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Deep Future

Page 30

by Curt Stager

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  3. The Last Great Thaw

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  Drysdale, R. N., J. C. Hellstrom, G. Zanchetta, A. E. Fallick, M. F. Sánchez Goñi, I. Couchoud, J. McDonald, R. Mass, G. Lohmann, and I. Isola. 2009. “Evidence for Obliquity Forcing of Glacial Termination II.” Science 325: 1527–1531.

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  Froese, D. G., J. A. Westgate, A. V. Reyes, R. J. Enkin, and S. J. Preece. 2008. “Ancient Permafrost and a Future, Warmer Arctic.” Science 321: 1648.

  Gaudzinski, S. 2004. “A Matter of High Resolution? The Eemian Interglacial (OIS 5e) in North-Central Europe and Middle Palaeolithic Subsistence.” International Journal of Osteoarcheology 14: 201–211.

  Granoszewski, W., et al. 2004. “Vegetation and Climate Variability During the Last Interglacial Evidenced in the Pollen Record from Lake Baikal.” Global and Planetary Change 46: 187–198.

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  4. Life in a Super-Greenhouse

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