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Monsters and Angels

Page 20

by Erik Weir

  “Okay, I’ll try to be as brief and detailed as possible…,” Victor said as he told the gathered women what happened in his vision. He explained the event the best he could up until the point where he and Vala were alone. Mouth closing shut, he would keep what she told him about her child secret just as he promised.

  Lily’s expression didn’t change, eyes regarding Victor coolly. Dawn’s eyes widened a little while shadows covered Vonn’s eyes. A moment of silence fell over the table as they mulled over the information.

  Vonn was first to speak, “I can understand why Vala would want you to come to me for more information. I only made the connection a little while ago and it is something we should be concerned about.

  “Draygon, as he is calling himself, appears to be an Elder Spawn. On Dark Spire, there are twelve Elders walking the planet. The reason there are only twelve is because my people hunt Elder Spawn before they have a chance to grow. It takes millennia to eons for spawn birthed from full grown Elders to mature. They often fall from their creators and find a place to hide so they may take their time maturing into the giant creatures you have seen.”

  “How long have your people hunted them,” Victor asked.

  “It was the first thing my people performed to survive. Elder spawn provided food and their bones could be used as tools. Before we gained the crystal lights above our cities, Kurggoth were nomadic, following the Elders and eating their young when they were spawned. As we managed to gain our civilization, we continued to send out hunters to ensure no Elder Spawn would have too long to grow. Hunters are paid in books and status, but it is dangerous work. There are always casualties on a hunt.”

  “It sounds like Draygon is speeding up the process,” Lily stated.

  “From how he talked to the other gods, it seems like he wants to consume Vala when she resurrects,” Victor said darkly.

  “Elders are stronger than gods, but several gods could become a challenge,” Vonn added.

  “So far, Nyphy is the only goddess who has shown herself to be in favor of Vala’s return. We are going to need more on our side if Draygon continues. He learned that killing an acolyte will not stop a piece of Vala returning. If anything, it accelerates it,” Victor said out loud.

  Lily leaned forward, “It would sound like killing acolytes will get him closer to Vala’s resurrection, but he did mention that death was not the answer. Maybe he isn’t strong enough to consume Vala if that is his end goal.”

  “Vala is getting stronger with each acolyte that is unlocked,” Cassandra added.

  Victor tapped his fingers against each other, “From the fight, I got the impression he is calculating his time and effort. He needed to find out key answers and discovering my name and the effect of killing acolytes seemed to play into those findings.

  “Cassandra, are we safe here?”

  The Keeper gave a small nod. “Vala’s power has grown enough to secure her realm against one or two gods, but I’m not sure beyond that. The protection grows with each acolyte you discover. Draygon may not be powerful enough to enter Vala’s realm now, but I can’t say for sure how long we will have that protection against him.”

  Victor nodded before gazing into Cassandra’s eyes. “Something I have been meaning to ask, where exactly will Vala’s resurrection take place?”

  The Keeper smiled. “It will happen here, in her realm. Now that I have become my youthful self again, I can begin the process of repairing the damage to the villages at the base of the mountain and the temple at the top. There will be protocols we will have to follow, but we can discuss it when the temple and villages are fully repaired.”

  Victor nodded. “I think now is the time we take stock on what is happening here. We have new acolytes and everyone will have to contribute. There has been a lot of information, but we haven’t laid out a plan for the future.”

  “The War Maidens are eager to assist in the reconstruction,” Cassandra added.

  Victor raised an eyebrow.

  “The acolytes from the Tempest realm, they wish to be called War Maidens. As for some of the others, Skye and Kira can bring their knowledge of alchemy to us. Vonn and Yimer can aid in restoring our libraries,” Cassandra said as she took a sip of her tea.

  “Skye told me Kira was a scribe. Will that help us in any way?” Victor asked.

  Cassandra nodded. “The old books dedicated to Vala’s teaching were lost, destroyed or scattered a long time ago. If Kira is a true scribe, she will be able to channel Vala’s word for all to read. The dragons can assist with divine scripture and aiding in reconstruction. The Slyths have already begun some work on the village at the base of the mountain and I’m sure will welcome the help.”

  “My sister can help with procuring knowledge,” Dawn added.

  “Is she well enough to try,” Victor said in a neutral tone, not wanting to voice his concern over the elf’s erratic behavior.

  Dawn nodded. “She has become very lucid as long as she takes the potions. From what little we talked recently, she is eager to become a useful member in Vala’s realm.”

