Monsters and Angels

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Monsters and Angels Page 18

by Erik Weir

  “Maybe one night we will open ourselves to you,” Kira said with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

  Skye laughed.

  Victor smiled as he noticed he now had two more divine orbs.

  You unlocked twenty-seven acolytes, fifty to go.

  “Praise Vala,” Victor whispered under his breath.

  Skye and Kira kissed, tongues slipping into each other’s mouths, hands holding each other in the steamy pool. Victor watched them for a moment before he felt sort of creepy. He was about to get out and move to another pool when Cassandra appeared.

  The Blade looked up to the giant woman and couldn’t fight the gravity of her large breasts and deep cleavage as she slightly bent over and looked directly at him. Cassandra’s gaze was playful as she eyed the Blade in the hot waters. Victor still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact she looked like a ninety-year-old woman just about a month ago and now she looked like a young cougar on the prowl. Body betraying him, Victor noticed a certain part of him beginning to stir without his consent.

  “Victor, I know you just arrive, but I wish to speak to you in private,” Cassandra said simply.

  Skye and Kira continued to kiss and hold each other while some of the other women in the surrounding pools eyed the tall redhead and smaller Blade. Victor was about to climb out of the pool when he realized he was at full attention under water. Red touching his cheeks, he quickly climbed out, grabbed his clothes and held them against his manhood. No matter how much he was Vala’s chosen one, the young man couldn’t fight the embarrassment of simply letting it all hang out.

  Cassandra straightened her back before turning and walking toward the main street through the village. Several women waved to the Blade as he hurried along, body hopping as he tried to slid into his pants and pull a shirt over his head. The cool air touched wet skin and Victor shivered as he ran barefoot to keep up.

  Cassandra walked through the village, power in each step and her chin held high like a diva walking through a party. Green robe flowing around her ankles, she didn’t slow down as Victor rushed to her side, taking two steps to keep up with each single step.

  “Is everything okay,” Victor asked as his legs nearly became a blur.

  “For now, yes, it is. Lily, Dawn, and Vonn filled me in on what has been happening and your fight with this Draygon. I’ll admit, I didn’t see any of this coming and I fear Vala didn’t know as well.”

  Victor’s brow wrinkled. “Vala didn’t see this? I thought she saw everything.”

  Cassandra continued to talk as she walked. “Higher beings can see many things, but the future isn’t certain. It’s like a river where its course can change with time and actions. What may come to pass may not be what truly comes to pass.”

  The Keeper looked to Victor with sadness in her eyes, “I’m sorry for what happened on Eddor. If I knew what was coming, I would have sent assistance. Alice paid the price for our ignorance.”

  “We can’t let her death be in vain,” Victor added.

  “We won’t, but I have to speak to you in a private matter.”

  Victor walked on as the couple made their way across the small mountainside village and stopped in front of Cassandra’s home. The giant woman made her way up the stairs and into the lodge-like home, Victor following her. Victor wondered why such a small woman lived in such a big home, bigger than any of the other homes in the village. It was apparent that Cassandra wasn’t just larger than life, she was larger than life.

  Cassandra stopped at the front door and turned to Victor, “I know you have been through a lot. I hope I can bring you some comfort during these dark times.”

  Victor raised an eyebrow just as Cassandra turned and opened the door. The pair made their way in, the door shutting behind them. Warm lantern light lit up the large home as Cassandra continued to walk. Victor felt an odd but familiar vibration. It reminded him of when Cassandra would flirt but there was a deeper fire there at first, he didn’t understand, but somehow, he understood now.

  The Blade followed Cassandra until she slipped into her room. Victor hesitated before the doorway, seeing where this was going, but not sure if he was ready. Cassandra moved into the room, turned and eyed the smaller man with the familiar fire again.

  “Cassandra…” Victor said before his voice trailed off.

  “I know the pain you feel…and I wish to help you overcome,” The Keeper said in a small voice.

  Victor watched as she seemed smaller in his eyes. Stepping into the room, a new confidence filled his entire body, a want, a need to chase away the pain of loss and defeat. A haze filled the room as Cassandra looked down on the disheveled Victor.

  “Victor…as Keeper…some of my abilities will become stronger…from our union.”

