Pistol: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 10)

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Pistol: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 10) Page 5

by Flora Ferrari

  Funny thing was the guys all called me Pistol. They would give anything for their M-16s. Me? Give me a Glock 19 and I'm good-to-go.

  The girls used to call me Pistol. The ones back home. For a different reason. Somehow I can't escape that damn nickname. I'm not complaining. There are worse things to be known for.

  So here I am. Frontier Airlines flight 556. Two hours and fifteen minutes non-stop to Denver. The longest two hours and fifteen minutes of my life. And also the shortest. Because as soon as I land, it’s all over.



  P ete!”

  “Please ma'am. Stay back.” The security guard may have been six foot five, but you can't measure the love a woman has for her child. Abby broke right through his attempt at a forearm block and embraced me in a huge hug well before I had entered the official greeting area.

  My mom didn't give a shit. I was her son. Her only son. Her only child.

  “Welcome home, Pete.” Jonathan extended his hand.

  “Thanks, Jonathan.”

  His handshake was as firm as ever.

  “You're not just running that place from the office I see. I can see you're still a hands-on kind of guy.”

  “I am. It's my passion. Plus I love building things with my hands. That's how I got into property development in the first place.”

  Emily flashed me a smile. She hadn't moved. She was about ten feet in front of me.

  She was wearing a white summer dress. It came to just above her knee. There were some flowery patterns at the bottom and around the shoulders. Other than that it was as simple as could be. Simple, but sophisticated. Just how she had been when I last saw her. She looked beautiful. Stunning. My legs may not yet be at one hundred percent, but my other appendage in that area was definitely standing at attention.

  She had kept her word, and I had kept mine. We had written to each other for the last five years, growing even closer. While the boys were out tearing up the town and relieving stress at night I was penning letters. I took a lot of shit when my best Marine buddy Master Sergeant Bryce “Hollywood” Henderson caught me, but I didn't care. Ol' Hollywood was too busy dressing up like a movie star and charming the ladies. He was made for California and California for him. He even consulted on a few action films in his spare time. Couldn't do it under his real name, but we didn't care. We were glad to see directors that wanted accurate portrayals of military life. Nothing worse than shelling out twelve bucks to watch a movie and seeing an M-16 fire about two thousand rounds without changing the magazine. Even worse when they shoot down planes with one shot. “Hollywood” Henderson squared them away.

  Now I needed to square myself away, but I couldn’t. Just one look at her was all it took. The Marines instilled discipline in me for twenty years, but the way I felt about my woman took that and threw it all out the window. Around her there was no control, not that I wish there was.

  Jonathan and Abby had no idea. Emily had used her out of state ID to rent a post office box in downtown Denver just to receive my letters. She said she kept every one and put them in a scrapbook she was keeping for me. For us. Often she would put a drop of her perfume on the letter. Once I had been cut and hadn't noticed when I turned in the letter to be mailed. The reply came back with some blood of her own at the end. It said, “When you bleed, I bleed. When you breathe, I breathe. All of you, is all of me.” I remember when I received that letter. I opened it and read it immediately. The Gunny said he asked me about eight times if I was alright. I didn't hear the first seven. He could see everything he needed to know by the expression on my face. The way my posture changed. How everything about me was different.

  Emily came towards me. I opened my arms and swallowed her up in a big embrace. I picked her up and twirled her around. Setting her slowly back down on two feet.

  “You look great.”

  “Thanks. You do too.”

  “How are you holding up.”

  “Good all things considered. You?”

  “Good. Lots of work, but I'm enjoying it.”

  Abby said, “Pete, are you ready to go home?”

  “Yes. Take me home.”



  H is name's Jake.”

  Jake took the apple from my hand.

  “Her name's Jennifer.”

  Jennifer took an apple from Emily's hand.

  “You didn't mention them in your letters.”

  “I know. I wanted to surprise you. They're like us.”

  “How so?”

  “They were together on a farm in Wyoming. Jake got sold and moved here to Colorado. He wasn't doing so good. I found him wandering around in the hills. When we tracked down the owner he said we could have him. Said he was young and strong, but too hard-headed. He didn’t have the time or want to put the money into caring for him anymore. I did some research to get the papers for him. Tracked down his original location and talked to the vet that worked that barn. She told me about Jennifer and Jake. How they worked so well together and how she was surprised when they were split apart. I called to ask about Jennifer and within twenty-four hours she was on her way down. Jake's been a different horse ever since.”

  I smiled. “Why does this not surprise me?”

  Emily smiled and held back a laugh. Three…two…one…she erupted into laughter. I couldn't hold it either.

