Monsters and Angels

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Monsters and Angels Page 16

by Erik Weir

  Vindrel, Izy, and Mildra turned into their true dragon forms. Leathery wings beat as maws opened. Vindrel centered her gaze on the bulk of shadows before taking a deep breath and blasting out thick streams of lightning. Shadows screeched as they were nearly ripped in half. Izy’s green dragon form hovered next to Vindrel, mouth opening and spitting out bolts of acidic mists. The bolts struck shadows, burning against their black forms as they continued to rush the Slingers.

  Mildra’s sleepy eyes peered down at the small space between the incoming shadows and the Slingers. Mouth open, she hissed a stream of ice mists. It struck the ground and grew on itself, forming a makeshift barrier. Vindrel spit lightning bolt after lightning bolt, but the stream of shadows continued. Magic bullets penetrated the ice wall to slam into shadows.

  Many shadows looked up at the three flying dragons. Black wings forming, they launched into the air, streaming toward the flying dragons. Vindrel swooped to the side, knocking Izy away as several shadows were nearly on her. The blue dragon blasted black bodies at point-blank range, splitting them to pieces while several more latched onto her. The blue dragon growled her contempt as claws raked across dark bodies. Izy flew back to her sister in battle, grabbing shadows and pulling them away. With powerful swings, she tossed the shadows away as Vindrel struggled to stay in the air.

  Eric reloaded, clicked the chamber back into the gun and aimed just as shadows burst through the makeshift ice wall. Several Slingers opened fired as shadows came at them. The distance between them was swallowed up by the shadows until bodies leapt over the line of Slingers. Valen blasted a shadow and then another before several men and woman came down in front of him, slashing at any shadows getting too close. The slingers watched in astonishment as Spellswords sliced and cut at the incoming horde with practiced skill and unwavering courage.

  “It’s about damn time you guys did something useful,” Zeb laughed before aiming both guns and pulling triggers.

  Lily and Dawn fought through the chaos. The elf moved, spun and leapt from grasping shadows while Lily followed, energy filling her staff and cracking true with every strike. The succubus and elf struggled alongside Spell Swords and Slingers, trying to get a glimpse of Victor in the distance.

  Shadows formed a wide oval around Victor and Draygon as they surged toward the fighting line. The Blade pressed on, each punch and kick blocked by the monster threatening them all.

  “Enough of this bullshit,” Victor growled as his gun blade slid into his hand and he spent a Constitution point to load it.

  Draygon backed off as Victor aimed the gun blade and pulled the trigger. An energy bolt blasted out as Draygon lifted an open hand. The bolt slammed into the open hand and fizzled, leaving a wisp of smoke.

  “It’s like watching a puppy struggle for dominance,” Draygon laughed.

  Victor pulled the trigger in rapid succession as shadows streamed past. Draygon moved his hand, parrying each shot like they were harmless pebbles.

  “Yea, get a fucking load of me,” Victor barked as he spent five points of Constitution.

  The gun blade hummed with incredible power. The vibrations pulsed outward as the Blade aimed and pulled the trigger. Draygon lifted his hand to block the blast, but when it struck him, the explosion sent him flying backwards. Victor watched as Draygon’s smoking body scattered the shadows around them in different directions before he crashed into a small building, caving in the wall and splintering wood to kindling.

  A stream of shadows turned and surged toward the Blade. Victor aimed the vibrating gun blade to the point of the incoming stream and pulled the trigger. The energy bolt shattered six shadows and scattered many others.

  “Fuck yea,” Victor hissed before turning his attention to the giant hole in the side of a building, Draygon standing up and stepping through it.

  “You do surprise me,” Draygon said before looking to the fighting not far from them, “But I have an experiment to complete.”

  Shadows streamed past, taking hold of Draygon and lifting him along toward the fighting. Victor looked around as shadows converged on him. White eyes bore down on the lone Blade when he whipped his gun blade around and pulled the trigger again and again. Victor blasted holes in shadows, shattering them to shards of darkness. When he was down to last charge, he looked to the fighting line. Spending his last point of Strength, energy fueled his ability to jump. Legs bending, he launched into the air just as a wave of shadows rushed him, nearly missing his boots by inches.

