Pistol: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 10)

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Pistol: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 10) Page 4

by Flora Ferrari



  I ’m grabbing my breast with my left hand and touching myself with my right. It feels good, but it also feels empty. I don’t want some substitute when I’m so close to having the real thing. Him.

  He’s just downstairs. I know he can’t be sleeping. I saw the way he looked at me. The way his eyes were laser focused on me throughout the night. I hope my dad or his mom didn’t notice.

  Why couldn’t this have been one of those times where my dad’s away on business? The house is brand new and somebody needs to break it in. Who better than me and my best dad’s best friend.

  But a month ago dad barely even know I existed, and never in his wildest dreams thought he was my father. What am I going to do now? Hi, I’m your daughter and I’m here to have sex with your best friend. As rude and careless and all the other juvenile words I can attach to it seem, it somehow doesn’t seem so inappropriate. Mostly because it’s not just sex with Pete that I’m after. I know it sounds crazy, but I want something deeper. Something like my dad has with him, just not the man friendship kind of deep bond. I want that loving bond. That protecting bond where I can cuddle up against his big body in his big arms and feel safe and cared for while we eat popcorn and watch movies on the couch. As crazy as it sounds, it sounds perfect. A girl, her dad, and his best friend. And of course that’s why it’s not perfect at all.

  My attention snaps back to the present. What was that sound? I get up from my bed and put my ear to the door. I’m hoping to hear Pete lightly knock on the door, or his voice tell me to open that door so he can do all the things he wants to do to me. The same things I want.

  But he’s not there.

  I go to my window and look out. I see a strong, masculine body gliding gracefully just under the water’s surface before emerging. Long, beautiful strokes, only taking a breath at he approaches the end of the pool before executing a perfect underwater turn. He’s power and precision, and although my dad is in great shape it’s definitely not him. I feel goose bumps on the back of my legs and arms thinking about his stamina and how he could be using it in the bed that’s just a few feet behind me.

  After what happened, I need to talk to him. I can’t let everything that’s already happened happen without talking to him first. At least saying goodbye and telling him to stay safe.

  There’s only one thing to do.



  T he pool is warm, just like Jonathan said. I wish it was cold. The shock would help distract my mind, and ease the pressure in my balls. Right now nothing’s working. I swim hard for at least thirty minutes before catching my breath. I’m breathing hard, but barely making noise. I’m trained not to. Even my strokes in the pool were barely audible.

  I grab ahold of the side of the pool and look up to the first floor. I’m trying to guess which room might be hers. Where she is right now. I know she’s up there dreaming of me. Naked and alone in her bed, but wanting me there with her. Damn, I want it too.

  I push off the side of the pool onto my back. I have to keep my mind occupied. I can’t keep thinking about her, or I’m going to do something that’s going to cause a lot of trouble between Jonathan and I. I’ll practice my floating. I’m staring skyward, when suddenly something catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. Who, or what, in the hell is out here at this hour? I tread water and stare ahead towards a giant pot containing a massive tree.

  I wipe the water from my eyes. Is that who I think it is?

  Emily’s standing behind the pot, her hand waving around the corner at me. She’s smiling and playful.

  I call her over with my index finger. She looks around like she’s some sort of robber before tip toeing quickly towards the side of the pool.

  Emily looks at me, then giggles.

  “We should talk.”

  “Uh. Yeah.”



  I 'm standing in the shallow end of the pool. Emily in front of me. There are lights all around the pool, under the water. They're bluish white. It makes her white bikini look even that much sexier.

  All I can think about is kissing her. Immediately I'm hard as a rock.

  Emily takes a step towards me.


  “Don't what?”

  “Don't come any closer.”


  She looks amazing. My mind races thinking about all the things we can do in this pool. All night. Jonathan just inside.

  “I don't think I can control myself.”

  “Yes you can. Don't be crazy.”

  Fuck it. I dive under the water. Emily sees this and takes off swimming in the other direction. Too late. I come up from underneath, lifting her up out of the water on my shoulders and following through to launch her all in one movement.

  I swim to her. Grab her. Pull her body against mine. Look her in the eyes. Bring my mouth down hard on hers. She whimpers. I feel her body melt into me.

  I'm touching her body. Caressing her soft skin. I reach up and pull her hair. Her head moves to the side. She lets out a moan. Her back arches.

  We continue kissing. Her tongue finds mine. I push her up against the pool. I can't contain myself. I want to ravish her.

  I'm kissing her so hard when I pull away she gasps for air. I'm still pulling her hair. He head angled.