  “We haven’t addressed the Xull probe we discovered on Eddor,” Lily stated.

  Cassandra’s eyes remained cool as she spoke, “Xull hasn’t crossed over to any of the realms before.”

  The lilac colored succubus nodded. “Victor and I talked and it seemed like they are gathering information. To what end, we don’t know.”

  “As Keeper, I will have to commune with Vala for some answers. It will take some time,” Cassandra said while giving Victor a wicked grin.

  “I live to serve,” Victor shot back his own warm grin.

  “For now, I will speak to the acolytes, informing them of what we have discovered and the path we will be taking. I would recommend all of you get some rest. There is a lot of work to be done and I can’t have Vala’s Blade, Shield and Lover not ready to face the tasks ahead of us.”

  “Lover,” Victor said with a questioning raise of his brow.

  The Keeper turned her attention to Dawn, “There are many roles to fill for Vala’s resurrection. Dawn has achieved a role of one of Vala’s Lovers. Their role is seduction and assassination.”

  All eyes turned to the elf with glasses as she looked away.

  “I didn’t know Vala had assassins,” Victor said puzzled.

  “All religions have their warriors, priests, servants, and those who walk the darker edges of reality. Vala is no different. There will be others to fit certain roles as their powers and abilities begin to grow.”

  “I gained the ability to cause sleep with a kiss,” Dawn said reluctantly.

  Cassandra continued, “The seductive Night Kiss is granted to those with the ability to carry out Vala’s will in discrete situations.”

  Victor eyed Dawn and cracked a smile. “Congratulations?”

  The elf’s smile grew wider, “It is my new duty for Vala so I may not always be around.”

  “I’m sure it will be needed when the time comes,” Victor said with a reassuring smile.

  Cassandra stood up, towering over everyone else, “I’ll begin informing everyone. All of you have earned your rest. When I have some answers, I will come looking for you.”

  Victor’s body nearly deflated in the chair. He had been running himself ragged and some R and R was just what he needed. Thinking to the acolytes already here, he certainly didn’t want to get in anyone’s way. Thoughts shifted to the temple at the top of the mountain and the Blade sighed his need to get away for a little while.

  Lily turned to Dawn, eyes holding a dark glow, “We should talk about your new status. I might have some information you can use.”

  The elf nodded.

  Vonn rose up on her tentacles, “Cassandra, I will assist in disseminating what we have learned to the others, if you will allow me?”

  Cassandra smiled, “Please do accompany me. It has been such a long time since I have shared company with a Kurggoth.”

  The warp spawn bowed with a small smile. />
  Victor stood up and stretched his arms over his head. “I…think…I’ll take walk. Clear my head.”

  The women at the table eyed the Blade before nodding in agreement. Victor gave them a quick wave before walking away from the table and out the front door. Stepping onto the stone street, the air felt particularly pure, taking a deep breath before walking on. It didn’t take long before he reached the ancient stairway built into the mountain. With one foot in front of the other, he began the slow climb to Vala’s peak.

  Mind drifting, Victor found himself lost in thought. Images of Draygon filtered into his mind’s eye and an uncomfortable feeling filled his entire body. The elder spawn was beyond his power level and Victor didn’t like the fact he would run into him in the future.

  Draygon is nothing more than a child. You can take on a child.

  “Thanks for trying to cheer me up, but he isn’t some normal child,” Victor whispered.

  I can feel your positive light dimming. You’re really worried.

  “Wouldn’t you be too? I mean, this is some next level pressure here.”

  You’re not alone.

  Victor sighed. “I’m never alone.”

  Time bled away as Chill grew silent. Reaching the top of the mountain, Victor walked toward the cracked archway of the destroyed temple. Long shadows crisscrossed the area as pale moonlight glowed. Victor found himself moving through the decayed temple, eyes drinking in the sword marks against stone and long dried soot against some destroyed walls. Terrible images filled his mind of what happened here and he quickly pushed it away.

  Something tugged from Victor’s heart. Looking down, darkness poured into his vision. Falling to his knees, he opened his mouth as darkness emerged from his eyes, mouth, and chest. It spiraled outward until it formed a thin figure made of shadow, oval blue eyes opening and blinking.

  Victor stayed on his knees as he looked up to Chill.

  “I thought I would give you some time by yourself,” the shadow said with a thin line for a mouth.

