Monsters and Angels

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Monsters and Angels Page 17

by Erik Weir

  Victor didn’t move, his gaze falling on Alice as she lay on the muddy ground.

  “Victor, please drink,” Skye said in a small voice.

  The young man parted his lips a little further, allowing Skye to pour the contents into his mouth. The liquid warmed his throat as it travelled down to his stomach. A tingling sensation flowed into his limbs. Jagged points of pain flared, but Victor continued to stare off.

  “The potion won’t heal you completely, but it will help mend your bones. You will need more to heal fully.”

  “Thank you,” Victor whispered.

  Astor opened her eyes to Shyryth looking down on her. The Slinger sat up and soon stood up. Several buildings lay in ruin while some of the townsfolk gathered their dead. Spellswords and Casters helped the people of the town to their feet and to gather their dead. Astor drank it in, seeing blood leaking from ears, eyes and noses from many who would not see another sunrise.

  Aldus was to his feet and directing the Spellswords, Casters and townsfolk to help gather their possessions. Valen looked to the remains of his friends, grim darkness in his eyes. The dragons had shifted back to their humanoid forms, helping where they could in the messy street.

  Vonn glided on tentacles to Dawn and Lily. The warp spawn lowered her body and pulled out a small vial from her side pouch. Opening it, she looked down on Lily’s closed eyes as her head lay in Dawn’s lap. Putting the smelling salts to the succubus’s nose, it didn’t take long for her eyes to open. Sitting up, Lily’s face was frantic until she saw Victor on his knees.

  The succubus was to her feet and running to Victor, Dawn, and Vonn behind her. The demoness landed on her knees behind the Blade and threw her arms around his neck, hands on his chest. Victor grimaced but didn’t move, taking in the warmth of the succubus as she held him dearly. Hands on his chest, warm energy rippled outward. Victor felt the stings and flashes of pain as bones pulled together. Muscles repaired and blood pulled back into wounds before they sealed. In several long moments, the Blade was healed of his physical pain.

  Astor marched to Aldus as he shouted commands to his people. The Slinger moved with heat in every step until she reached the Spellsword leader. Aldus stopped barking and turned to the Slinger, eyes holding a sliver of sorrow.

  Astor was about to say something when the Spellsword lifted a hand and began to speak.

  “The people will not be safe here. We are going to escort them to Loress for their protection. Clearly there is more going on here then I was led to believe.”

  Astor kept her chilly gaze, “Make sure you tell your superiors everything that happened here. We do not wish to fight the Authority, but to only live in peace and protect people from monsters like we fought tonight.”

  Aldus nodded, “I will.”

  Astor turned when the Spellsword spoke up.

  “We were told you Slingers are animals with new dark magic. From what I saw tonight, it was a lie to manipulate us into action. I’m not sure if the Authority will listen to what I have to say, but I will not hold back on what happened here…You have my word.”

  Astor turned her head slightly with a slight dip of her head in acknowledgement before moving on toward Victor and Lily. The rest of the Spellswords and Casters continued to gather the people while Vala’s acolytes surrounded Victor and Lily. Heaviness filled their hearts as they looked down on Victor’s blank stare. Kira was the only one not by the group, handing out potions from her backpack to the wounded. The remaining Slingers stood off to the side, consoling each other from their losses.

  Victor reached up and touched Lily’s hand. The succubus lifted her head and let go of the Blade as he stood up on shaky legs.

  “We have a lot to do,” The Blade said as he held out his hand to the succubus.

  Lily took his hand and rose to her feet.

  Victor turned to those gathered, “We have to return to Vala’s realm, all of us. It’s not safe in the realms and we must consolidate our power. Vala is depending on us to revive her and that monster may have other plans. We should not take the risk.”

  There was a moment of silence before several of those gathered spoke.

  “How do we know Draygon won’t invade Vala’s realm,” Izy asked.

  “If we go to Vala’s realm, how can we protect other acolytes,” Yimer asked.

  “News of this night will spread across Eddor and soon, the other realms,” Vonn stated.

