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The Complete Archangel Wars Series: A Shared Universe Series (The Archangel Wars)

Page 51

by Jonathan Yanez

  Panic began to set in as Alan tried again, this time louder. “Raphael? I can’t see you.” Despite his effort, his words felt as though they only traveled feet before falling into the unnatural silence around him.

  Alan twisted in the air and came to a rough landing as the side of the mountain came rushing up in front of him. Alan found himself on a wide path that wove around the mountain only as far as he could see. Water from the floating condensation poured into his eyes. Alan blinked but the act only gave him seconds of clear vision before his eyesight was inhibited once again.

  No noise permeated through the veil of clouds yet Alan had a sick feeling he was being watched. Motion on his left swept through the veil of white mist: Alan turned just quickly enough to catch a dark brown tail slip through the murky whiteness surrounding him.

  The enveloping clouds were silent like a tomb. Alan licked the water from his lips wondering when the visual impediment would come to an end. He estimated he could see five, maybe ten, feet in front of him before the white vapors denied him sight. Senses on overdrive, Alan folded his wings on his back and began walking forward up the mountain path.

  Just when Alan thought the clouds would never end, a hand from someone behind clamped over his mouth. Terror seized him as Alan raised his own hand to pull the intruder off his back. “Peace, Horseman,” Raphael whispered in his ear. Alan’s heart battered the inside of his chest so hard he imagined it was actually striking his ribs and sternum.

  Alan lowered his hand, as did Raphael. The Archangel moved to walk beside him as he continued to whisper his warning. “They are all around us now. When we break through the clouds, you must show no fear.”

  “Okay,” Alan said trying to take a deep breath of air only to inhale a mouthful of condensed water instead. He fought back a cough.

  The murky mist around them were thinner now. Instead of the thick, soupy whiteness that had been his home for the last few minutes, thinner vapors greeted him on every side.

  One moment Alan was wondering when the clouds would end and the next he was through them. Alan stopped his forward momentum coming to a complete standstill as he tried to distinguish his surroundings. Alan blinked and raised a hand to shield his eyes as the sun’s rays beat down on him.

  “Lower your hand, Alan,” Raphael said in a quick, excited whisper.

  Alan immediately allowed his hand to fall to his side. Raphael’s words were spoken in haste but for good reason. Alan felt all the moisture his mouth had collected evaporate as if on command. Alan and Raphael were surrounded by a large group of menacing hooved creatures staring back at them through dark brown eyes.

  The sketch in Gideon’s book did not do them justice. These beings were far larger than any man Alan had ever seen. They were seven or even eight feet tall. Against the sun, their hides glistened with small droplets of water caught in their fur.

  Hooves gave way to large muscular legs that supported their bulk. Long, brown tails flicked back and forth. As Alan’s eyes relayed this information to his brain, one of them walked closer and spoke. The minotaur’s voice sounded like a rumbling avalanche. “Horseman, Archangel, you are not welcome in the home of the minotaur.” A thick tongue pushed out between clean, square teeth as the creature blinked at them from behind a long snout. “Leave now.”

  Alan met the creature’s scrutiny with a glare of his own. Despite his fear and fatigue from the altitude, he wouldn’t let them see him weak. “Cratos, we come unarmed and unwilling to do harm,” Raphael said with a tilt of his head. “I only wish to speak with your queen.”

  Cratos looked back and forth between the two intruders. A large arm flexed as he considered his options. Alan took the opportunity to count the minotaurs surrounding them. A quick look took stock of their weapons should things go wrong.

  There were ten of the creatures all standing in a perfect circle around Alan and Raphael. The weapons they carried were crude but deadly. Long poles with stone heads, axes, clubs and even daggers were gripped in each fur-covered hand. “Our kind has nothing to do with your kind, Archangel,” Cratos growled. “We have stayed apart from your war for an eternity. Do not bring your troubles here now.”

  “And I would never do that, Cratos,” Rafael said. “All I seek is information.”

  “And if the Fallen learn of the minotaurs assisting you? What then?” Cratos blew a breath from his snout and came within feet of Alan and Raphael. Alan felt like a child in the presence of a giant as the beast towered over them. “We are well aware of the events unfolding below. But Hades, Gabriel, whatever it is you are calling him now, he is your problem, not ours.”

