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When a Champion Wants You

Page 12

by Tina Martin

  Emily met her last customer at the register, then after handing them a small bag with their merchandise, she wished them a nice day. She looked at Melanie and said, “Let me grab my purse. I’m starving.”

  “Hey, Sherita’s not working today?” Melanie asked.

  “No. She had to fly out to Myrtle Beach for a photo shoot,” Emily said. Once she was back with her purse, she locked up the boutique and they walked across the street to the sandwich shop where they settled at a table by the window.

  “So, how’s married life?” Emily asked all school-girlish.

  A small smile came to Melanie’s face, one that she’d somewhat forced there. “Dimitrius is a phenomenal man.”

  “That’s not what I asked you, though. How do you like being married to your phenomenal man?”

  “I would love it so much more if I wasn’t keeping something from him.”

  Emily’s mouth dropped open. “Mel, you still haven’t told him?”

  Melanie shook her head. “No. Don’t know how to tell him. And now, he seems to be upset by the fact that I haven’t moved in yet.”

  Emily’s eyes widened. “You haven’t moved in!”

  “No. I haven’t.”


  “I can’t move in with him. I did make an attempt to pack some things to take over there, but I paused because I don’t know if I can go on living this lie.”

  “Melanie, I wish you would tell him already. Dimitrius genuinely loves you.”

  “I know. That’s why this is so hard. I should’ve stopped this before we married. Now, I don’t know what to do. I’m always on edge whenever I think of telling him and I just can’t seem to find the right time or the right words.”

  “Then I’ll tell him.”

  “No, Emily. Don’t!”

  Emily sighed.

  “Look, we’re meeting for dinner tonight and I think I’ll tell him then, okay. I’ll be sure to call you and tell you the moment he asks for his ring back.”

  Emily shook her head. “Why do you automatically think of the worst?”

  “Because I went through this before, Emily. I know how this is going to end.” She sighed heavily and said, “You know what…I’m not in the mood for lunch. I’m just going to go back home.” Melanie stood up and hooked her purse on her shoulder.


  “I’ll talk to you later,” Melanie said, then walked away from their table and out the door.

  Chapter 24

  Dimitrius tried to disguise his frustration when he called Melanie, asking her what time she would be ready for him to swing by and pick her up. If she was already living with him, he wouldn’t have to call and ask her. That in itself was upsetting enough. It riled him even more when she notified him that she would meet him at Connelley’s. Meet him. Did she not want to ride with him?

  * * *

  Dimitrius sat alone, leaned back in his chair with a glass of wine in front of him. The time was 7:05 p.m. He’d told Melanie to meet him at 6:30 p.m. and she had yet to arrive.

  He took a sip of wine, thinking about how she was becoming increasingly distant and not the same, loving, passionate woman he’d exchanged vows with, bonded with and made love to. When they came back from Vegas, she’d dodged his advances, wouldn’t even kiss him unless he initiated it, and made love only twice – including last night – and that was because he had initiated it.

  “Hi,” she said, cutting into his thoughts.

  He was so disturbed by thoughts of the last few days that he hadn’t seen her approaching the table. He looked up at her, watching her hair pulled back with a headband holding it in place. She had on a black shirt and a pair of blue jeans – an outfit that was completely out of code for an upscale restaurant like Connelley’s.

  “Sorry I’m late. I was so tired, I passed out and woke up a little later than I wanted to.”

  Dimitrius didn’t say a word. He just analyzed her. Looked her over. He saw something that bothered him right away – the puffiness of her eyelids, and the fact that she tried to pretend to be chipper and in a good mood when it was obvious she’d been crying.

  He brushed a finger across his mustache and said, “I’m going to cut to the chase, Melanie. Do you want to be with me or not?”

  “I thought we came here for a nice dinner,” she replied.

  “We did, but look at how you’re dressed.”