  Victor gave a slight head nod, “We don’t know, but right now we need to regroup. Draygon is playing on a whole higher level. Vonn is right, news of this will spread and that will make our lives harder because of it. We should be together as we share information.”

  Vindrel nodded with steely blue eyes. “We had no idea to what extent this quest would bring us. My dragon sisters only wanted to find our friend, but clearly there is a cosmic play at work here. It would be wrong to abandon Vala during these dark times.”

  “We’re not abandoning her…or Victor,” Skye smiled.

  Victor gave Skye a small smile before redirecting his attention to Vonn. “Have you found the spells to mask you and Yimer?”

  The warp spawn nodded. “We found it shortly before the town was attacked. We need an hour to prepare and the ritual should take no longer then another hour.”

  Victor nodded before turning his gaze to the fallen Alice, “We can wrap Alice and bring her into the tavern. She will be buried with the others in Vala’s realm. As for the rest of us, we need to bed down for the night. From there, Lily, Dawn and myself will pull everyone to Vala’s realm.”

  Astor shook her head slightly before parting her lips, “I cannot leave. I must spread the word to the Forsaken Lands so all Slingers can be ready for this new threat.”

  Shyryth stood by Astor, “I won’t leave your side.”

  Vindrel, Izy, and Mildra looked to the red dragon with sad expressions as Victor stepped to the two women and stood before them.

  “When you’re finished, will you come to us?”

  Astor looked over to the standing Slingers, their eyes watching with sad hope.

  “Ask me again when we have a quiet moment,” Astor said as she tipped her hat.

  Victor nodded. The Slinger stepped away and walked toward the Slingers, Shyryth close behind. Arms went up and they all embraced, a small sobbing radiating out as they mourned those fallen in battle.

  Lily turned to everyone, “Let’s get to work.”

  Time ticked on as the group splintered into small pairs. Izy picked up Alice’s body and carried it into the tavern with Mildra at her side. Vonn and Yimer made their way to the tavern, spell books appearing in their hands. Skye walked off as Kira handed the last of the healing potions she carried to a mage. The Spell Swords and Mages gathered the remaining townsfolk and began marching off to the road heading west. Vindrel stepped to Shyryth’s side and gave her a big hug as the Slingers broke apart and gathered their dead.

  Victor shivered in the night air as he stood in torn and shredded clothes. Skye came back with a bundle of clothes in her arms and warm smile on her lips. The Blade returned her smile as the clothes were placed in his hands. Dawn and Lily stood close, watching Victor as he grimaced. Despite most of his body being healed, there was some soreness and small drops of pain. The succubus and elf gently pulled him along to the tavern.

  It didn’t take long for Vonn and Yimer to prepare the ritual. Arcane circles and symbols covered the tavern’s main room. The warp spawn spoke in mystical riddles while not far from them, three dragons wrapped Alice’s body in white sheets. Astor and Shyryth said their goodbyes to the group before stepping out to the Slingers waiting outside. Kira watched from a window as the group of Slingers walked off into the cold, dark night.

  Vonn uttered the final phrase and energy glowed around her and Yimer’s bodies. The two spawn glided away from the circles to Lily, explaining that they could now mask themselves from the rest of their kind and were ready to leave for Vala’s Realm.

  Victor stood in th
e main room, fully dressed in a new outfit and cowboy hat on his head. Glancing over to Alice’s wrapped body sent a sliver of pain whipping at his heart before he looked away. Lily crossed the room to Victor, taking his hand and leading him upstairs to the rooms.

  Reaching a room, the Blade shuffled like a zombie to the bed before falling into it. Lily stared at him for a long moment, his body relaxing and his face buried in the pillow. The succubus moved to his side and slipped into bed fully clothed. Pressing her body to his side, she ran her fingers through his hair, hat tipping away onto the pillow. Victor welcomed the heat of her body and the touch of her fingers as exhaustion took hold and he drifted off into a troubled sleep.