  Cratos eyed them both with distain, his menacing eyes lingered the longest on Alan. Deciding the conversation was over, Cratos motioned with a twist of his thick neck to the minotaurs surrounding Raphael and Alan. “See them away.”

  Frustration was beginning to take the place of fear. Seeing someone so disconnected with the world, so eager to define the lines between what was and was not their concern sickened Alan. “And what about when it does become your problem?” Alan asked.

  The minotaurs converging on them hesitated, waiting to see if their leader would respond or if their orders still remained. Cratos turned as he heard Alan’s voice for the first time. Everyone paused to see what would happen. Alan wasn’t the kind of person to wait. “What happens when Gabriel comes knocking on your door? What happens when Hades isn’t satisfied with ruling the angels and wants the minotaurs under his rule as well?”

  “Easy Alan,” Raphael urged.

  Alan was past taking it easy as he pushed himself forward. His motion brought forth a flurry of movement as the minotaurs encircling them brandished their weapons and began to move to intercept him. They all stopped in their progress as Cratos raised a clenched hand. The minotaur leader eyed Alan up and down. “Then, little one, we will deal with him and he will feel the force of the Minotaur Nation. But we will not rush forward to spill our own blood, certainly not for your sake.”

  Alan knew his window of opportunity was closing quickly if he did nothing more, they would be forced to leave and Kassidy’s fate would be sealed. “And your queen?” Alan shouted. “Does she feel the same way? There is a chance for us to stop Gabriel and restore order before any of the minotaurs must go to war. Help us now and spare that future from becoming a reality. All we seek is information and we will be gone, I promise you.”

  A sneer crossed Cratos’ thick lips as he closed the distance between himself and Alan. This time when he approached, he didn’t stop until he was inches from Alan looming over him. Cratos was so close Alan could feel the minotaur’s heated breath on his face. Even though he had to tilt his head up to meet the creature eye-to-eye, Alan refused to back down. “You have either courage or stupidity, little brother.” Cratos said with a twist of his lips. “I’ll take you to our queen but if she dismisses your plea for help and you’ve only wasted my time, then I will take your life and add your name to my collection of vanquished foes, Horseman or not.”

  Chapter One Hundred Nine

  “And you brought all the weapons here?” Michael asked.

  Seraphim nodded, “That’s correct. Since the Celestial Blades do not offer an advantage anymore, I do not see a reason to guard them. Regardless, they are now here safe in the Temple.”

  Michael took a deep breath as he paced back and forth in front of the Death Angel. The prudent thing would be to wait for Alan and Raphael. Despite his past dealings with Raphael, Michael knew if Raphael was able to somehow reclaim his power, their chances of success would double. Still, there was no time.

  “You know what must be done,” Seraphim said with menace in her voice. “Gabriel must be stopped. If what Ardat said is true—and that is a big ‘if’—then Gabriel has Kyle and we must strike now.”

  “I agree,” Michael said. “Despite all her short comings, Ardat wouldn’t lie about this.”

  Seraphim barked a rough laugh. “Please, Michael, the woman left you unconscio
us in the hands of a stranger. Don’t tell me you still belie—”

  “Ardat and my feelings for her are a moot point. This has nothing to do with her now. And she is paying for her actions. She won’t be accompanying us when we leave.” Michael could only imagine what thoughts were going on behind Seraphim’s raised eyebrow, but he ignored asking the question. “Alright, with your Death Angels and myself all attacking Gabriel, we should be able to overwhelm him. Esther and the bulk of our army will deal with any forces or surprises Gabriel may have for us.”

  “Direct,” Seraphim said flexing her arms, “I like it. When do we leave?”

  “Tonight. Esther’s unit is still arriving from the battle with Sodom. They are weak and wounded, however she and those still able to fight will accompany us.”

  “Sodom,” Seraphim spat the words in disgust. “A coward taking advantage of the moment. He only has an army because of the changes Gabriel made to our plane of existence. The Fallen are afraid and running to what they perceive is the strongest clan.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Michael said.