  I grabbed her in an embrace. It had been five long years. Five years of separation. Five years of longing. Five years of wanting. Five years of lusting. Five years of needing.

  I kissed her hard. She dropped the other apple in her hand. Both hands grabbed my face as she pressed her lips hard against mine. She backed away.

  “We're gonna get you all fixed up. Some Rocky Mountain air. Hikes. Swimming in the -.”

  “Shhh.” I put my finger to her lips. “The minute I saw you everything was perfect again.”

  “Maybe not everything.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well. There is one thing. Jonathan knows about us now. I told him. Is that a problem for you?”

  “I fought for my country since I was eighteen. I swore to protect it from all enemies foreign and domestic. This is my country. In my country I do what I want. I want to be with you.”

  I reached down and kissed Emily with everything I had. I wanted her then and there. She pushed me away.

  “Wait. Remember the first day we met? When you took me on your bike?”

  “Are you joking? Of course. How could I forget?”

  “How we spent the whole day together, but didn't get each other's names until the end?”


  “How we skipped right past all the formalities? How we said it was better to be straightforward and things would work out better?”

  “I remember.”

  “Do you still feel that way? Do you still not care about formalities? Still want to be together even though I’m your best friend’s daughter?”

  “I don't care. I want you. That's all that matters.”

  She looked up at me. She was calm, but had an excited look on her face.

  “What is it?”

  “Jonathan finished all the property development work here in Colorado. He’s moving to the Sierra Nevadas. He’s going to develop there. Around Mammoth Lakes. There are a lot of Chinese buyers. They got priced out of the Vancouver market, but want to stay on the West Coast. Dad and his partners know there are a lot of other people from Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing that want to come over. Even other parts of China. The demand is huge. My dad wants to develop further west, but he’s also really excited about helping foreigners see the opportunities available in the U.S. The country you helped keep safe.”

  “So he’s leaving. Wow. And you said you told him about us?”

  “Yes, I told Jonathan after he told me he was leaving. He was supportive. I think he started to figure it out over the years, and my mood changed a lot when you got hurt. That’s when he most likely figured it ou
t for sure, and saw how real our relationship was. He said in life when you find people that mean the world to you, hold onto them with everything you got. They don't come along very often. Sometimes never. A good business partner is extremely hard to find. A partner for life, even harder.”

  I didn't say anything at first. Just took it in. Still surprised, but of course as a Marine I was prepared.

  “Jonathan even offered us the house and property.”

  I couldn't believe it. While I laid in a hospital bed in Iraq, Emily had taken care of everything. What an amazing woman. Words couldn't do her justice.

  Emily was smiling. She was holding my arms tight. “You're awfully quiet. What do you think?”

  “First. I think you're amazing, and you’re going to hear that from me ever single day from now on. Second, it's incredible how things are working out. The incident in Iraq really got me down, but it may have somehow turned out to be a huge blessing in disguise. Third, there is something I didn't tell you.”

  “Oh no. Do I want to hear this?”

  “You do.”

  “Sure? Everything seems so perfect right now.”

  “We're both outdoors people. We need the fresh air, the animals, the tranquility.” I paused.


  “In that hospital in Iraq I was in the cot next to a Marine from Pennsylvania. We got to know each other really well. Did some rehab together. And of course lots of ping pong. Once I knew I was getting discharged he volunteered to make some calls. Help get me set up.”

  “Set up for what?”

  “I really appreciate your dad’s incredible offer, but I’m my own man. I need to put my own stake in the ground in this life. I took my hazardous duty pay and bought us a piece of land along the Appalachian Trail. I may not be fit for the Corps, but I can still ride bikes, jump out of planes, swim in the lakes, and get my adrenaline kicks in other ways. More healthy ways even. Like how you make my heart race when we're together. I thought we could build a little cabin there. You and me. I can run a little adventure resort and rehab center for Marines and other service men and women coming home that need to sort through some issues and you can practice environmental law. You're already dialed in with all your connections from the property development permits and such. And I know how much you love animals. Of course I'll have to get special training to properly assist the veterans, but being a veteran myself I think I'll be able to relate to what they're going through. Build that bond and hopefully get them up and running again. Transition back to civilian life as quickly and productively as possible. I know it's going to be tough. Real tough. But I'm ready for the challenge. And I'm ready for us.”

  Emily closed her eyes. When she opened them again a tear streamed down from the corner of her left eye onto her cheek.

  “I love you. You are the most incredible man I've ever met. I want to be with you forever.”

  “And me with you.”

  I got down on one knee. Emily put both hands to her face. The tears were streaming like a waterfall.

