling her clit. She pulled my hair tighter and tighter, grinding her pussy against my face. I didn’t stop until she begged for me to fuck her.

  So, that’s what I did. After lining up our bodies, I drove my cock into her, balls deep. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I continued to fuck her forcefully, wanting to claim her in every way.

  I wanted her to be mine. Forever. She’d come back. I’d do anything to keep her and never let her leave. Charlie dropped her head back and held herself up with her arms positioned behind her. The pose thrust her chest out for me and I made my mark there, too. Sucking and nipping, making her moan louder.

  I grabbed her ass cheeks and rocked harder into her. We both grunted and moaned, the sensations building until I felt her pussy tighten around my cock and contract over and over, pulsing with her release. She cried out, clawing at my back.

  Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, Charlie sank her teeth into my shoulder, biting down hard, claiming me. Fire instantly shot through my body. My cock swelled and exploded deep inside her, shooting my cum in hot, throbbing bursts.

  The intensity was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. I saw stars for a few seconds. I waited until we both started to breathe normally again, and looked down to where we were still connected. I’d come so much that it leaked out of her.

  I grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her forehead. “You never cease to amaze me.”

  Her arms locked around me and it took me a second to realize she was crying. What the fuck was that about? I wasn’t equipped to deal with crying. I slowly slid out of her, and scooped her and the towel up and walked out into the other room, holding her in my arms while I sat on the edge of the bed. With Charlie in my lap, her long limbs and creamy, bare skin exposed, I smoothed her damp hair from her face.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  She was tough as nails, but I could feel her trembling. I held her against me and kept her head pressed tightly into my shoulder.

  She finally spoke, muffled against my shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  I blew out a large sigh. It’d hadn’t been easy since I’d left Helen’s Corner. The previous night had been a new low, but every night and day since I’d returned had been progressively more difficult. “Why’d you do it?”

  She was quiet for too long and I tried to put her down on the bed, but she clung to me. “No, I’ll talk. Don’t let go of me. I just need a second.”

  I ran my hand up and down her back and waited.

  “I can’t give you...” Her voice broke and she started over. “Um, I can’t give you… everything that a normal shifter mate can. There’s something wrong with me.”

  My eyes narrowed. “What are you talking about?”

  She sat up and met my eyes with the most forlorn expression I’d ever seen. “Do you want a family?”


  “Do you want children, a family? In the future?”

  I shrugged. I’d never wanted kids before, never even really considered them. But, if that was what she wanted, fine. Hell, if she wanted an entire house full of kids, I’d give it to her. “Sure.”

  Her frown grew deeper. “The day I met you, I found out that I can’t have children.”

  I could tell by the way she said it that she was struggling, that it was painful for her to even utter the words. “How is that possible? I mean, you’re a shifter. We heal.”

  Fat tears trailed down her cheeks. “Bad luck, I guess. It’s true, though. I’ll never have children. I can’t give you a family, Axel. I’m barren. I meant to tell you before anything happened today, but I missed you and seeing you like you were last night…it scared me.”

  My chest ached for her, but it was nothing compared to the pain I’d been going through alone the past week. “That’s why you pushed me away?”

  She nodded, her tears still flowing.

  “The whole time?”

  She nodded again. “Pretty much. Mates are driven to have children together. You’ll want that eventually and I can’t give it to you. I knew I’d be a complete disappointment. I’m…broken. I figured never getting started would hurt us both a lot less than down the road when you grew to resent me and I grew to hate myself for it.”

  I sat back and tried to get a handle on my anger. I could see how difficult it was for her to say what she was saying, not to mention having to accepting the fact in the first place. I couldn’t hold it in, though. “Charlie, I don’t give a flying fuck about us having kids. Not one flying fuck. I’m perfectly happy for us to remain just you and me. I don’t want or need anything more in my life than you. But, I do need you.”

  She sat back, stunned, and blinked back more tears.

  I took a couple deep breaths trying to calm down. When my anger lessened, I started over. “How is it possible that I’m more open about what the word family means than you are?”

  I shook my head, still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that she thought something like that was a deal breaker. “There’s no fucking way I would have rejected you for some dumb thing like that.”

  She stood up and moved away from me, her naked body beautiful, but the tears in her eyes killing me. “But you didn’t want me, either.”

  “It sure as fuck wasn’t because anything was wrong with you. It was me. I was scared.” I swallowed and stood up. “The chicks in my life haven’t been all that loyal, or long lasting.”

  She tossed me a look. “I met some of them at the club last night.”

  “Not those chicks. My mom. Club bitches who were married in. I saw that you were different, though. I tried. I would have alienated my whole club for you, Charlie. The only family I had. Even fucked up last night, I would’ve killed all them fuckers if they’d have come near you.”

  “What if someday you want your own kids, though, Axel? What if I’m not enough?”

  I took her in my arms, gently. “Listen to me. I’m not a traditional man. I don’t have any pre-conceived ideas about what the right way is. Any kids that we decide to bring into our home and raise will be our own kids. Would you not be happy with adoption?”