  The young man found it odd that Cassandra’s once brazen attitude seemed to shrink into shyness. He lost count on the amount of times she grabbed his butt and said innuendos. It was fun, but because she appeared as a much older woman, he never let it go beyond that. Now that she was here, younger and powerful, something seemed to shift.

  Victor gave Cassandra a wicked smirk, “What happened to the woman who used to grab my butt all the time?”

  The Keeper’s eyes widened a hair before she returned his wicked smirk. “She is still here.”

  “I would be honored to fill my role as Vala’s Blade,” Victor smiled.

  Cassandra dazzled Victor with a bright smile before stepping closer, eyes filling with warmth. “You are not just Vala’s Blade, you are my friend.”

  “As friends, what can I do for you,” Victor said with a loving edge.

  Cassandra looked down on the handsome man standing before her. Leaning closer, Victor turned his chin up so he could see into her greenish-brown eyes. Lips touched and a flood of energy exploded between them. Victor’s eyes shot open as his body instantly felt too hot for his skin. Cassandra moaned as tongues touched and danced. The power was undeniable and when it flared beyond the breaking point, Cassandra pulled away, nearly gasping for breath.

  The Keeper fell to her knees, sultry eyes on Victor as now they were almost eye to eye. Her size didn’t intimidate Victor, in fact, it did the opposite. Manhood straining against his leather pants, every cell in his body cried out for release from constricting clothes.

  Cassandra reached up and pulled at her robe. Thick fabric pulled away easily and Victor’s gaze lowered. Plump, large breasts bounced from their new freedom. Pale pink nipples glowed as they stood in overwhelming attention. Creamy skin begged to be touched and Victor found it difficult to think straight. Cassandra gave the Blade an enticing smile and before he knew it, hands gently caressed her oversized breasts and fingers glided over sensitive nipples. The Keeper gasped and leaned into his touch, eyes fluttering and savoring it. As Victor marveled at her size and warmth, the Keeper began to tug and undo his clothes. Nature took its course, robe, shirt, and pants falling away. Victor’s manhood sprang from its confinement and Cassandra looked down with a hunger he had never seen before.

  Hands took hold of Victor’s cock, caressing and massaging it like a new toy. The Blade said nothing, hands clutching to his friend and cock bouncing to her touch. Scents rose up between them as bodies glowed. A dizziness took hold of Victor as he tried to keep his primal demons at bay. Then, like a match going off, a comfort wrapped around him. The understanding was there in its glory. They could not wrong each other or misinterpret each other. Love and friendship bloomed like an understanding flower.

  “Victor…,” Cassandra moaned as one of her hands snaked between her legs, rubbing her clit.

  The Blade spent a point of Strength, energy flowing into his entire body. Something a normal man found impossible was changed to something a Champion could do easily. Hand’s let go of plump breasts and Victor half kneeled. Cassandra’s eyes looked to him with confusion until he took hold of her waist and lifted her up. The Keeper giggled as the smaller man picked her up and held her for a long moment before tossing her eight-foot frame onto the
strong bed.

  Cassandra landed on the bed, bouncing once before falling among thick blankets. The wild redhead gave Victor a curious but sultry gaze, her eyes on fire with a lust that could not be contained.

  “You worship Vala, but I’m here to worship you,” Victor stated matter of fact before crawling into the bed after her.

  Cassandra’s thighs parted, reddish orange curls just above her glistening slit. Wetness flowed as Victor was on all fours, marveling at the Keeper’s body. Thick creamy thighs warranted to be touched as her budding pink valley whispered to be invaded. Victor decided he would take his time and enjoy himself. Head between thick thighs, his tongue snaked out and licked at her quivering valley.

  Cassandra hissed her delight before her head fell back to his deep kiss. Lips and tongue closed and invaded her slit, exploring her inner world. Arms reached around her thighs, holding them partially open, and his strength keeping them in place. Cassandra’s breathing quickened as her head rolled forward, watching Victor lick and slather against her womanhood. Hips moved, circling against his circling tongue, sending a shudder through her body and another. Fingers dug into blankets. Cassandra wanted nothing more than to fall on her back and writhe in bliss, but she resisted, wanting to see her friend lick every drop of wetness from her tight valley.

