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Ashlinn, Mia - Destined to Be Three [Sweet Serenity] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Mia Ashlinn

  So, it pissed Jaycee the hell off that she couldn’t do it. The thought of fucking any man who was not six foot two inches of sinful, sensual rancher, or six foot four inches of lighthearted, luscious cowboy made her feel dirty and not in a good way, either.

  Another man’s touch had always repulsed Jaycee. She’d been a virgin when she’d begun dating Gray. Lucky for her, he’d remedied that little situation quickly. Of course, she had known him for most of her life, and she had practically jumped him on their first date. Their chemistry was explosive, and she was helpless to resist the fire.

  Apparently, to him, she was resistible, though. She wanted to burn, and he wanted to simmer. Or, at least, that is what he wanted her to believe.

  Damn William and Isabelle Blakemore. If it weren’t for their poisonous marriage, Gray wouldn’t have been bound and determined to protect Jaycee from himself. His father had been an abusive Dom who forced his mother to be his submissive. William obsessively controlled Isabelle in vengeance for his own unhappiness, and she punished him for loving Jaycee’s mother.

  Before Jaycee’s birth, William and her mother had fallen passionately in love with each other, but she was already married to his best friend. They approached Jaycee’s father about sharing her, but he vehemently refused them, banishing William from their house and their lives. True to her vows and still in love with her husband, her mother stayed away from William and, a few years later, William’s family coerced him into a marriage with a business associate’s daughter. He despised Isabelle from the day they met until the day she killed him and then herself.

  And damn my father. His refusal to share his wife with William had started the whole sordid mess to begin with. Damn my mother, too. If Jaycee hadn’t been forced to watch her mother die a little inside every day, she might have stayed and fought harder for her men instead of running away from them.

  After his parents’ death, Gray had been convinced sweet little Jaycee could never handle one dominant man, let alone two. She wouldn’t like it hard and rough. No, of course not. After all, her favorite ice cream was vanilla.

  Jaycee snorted.

  If Gray only knew about her fantasies, he might be the offended one. Seriously, she’d been raised in the same town as him and Cade. Did he think a precocious girl like herself wouldn’t want to try ninety percent of the things that people talked about?

  Hell, she might have technically been a virgin when they’d started dating, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t experimented before. She chose to remain a virgin because she wanted to be with them for her first time.

  What would Gray think of her if he knew the plan she’d concocted the morning she caught Gray and Cade together? She had a bag of goodies to aid her in seducing both men in hand when she’d walked into the house. All of the items were picked strategically with each man in mind.

  For Gray, she had a ball gag, anal beads, nipple clamps, and one suede flogger. Cade’s items had been less extreme, but no less exciting. She’d gotten him a blindfold, some rope, and, her personal favorite, a strap-on. She had been looking forward to testing each and every item.

  Jaycee had hoped this would show both of them what she’d been telling them for months. It had been her last-ditch effort to save their relationship, but she’d never had the chance to pull out any of the toys. The bag was presently gathering dust under her bed. She couldn’t bear to get rid of them, especially the strap-on.

  The thought of having the chance to fuck Cade with a strap-on tantalized her. She wanted it almost as badly as she wanted Cade to fuck her, not that they had the chance. She’d wanted to desperately, but she wouldn’t betray Gray any more than Cade would.

  Hell, she was right back where she was three years ago—in the midst of an impossible situation.

  Jaycee sat up with more speed than finesse then surged to her feet and headed straight for the front door. She shoved her feet into her favorite sneakers, grabbed her key from the hook, and opened the door as quickly and quietly as she could manage.

  With a rapidly racing heart, Jaycee poked her head out to scan the hallway. Once satisfied no one lurked outside of her apartment, she dashed to her car as if the hounds of hell nipped at her heels.

  In the distance from her apartment to her car, Jaycee had stumbled twice. Both times she’d tripped over her own stupid feet. Jaycee threw herself into the front seat of her car, remembering why she never ran. She was about as graceful as a bull rider who’d ridden the roughest and toughest bull in the state of Kansas.

  She breathed out a sigh of relief when she closed her car door.