  The dreamscape shifted as Victor felt lighter. Hovering along the shifting darkness, points of light appeared, one by one. Dawn floated down and soon Mildra. A body wrapped in white hovered in the darkness as Victor floated toward it and took it into his arms. Gravity took hold and soon everyone was standing on firm, invisible ground. Vonn and Yimer glided out from the darkness as Lily appeared. Skye and Kira appeared, confused eyes looking around and seeing Dawn and Lily’s smiles. Vindrel was last, appearing and smiling. Izy moved to her side and took the blue dragon’s hand into hers.

  Victor started to walk and the group followed. Thin wisps of mist appeared at first, but soon the dreamy abyss was filled with a growing fog. Victor looked down at the bundle in his arms, wondering if there was anything, he could have done different to change the outcome. Mind working, scenarios played out, but there was no confidence in his heart any of those outcomes would have been the correct one. It burned at his nerves as they walked along the misty corridor.

  Lily moved to Victor’s side, concern coloring her red eyes. Victor looked over and gave the succubus a weak smile.

  “We…can talk about it,” Lily’s voice echoed through the misty realm.

  Shadows lengthened under Victor’s eyes as a dim light appeared in the distance. An image entered his mind, words bringing comfort as he walked along. A small smile appeared before it faded away to the gloom. A stoic strength filled his inner world as he lifted his chin.

  “There is a great captain back on earth, one I idolized since I was a kid. He often said many things that just made sense and now his words fill my head,” Victor said, his voice echoing off the darkness.

  The others looked to Victor from behind as he led the way through the misty shadows toward the small light.

  “What did he say,” Lily asked.

  “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness; that is life,” Victor said with warm conviction.

  Lily nodded. “Sounds like a great captain, one who knows true wisdom. What was his name?”

  Victor smiled as he looked to the lilac colored succubus, “Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the greatest captain there ever was.”

  Lily returned Victor’s warm smile as the mists parted. The group stepped out onto firm ground and vibrant green grass. A single crescent moon hung high in the black sky. Right below it, a mountain stood with lantern light guiding the way home.

  The solemn group made their way to the stone staircase leading up. With silent steps, they began their ascent. The climb was uneventful until they reached the village built into the mountain. Many were waiting, eyeing Victor with loving gazes and smiles for those with him. A tall woman stood in the middle with long, curly locks of orange reddish hair. Her face was kind with oval eyes gazing on Victor with the wrapped body in his arms.

  Victor looked to the woman and quickly noticed she was a lot bigger than all the others around her. The emerald green robe seemed to hug her hourglass form but the height astonished him. He guessed she was about eight feet tall and built like a sensual Amazon. Pale skin and freckles covered her cheeks as she moved forward to meet him, Slyths at her side.

  “Welcome home,” the woman smiled.

  Victor’s eyes widened, “Cassandra?”

  Cassandra nodded. “Vala’s power is returning and so is my youth and power.”

  Slyths moved to Victor, taking hold of Alice’s cold body.

  “We will bury here in the grave of heroes,” Hox said.

  Victor nodded as he let go, the slyths moving off with the wrapped bundle. An elf with long black hair stepped from the side of Cassandra, eyes wet and gleaming. Dawn saw her sister, closed the distance and they embraced each other.

  “I was so worried,” Night sobbed.

  “I wasn’t,” Dawn smirked.

  Night didn’t let go as she held her sister close.

  Cassandra looked to the all-new faces, “Welcome home. We might now have enough to begin rebuilding.”

  “Rebuilding?” Vindrel asked.

  “Vala’s town at the base of the mountain and Vala’s temple at the top,” the redhead smiled. “My name is Cassandra, Keeper of Vala. For now, we will provide you all with new homes here in the village. Once you are settled, we can discuss the future.”

  “Can we return to our realms if we choose,” Izy asked.

  Cassandra smiled with vibrant energy. “Vala’s realm is not a prison. With time, you will all learn to Realm Walk. Here is a sacred place, the cradle of Vala’s divine faith. As she is restored, we will be tasked with great things.”

  The eight-foot-tall woman looked down on Victor and caressed his cheek, “But there is still much to do. For now, we all rest, regain our strength and move on with the crusade and beyond.”