  Victor buried his face, fingers digging into creamy thighs. Despite her size, Victor found he enjoyed the tightness and her girlish moans and shudders. The way his tongue lashed at her throbbing clit sent shockwaves of pleasure. Cassandra’s mouth hung open as she tried to control her breathing. The tide of bliss was too much and she fell onto her back. One hand caressed a sensitive nipple while the other grabbed Victor’s hair.

  The heat in the room grew thicker as Cassandra’s body betrayed her. The dam cracked and as she tried to hold it back, it shattered a moment later. Victor noticed the change of taste and scent before wetness flooded his tongue, lips, and cheeks. He didn’t stop licking and massaging her womanhood for more. Cassandra moaned her delight before a moment later, she came again. The orgasm was more powerful than the first and her senses reeled from the shock. Moans growing louder, she kept Victor’s head in place as her hips moved to his soul penetrating kiss.

  Time lost all meaning as Victor floated on blissful clouds, cock hard and bouncing to every gasp and sultry moan. Cassandra sang on, lost to the intimate moments before another orgasm exploded, followed by another. The Keeper quickly lost track until she was a puddle of writhing ecstasy.

  “Spear me…spear me Victor…,” Cassandra moaned with closed eyes.

  Victor felt Cassandra’s hold on his head had weakened. Hand pulling away, Victor looked up, wetness covering his mouth, cheeks and chin. Cassandra basked in the hot bliss before Victor moved up. Eyes opened halfway as Victor looked to her, a madness taking over. She barely glanced down to his veiny and throbbing member as he pushed the tip to her quivering valley. Wetness surged as he pushed. The tip pushed against tight inner walls, forcing them to accommodate his size. Cassandra grabbed the Blade and forced his head between her large breasts while his cock invaded her valley. Thick inches sank deeper as she clutched to him. Victor touched a nipple and the Keeper gasped as her grip loosened. Taking the advantage, Victor’s mouth clamped over a nipple, tongue whipping it like it had committed hearsay. Cock reaching the hilt, the Blade stayed there as Cassandra writhed to his power.

  “Victor…force me…force me to come…,” Cassandra whispered.

  The Blade said nothing as his hips began to move. Inches appeared and disappeared as Victor punished her valley. Tongue lashing at her nipple, Cassandra surrendered to his power, unwilling to stop him. Bodies thrust and bounced to a primal dance. Hearts glowed with heavy gravity. Cassandra squeezed every time he pulled back and squeezed again when he thrust deep. The symphony between them played in perfect sync, their bodies matching in intensity and grace.

  Victor couldn’t stop thinking and feeling how good it was. Each experience with each of his partners was wondrous, but this time, it was deeper. He quickly realized it matched with how he felt for Lily and Dawn. The unbridled comfort, love, and desire blasted every cell of his being as he speared the Keeper and she begged for more. A hand reached around and grabbed his ass, forcing his cock as deep as it could go. Cassandra’s head turned as she gasped and moaned. Tension tightened and Victor moaned as she clamped on his throbbing cock. The Blade found it was like he was pushing into a vice and it brought him closer, the need for release deafening.

  “I’m…almost…there,” Cassandra moaned.

  The tempo increased and Victor lost all control. Hips pushing hard, her thighs spread to allow him full reign of her valley, ready to be conquered. The crescendo of moans rose up. White touched the edges of Victor’s gaze as Cassandra’s back arched up, driving her large breasts into his face. The outside world seemed to fall away to two glowing dots in the abyss who found each other. Nails dug into Victor’s ass just as Cassandra’s eyes flashed open. Victor continued his invasion until his world opened up. Energy exploded as Cassandra’s eyes rolled into her head and Victor grunted with one big thrust. Come spurted as wetness flooded. Heat boiled against burning nerves as bodies arched and cried out in loving triumph. Bliss slammed into nerves as they continued to ride the wave. Moans carried on and come spurt again and again. Cassandra lost all control, body trembling and shuddering to a string of orgasms, one after the other. The world grew smaller as Victor and Cassandra were lost to an ocean of love.

