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Monsters and Angels

Page 5

by Erik Weir

  The door burst open as the stranger stepped in. Wild eyes witnessed a black rift forming. Vonn dived into the black floating shard, pulling Yimer with her. The two warp spawn disappeared beyond the rift edge before it sealed shut. The energy in the room died and a quiet gloom blanketed the area once again.

  The man turned; eyes wide and a grin still on his face. Ears picked up the gentle sounds of Caasa stirring, small moans filling the air. The stranger stalked back to the hallway to see the warp spawn trying to move as black blood pooled on the floor around her.

  “It would have been much easier if you simply told me what I wanted to know. Now, I must use unpleasant means to find what I want,” the man said as he stepped closer to Caasa and knelt down.

  The man ran his pale fingers through Caasa’s hair as she pleaded with her eyes for him to stop.

  “It’s okay little one. You will be the first I claim in my crusade. Now lie still so I may extract what I need.”

  The man’s hand gripped around her head as dark energy flowed. Caasa tried to scream until the power blasted any reason or thought from her mind. She moaned as blood spilled from black lips, her eyes rolling into her head.

  The stranger kept his smile, “Good…good…Let us continue…I have so much…to learn.”


  Bliss poured over hot bodies as moans filled the cavern. Ida clutched to Victor as his hips worked, driving himself deep into the savage’s tight valley. Scattered around the two, Lily, Nerin, Halisa and Lix laid about, breathing heavy and covered in sweat. One by one they moaned their appreciation before drifting off to exhausted dreams. Ida couldn’t stop moaning until she bit down on Victor’s shoulder. The Blade carried on, Ida squeezing him, coaxing for him to come.

  Victor grunted just as the savage let go of her bite and released a surrendering moan. Eyes rolling into her head, her body shuddered and wetness dripped from their deep union. Victor looked down, ecstasy consuming the woman before a sigh dripped from her throat, arms and legs shaking. Letting go, she fell the short distance to the ground below. Victor fell with her, keeping the connection. With another thrust, his spent body cried out. White seed spurted in her loving space and she gave a satisfied smile before her eyes closed, savoring the heat of their bodies.

  Victor huffed and panted until he pulled from the woman and fell sideways. Landing on his back and breathing hard, energy escaped Ida and flowed into the Blade’s heart. Victor fought through the haze, a weary spirit whimpering for sleep. Ignoring his body’s demands, he mentally pulled up his stat screen.

  Victor Hobbs

  Acolytes Unlocked- 21/77

  Divine Orbs- 5

  Powers to Unlock-0

  Spheres of Influence

  Str (Gaia)- 5

  Con (Nano)- 4

  Int (Abyss)- 3

  Will (Holy)- 3

  Wis (Mind)- 4

  Cha (Shadow)- 3


  Iron Sword

  Elemental Sword

  Gun Blade

  Sphere Abilities/Powers


  Speak/Read/Write Languages


  Increased Strength/Speed

  Animal Tongues


  Animal Shapeshift

  War Form


  Heightened Senses Upgrade




  Impulse Control Touch

  Victor studied the information in his vision. Knowing he had to spend the divine orbs here if he was to gain a power from the Tempest realm had become a priority. Having five powers already, it meant he could acquire the last one before he maxed out the Gaia Sphere of Influence.

  The Blade smiled lightly as he felt he was another step closer to reaching his full potential and considering how the Tempest Realm was where Baaldir resided in, the less time he spent here, the better. Mentally taking hold of two divine orbs, he spent them, allowing access to the Gaia Sphere. Heat flared along the young man’s athletic body before settling down. Words scrolled across his vision.

  You have gained the ability, “Summon Monster”.

  Victor’s brow wrinkled. He could now summon monsters, but he wasn’t sure that was an ability he wanted to use. Throwing himself into battle was one thing, but to call on a creature to fight for him was another matter entirely. A dark realization filled the Blade as he saw that some of his powers and abilities could have not such happy results. Thoughts flowed to his one ability from the Abyss Sphere. He had used the Impulse Control Touch, but it left him with a bad taste in his mouth.