  Victor’s shoulders sagged as if the weight of the world was lifted off of him. A weariness flowed over his abused body. Without a word, the Blade turned and began walking toward the hot springs and waterfalls not too far away. Taking hold of his clothes, he began to undress until he was naked. Reaching the edge of a large pool, he slipped into the water, heat massaging his worn-out body. Wisps of steam rose up as he sank into the water until just his nose was above the surface, eyes closing.

  The pulse of Victor’s heartbeat filled his ears. The pain was there, circling his heart. It wasn’t just the death of an innocent acolyte, the sting of being bested by some strange monster swelled against reason and logic. The Blade smiled underwater at the thought. There was very little reason or logic to any of the realms. They are worlds of different cultures, people and powers. The crusade to bring back Vala was beginning to take its toll and Victor found it hard not to admit it was tougher than he once thought.

  Opening his eyes, Victor noticed several bodies moving to the nearby pools, nude bodies slipping in with sighs of relief. Nerin smiled at Victor as did all the women he and Lily rescued from the Tempest Realm. Vindrel stepped into another pool, eyes forming relaxed slits as she settled into the hot water. Water splashed and Victor turned his attention to Skye and Kira as they shed their robes and slipped into his pool.

  The Blade pushed up, his face clearing the water and eyeing the two women. They acted as if he wasn’t there, basking in the hot pool. Victor could barely keep from staring at their beautiful bodies before he looked away. Seeing how they were in Eddor, it felt rude to look at them.

  “It's fine Victor, we are not ashamed of our bodies but it can’t go further than looking,” Skye exhaled.

  “We…wanted to talk to you…if you are ready to talk,” Kira added shyly.

  Victor was silent as ripples flowed from his body.

  Kira’s lips wrinkled like she fought some inner war before she spoke. “What you did…fighting that monster…we appreciate it.”

  “I’m sorry your home and shop were destroyed and you were caught up in this mess,” Victor said in a low tone.

  Skye leaned back against the edge of the pool, eyes growing heavy. “It was the best thing that could have happened to us.”

  Victor looked to Skye.

  The redhead continued, “We had fallen into a rut. We were wondering what life had to offer since we seemed to achieve everything we worked for.”

  Kira nodded. “We pooled our gold, opened an alchemy shop and married. We were happy for a long time before...,”
Kira trailed off.

  “We had nothing else to achieve. We basked in our lives for a long time before we discovered Vala’s teachings on a random trip to Loress,” Skye smiled.

  Kira continued, “We had dreams for a long time, but we didn’t know what they meant until we found a battered book. It was vague, but it spoke of Vala and her love across the realms.”

  “We took on her religion and it brought us closer than we ever thought we could be. Dreams teased us to open our inner worlds to the mystical realms beyond…if that makes sense.”

  Kira’s arms moved through the water as she sat. “We dreamed of Dawn…and we dreamed of you and Lily.”

  Skye sat up slightly, eyes on Victor, “What happened was meant to happen. When you walked over here, Cassandra told us what we were meant to do for Vala.”

  Kira smiled. “Skye is an alchemist, able to brew almost any potion across the six realms. I’m a scribe, able to chronicle the very word of Vala for others to read and understand.”

  Skye took a deep breath before she spoke, “You were meant to find us and bring us here. You fought for us and we are forever grateful.”

  “We also know what we must do,” Kira said shyly and swam toward Victor.

  The Blade watched as the silver-haired woman crossed the pool, slowing down when she was two feet away. Victor wasn’t sure what to expect. Skye gave off a feeling that there would be no physical connection between them but Kira moved like she was ready to burst from the water and smother him with her body. A confused pulse ran through Victor until Kira swam close and pressed her lips to his cheek.

  Energy flared as something burst from Kira, stabbed at Victor’s heart and settled within him. The heat and glow were intoxicating until he turned his head to see Skye grinning beside him. He didn’t even see her approach before her lips touched his other cheek and energy flared once again. Victor felt the second divine orb fill his heart as he looked to the two beautiful women by him. After a long, warm gaze, the two retreated. Skye leaned against the edge of the pool and Kira draped her body over hers.

  “You’re cute, but we are in a committed relationship,” Skye winked.


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