  Before any more words could pass between the two, the door to the study opened ushering in Esther and Danielle. Esther was healed thanks to Danielle’s insistence that she be treated yet the aftermath of the fierce battle still showed in her eyes. Danielle walked in right behind her stopping midstride. “Oh, we should have knocked, shouldn’t we have?”

  “No,” Michael said ushering them forward, “Please come in. I was just informing Seraphim we will leave tonight. Her Death Angels, along with the bulk of our army, should be more than sufficient to deal with Gabriel. We’ll strike tomorrow night and end this little insurrection.”

  “What about Alan?” Danielle blurted out as if all the words were one. Her voice echoed in the room. All eyes turned to her with questioning looks. Michael couldn’t help but notice a glimmer of disdain in Seraphim’s eye.

  “What about him?” Seraphim asked folding her arms across her chest.

  “Uh—I mean,” Danielle’s face turned red as she struggled to find the right words, “Shouldn’t we wait for him. To make sure he and Raphael are okay and succeeded in getting back Raphael’s power?”

  “We can’t wait,” Michael said. The look of worry washing over Danielle’s face and the twitch of Seraphim’s lips made him add, “I’m sure Alan will be fine. He’s proven himself on many occasions. And, despite my own personal views of the man, Raphael is a seasoned delegate. I’m sure even now they are being welcomed into the home of the minotaurs with celebration and friendship.”

  Chapter One Hundred Ten

  Alan’s face rubbed against the harsh canvas cloth serving as his blindfold. The air inside the bag was not only thin; it was hot. His wrists ground against the rough rope used to secure his hands behind his back. True to his word, Cratos was taking them to the minotaur city deep within the mountain. The only condition was that both Alan and Raphael had to agree to be bound and wear a bag over their head.

  At first, Alan had thought Cratos was joking. Ropes like these were useless against any supernatural creature much less the Horseman of War. It wasn’t until they placed the bag over his head and began to walk that Alan realized the bonds weren’t meant to hold him. They were a test to see whether he would respect the minotaurs’ rules.

  Alan’s hands were bound and face masked just outside the cloudbank. It was awkward being prodded from behind and led up to what Alan guessed was the same twisting path on the side of the mountain.

  Now all that was left was to follow the prodding of the minotaurs into the city. The only problem was their hike; it seemed the walking would never end. Sometime around what Alan figured to be the third hour into their journey, he couldn’t resist speaking. Sweat was pouring well past his forehead into his eyes and down his nose and mouth.

  Thirst was second only to the feeling of suffocating as Alan compelled himself over and over again not to break the rope holding his hands in place to free himself from the torture. “How much longer do we have to the city?”

  There was no answer. All Alan could hear beyond his labored was the rhythmic stepping of hooved feet on the stone path. “Hey, Cratos, can you hear me?”

  Still nothing.

  Frustration at the entire situation began to build in Alan. Another rough push against his back sent a wave of anger through him. How ridiculous was this? They were in a fight against the clock to save Kassidy. Alan—who could not only break his bonds, but was pretty sure could match the minotaurs guarding him for strength—was instead reduced to a blind prisoner.

  “Peace, Alan.”

  The muffled voice was hard to hear; nonetheless Alan knew it was Raphael. The Archangel must have been walking somewhere nearby for Alan to make out his words with the cloth covering their faces. The painful journey continued. How long, Alan had no idea. By the time they finally began to slow, the sun was setting and a cold chill teased the air.

  Along with the drop in temperature, came shouts as Alan and his group was challenged by muffled voices. Although Alan couldn’t make out the question, he could hear Cratos reply, “Open the gates.”

  A loud grating noise filled the air and made Alan’s eardrums tingle with the deep sound. The ground trembled beneath his feet as he was prodded forward yet again. Finally, the bag was removed from Alan’s head. The feeling of fresh mountain air was nothing like Alan had ever experienced before. A cold breeze caressed his face and tempered the hot sweat running down his brow.

  Alan blinked several times to make sure what he was seeing was not his imagination. They were in a gigantic tunnel spanning the length of a city block. Behind them, the grating noise came again. Alan turned in time to see two large doors shut close and remove any sign of the outside world. Ahead of them, where the tunnel ended, the sun’s last rays gave off a faint golden hue.