  Laying her forehead on the steering wheel, Jaycee closed her eyes in an attempt to calm herself. She had to get her emotions back in check before she could drive.

  To where? Jaycee had no idea, but she had to go the moment she regained control of her body and mind. After what seemed like forever, her hands stopped shaking violently and slowed to a fine tremor. With her anxiety lessening, she stuffed her key into the ignition and turned it.

  A chugga-chugga sound came from underneath the hood and then nothing.

  “Son of a bitch,” Jaycee cursed as a strong sense of déjà vu hit her, making her head spin.

  They were here. This childish, little stunt had Cade McCoy written all over it. He’d done it enough times in the past.

  With every instinct Jaycee possessed screaming in protest, she swung her head in the direction of the driver’s side window.

  Gray. Seeing him standing there caused a drastic spike in her heart rate. His lips were set in a determined line, jaw clenched, and his eyes glittered with purpose. Uh-oh.

  A loud thumping noise on the passenger-side window interrupted her gawking. She swung her head to the right.


  If Gray was determined, then Cade was enraged. Jaycee squirmed in her seat. A livid Cade was a sight to behold. His fiery temper and sharp tongue had many men on the ranch whispering, but she’d never had the pleasure of being exposed to the ruffian living inside of him.

  This new facet to Cade made her want to jump out of the car and beg him to punish her for her misdeeds—past, present, and future. Her pussy quivered at the thought.

  Maybe she should be scared instead of horny.

  Running wasn’t an option now. She would never get away. Hell, she couldn’t even escape the car without being tackled.

  You just had to go there. Images of them seizing her and forcing her to submit to their will surged to the forefront of her mind.

  White-hot lust flooded her bloodstream. She could feel liquid heat seeping from her slit, preparing her to be fucked. Oh, how she wanted to be fucked by them. She would take them fast and hard or soft and slow. She didn’t give a damn as long as they were fucking her. At this very moment, she didn’t even care which orifice they used—ass, pussy, or mouth. It was irrelevant.

  All she wanted was for them to ease the desperate demands that had infiltrated her body long before their return. The longing for the physical and emotional void to be filled crashed through her senses like an unforgiving wave at high tide, the current threatening to sweep her away. Her eyes pooled with tears, momentarily blinding her.

  “Darlin’, I wouldn’t waste those tears. You’ll be crying soon enough. I promise you that.”

  Cade’s smooth voice glided over her skin, surrounding her, enveloping her. An involuntary shiver raced down her spinal column. She could almost come to his voice alone.

  “Get out of the car, Jaycee Elizabeth Dalton,” Gray commanded in his deep-as-the-sea voice. The dominance, control, and power emanated from his words and oozed from his pores. They were in the air that surrounded him.

  Another rush of moisture inundated her pussy. This side of Gray was invincible, irrefutable. It was the only part of himself he’d never given her, and it was the part she needed the most.

  Too damn bad he hadn’t arrived before now—when it was three years too late.

  Chapter 7

  Gray stood outside of the
rattrap Jaycee called a car with the afternoon sun beating down on his back. What the hell was she thinking? This piece-of-shit car needed to be crushed and disposed of.

  Her red Ford Focus looked like someone had spilt a gigantic sangria over the roof and let it coat every external surface. Even worse, it looked like someone had kicked it in the ass one too many times. He prayed it wasn’t Jaycee who’d put all those dings and dents on the body of the car.

  Her car door creaked open, and Gray stepped back so their blonde goddess could emerge.

  “Well, hey, boys,” Jaycee drawled, her tone as smooth as melted butter. She strolled around the car door and slammed it behind her as if she had no cares in the world. “Long time, no see.”

  If Gray hadn’t already planned on paddling her ass, he would now. He hadn’t seen her or touched her in too damn long, and she had the gall to act as if he and Cade were two long-lost friends she’d run into at some fucking grocery store.

  After the bar scene, she should have known the two of them were no longer playing around. Neither he nor Cade would allow her to toy with them. This was serious, and there would be no more games.