  Astor blasted shadow after shadow until her guns clicked empty. Holstering one, she started to reload when a shadow flew toward her. The Slinger’s hand moved with practiced ease as six mana rounds slid into the empty chambers. The shadow was nearly on her when the chamber clicked close; Astor lifted up the barrel and blasted the shadow from beneath its distorted chin.

  “WOO HOOO!” Zeb yelled as he fired into every shadow that was too close.

  Slingers continued to blast the incoming wave of shadows as Spellswords slashed at any who slipped by. Aldus was cold as ice, slicing through shadows and stabbing them in their heads. Monstrous screeches rang out with the orchestra of gunfire and the hiss of burning mana. For a brief moment, it looked like the Slingers and Spellswords kept the wave of abominations at bay. Valen pushed forward, blasting shadows while Zeb and Eric flowed with him, side by side. Vindrel and Izy tore at shadows, ripping them to pieces and blasting them at close range. Lily and Dawn held the line, fighting tooth and nail as shadows pushed against them. Mildra landed to the side, wings out to protect Skye, Kira, Vonn and Yimer while her frost breath blasted out. Mages unleashed magic attacks at any Shadow airborne or crawling along the sides of the line. It appeared they could win and for a brief instant, hope glowed.

  “Don’t give these fuckers an inch…,” Eric shouted before a black sword stabbed into his chest.

  Draygon moved from the shadows with depraved indifference as Eric coughed up blood. Eric’s eyes glazed over as he used the last of his strength to jam the barrel of his gun into Draygon’s face and pulled the trigger.

  The mana bullet ricocheted off Draygon’s forehead as the light died in Eric’s eyes. Valen shouted as he rushed the monster, jabbing his guns into Draygon’s sides. Mana bullets blasted causing Draygon to stumble aside. Shadows launched toward the exposed Slinger and Zeb grabbed Valen and pulled him back so hard, the slinger stumbled and fell. Valen looked up with wide eyes as Zeb cursed and spit, firing at point blank range before shadows enveloped him. They moved like a mass of insects, blood exploding into the air and limbs flying in all directions.

  The line faltered, shadows breaking through and lashing at warm bodies. Spellswords sliced and blocked before black pointed hands slashed and ripped at their bodies. Grunts turned to screams as chaos bloomed into a storm. Aldus sliced and cut, carving his way through when a shadow stabbed his arm and another into his side. The Spellsword didn’t make a sound as he sliced a disembodied head and stabbed his mana sword into an open mouth. Jagged teeth shined as Slingers and Spellswords were consumed, one by one. Astor stepped into the storm, blasting away shadows. Hands moved, fingers pulling triggers. When the mana bullet emerged from the barrel, the rune covered gun was moving to its next target.

  Draygon shook off the attack when a presence filled his mind. He barely looked up when a thick energy blast struck him, slamming him face down into the ground. Victor fell from the sky, gun blade gleaming in the light. He roared down and landed on Draygon’s back, driving his blade deep into the exposed spine. Draygon grunted as he pressed his palms to the ground and pushed up. Victor fell back onto the ground. A shadow loomed from behind before an elf launched into the air, grabbed the shadow, swung her body around and stabbed at its black neck.

  Victor glanced back to see Dawn savagely stab again and again the shadow as it screeched in pain. Draygon looked to Victor just as two mana bullets struck the side of his head. Astor and Shyryth aimed and pulled triggers again. Draygon growled as he crossed his arms, mana bullet
s striking and forcing him to take a step back.

  “How annoying…,” Draygon said just as Victor stabbed his gun blade deep into his back.

  With wide eyes, Draygon turned his head as Victor withdrew his blade, swung it around and aimed for the neck. Casually, Draygon lifted his hand and blocked the incoming blade, the sharp edge sinking an inch into Draygon’s arm.

  Victor pulled back his blade for another strike when strength drained from his limbs. Arms shaky, Victor cursed as Draygon lowered his arm and smiled.

  “Valiant effort,” Draygon whispered before he whistled.

  The air pulsed before it exploded in all directions. Slingers, casters, townsfolk, shadows, dragons, everyone in the center of town were thrown backwards. Victor’s skin erupted in patches as blood dripped from wounds. The Blade fought to stay conscious as bodies flew past in a wave of beaten flesh. Body falling, Victor gritted his teeth as he hit the ground and tumbled back five feet before stopping. Cracks formed along wooden and stone walls and a short moment later, a building collapsed on itself.

