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Bear Outlaw (She-Shifters of Hell's Corner Book 4)

Page 62

by Candace Ayers

  I watched, shocked, as Raoul took Dimitri’s member into his mouth, and Dimitri groaned aloud, and then he turned to look at me, his dark eyes nearly black with lust. “Anna,” he murmured, his voice husky and deep. “Come here.”

  I slid off the bed, feeling vaguely as if I were in some other place, and went to Dimitri. He bent to kiss me, his lips vibrating against mine as he groaned, and I felt Raoul’s hand begin to slide slowly up my leg, and as Raoul touched me, Dimitri’s hand went to the ties of my robe, undoing them and sliding his hand up my waist, his palm cupping my breast, the pad of his thumb trailing over my nipple through the silk. I shuddered, moaning softly into Dimitri’s mouth, and Raoul’s hand slid further up my leg, his fingers brushing across my inner thigh, and then I felt his hand between my legs, and heard him groan when he discovered how wet I already was.

  My knees were shaking, my body trembling from the newness of the sensations, and Raoul rose, gathering me up in his arms and laying me back on the bed. He leaned over me, and dipped his head to kiss me, his lips brushing softly over mine. Dimitri was on the bed next to us then, his hands running over Raoul’s body, and I saw Raoul’s back arch as Dimitri reached for his cock again, his hand drifting over him slowly. Raoul touched my cheek, staring into my eyes. “Mon amie,” he whispered. “Ma petite cherie, ma petite amour.” The French endearments brushed over my skin with his lips, trailing from my cheek to my throat, and I felt, for the barest of a second, his fangs pressing into my skin before he kept going, his mouth stopping at my breast, sucking my nipple into his mouth as his other hand slid through my hair, down my shoulder, and across my other breast. I arched my back, moaning, and I felt Dimitri’s fingers between my legs, brushing over a spot so sensitive that it made me writhe and moan with every touch, as Raoul worked his way down my body.

  He brushed his lips over my hipbones as I pressed my head back into the pillow, gasping, and then suddenly his tongue was between my legs, and I cried out with surprise. I glanced to the side, and saw Dimitri leaning down between Raoul’s legs, Raoul’s cock in his mouth, and I felt a shock of lust run through my body at the sight. It was like some fantasy, these two godlike men mad with lust over me and each other, and I felt my stomach knotting tighter and tighter as Raoul spread my legs with his hands, holding them firmly apart as his tongue slid over me, and I heard the cries coming out of my mouth, and was almost embarrassed at how wanton I sounded. And then Raoul pressed his mouth against me, hard, and I forgot to care about anything at all. The pleasure washed over me in waves, leaving me boneless and gasping, my back arched so hard I thought it might break, and then suddenly Dimitri was over me, and I could feel his hard cock pressed against me. I was on fire, hot with lust, and I was surprised at how cold he felt comparatively. “Tell me if this doesn’t feel good,” Dimitri whispered hoarsely. “It’s a bit of a shock, at first, sometimes. I will stop, you only have to say so.”

  I nodded, barely able to think, and I caught a glimpse of Raoul, kneeling on the bed, his hand lazily wrapped around his own cock, stroking, as he watched Dimitri press his hips slowly forward, his hand hard on my thigh, holding me in place as he inched forward.

  There was a moment of sudden pain as I felt him press into me, hard and thick, the coldness of him a shock, and then I felt myself give way and he sank into me, groaning aloud as he clutched my hip hard with one hand, the pillow above my head with the other.

  He began to move slowly, his hips rolling against mine, and I awkwardly tried to meet his rhythm. “Easy, Anna,” he whispered. “Slowly.” I relaxed into him, and a moment later Raoul was next to me, stretched out on the bed beside us, kissing my lips, my throat, my shoulder, his hand drifting over my breasts as Dimitri slowly thrust into me. The pain was still there, a faint ache, but it was slowly replaced with pleasure—not as much as a moment before, but still there. I let my hand slide down Raoul’s body, enjoying the ripple of muscle under my fingertips, and I wrapped my hand around him, feeling him pulse and throb in my hand. Raoul groaned, his head tipping back, clearly enjoying my touch, as inexperienced as it was.