  She looked shocked. “Of course, I would.”

  “Then, what the fuck?”

  “I thought… I thought you’d feel differently.”

  I wanted to shake her. “Goddammit, woman. I ended up alone before I was even a teenager. The club took me in, adopted me. My story isn’t unique. I know plenty of guys who grew up without parents. There’s lots of kids out there dreaming of being a part of a family. All’s you gotta do is broaden your definition of family. I just don’t want to lose you again. You came into my life and turned my whole world upside down.”

  “Well, you did the same for me!”

  We both stood there, breathing heavy, ready for a huge blowout, when I suddenly laughed. Looking down at her, I gently cupped her face in my hands.

  She puffed out her cheeks and let a harsh breath out, jiggling her lips. “I messed up. I was so convinced of how you’d react to finding out about me not being able to have children that I pushed you away, even after you tried. I’ve been miserable. Maybe not walking around shit-faced drunk all the time like you, but miserable. I was wrong to push you away without giving you a chance.”

  “Then why does it feel like you’re fighting me right now?”

  She laughed and looked away. “I’m still scared. Of it all. That club, of finding you that messed up again, of you leaving me. I’m terrified.”

  “Well, I think I wore out my welcome with the club last night.” I shrugged. It hurt, but I knew it was for the best. I’d changed too much to sti
ll be a club guy full time. “Are you too scared to try?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Okay. Good. I guess we’re doing this, then.”

  Her eyes widened. “How?”

  I wagged my eyebrows. “Need me to show you again?”

  She slapped my chest. “I mean, you live here, I live in Helen’s Corner. How will this work?”

  “The same way anything ever works. We figure it out as we go.” I trailed my hands down her back. “Damn, I’m so much better at this than you are.” I grinned.

  She rolled her eyes and smacked my arm. “Are you always like this?”

  “Like what?”

  “A dick?”

  I threw my head back and laughed. That’s my girl. I lifted her, turned, then tossed her onto the bed and growled down at her. “I’ll give you dick.”

  “Ooh, please, big biker man, give me dick.”

  When she trailed her hand down her stomach and spread her legs for me, I knew something very clearly. If I got that view every day for the rest of my life, the future was going to be very easy to figure out. Wherever Charlie went, I went.

  It was only a few days later, each one better than the last. I watched my beautiful, strong, sexy mate stride toward me and I narrowed my eyes. “What are you thinking?”

  It was a clear and beautiful New Mexico evening just before twilight. We were headed out for an evening pleasure ride. Charlie was quickly growing to love the wind in her face and the freedom of the open road as much as I did, but I could tell she had something on her mind.

  “We need to get one thing straight.” She stood beside me with her hands on her hips. “I am not a babe, I’m not a chick, and I’m damned sure not your bitch.”

  “Course not.” I flashed her a wide grin. “You’re my Ol’ Lady.”

  I could tell she was about to protest, so before she could, I wrapped my arm around her, pulled her close, and planted a toe-curling kiss on her. When we came up for air, with my arms still holding her against me, I whispered in her ear. “Give a little, Charlie.”

  She seemed to contemplate a moment, then placed her palms against my chest and pushed off. “Okay, but that makes you my Ol’ Man.” She raised an eyebrow.

  My little she-wolf filled my heart to overflowing. My world, for the first time since I could remember, felt complete with her in it. “Yes, it does.”

  I kissed her on the nose, swung my leg over my bagger, then nodded for to her to get on the bike.

  “You know, I’m thinking about getting myself one of these Harleys myself so I don’t have to ride bitch on yours all the time.”

  I threw my head back and belly laughed at her pluckiness. My Ol’ Lady. My mate. She’d keep me on my toes.

  “Whatever you say, Charlotte.”

  “You’d best remember that, Alexander.”

  Yep, the two of us would figure it all out. I had no doubt about it as she climbed on the back of my bike, and we rode off into the sunset.



  In the southwestern town of Burden, Texas, good ol’ bears Hawthorne, Wyatt, Hutch, Sterling, and Sam, and Matt are livin’ easy. Beer flows freely, and pretty women are abundant. The last thing the shifters of Burden are thinking about is finding a mate or settling down. But, fate has its own plan…







  Bears of Burden Complete Box Set (best deal)


  (Spin off series of Bears of Burden)

  In the late 1800’s, on a homestead in New Mexico, a female shifter named Helen Cartwright, widowed under mysterious circumstances, knew there was power in the feminine bonds of sisterhood. She provided an oasis for those like herself, women who had been dealt the short end of the stick. Like magic, women have flocked to the tiny town of Helen’s Corner ever since. Although, nowadays, some call the town by another name, Hell’s Crazy Corner.