  There is no such thing as fighting dirty. There is only fighting.

  Victor sighed. “Thinking like that could send us down a path I’m not sure I want to follow,” he whispered.

  We are fighting gods and monsters. I doubt they will do the honorable thing when it comes to achieving their goals.

  Victor raised an eyebrow, “We? I’m doing all the work.”

  A good team needs a coach.

  Victor felt the shadow around his heart chuckle. Closing his eyes, he knew it was useless to argue with Chill. Despite closed eyes, the stat screen was still visible. Victor saw that he had two points to add to his spheres and he decided which one would go where. Adding a point to his Strength, his body glowed with a new level of power. The second point went to his Constitution. The more points he had there, the more he could reload his Gun Blade.

  Seeing the three divine orbs remaining, Victor let the screen in his vision fade away. He would save them to spend in another realm. Sore muscles cried for sleep, and the Blade found no further reason to deny them. Bodies snuggled closer, the body heat relaxing worn out bodies. The whisper of sleep touched Victor, and he fell into its comforting embrace.

  Eyes opening, Victor looked to several bodies floating in a sea of darkness. A hand touched his shoulder and Victor turned to see Lily’s wicked smirk. The two silently nodded and they floated closer to the four savage women. Eyes moved side to side behind closed lids. A relieved sigh fell from sleepy lips as Victor and Lily each took hold of the floating women. Victor took Nerin and Ida’s hands while Lily took Halisa and Lix’s hands. With a mystical pull, the six floated toward a rising mist. Eyes opened and hearts soared as they moved into the rolling fog of dreams, feet touching a soft floor.

  Walking, the six followed the mist that surrounded them. For a long moment, the mist seemed to stretch forever before it swirled away. Grass and earth greeted the six as they stepped from the mist. A crescent moon filled the sky, high above a thick mountain. Night blanketed the land, but no stars shined. Halfway up the mountain, a mountain side village glowed with a welcoming light.

  Nerin stepped forward, eyes wet and a smile on her lips. “It’s…like my dreams.”

  The three other women moved to Nerin’s side, arms and hands touching each other in a happy embrace. Victor crossed his arms, his smile wide. Lily stood at his side, staff in hand.

  “I’ll go ahead and ready the welcoming party. Take your time bringing them up,” the succubus said as she kissed Victor’s cheek.

  The Blade watched as the demoness sauntered off. Stepping to the four women, they broke their embrace and turned to Victor with bright eyes.

  “I’m not sure it needs to be said, but here we are all part of Vala’s light,” Victor smiled.

  Nerin nodded. “We know her love transcends all. We only wish to follow her will.”

  Victor’s smile faded a bit. “I don’t know your history in the Tempest Realm, but Vala has chosen you…and slyths to be her acolytes. Some of them are here and what little I know, there has been some bad blood between you.”

  Nerin’s bright eyes dimmed. “We…we were not part of those attacks. Luka and the other tribe leaders pushed to exterminate any who were not strong enough. Many were afraid to say no to our leaders. The four of us were lucky to mind our camps and villages. There will be no hatred from us.”

  Victor nodded. “Good to hear.
Vala’s realm is small but she wants us here. When we reach Luna Springs Village, we can find you all a place to claim.”

  Nerin bowed, “Please led the way, Blade of Vala.”

  “Please, call me Victor,” the Blade smiled.

  Victor walked past the four women and they turned and followed. The small group made their way to the wide stone staircase and began their ascent. Victor wished they could put in an elevator. Part way up the mountain, his legs began to cramp. He wondered if it was because of the overzealous sex, or if he needed to start working out again. Supernatural powers were great and all, but they didn’t seem to chase away normal activities like love making and climbing mountains.

  The group reached the halfway point of the mountain in short order. The glowing torchlight along the village greeted them, as did a number of women at the village entrance. Three slyths stood; eyes sharp and tails low. To the right of them, Lily stood with her staff. To the left, a dark-haired elf with a rune covered robe stood, eyes containing a hint of sadness.