  Melanie snapped her head back. “What’s wrong with the way I’m dressed?” she asked, feigning ignorance. She knew she wasn’t in the proper attire for the restaurant. Only thing is, she didn’t care. She hadn’t wanted to come in the first place.

  Dimitrius shook his head. “Since we’ve been home from Vegas, your attitude has changed, Melanie, and don’t bother lying to convince me otherwise. Now, I want to know why you’ve been stalling and delaying your move.”

  Melanie sighed. Before she could open her mouth to speak, she saw a familiar face heading her way – Scott Porter. There was a woman holding a baby walking directly behind him. They were obviously together, and it seemed as if Scott was heading straight for her table, especially after she had made unintentional eye contact with him. She quickly looked away, hoping her avoidance would be enough to make him continue to walk by.

  It didn’t work…

  Only steps away from the table, he said, “Hi Melanie.”

  Reluctant at first, Melanie said, “Hi.”

  Dimitrius sat straight up in his chair, prompting Melanie to say, “Dimitrius, this is Scott. Scott, this is my husband, Dimitrius.”

  “Oh, your husband,” Scott said, sounding surprised.

  Dimitrius nodded and said, “Yes. Her husband. Dimitrius Champion.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Scott said.

  Dimitrius didn’t feel the same way. He was already boiling over with frustration and he was in no mood to meet his wife’s ex-boyfriend. If anything, he wanted to punch a hole in the man’s face for interrupting their dinner.

  “Uh, this my wife, Jackie,” Scott continued telling Melanie, “And this is our son, Jordan.”

  Melanie swallowed hard. She didn’t know why Scott felt the need to introduce her to his wife. It’s not like her relationship with Scott had ended on good terms. They hadn’t remained friends. He left her, thus breaking her heart into pieces because she couldn’t have children and now, it seemed he was flaunting his new wife and baby boy – a cute little boy who looked just like him. All it did was remind her of what she couldn’t give him and now, what she wouldn’t be able to give Dimitrius.

  “Enjoy your dinner,” Dimitrius said frowning, giving Scott a hint to get away from their table and away from Melanie. Why was he still standing there, looking at her like they’d had unfinished business to attend to?

  “You as well,” Scott replied, then finally walked off.

  Dimitrius took a sip of wine, set the glass back on the table and said, “Your ex?”

  Melanie nodded. “Yes. That was Scott.” Melanie got her bearings then said, “Look, Dimitrius…I have been reluctant to move in with you—”


  Melanie thought about how Jackie, Scott’s wife, was able to give him a baby. Instantly, reality set in for her. It didn’t matter how much she loved Dimitrius – she could never give him a child, something she knew he wanted. He wanted three to be exact, even had their bedrooms designated already.


  Melanie glanced up at him then shamefully looked away. She knew she had to end things with Dimitrius. He deserved better – deserved to have his own children, especially after the ordeal he went through with his ex. She had an abortion without his knowledge and he was still crushed about it. Melanie could only imagine how he would react once he found out that she couldn’t give him a child at all.

  So, sliding the ring from her finger and fighting back tears, she said, “I’m sorry, Dimitrius.”

  “Sorry for what?” he asked, confused.

  “I can’t be with you anymore.�

  Dimitrius frowned as he watched her place he ring on the table. “What are you talking about, Melanie?”

  “I can’t be with you,” she said again.

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “You can’t be with me when, just a few days ago, we exchanged vows? When just last night, you made love to me? Now, all of a sudden, you can’t be with me?”

  “Dimitrius, I—”

  “Melanie, cut the crap and tell me what’s going on. Whatever it is, we can work through it, baby. I don’t want to lose you.”

  Melanie batted a tear away from her face.

  “Melanie, just talk to—”

  “I don’t love you, Dimitrius,” she said tearfully. Then she stood up and said, “There. I said it. Goodbye.”

  It was a lie, but it was one in which she felt she needed to tell in order to convince Dimitrius that it was really over between them.