  I kiss her neck. Looking down I see her big, beautiful tits. The same tits I saw yesterday in that pink tank top. Today, there's more to see. Through the wet, white swimsuit, I can see her areolas. I can see her nipples are rock hard. My chest is beating so hard I think I'm going to have a heart attack.

  “Whatever you're thinking. Don't.”

  “But -”

  I put my finger over her lips. I slide my index finger into her mouth. She moves her head forward to take it all in. She sucks it again. When she pulls back I slip in a second finger. She slides forward again. Fuck I'm so fucking hard right now.

  I slide in two more fingers. All four in her mouth. My thumb under her chin. My rock hard manliness pressing into her mid section. I let go of her hair with my other hand and pull the string on the back of her swimsuit. The strings fall.

  The triangle top was so tight it had her perfect tits secured perfectly in place. Now that the back is untied the triangles move up and to middle. Her epic tits there in my face.

  I dive into them. Head first I suck on her right nipple. My left hand under her breast forcing it into my mouth. She moans, then twists her body more toward my side. I squeeze her breast harder. She breathes out hard.

  “I want you”

  “Say it again.”

  “I want you.”


  “I want you.”

  “Where do you want me?”

  “Inside me.”

  “I'm going to run my tongue over ever fucking inch of your incredible body. Then I'm going to put it inside your pussy until you cum in my face. Then I'm going to flip you over and fuck you from behind so hard your ass is going to be red for a week.”



  She exhales hard.

  I run my tongue along her neck. Down the nape of her neck and onto her breasts. Over to her arm. Kissing her elbow and upper arm as I go. I give a bite to her shoulder. She moans. I kiss her hard on the mouth. I reach down and grab both of her thighs and lift her legs. She wraps them around my back. I pull her in hard and kiss her even harder. I grab her by the waist and sit her on the side of the pool.

  I kiss the inside of her thighs while my right hand squeezes her right breast and my left hand squeezes her left butt cheek. Hard. I twist her nipples.

  “I'm so hot. Fuck. I want to feel you inside me.”

  “Not yet. A promise is a promise. I'm going to eat your pussy first.”

  I run my tongue around the outline of her bikini bottom, kissing as I go. I move my tongue over the top of her swimsuit. Down the middle and back up. I can feel her engorged
lips. Her leg quivers. She moans. Her back arches. She yells, “Take me now.”

  Two dogs bark. Loudly. They are close. What the fuck?

  “Oh no,” she says.

  “What's going on?”

  “Holmes! Watson! Ruhig!”


  “It's German for silent. Their commands are in German.”

  “Their? You have dogs?”

  “Yeah. I love animals.”

  Then Jonathan's voice. “Is everything okay out there?”

  Fuck! Emily dives into the pool just as the outdoor light comes on. I turn towards the house. Jonathan is at the window looking out.

  “Where's Emily?”

  “She's diving for rings.”

  “Rings? We don't have pool rings.”

  “Not those kind. My buddy’s ring. It fell off my hand.”

  “Did she find it?”

  “Not yet. We're still looking.”

  “I can check the drain covers tomorrow. Call the maintenance guy if we need to. We'll get it back”

  “It's okay. We'll keep looking.”

  Emily comes up for air. She’s in neck high water.

  “Did you find it?” Jonathan asks.

  Emily's face draws a blank for a second. “Not yet.”

  “Need some help?”

  “It's okay. We'll find it in few minutes. It's right in this area.”

  “Okay. Good luck. Do you want the lights?”

  “No. It's okay.”

  “Okay. I'll shut them off. Happy hunting.”

  “Thanks. Good night.”

  Five seconds later the lights go dark. Only the pool lights remain.

  “Oh my God. That was close.”

  “I seriously almost had a heart attack.”

  “Me too. First a good one, then a bad one.”

  We laugh.

  “What were we pretending to look for by the way?”

  “My buddy’s ring.”

  “Did you lose it?”

  “No. It's on a chain in my pants pocket.”


  “Definitely. I would never, ever, lose that ring.”

  “Why do you have your buddy’s ring?”

  “I”m keeping it for him while he’s deployed. I have his ring, that way he has to come back.”

  Emily’s look shows the cruel reminder of the life I live, and the toll it takes on those who care about us. Nothing is promised, especially not tomorrow. She would have to decide if I was worth the risk. The worry and the heartache excruciating for long periods of time. Tearing our friends and families up mentally, physically, and emotionally. And all the torment was for that small sliver of hope that one day we could be together in peace. Forever.