  Draygon stood at the epicenter, dark eyes surveying the carnage he created. Shadows struggled to rise up, white eyes wide and stunned from the blow. Shyryth crawled to Astor who was unconscious on the ground. Mildra moaned, her white scaled body dripping blood from ruptured patches along her body. Skye, Kira, Vonn, and Yimer lay beside her, struggling to get back up. Vindrel and Izy fell from the sky, landing on a building and shattering it to dust. Lily crawled among the bodies, Spellswords and Slingers staring up with lifeless eyes.

  Victor spent a Will point. Regaining the use of his body, he stood up as some writhed in pain and others were still, bodies cooling. The Blade struggled, taking a step at a time, hard gaze on Draygon as he looked around in amusement. Lily continued to crawl, wanting to call out to Victor, but her voice failing.

  Draygon ignored Victor as his eyes scanned the bodies and stopped on a moving body. Alice tried to crawl away, leg broken and trailing behind her as she used her hands and arms. Whimpers fell from her lips as she crawled over dead bodies, eyes too afraid to look back.

  “Lily…,” Victor said harshly, slowly moving after Draygon, “…Lily…I need…you.”

  The succubus tried to stand up, but her own body wasn’t responding. The ringing in her ears prevented her from hearing Victor, but she could see he needed her.

  Victor, fall to your knees. Don’t keep fighting.

  Draygon stepped over the living and the dead. Taking his time, he walked toward Alice as she continued to crawl away.

  “Lily…,” Victor said again as his Elemental sword slid into his open hand, “Heal…me.”

  Draygon moved closer. Alice glanced back and cried out as she tried to crawl away faster.

  “Do no fret little one. Your death will teach us so much,” Draygon said with a kind edge as he reached down and grabbed her broken leg.

  Alice screamed as pain flared. Like a rag doll, she was pulled back to Draygon. The monster in a man’s skin reached down and grabbed the back of her neck. Taking hold, he lifted her up and held her before him like a hunter admiring his kill. Alice struggled, one hand grabbing his arm and the other hitting his chest.

  “Lily!” Victor shouted as he spent five points of Wisdom, white and blue fire flaring along the sword’s blade.

  The succubus exhaled as she gathered the last of her strength. Lifting a hand, she pointed it at Victor. Energy balled along her fingers until they merged and blasted out in a ray of light. Victor continued to stumble toward Draygon when light struck his back. Energy closed wounds and points returned to his Spheres of Influence. Victor’s body felt lighter as he darted forward. Flaming sword up and body freshly healed, the Blade roared as he charged.

  Draygon turned to Victor barreling toward him, “Such a noble attempt.”

  Draygon dropped Alice and she crumbled to the ground. Turning, he waited for Victor as he came at him. Sword up, rage took hold as Victor reached Draygon. Sword slashing, Draygon used his forearms to block the flaming blade. Fire and steel cut deep, but as soon as the blade pulled away, the wounds closed up. Victor grunted and roared as he spent five Strength points. Power booming through his body, Victor became a whirlwind of flaming sword attacks. Draygon grunted as he tried to keep up, eyes calm but his arms cut deep. The wounds closed at a slower rate, but Draygon continued to parry and fend off each blurry sword strike.

  “That’s it, give me everything you have,” Draygon laughed.

  Victor’s body moved with such speed, those who witnessed his power could barely keep up. Flames sparked with each strike yet Draygon continued to keep the Blade at bay. Reason fled Vala’s Blade as a primal need to protect overcame him. The flaming sword slipped into his wrist as a fist curled around and struck Draygon across the jaw. Body stumbling back, the man in black watched as Victor channeled a point of Strength into his War Form ability.

  For a brief moment, Victor felt Vala’s touch.

  Muscles and bones instantly increased in size. Clothes ripped and shredded as Victor’s body grew larger. When Victor reached ten feet wall, the Blade’s face twisted into a pointed chin, wild eyes, and roaring like a savage monster. Draygon grinned as the giant Victor looked down, raised a large fist and swung downward.