  I looked up at Dimitri, his face tense, awash with desire, his eyes nearly glowing as he looked down at me. “Anna,” he whispered hoarsely, and I looked up at him, suddenly full of love for both of them, a sensation of happiness that I hadn’t dreamed I would feel.

  “I want you to drink from me,” I whispered, desire racing through my body at the thought. “I want to be yours. Both of you.”

  Raoul stared at me, his hands suddenly in my hair, pulling my mouth to his. “Oh,” he whispered, a torrent of French that I barely understood coming from his lips. Dimitri had stilled, and I could feel him throbbing inside of me, his body rigid with control. “Are you sure, Anna?” His voice was shaky. “There is no going back. You will be bonded to us forever, whether you are here or a thousand miles away. You will always be able to feel our presence, and we you. It is stronger than anything you can imagine.”

  “I’m sure,” I whispered. Dimitri swallowed, and then I felt him surge forward, his mouth dropping to my neck, Raoul took my wrist, and a moment later I felt their fangs against me, and there was a moment of sharp, impossible pain, and then I felt only pleasure, like a warm glow suffusing my body, as Dimitri’s lips pressed to my neck and Raoul’s to my wrist. Heat washed over me, my skin prickling in its wake, and settled somewhere in my abdomen, and as Dimitri thrust into me again, harder and faster this time, I felt a sudden explosion of pleasure, even stronger than before, and I felt the vibrations of Dimitri’s groans against my neck as he buried himself in me, his body shuddering against mine.

  He pulled me up, sitting astride him, and Raoul moved faster than I thought possible. A moment later, blood was trickling from a shallow cut in Dimitri’s throat, and he was pressing my mouth to his neck. I tasted it, hot and metallic in my mouth, with a sweet tang, and for a moment I was shocked. And then I felt Dimitri’s arm lock around my waist, felt him still buried inside of me, and Raoul’s lips still slowly sucking at my wrist, and I drank from him, swallowing his blood.

  Dimitri sighed, a long, shuddering sound, and then he lay me back against the bed slowly, moving aside to lie next to me as Raoul moved over me. He was hard as stone, throbbing as he slid into me, his movements slow and restrained, as if he might explode any moment. I could feel a small trickle at my neck and wrist, but I ignored it as Dimitri did the same to Raoul, opening a small cut at the base of his throat, and Raoul pulled me up, his hips plunging himself up into me as I bent my mouth to his throat, his blood flowing into my mouth. Dimitri’s hand was at my back, his fingers drifting over my spine, and I could feel it—a heightened awareness of every touch, every movement. Raoul was groaning above me, and suddenly his arm was hard around my waist, squeezing me to him as he shuddered, and I felt the hot sensations wash over me again, a sharp juxtaposition to how cold he was inside of me, and then we fell back onto the bed together, the three of us a tangle of limbs.

  We were all boneless, exhausted, barely able to whisper endearments to each other as we drifted into a deep sleep, the two men on either side of me.

  I woke briefly sometime in the night, and their arms were still locked across my waist, holding each other and me at the same time.

  I had never imagined such a thing, had never believed that my marriage to Dimitri would bring anything but misery. But now, nestled between the cool bodies of both men, my own body still faintly pulsing with the memory of what had happened, I felt only peace, and a kind of overwhelming happiness that I had never dared to imagine. I closed my eyes, feeling peaceful sleep begin to drift over me again, and for the first time in months, I could think of nothing but how very content I was.

  The world was a very strange place, indeed.

  Shadow Specter

  Department 99


  Agent Lillian Smithson works in the ghost hunting sector of Department 99. Her specialty is dealing with spirits and ghosts.

  Agent Caleb W
inters is a bold and brash bear shifter. He has an imposing physical presence and is a member of the Department’s Demonic Response team which sometimes works closely with the ghost hunting sector of the organization.