  W hat were you doing in the pool at that hour?”

  I slid my spoon into my cereal and tried to come up with a good excuse. Nothing was making sense.

  “I was stressed out about my exam.” It was true. I was new in town and wanted to get off to a good start. I was worried about these exams, but the real reason was him. Pete.

  “So you decided to go for a swim?”

  “Yeah. I though the exercise would relax me, or at least wear me out enough to fall asleep.”

  “But Pete was out there too.”

  I took a bite of cereal. “Yeah,” I mumbled in-between chewing.

  My dad was staring right at me. He turned and walked over to the counter where his morning paper sat. He still preferred the feeling of a newspaper in his hands to dots on a screen.

  His head turned and he looked at me again, curiously.

  “Who was in the pool first?”

  “What do you mean?” Shit, he was pressing.

  “What I mean is exactly what I said. When you went out to the pool was he already there, or did he come after you?”

  “He was there,” I said. I felt my legs shaking and my foot tapping involuntarily.

  Dad grabbed his coffee cup and sat down at the other side of the table. “Good,” he said before pulling the paper in front of his face.

  I should have just let it go, but now I had to know.

  “Why is that good?”

  The paper dropped below eye level. “It’s good because if you were already in there he may not have had a chance to use the pool. He’s been doing those morning swims for years now. He has to for his job. If he saw you in there I don’t think he would have gotten in. We can swim anytime we want, so it’s better to let our guests use it when they’re here.”

  “Oh,” I said.

  “But more importantly it would be odd if a man his age went in the pool after he saw a young girl in a bikini in there.”

  “Oh,” I said again. Wait. How did he know I was wearing a bikini? Was he guessing or did he see more than I realized? I already pressed my luck once. I’m not going to risk it again. Plus there was no need.

  His words told me everything I needed to know.



  Five years later

  V odka tonic.”

  The flight attendant flashed me a smile and poured my drink. I handed her sixteen dollar. Nine dollars for the vodka. Five for the tonic. Two for the service.

  “Thank you.”

  “You're welcome.” She winked. She set the drink on a napkin. I could see her name and phone number written on the side closest to me. It was an eight five eight area code. Probably Solana Beach or Del Mar. The boys and I went to the Del Mar racetrack often. Watch the ponies. Have some drinks. I had even picked it as the place to give my buddy his ring back when he returned home in one piece from his deployment. That was definitely a cause for celebration. Solana Beach was just as fun. Learning to surf. The adrenaline rush. The Belly Up for live shows. A Colorado Mountain boy in Cal-e-for-ni-a. What a ride.

  Fourteen dollars for a vodka tonic. Yesterday I had the same at the E-Club for three. Legends Enlisted Sports Bar at MCAS Miramar. It was my date of separation. And what a separation it was. The last twenty years I lived and breathed USMC. Like many, I started out as one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. They molded me. I was reborn hard. Harder, smarter, and tougher than I knew possible. But not as hard as I needed to be 113 days ago.

  The incoming mortar was the last thing I remembered. Primitive warfare, but effective.

  We were determined not to let ISIS take Mosul. There was no way we were going to let them take any more of Iraq. Once we had Mosul we could continue the push.

  We had secured the area twenty-seven minutes prior. No hostiles in sight. Radioed it in.

  A couple of our boys stepped just out of sight of the civilians to have a cigarette. A quick smoke to relieve the stress. Then it came.

  They told me Big Tex yelled “incoming.” I'm sure he did, but I can't remember. Can't remember anything after that point.

  Next thing I know I'm on a cot and I can't feel anything from my waist down.

  The doctors have been amazing. I didn't lose anything physical. Mental and emotional? Sure, but physically I was still all in one piece. But not the same.

  They physical therapy was working. They said it would take years. I could already get around pretty good. Just not good enough to be a Marine. Damn. It hurts to say that.

  They treated me good. Even offered me a desk position. Pogue. Fuck that. I'm not sitting at no damn desk.

  Then they offered me disability. Said I'd get paid a monthly check the rest of my life. I said thanks, but to hell with that. I ain't disabled. Maybe by their standards. Not by mine.

  I'm not bitter. Just wish I could be back with the boys. Smokin' and jokin.' What I'd give to be in the field right now eating one of those shitty MREs. Those things stay good for what seems like 100 years. Just heat 'em and eat 'em. Sometimes you can't even heat 'em. Just take it how it comes. Worry about the upset stomach later. Just hope it doesn't come in the middle of a firefight.


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