  Victor’s gaze fell on Hox. The lizard woman had taken the role of leader for her fellow slyths. Hisk’s death seemed to push her to take on the duty, Rhass and Yex quickly falling into step. The lizard women eyed the four savages as they stood shoulder to shoulder before them. The air grew still as not a word was uttered. Energy seemed to fill the five feet of space between them. Victor wondered if it was a good idea, but when he glanced to Lily, the succubus gave him a pleasant wink.

  Hox stepped forward and Nerin did the same. The two women stared at each other. The savage women gave nervous glances while Rhass and Yex held serious gazes. Time stood still until Hox and Nerin opened their arms and embraced. Lily lifted her staff and shouted. The three women behind Nerin let out their own happy shouts as Rhass and Yex hummed with approval. The elf to the side clapped and positive energy flooded the group gathered.

  “Welcome sisters of Vala,” Hox shouted. “Let us guide you to your new homes.”

  Nerin and the others smiled. The three slyths led the way as the savage women followed. Victor watched all of them walk to the left, following the stone street and homes lining the mountain.

  Lily stepped to Victor’s side, “I’m going to check on Cassandra. Come to me when you’re finished.”

  Victor gave the succubus a confused look as she stepped away. The elf with black hair stepped closer, shadows under her eyes.

  “Night, I’m glad you’re out and about,” Victor smiled at the beautiful elf.

  Night nodded. “It feels good to be out. I have been feeling better with each dose of the medicine. In a few more weeks, I should be free of my maddening afflictions. I…I never fully thanked you for helping Dawn find a treatment.”

  Victor raised a hand and rubbed the back of his head as he tilted his head forward, “Thank you, but you don’t have to thank me. I was happy to help you and your sister. Trust me; I understand what it means to feel helpless against things beyond your control.”

  Night nodded. “I do, but that is not the only reason I wanted to talk to you.”

  Victor looked to the elf, ears open. Night hugged her waist, as if to find the words for what she wanted to say next.

  “It has been a few days…and Dawn hasn’t come back.”

  The weight of her words hung heavy in the air.

  Night continued, “She told me before she left, she would only be gone a night. She went to Eddor to finish some task she set for herself. I checked the cycles of Eddor and it has been three nights since she left. I’m…worried.”

  Victor nodded but kept a reassuring smile, “I’m sure she is okay. She’s pretty resourceful.”

  Night looked away, “I know, but…this feels different.”

  Victor stepped closer and put his hands on Night’s shoulders, “I understand the concern. When we finish setting everybody in their new homes, Lily and I will go to Eddor and see if we can find Dawn. She might be hung up on something, but I’m sure she’s okay.”

  Victor could feel Dawn was still alive. A wave of memories washed over the Blade as he remembered what he felt when Hisk, Abby, and Anita died. Each death stabbed at his heart, knowing they were gone from this corner of the universe. Since the battle on the mountain, he hadn’t felt that pain again. Victor could sense she was still alive and somewhere on Eddor but he couldn’t narrow it down further than that.

  Night gave a gloomy head nod. “Thank you, Victor. I’m sure you’re right and she is okay. When you do search for her, please tell her to come home. I miss her.”

  Victor squeezed Night’s shoulders, “You bet.”

  The moment Victor let go, the elf rushed him and hugged him under his arms. Victor looked down to Night with wide eyes as she pressed the side of her face to his chest. Instinct took over and he hugged her back. The two stood in the moon’s ethereal light for long moments before Night pulled away. Without a word, she turned and walked along the western path of the mountain to her new home.

  Victor scratched his head, trying to keep gloomy thoughts at bay. An image of Cassandra appeared in his mind’s eye and the Blade soon found himself walking west. Lights were on in the village, the slyths and new acolytes talking and laughing like old friends. They had splintered off, taking ownership of empty homes and talking about the hot springs.

  Victor continued his walk, making his way to the last home of the small mountain village. A lodge-like home stood, built into the mountainside. Lanterns glowed from the windows as moonlight touched everywhere else. Victor walked to the small set of stairs and climbed them, a deep sadness taking root.