  Caleb has always carried a torch for the petite, fiery red-headed agent Lillian Smithson. This latest case has them working side by side fighting a demon the likes of which the Department has never seen before. Caleb is doing his best to keep his head and hands on the case where they belong, but damned if his every thought doesn’t stray back to Lillian.

  When Lillian’s fierce independence gets her into life-threatening trouble, can Caleb get to her before it’s too late?


  It’s difficult to get a grasp of exactly what has been happening in the world today, and there are as of yet many unknowns. Regardless, with all of the “new versions” of beings appearing, it has become increasingly important to deal with certain issues. This is where the Department comes in. Part of a covert organization existing throughout the world with branches in different countries and under different names, the Department works with its subsidiaries under the common goal of policing, monitoring, and keeping the world safe for and from the supernatural.

  In the U.S.A., the organization is labeled Department 99.

  It is relatively easy to convince just about anyone that a supernatural occurrence is something commonplace (a task of Department 99.) Most people will return to their daily lives accepting the Department’s cover story. Humans, it turns out, are very good at deceiving themselves.

  There are those, however who remain unconvinced - those who can see through the natural haze that surrounds humans when they are confronted by the supernatural. These people are referred to as Shadow Walkers.

  In such cases, it is the Department’s responsibility to have the Shadow Walker brought into the fold for mental strength testing through a process called re-alignment. It is essential to conduct such testing before revealing the world’s truth in its entirety.

  Unfortunately, realignment doesn’t often lead to a positive outcome and asylums are becoming overcrowded with those who are unable to cope with the complete truth as it is laid before them.

  Part I

  Nowhere To Hide

  Nowhere To Hide

  Caleb Winters sat watching the small boy as he played in the yard. There was nothing openly unusual about the boy. His name was Finn, and he had just turned five. All in all, the child seemed to be a sturdy lad. In fact, all of the information Caleb had on this family had previously indicated a happy, loving home. The father, Jim, was a well-paid and respected landscaper and the mother, Kelly, ran a small beauty product business out of her home. The two twin girls, Jen and Jess, were ten years old and both doing extremely well in school…. but then there was the boy.

  Up until a few weeks ago, the boy had been just a typical young boy. He rolled around in the dirt, rode his tricycle, and played with the family dog. Then, quite suddenly, something had changed.

  It was around two weeks ago that Finn had started behaving very strangely. He began staring off into the distance completely ignoring his family when they spoke to him. Shortly after that, he began to speak to no one in particular—having entire conversations with the air. At first, Finn’s mother had chalked all of this up to an imaginary friend, but then things started happening that couldn’t be explained.

  Finn’s mother walked into his bedroom one afternoon to find Finn stark naked and drawing strange symbols on the wall in a black marker. When she asked him why he was doing it, he replied that the dark man had told him to. When she asked him what the pictures were, Finn had replied that they weren’t pictures, but a doorway to hell.

  Caleb sighed. It was always sad to see things unfold this way, yet he wasn’t surprised. Part of his job at this point was simply to observe as things unfolded. Yet, unfortunately for Caleb and for Finn, things seemed to be progressing in the usual way. While Finn’s parents were correct in taking him to see a psychologist (and later a psychiatrist), modern medicine had no cure or treatment for what truly ailed the boy. Caleb had been called in by Department 99, under the guise of a respite worker to keep an eye on things.

  Generally speaking, respite workers were charged with the day-to-day care of emotionally disturbed children. They generally worked closely with families in order to alleviate some of the burden and exhaustion associated with parenting a severely emotionally disturbed child. Caleb looked much too large and muscular and somewhat too well-dressed for the position, but he got along with the family, and more importantly was able to keep a close eye on the boy.

  Department 99 was very specific in the details of his assignment with this family. Caleb was only to intervene if the boy’s life was in imminent danger. Otherwise, he was simply there to observe and record his findings.

  Caleb squinted as he watched Finn hop around in the sand at the small playground. Another smaller child had approached the boy, and all seemed to be progressing nicely. They seemed to be negotiating the best way to begin a game of hide-and-seek but could not agree on who should be the seeker first. A warm breeze blew through Finn’s hair and Caleb remarked to himself that he was a handsome little boy—a child that any parent would be proud to call his or her own.