  Gray clenched his fists so he wouldn’t feel compelled to flip her over his knee and spank her ass in the middle of a parking lot. Heaven help him if he did. He highly doubted her neighbors would turn a blind eye to that sort of behavior in public. Hell, they probably wouldn’t condone it in private, either. Since he had no desire to visit the county jail, he ought to keep his pants zipped.

  Breathing in slowly through his nose, Gray stalked over to where Jaycee reclined lazily on the front fender. “Sweetheart, listen real close.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Gray saw Cade had followed his lead. They both towered over her petite body.

  When she made no acknowledgement of him or Cade, he leaned down until his face was a mere breath away from hers. He heard a tiny gasp escape her ruby-red lips. “Are you listening, sweetheart?”

  Jaycee nodded nervously.

  Before he said a word, he nipped her lower lip. “Good. We’re going to do this the easy way or the hard way.”

  “We’ll leave that up to you, darlin’,” Cade chimed in, acting more like his normal, charming self. Jaycee had to watch her step. When ill-tempered Cade transformed into jovial Cade at a moment’s notice, he was at his most dangerous.

  Gray ignored Cade and continued on, “You can sashay that cute little ass of yours over to my truck like a good little girl, get in, and buckle up. Or you can run as fast and as far as possible, but we will be right behind you. We’re not going to allow you to get away again.”

  Gray leaned in to kiss Jaycee’s soft lips while she mulled over her options. She parted her lips, and he swept inside as soon as their mouths touched. Their tongues met, tangling in a dance as old as time.

  Gray could barely control his breathing as he moved his body closer to hers. Nothing had changed between them even though time had passed. She still fit him perfectly. The way their bodies curved around each other felt right. Her sweetly curved breasts pillowed his solid chest, her taut stomach flawlessly matched his muscled abdomen, and her soft pussy molded to his hard cock.

  Closer. He had to get closer. Grabbing her hips, he yanked her forward roughly and held her tight to his body. She melted against him and moaned into his mouth.

  He deepened their kiss, unable to help himself. The subtle hint of chocolate on her tongue intoxicated him, drugging him and robbing him of his sanity.

  Jaycee wound her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her warmth. She rubbed her pussy against his denim-covered cock and whimpered.

  That was all it took for Gray. He didn’t give a fuck about her neighbors. They could put him in jail. He grasped her T-shirt with both hands and ripped it, splitting the shirt up the middle. Never breaking their scorching kiss, his hands roamed freely over her flat abdomen. Swiftly, he slid his hands upward, unable to wait any longer to touch the breasts he loved so much.

  Jaycee made no move to fight him. She relaxed, her lips softening against his, and sighed.

  Gray sought out her nipples with his thumbs, massaging the turgid nubs in small circles.

  Jaycee arched her back, her nipples pressing into his fingers. He would have smiled if his mouth wasn’t otherwise engaged. His woman was making demands of her own.

  Instead of giving in to her, Gray curled his arms around her waist, his hands traveling toward her enticing ass. He cupped the globes with both hands and kneaded the supple flesh. He ground his cock against her with the aid of his hands forcing her to remain still.

  Jaycee grunted in frustration and tried to squirm, but his hands held her captive. That didn’t deter her. She continued to fight him with gusto. He wanted for her to get frisky, the feistier, the better.

  Her hands left his neck, sliding down his chest. They stopped on his pectorals, his nipples landing in the middle of her palms. The little she-devil flattened her palms and massaged his nipples vigorously.

  “Motherfucker,” Gray shouted as he flung his head back and ended their kiss. “You little hellcat.”

  Grinning flirtatiously, Jaycee disagreed, “Naw, I’m not a motherfucker. I’m a Grayfucker.”

  Gray chuckled at her smart mouth. “Well, Grayfucker, you’re not doing a very good job. You haven’t fucked me yet.”

  “Give me a few minutes, buster,” Jaycee retorted saucily. “Some men are so fucking impatient.”

  Gray slapped her ass and said, “I see your language hasn’t improved much, sweetheart.”

  Jaycee stuck her tongue out playfully.