  Her words cut through to his heart like a jagged knife. He had invested a lot of time and effort into making things work for them. And he loved her, he genuinely loved her, but she didn’t love him. And now, he was sitting alone, staring at the ring she’d left on the table, feeling anger circulating through his blood stream. No matter how mad he was, it couldn’t mask the hurt he felt at her admission – she didn’t love him.

  Chapter 25

  Dimitrius sat brooding behind his desk. He had no motivation to work, but he would work, because, well, that’s what he was accustomed to doing. While he scanned through emails and read through reports, he thought about how his life had turned upside down so quickly. The woman he loved didn’t love him.

  The knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. He looked up and saw Dante peeping around the door.

  “Hey, man,” Dante said, stepping in, closing the door behind him.

  “What’s up?” Dimitrius asked dispirited.

  “Nothing much. I had a break in between meetings, so I thought I’d come by and chat with you for a minute. How’s everything on the home front?”

  Dimitrius glared at his brother. “Dante, don’t pretend you don’t already know when Melanie is best friends with your wife. I’m sure Emily has told you everything.”

  Dante frowned. “And what is it that she was supposed to be telling me?”

  Dimitrius leaned back in his chair. Okay, so maybe his brother didn’t know what was going on. So he said, “Melanie gave me the ring back…told me she didn’t love me and I haven’t spoken to her in two weeks.”

  “What?” Dante asked, completely shocked and as equally disappointed.

  Dimitrius could sense, right away, that his brother hadn’t known anything. So he continued, “When we came back from Vegas, she began withdrawing from me and I knew something was wrong when she kept making excuses why she couldn’t move in with me.”

  “Have you tried contacting her?”

  “Of course…called her twice, stopped by her place once but her car wasn’t in the parking lot.”

  Dante mumbled something under his breath and said, “You have to try harder than that, Dimitrius, especially if you love her.”

  Dimitrius frowned. “Yes. I love her, but she told me she didn’t love me, man. Why should I chase a woman whom I’ve given my heart to when she doesn’t love me?” Dimitrius sighed.

  “You really believe she doesn’t love you?”

  “I don’t want to believe it, but…I think she’s still in love with her ex.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  Dimitrius rubbed his chin. “The same day she ended things with me, her ex came by our table to speak to her.”

  “Your table? So all this happened in a restaurant?”

  “Yes. Connelley’s of all places.”


  “We were supposed to have dinner, talk about our future and discuss why she had yet to move in with me, but she showed up nearly an hour late and then her ex shows up with his wife and child. You should’ve seen the look on Melanie’s face when she saw him. She looked like she wanted to cry…like she was broken.”

  Dante shook his head. “Something’s not adding up, though, Dimitrius. I was at the wedding. I saw how she looked into your eyes.”

  “Yeah, but you didn’t see how she looked at Scott.”

  “But there has to be an explanation.”

  “Dante, don’t worry about it, man.”

  “I am worried. You haven’t been yourself, well, let me start over…you haven’t been the man you became when you and Melanie began dating.”


  “You were grouchy and moody before you started dating Melanie.”

  “Okay, now you’re exaggerating.”

  “Need I remind you about the interview?”

  Dimitrius sighed.

  “Come by the house for dinner tonight. Melanie will be there and that’ll give you an opportunity to talk to her, or at the very least, see her.”

  Dimitrius shook his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Well, I do.”

  “Why’s that, Dante?”

  “Do you remember when things weren’t working out between me and Emily?”

  Dimitrius nodded.

  “You pushed me to make it work, and now, I’m pushing you. Come by the house tonight. Talk to her. Claim her. Don’t let her walk out of your life if she’s the one you want.”

  Dimitrius nodded. “I’ll come by if I feel up to it.”

  “Alright,” Dante said standing. “I’m off to a meeting. Hope to see you tonight, bro.”