  Finn’s face reddened and he stomped his left foot into the sand. “I want to hide first!” He screamed while crossing his arms sternly across his small frame. The other child’s name was Wyatt and his mother called across from a nearby bench that the boys needed to make sure they both had a turn.

  “If you both get a turn, it won’t really matter who goes first. Why don’t you two just play, and try to focus on having a good time. It’s such a nice day out here.” The mother’s comment had been innocent enough, but it triggered something in Finn. His eyes dashed over to the woman who was seated on the nearby bench and he began to whisper something in a low tone.

  Finn reached down by his feet and slowly gathered a handful of sand. He approached the woman on the bench slowly, whispering in a soft voice all the while.

  “Oh!” The woman’s face seemed to light up with compassionate understanding. “Wyatt, I don’t think your new friend speaks very good English. Why don’t you let him go first then and show your friend how nice people can be in America?” Caleb swallowed, afraid of what might come next. To the untrained eye, it might sound like Finn was speaking in Russian or perhaps some eastern European language, but it was in fact Aramaic.

  Caleb had seen enough. He jumped up from the grassy knoll on which he was seated and started to make his way over to Finn—who was still approaching his new friend’s mother seated calmly on the bench. This could be really bad.

  While Caleb didn’t know exactly what Finn had in mind, the chanting was never a good sign. Yet, he was too far away from the boy to intervene in enough time. Finn approached the woman with a smile and tugged slightly on her shirtsleeve. With his tiny finger he signaled for her to come closer. The woman obliged and leaned forward. Finn continued to chant.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I don’t speak Russian,” the woman said.

  Finn’s head cocked to one side and a twisted smile scrawled across his tiny face. He extended both of his arms towards the woman. In a fake Russian accent he said, “I love you. Hug me.”

  The woman smiled and tousled his sandy blond hair with her polished fingernails. Then, she moved in to hug the child. Before Caleb could reach them, Finn had already wrapped his arms around the woman—in a feigned hug and bit virtually half of the woman’s face off, while refusing to relinquish the tight grip he had around her.

  The woman screamed wildly and her son wet himself, while watching the terrible ordeal unfold. Urine trickled down the young boy’s shorts into the sand, while blood splattered this way and that as Finn bit deeper and deeper into the woman’s face.

  When Caleb finally reached the boy, he tried to pry his tiny hands from around the woman who now wailed and screamed. Her face was a tangled bloody mass and Finn
seemed to giggle, as his teeth drove further and further in—time and time again, ripping the flesh and muscle right out of the woman’s face. The woman flailed about and swatted at the boy in an attempt to remove him, but his grip was relentless.

  Finally, with Caleb’s help, and the help of a random stranger, they were able to pry Finn off of the woman. He had bit her face down to the bone, and her left eye now lay flopping about on her cheek—gaping from the eye socket. Another bystander called 911, as Caleb stood holding Finn’s tiny bloodied hand in his own, telling the boy to be good, and promising him an ice-cream cone on the way home if he could calm himself down.

  “Yay! Ice-cream!” Finn chanted as he danced around, covered in the woman’s blood.

  A few hours later, Caleb found himself at a nearby hospital giving a statement. Apparently the boy had injured his lip while biting the woman’s face off and the Department of Children’s Welfare wanted Caleb’s take on what happened. Caleb wasn’t worried because his actual position with Department 99 afforded him complete immunity (and he had done nothing wrong), yet a social worker now sat in front of him berating him for his inability to stop Finn from assaulting the woman in the park. The social worker was threatening to charge Finn with neglect because the boy had injured himself while assaulting the woman. Then, of course, agents flooded the room.

  The social worker was taken away in cuffs, and Caleb’s boss sat down in front of him, offering him a cup of steaming black coffee. “Rough day, huh buddy?” Caleb’s boss sighed. Caleb accepted the cup of black coffee and sipped it down slowly.


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