  Draygon lifted his open hand and caught the incoming fist. Power exploded as Victor growled. Draygon’s boots sunk deep into the muddy ground as Victor’s War Form roared. Draygon’s arm trembled against the thick fist. Eyes sharp, he looked up into the animalistic rage flowing through Vala’s Blade.

  “Impressive…but not impressive enough,” Draygon whispered as he pointed his free hand toward Alice.

  Victor watched as Alice threw her arms up, screaming his name before darkness shot from Draygon’s hand and stabbed into her skull.

  Time slowed as Victor’s heart shattered into a million pieces. Alice’s eyes rolled into her head as a thin trickle of blood streaked down to her nose. Draygon watched, hand still holding the giant fist at bay. Victor cried out as he swung his other fist. Draygon didn’t look away as he moved his hand in a blur slapping the incoming fist away like a child trying to fight an adult.

  Energy glowed from Alice as the darkness retracted from her skull and back into Draygon’s hand. Slumping to the ground, the energy coming from the acolyte brightened before it shot from her body and slammed into Victor’s chest. The giant war form stumbled back while he looked down. Alice’s energy swirled and cemented in his soul. The Blade felt it deep within, Alice’s soul was unlocked and a piece of Vala had become part of her Champion.

  Draygon’s smile soured as he looked to Victor’s giant heaving form. “Death is not the answer. Vala, you clever goddess, if your acolytes are killed you will still regain your power, such a disturbing turn of events.”

  Shock bled away as fury took hold of Victor once again. Victor’s monstrous form stalked toward, fists the size of large boulders. Draygon looked up to Victor and let out a sigh.

  “I will have to mull over this new information,” Draygon said indifferently.

  Victor reared back a large fist and brought it down. Draygon’s eyes took a hard edge before he burst toward Vala’s Blade. A fist launched up connecting with Victor’s fist. When they met, the very air shook from the blow. Bones cracked and splintered along Victor’s thick arm to the shoulder. The Blade didn’t slow down as he ignored the pain and brought his other fist hard across. Draygon turned his torso, slamming his fist into Victor’s other fist. Bone and blood vessels ruptured and cracked from the blow, the air whipping outward.

  Draygon centered himself and launched at the giant Victor. Fists flashed too fast to see. Victor’s stomach and chest took a barrage of strikes, bones and muscles cracking and rupturing. Victor tried to spend his influence but nothing responded in his current form. Stumbling back, pain roared as Draygon’s fist moved in rapid succession. Pain overcame rage and fear destroyed courage. With one last punch, Victor’s body shuddered before he stumbled a few feet and fell to h
is knees.

  Draygon stepped to Victor, gazes meeting. “The only reason you’re still alive is I need to learn more. Carry on with your crusade. It will mean little in the scheme of the universal tides but you have earned my respect, Blade of Vala.”

  Victor’s monster form began to shrink, mist flowing up from his body. Draygon looked to the shadows rising and blinked. Black and purple rifts opened up, sucking in Shadows before they sealed shut. Draygon gave Victor one last small grin before a rift opened behind him. Stepping backwards, Draygon disappeared into the rift before it too closed shut and disappeared.

  Victor stared as Alice’s lifeless body as many others began to move. Vindrel and Izy held onto each other as they emerged from a destroyed building. Vonn, Yimer, and Mildra looked to Victor with sorrow in their eyes. Aldus sat up, shadows covering his dark expression. Dawn held Lily in her lap, tears streaking down her pale cheeks. Skye and Kira moved through the fallen, searching for anyone alive. Skye pulled vials from her robe and gave to those gravely injured. Townsfolk whimpered and cried, clutching to loved ones who didn’t survive Draygon’s whistle. Shyryth held Astor. The Slinger’s eyes fluttered, but her dragon apprentice looked to the fallen Slingers with a heavy heart.

  Victor fought the growing pain as he turned his face upwards and roared into the starry night sky.


  Pain clawed at fried nerves as Victor stayed on his knees, arms hanging uselessly at his sides. The night grew colder, mist falling from his parted lips as numbness took root. Many people began to rise, some with tears in their eyes while others moaned in pain and loss. Others did not move, their eyes staring off indifferently to the void.

  A shadow fell over Victor but he didn’t look up. A hand reached down with a vial and pressed it to his lips.

  “Drink,” Skye said as she looked down with sadness.


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