  Victor’s eyes closed, relishing in bliss. When he opened his eyes, he stood in a vast chamber stretching out as far as he could see. Thick white pillars spanned outward, holding up a white ceiling two hundred feet above him. The Blade looked around, unable to see any walls in the distance.

  “What the…,” Victor began.

  A cloaked figure moved into view from behind a pillar. Hood up, shadows covered her eyes as she slowly made her way closer. Victor kept his eyes on Vala as she approached him. He stared at her perfect lips and pale skin, the heat still there from his embrace with Cassandra.

  Victor was about to say something when Vala turned and began walking. The Blade followed, glancing down to see he was fully clothed. Eyebrow rising, he often appeared naked before her so what was different now? He didn’t recognize this place as he looked around. Energy touched his skin, causing goosebumps and hair standing on end. The vast room seemed to go on forever.

  “Vala?” Victor said as she continued to walk.

  After a moment, the goddess stopped and simply stood. Victor moved to her side and looked on to where he thought she was looking at. Eyes widened in disbelief as Baaldir stood with two other beings. The horned god of the hunt crossed his thick arms as a woman with red skin, bat-like wings and black horns stood. She wore what looked like a thong and the smallest black bikini top he had ever seen. It barely covered her nipples and seemed to leave nothing to imagination. A red tail with a triangular tip swished behind her as she looked to Baaldir with bored eyes. Beside her was a mass of tentacles to a blob-ish body. Dozens of strange eyes looked in many directions but two of them turned their gaze from Baaldir to the demon woman.

  “We must increase the number of our Champions as soon as possible,” Baaldir’s eyes burned like hot coals.

  “Not this again,” the demon woman said in a sultry voice. “She’s been dead long enough. You barely survived your ill-conceived attack on her realm and now you want to repeat what we did ages ago. Maybe it’s time we take a step back and allow her Champion to complete his crusade.”

  “I have to agree with Hexnia,” the tentacle blob said even though it appeared to Victor it did not have a mouth, “We two were the only ones to arrive when summoned for this gathering. The hatred we felt before has cooled. The indignation and rage we once knew is long gone. The realms have suffered from Vala’s loss and clearly the others want nothing further from this futile grudge you have against your former lover.”

  Baaldir’s expression slipped into
an annoyed grimace. “She cannot be allowed to return from the dead. If she does, everything we have worked for will be undone.”

  The tentacle blob shifted, most of its eyes turning to the horned god. “It is already unraveling. The Valis realm was first to suffer the consequences of Vala’s death. By my projections, in another ten thousand years, the other five realms will suffer the same fate.”

  “Luhorr speaks the truth,” Hexnia said as she looked at her black nails, “The rest of the pantheon knows this and that is why the other four are not here. I’ll admit my jealousy for Vala burned bright at one time, but even that has cooled. She was not only the goddess of lust and love, but her secrets bound the six realms into perfect harmony. A harmony we lost and are now feeling its effects.”

  Luhorr’s tentacles writhed, one of them reaching over and caressing Hexnia’s thigh while eyes centered on Baaldir, “We all have had time to reflect on our actions after pulling Vala to pieces.”

  Baaldir looked away, nose and chin in the air, “We all know what she is capable of. If I didn’t stop it, can you say without a doubt we would still be here. I led the charge and I stand by my convictions. She needed to die so we would all remain in power. The three of us are the last shred of reason to keep the realms whole.”

  Hexnia gave a high-pitched laugh. “You called us here to lead another rage war against Vala? Have you gone mad again? Vala was smart enough to cheat death and you posture like your trying to save the realms. We know what this is truly about and many of us will not go down that path again. The balance is broken. It has been broken for a long time.”

  Luhorr’s eyes blinked, “Our pawns, Champions, and priests all speak to us, telling us how Vala’s Champion is giving hope back to the people across all realms. They feel it deep in their spirit, the empty loss needing to be filled once again.”

  Baaldir eyed the tentacle monster with glowing, hate filled eyes. “You know how it was before. Peace and love were symptoms to a foul disease. Vala calmed the people and they in turn fell away from conflict and war. Our power diminished as she grew stronger. If the people have everything they want, we would fade into the universe. The people and realms need us.”


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