  Gray had forgotten how much fun it was to banter with Jaycee. The playfulness and the innuendos only drove their lust higher.

  “I can think of more pleasant things you could be doing with that pretty tongue of yours,” Gray retorted smugly.

  Jaycee’s seductive smile made his heart flip. Her smoldering eyes met his. “Big boy, you still have on pants. I cannot exactly suck your cock if it’s locked away in your jeans.”

  Gray’s dick strained in the already-confined space. He wondered if he should be thankful he was going commando or not. It was very easy access but uncomfortable as hell to have his naked cock pressing against the unyielding zipper.

  Gray reached for the button of his pants, but halted when he realized Cade watched them avidly. Cade was as voyeuristic as a person could be. So, Gray was about to give him one hell of a show. He unbuttoned his pants and pulled his zipper down with deliberate slowness.

  Cade groaned. “Shit, Gray, stop hogging the lady. It’s my turn.”

  Chapter 8

  Standing outside in a nearly deserted parking lot with the sun at her back, Jaycee still managed to feel like someone had dashed a bucket of freezing cold water on her. The desire-filled fog cleared, and comprehension dawned. She was doing what she’d promised herself she would never do again—choosing one over the other.

  Panicking, Jaycee shoved Gray away from her with trembling hands. “Get off me, Gray. Please. Please, just get off me.”

  Disappointment flooded Jaycee when Gray stepped away. She’d wanted him to fight her, not accept her appeal. He made life so much easier when he pissed her off.

  Jaycee grabbed the remnants of her torn shirt and made an effort to cover her breasts as much as possible. It was futile, so she let it go and stood in the middle of the parking lot proudly with her shirt gaping and her breasts exposed to the heat of the sun.

  “What, sweetheart?”

  “Darlin’, what’s wrong?”

  They spoke to her at the exact same time. Since she didn’t know which one to look at, she wouldn’t look at either of them. Her eyes fell to the blisteringly hot asphalt underneath her sneakers.

  “Don’t you want me?” Jaycee could hear the hurt in Cade’s husky voice and wanted to smack him for being so obtuse.

  So she did. She whacked him on the side of his head, and it made her feel good, really good. “Of course I want you, dumbass. That’s not
the problem.”

  Gray cleared his throat, distracting her. “Then I’m the problem? If it’s me, I’ll go.” He made a move to leave.

  Jaycee hit him, too. This time, she didn’t feel vindicated, though. She felt pissed. They hadn’t been back in her life a full week, and she was already being driven to violence. “Gray, you’re an asshole. You come here and dangle what I want in front of me then walk away as if you don’t give a damn. Well, fine. I don’t need you, and I don’t need him.” She pointed at Cade viciously.

  Jaycee turned on her heel and stalked back toward her apartment, muttering under her breath the whole way.

  Before she reached the steps leading to her apartment, someone grabbed her from behind. She shrieked and struggled to get away from the man holding her.

  “Oh, baby. You just made my fucking day,” Gray whispered gruffly in Jaycee’s ear.

  One of the hands at her waist journeyed up her rib cage, stopping at her breasts long enough to flick her already-hard nipple. Then, much to her chagrin, he continued upward, gliding over her neck, into the mass of curly hair.

  Jaycee was about to explode in anticipation. This Gray was unknown to her, but not entirely unfamiliar. He’d been lurking under the surface for years, and she was about to get her first real dose. She shuddered at the thought of what was to come.

  Gray caressed her hair and rubbed her scalp.

  Jaycee’s body went slack, the tension in her muscles disappeared in a flash, and her breathing slowed. She felt like her Jell-O legs might give out at any moment, but she didn’t worry. Her men were here, and they would take good care of her.

  Gray’s sweet, loving touch turned to painful pleasure. He seized her hair in a restrictive clutch, pulling her head back and exposing her neck.

  Cade appeared out of thin air. He was in front of her, his body so close their chests collided with every breath she took.

  Squeezed between these two men was more than Jaycee had ever dreamed. With Gray’s steely cock against her ass and Cade’s stiff cock against her crotch, she thought she would die from the pleasure.


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