  “If we remove the bonds on your hands,” Cratos said looking at both Raphael and Alan, “will you give me word that you will not be stupid?”

  Raphael nodded. Alan had to say something, “Seriously? I didn’t take off that bag from over my head this entire trip. I think that more than proves my trustworthiness. That thing smelled like a mixture of manure and rotten vegetables.”

  To his surprise, Cratos began to chuckle. Through his massive throat, the noise came across like the beating of a large drum. The leader of the minotaurs advanced on Alan while brandishing a knife. In the wink of an eye, he sliced through Alan’s bonds and moved to do the same to Raphael, “You are not too far from the truth with your theory, little brother.”

  Alan glared at Cratos as the other minotaurs also began to chuckle.

  “Easy,” Raphael said as he sided next to Alan and the group resumed their journey down the tunnel.

  “I’m fine,” Alan said rubbing his wrists, “You don’t have to keep reminding me to calm down.”

  Raphael wiped his damp forehead with the sleeve of his right forearm. “Forgive me, but those in the past who have been chosen as the Horseman of War were not known for their reasonable disposition.”

  Alan conceded the point as their feet ate up yards of the rough stone floor. As they drew closer to the exit, realization of where they were hit Alan like a thunderbolt. The tunnel they walked through wasn’t a tunnel at all. It was the inside of the mountain. Alan tried to imagine the years and labor it would have taken to bore a whole through a stone mountain. When Alan saw where the tunnel ended, his mind fought to understand what his eyes saw.

  The inside of the mountain wasn’t solid in the least bit. The entire middle section of the mountain had been removed like the inside of a pumpkin. Miles of open land spread out when the tunnel ended. A large city rested inside the hollowed-out mountain. What was more, the roof of the mountain was open to the stars and moon.

  “Close your mouth, little brother,” Cratos said from beside Alan.

  Alan didn’t realize his jaw was open. Closing his mouth, he licked his lips. His eyes were on overdrive as they raced around the c
ity and inside of the mountain. “You should count yourself lucky; only a select few humans have ever seen our city and lived to speak of it. Shangar, the city within the mountain, is a beautiful, yes?” the minotaur asked.

  “Yes,” Alan agreed, “How—how can we see the sky? I saw this mountain as we flew towards it. It had a peak.”

  Cratos motioned with a large hairy arm to a path winding down the inside of the mountain and connecting the tunnel to the city beyond. As they moved forward, Cratos explained, “Creating an image of a mountain peak for all to see while there is none, is the single greatest act any of our sorcerers has accomplished . A spell keeps our secret.” Cratos turned his head and gave Alan a piercing stare, “And if the Queen deems it fit you should leave in one piece, you will know our secret.”

  The threat was evident. Alan refused to let intimidation get in the way of reason, still he understood what a risk he was taking and likewise the minotaurs were taking on him.

  The rest of the journey was spent in silence. Alan busied himself with soaking in the myriad of sites his eyes saw and his mind tried to understand. The minotaur city was as wide as it was long. Large, single-story buildings made out of what appeared to be hard clay and stones seemed to be the main architecture of the minotaurs.

  minotaurs walked and ran down the wide streets busy on their way. Each time Alan and his company were spotted, they were greeted with huffs and large, wondering eyes. Every minotaur with whom Alan made eye contact stopped anything they were doing to stare. Whether they were walking idly by or rushing to be about their day, they stopped in awe of the human guests entering their city.

  “Do not stray, little brother,” Cratos teased Alan. “It has been an age since minotaurs have seen humans or angels walk in their city. The only reason you still breathe is because we are your escorts.”

  Alan let the words from Cratos slide as he continued to rotate his head taking in the alien sites. It wasn’t long before the group made their way through the city and to a gigantic building Alan supposed was the Queen’s palace. It towered in the air with sharp, pointed peaks. The building was even larger and taller than the Temple of Artemis and the Statue of Zeus combined. minotaurs fitted with dark, metallic armor and long spears patrolled the area around the palace in pairs.


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