  Stepping into the home, the familiar scents touched his senses. Waves of memories washed on the stony shores of Victor’s mind, seeing events as they once played out. Cassandra had fought bravely during the battle of the mountain, tipping the scales in their favor with her power, but Victor remembered that she had used too much of her power. The Keeper fell after her last arrow was set loose, falling into a coma. In the last two weeks, she didn’t stir from her forced slumber, and it weighed heavy on all who dwelled in Vala’s realm.

  Victor moved through the warm home to the bedroom door. Opening it, he stepped inside. A large bed greeted him, Cassandra on her back and covered in blankets. Lily was under the covers next to her, hugging the sleeping Keeper close. Victor stepped closer, looking at the succubus as she ran fingers through Cassandra’s red and white hair. Lily barely glanced to Victor before snuggling closer to the Keeper.

  Victor looked to the elderly woman, eyes drinking in the change she had undergone since he first met her. She appeared like a spry ninety-year-old when they first met, but with time and freeing of acolytes, she had grown younger every time he saw her. Chest rising and falling, she looked like a young fifty-year-old. Her once white hair now had shocks of red and she seemed taller than her original hutched body. Victor wondered how such a small woman could sleep in such a large bed, but judging from her youth returning, it seemed to make sense she was taller and stronger in her younger days.

  Lily snuggled close, giving the Keeper a kiss on the cheek. Faint whispers fell from her lips to Cassandra’s ear. Victor stood by the edge of the bed, unable to hear what the succubus was saying. Lily gave one final squeeze before pulling away and slipping from the bed. On her feet, she stood by Victor as they both looked down on Cassandra’s peaceful face.

  “She’s still the same,” Victor said in a defeated tone.

  Lily nodded. “But I think staying at her side is helping. I talk to her, telling her what we talk about and to expect new friends when she wakes.”

  Lily looked to Victor, “You should do the same. It will help bring her back.”

  Victor looked to the demoness, “You think so?”

  “I believe so. Despite being in a coma, she seems younger than she was two weeks ago. I think freeing acolytes might be helping her grow stronger as well.”

  Lily gave Victor a slap on the ass, “I think it’s your turn to help her. When you’re done, come to my place. I nee
d a little more play time.”

  Victor raised an eyebrow, “Again? You’re insatiable.”

  “Yes,” Lily said simply before turning and leaving out the bedroom door.

  Victor’s small smile stayed for a few seconds before he looked to the sleeping Cassandra. Heart heavy, he remembered how the doctors and nurses told him to physically touch his mother and speak to her as she suffered through her Alzheimer’s. It was a simple, but needed thing to do to help calm her and bring some semblance of normality. Victor remembered how he always hugged and talked to her, even when she didn’t seem to know who he was. It wasn’t a magic bullet, but there were times she looked at him, remembering who he was and smiling at the glimmer of faint memories. It was enough for Victor to know she was still in there, somewhere.

  Shedding his hat, coat and boots, Victor lifted up the blanket and slipped into bed. Crawling closer to Cassandra, he hugged her, pressing his forehead to the side of her head. A warm, creamy vanilla scent touched his senses and the Blade let it wash over him. Heat bloomed between them and Victor closed his eyes.

  “We are all thinking of you,” Victor whispered. “Lily has taken over your duties of smacking my butt. It’s nice, but not the same.”

  Cassandra remained still, chest rising and falling to her gentle breathing.

  Victor continued, “Hox is turning into a real leader. She has Yex and Rhass helping with restoring some of the village at the base of the mountain. They have been moving stones and trying to repair some of the buildings. I’ve been helping, but they sometimes don’t tell me when they are working. I think they are working out their grief next to Hisk’s grave.

  “We have four new acolytes here. They are from the Tempest realm and very happy to no longer be part of Luka’s tribe. I can’t wait till you meet them. I’m sure Hox will put them to work once everyone is settled in.”

  Victor let out a warm sigh, “Lily has been in good spirits lately even though she is worried about you and Vala. The attack on the mountain rattled her. This place is a sanctuary, but now I think Lily can’t relax. I’m doing my best to help give her some comfort. It would be a great help if you would wake up and back me up.”


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