  Chapter 26

  Dimitrius had been apprehensive about going to Dante’s place for dinner. He hadn’t seen Melanie in two weeks and he wasn’t sure of what to say to her when he did finally see her face to face. That’s if he would say anything at all…

  Sitting at the dinner table, now, he realized that this was the precise moment he wished he would’ve stayed home. Seemed everyone was in a good mood except for him. Dante was busy chatting it up with Desmond about his upcoming trip to Charlotte in a few days. Emily had been talking to Sherita, laughing and carrying on. Dimitrius was out of place, staring across the table at the empty chair where Melanie was supposed to be sitting.

  “Hey, I thought Melanie was joining us,” Sherita said.

  Seemed everyone got quiet at her statement.

  Emily grimaced a little, glanced at Dimitrius then back at Sherita.

  When Sherita realized the room had gotten awkwardly quiet, she asked, “What? Did I say something wrong?”

  “No,” Emily responded, smiling to keep things light. “Melanie will be here shortly. She sent me a text twenty minutes ago to say that she was on the way.”

  “Twenty minutes ago? She should’ve been here by now, then,” Desmond said. “Dimitrius, why didn’t y’all just ride together?”

  Dimitrius pulled in a frustrated breath and said, “Maybe we would have if we were still a couple.”

  “What?” Desmond asked.

  Emily frowned. Sherita looked as confused as Desmond looked, and Dante wished he could quiet his younger brother somehow before he said something else destructive.

  “The marriage is over already?” Desmond asked, sounding insensitive. He wasn’t an advocate of marriage and he had tried to warn his brother against the institution. But Dimitrius had been insistent that Melanie was the one. Three weeks later, things had apparently fallen apart.

  “I guess it is, but only because she wanted it to be,” Dimitrius responded.

  Emily frowned, trying with everything inside of her to keep her mouth closed. She knew why Melanie had ended the relationship, but she didn’t want to break her friend’s trust by telling Dimitrius herself. But then again, she had told Melanie to tell Dimitrius countless times, practically begging her to tell him. Melanie just wasn’t up to doing it. And who was better at keeping secrets than Melanie? After all, she had kept a two-year-old secret about how Scott had broken up with her.

  “That’s so sad,” Sherita said, recalling the wedding
photos she had taken of Dimitrius and Melanie. “I thought you guys were so perfect together.”

  “Yeah, well you can’t make someone love you, especially when they’re in love with someone else,” Dimitrius said.

  “In love with someone else?” Emily repeated, not able to bite her tongue any longer.

  “That’s what I said. Yes.”

  “Melanie’s not in love with anyone else.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  “Well, you’re wrong, Dimitrius,” Emily advised him.

  “I love it how you can pretend that you don’t know, Emily,” Dimitrius said, taking another sip of wine.

  “Melanie’s not in love with anyone but you.”

  Dimitrius chuckled uncomfortably. “I wish that was the case. I really do.”

  “It is the case,” Emily scowled.

  “Then why did she look me in my eyes and tell me she didn’t love me?”

  Emily glanced up at Dante before closing her eyes briefly. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him Melanie’s truth, but a commotion at the door had stopped her. Melanie was here. Maybe she would tell him tonight. Finally.

  Melanie stepped into the quiet room, already feeling thick tension in the air. She had a bag in her hand – a cake that she’d picked up for dessert.

  “Hey, everybody,” she said, forcing herself to sound chipper when she’d been a teary mess since breaking up with Dimitrius. “I’m not going to stay. Just bringing dessert for you guys.” She continued on to the kitchen, set the bag on the countertop and began her walk back to the door when Emily said, “Come on, Melanie. Stay for a little while.”

  “I can’t,” she said, holding her friend’s gaze. “See you guys later,” she said, heading for the door.

  The frown in Dimitrius’ forehead kept on growing deeper and deeper. Now, she was going to ignore him? Pretend he wasn’t sitting there? He felt something inside of him break and he knew what that something was. He’d had it with women who supposedly loved him and ended up doing him wrong in the end. So before she could leave, he yelled, “If you so happen to be pregnant, don’t go to an abortion clinic. I want the baby, even if you don’t!”


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