  Wolf Boss

  Wolf Detective

  Wolf Soldier

  Bear Outlaw


  Kodiak Island Shifters (Colton)


  Take a seat Doctor Cooper.” Hannah’s lawyer proffered a chair opposite his paper-strewn desk. He adjusted his spectacles before continuing, “It’s all fairly straight forward—all monetary assets are to be transferred from your uncle’s estate at your earliest convenience.”

  Hannah smiled tightly, not really knowing what to say. It had been an overwhelming week. It began with her uncle’s funeral, a man she hadn’t spoken to in years and only vaguely recollected. It was now ending, on a warm Friday afternoon, in her lawyer’s office, discussing the deposit of a large inheritance into her bank account.

  “I have to say,” the lawyer continued, “it’s a rare pleasure allocating such large funds to someone so risk-adverse. You have a very healthy credit record, Doctor Cooper.”

  “Well. I don’t come from a wealthy background, Mr. Moore. I think that helps.”

  “Indeed.” He nodded, “There is, however, another matter I wanted to discuss with you today.” He cleared his throat before continuing, “Your marriage to a Mr…” He peered down at the document in his hand, “Bradley…”

  “Brad Crawford,” Hannah interrupted him. “Yes. We’re not actually married. I mean, we’re married, technically, but… well, haven’t been together for many years now. We just never got around to a divorce.”

  “I suggest that you do. You understand, of course, that he could cause,” he hesitated, looking for the right word, “issues as your legal husband if you were to receive the inheritance and then opt for a divorce. My suggestion to you would be to obtain signed divorce papers before the transfer proceeds.”

  Hannah nodded, “I don’t think that will be a problem… once I track him down.”

  “You don’t know Mr. Crawford’s location?”

  “No. I haven’t seen him in ten years.” Hannah shrugged, she really hadn’t thought about him for an entire decade. They broke up a month before she left for medical school, and neither of them had been in contact with one another since.

  “Well, I suggest you locate him. My understanding is that these funds will enable you to start your own medical practice?”

  Hannah nodded, “Yes… and pay off my student loans.”

  “Admirable. I hope it proves a fruitful endeavor. I will have the divorce papers drawn up for you by next week. Once you have the co-signature, we can reconvene and transfer the funds.

  “Okay. Well, great.” Hannah rose from her chair, and shook her lawyers hand. “Thank you for your help, Mr. Moore.”

  “It’s a pleasure, Dr. Cooper.”

  Riding the elevator down from Delaney, Smith and Wexler LLP, Hannah felt dizzy. She had hoped that one day she’d have the financial means to open her own practice specializing in family medicine, but never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that day would come so soon. Thank you, Uncle Henry. May you rest in peace.

  All she had to do now was get a divorce. She slipped on her RayBans as she stepped out of the office building and into the bright Chicago sunshine, heading towards a Starbucks across the street. Hannah wasn’t on call, so this was only the second cup of the day. If she was going to start trying to locate Brad Crawford, she reasoned, she’d need all the help she could get.

  As the barista smiled at her mechanically from behind the counter, Hannah contemplated her options. She knew that neither of her parents had heard from Brad in years, and she wasn’t really in touch with anyone from High School. That was one of the drawbacks of medical school; you could forget about maintaining old friendships during the four years of intensive study, as lab partners and classmates became the only faces you ever saw. The four years of residency that followed had been no easier, but at least Hannah had shared an apartment with two other young doctors who understood the need to get shit
-faced drunk the first day you lost a patient, that black-out conditions were mandatory during the day if you were on night shifts, and that the fridge needed to be stocked with Diet Coke twenty-four seven.

  Hannah figured her best bet for tracking Brad would be to start with his sister. A few months ago, Hannah was sure she’d seen a new baby announcement on Facebook with Brad’s sister tagged in the group. Lila, that was her name. Lila Crawford. As far as Hannah could recall, she still lived back in Montana, so maybe Brand was near that area too. It would be nice to visit. Maybe she could pop by and see her parents.

  With renewed vigor and a tall steaming black Columbian coffee, Hannah set off back home to her apartment.

  “Lila?” Hannah asked when she heard a confused ‘hello’ at the other end of the line.

  “Speaking. Who’s this?” Lila’s voice sounded sleep heavy.

  “It’s Hannah Cooper. We went to High School together.” Hannah prompted.

  “Oh, yeah. Brad’s wife.”

  “Yeah,” Hannah paused. She hadn’t exactly expected a warm reception, but Lila’s tone was particularly cold. “I was actually looking for Brad. Do you know where he lives now?”

  “Not really. I haven’t heard from him in over a year. No surprise there.”

  Hannah made a sympathetic noise, “Any idea where I might find out?”

  “Why are you looking for him anyways? You two haven’t seen each other in years.”

  “I just wanted to catch up with him, see how he’s doing…” Hannah trailed off. “I also need him to sign some divorce papers. We never really got around to it, before, you know?”

  “You getting hitched again?” Lila asked.

  “No, no, just getting my paperwork in order.”

  There was a long silence on the other end of the phone. Eventually Lila sighed.

  “Well, last I heard, he was in Alaska.”


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