  “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God, yes. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes a million times and forever.”

  “But I haven't even asked you?

  “You never needed to. I was yours from the first time I saw you.”

  I pulled the little box from my pocket. Emily extended her hand. The ring fit perfectly.

  “It's so beautiful. Where did you get it?”

  “I bought it in Iraq, or should I say attempted to buy it. The village nearby the base had a lady who handmade jewelry. She was eighty-two years young and still going strong. Noora Bata was her name. When I told her the story about you, about us, she listened to the whole thing. A tear formed in her eye and she just looked at me and said, “For you. Take. I will accept nothing for it, just your promise to love this woman forever.” I agreed, of course. She smiled and made a motion towards the door. For me to go. I smiled and left. That was it.”

  “How did you know my size?”

  “I didn't. When I was looking at it I put it between the fingers of my hand. Imagining we were holding hands. I always remembered what that felt like.”

  “You are amazing.”

  “I found the diamond when I was nine. I was up in the old Kelsey Lake Diamond Mine. I was just messing around. A boy and his imagination. I stumbled across it and put it in my pocket. Took it home. I never showed anyone. Until today.”

  “It must be worth a small fortune.”

  “The diamond. I wouldn't know. Honestly I wouldn't care to know. The real treasure is the beautiful young woman on who's hand it rests now and forever. She is priceless. One of a kind, just like that stone.”

  Emily grabbed me by the shoulders to lift me up. She was crying. Tears of joy. I grabbed the underside of her thighs and lifted her off the ground. Her mouth hard against mine. I steadied her with my right hand and with the left grabbed the bottom of her white dress, which was now somewhere around her waist, and lifted it up over her head. It had been five long years, but I hadn't forgotten a single curve on that bottom. All those curves and edges. I wanted to take them all in. All at once.

  I started with her neck. Kissing it softly then harder. Working my way up to just below her ear. Then a small bite to her earlobe. She moaned. Her head dropped back. I cupped the back of her head and pulled her hair. She breathed out hard. I kissed her breast through her semi transparent white bra. The bra was firm to support her curves, but she didn't need it. They were better on their own. Beautiful as they were intended to be. With one hand I unhooked the bra. I buried my head into her beautiful mountainous chest.

  I walked us inside the barn. As we passed the supplies I grabbed a freshly cleaned blanket from the pile and laid it down on the new hay. I laid Emily out on the blanket. Not stopping with my kisses, exploring tongue, or possessing hands.

  I kissed her over the top of her matching semi transparent panties. Then with my tongue. Up and down. Up and down on her folds. She was wet. Dripping. I was hard. I could feel my pre-cum.

  I bit the side of her panties and lifted her legs together to the side. Removing the panties with my mouth. I dove in head first. My tongue playing with her clit. Teasing. Twirling. Figure eights. Circles. Back and forth. Extra attention to the clit's most sensitive position. The one o'clock position.

  “I'm going to cum.”

  “Cum on my face.”

  Her body shuddered. Then shook. A series of spasms.

  “You taste so delicious.”

  She put both her hands on my face and pulled me up to kiss her. Our tongues one.

  “Fuck me. Please fuck me.” She grabbed my ass with both hands and then reached around with both hands to remove my belt. I was already about to explode.

  I unzipped my jeans and she frantically slid them and my black boxer briefs down as quickly as she could.

  “Oh my God. I want that in me. I want to taste it first.”

  I stood up to slip out of my pants. The second they were off my cock was in her mouth. She was sucking the shaft. Twisting about an inch each time she hit the tip. She put her hands on my ass to brace herself as she took all nine inches. Her eyes rolled back in her head.

  “I'm too fired up.” I slid my cock all the way out and gently pushed her back onto the blanket. Immediately I was on top of her.

  “Fuck me. Fuck me now. Fuck me hard.”

  I slid my tip around her folds. Teasing. Stimulating. I couldn't take it any more. From the look on her face neither could she.

  I knew this was her first time. She told me in her letters she was waiting on me, but growing hornier by the day. We had joked about our first time being in the airport bathroom. Maybe even on the runway.

  Even though she was encouraging me to give it all I had I wanted to make sure she was okay. We had a lifetime of passion ahead of us. We'd remember this moment forever.

  I slowly slid in the tip. She was dripping. She moaned. “Deeper.”

  I pulled back and slid in about three inches. “Deeper. I want mor

  I pulled back and slid in continuing slowly until about seven inches was inside. “Oh yeah.”

  I slid in straight, from the side, up to down, elevated her pelvis then down to up. Every direction I could think of. I wanted to feel every millimeter of her pussy. And I did.


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