  “Actually, it might be nice to talk to another guy…if you’re a guy.”

  “I was once a man, a long time ago,” Chill said indifferently.

  Victor turned his body and laid back onto the cold stone floor. Chill watched as the Blade placed his hands on his stomach, eyes looking up to the black sky and crescent moon. The shadow sank low, body morphing and changing until he too was on his back, lying next to Victor and staring up at the moon.

  “Did you hear everything Vala told me?”

  Chill nodded, “Every word.”

  “I thought this would be tough before…now it feels impossible. Baaldir is a badass, but fighting a crazed Elder as well is just a bit too much.”

  “You’re worried you’re going to fail,” Chill said in a deep voice.

  Victor stared up. “It isn’t so much about me. It’s more about others dying in the crusade. Putting my life on the line is one thing, but…,” Victor trailed off.

  “From what I see, everyone has already made their choices. As sickeningly sweet as you want to protect everyone, you’re just one man. Stop being a tool to your inner code of honor and accept that this is your life now.”

  Victor was silent for a moment before parting lips. “You have always been the voice of reason.”

  Chill blinked before crossing his black arms. “I have no choice in this relationship. As long as I’m in your heart, I have to keep you alive.”

  “You say the nicest things,” Victor chuckled.

  The shadow rose up and rolled onto its side, hand holding up its smooth head. “Is this some kind of pity party because if it is, I’ll just crawl into your heart and sleep it off.”

  Victor stopped chuckling and looked over to the shadow, “No pity party, but sometimes it’s just nice to let the words out and be done with it. I know we will carry on like we have. I know others will die, including us if we cannot overcome. But knowing that doesn’t make it any easier. I’m just glad I have a friend who will tell it like it is.”

  “Lily and Dawn will tell you the same thing,” Chill said with a small smile.

  “I know.”

  Chill looked up, “Have you thought it over what you’re going to do once Vala arrives?”

  “Continue to follow her I suppose,” Victor said without giving it much thought.

  Chill’s eyes narrowed. “Did it ever occur to you that she is in love with you?”

  Victor looked over and blinked.

  Chill’s eyes glowed, “You can’t see it, but I saw it. You’re performing some holy crusade for a dead goddess, but I’ve seen how she acts toward you. She loves you.”

  “I just thought she loved everyone…”

  Chill shook his head. “I don’t think you understand how this works. I have been a witness to your life and your dense skull doesn’t pick up on anyone who is in love with you. So many have wanted to be yours and you walk away without a second thought. I know you have commitment issues because of your parents and your old life, but that is long behind you. You’re a fucking Blade to Vala and they all want to love you.”

  Victor tapped his stomach with his fingers and said nothing.

  Chill continued, “Your aloofness is like a fucking magnet. I noticed your letting your true self out, but what happened with Draygon is casting doubt on yourself. You think if you separate yourself from Lily, Cassandra, or Dawn things will get better, it won’t. As your leader, you better get with the program or we all fail.”

  Victor looked over to Chill again, “You may have to talk to Lily. She says she is the leader.”

  The shadow blinked a few times before giving a low chuckle. “Lily can have you at this point.”

  Victor smiled. “Thanks for listening.”

  The shadow gave a small nod. “We all need a swift kick from time to time. You have enough people backing you and we won’t let you fail, so suck it up.”

  Victor nodded silently. Chill lay back down beside the Blade. Long moments ticked by as Victor’s mind drifted away on clouds of thought. The crescent moon glowed and Victor could have sworn he could reach out and touch it. Chill’s words slipped into his dreamy thoughts and he could not deny their power. Vala loved him as did many others, where once he exiled himself from any intimate relationship, now he was in many at varying degrees. Mentally seeing Lily’s face, the doubt grew weaker and far away. The boiling of love caressed his heart and for once, he couldn’t blame the shadow for the odd feelings since Chill was next to him. Destiny had reared its head and the Blade smiled at it.

  Chill sat up with a start, “Several people are approaching.”

  Victor sat up just as the shadow at his side began to stream into his eyes, mouth, and chest. Victor coughed as the darkness crawled into him and nestled around his heart. Struggling to his knees, the coughing fit passed as Victor looked up to four dark figures. Moonlight cascaded down as they all emerged from the shadows, eyes looking to Victor and smiles forming.

  Nerin, Ida, Halisa, and Lix walked up the stone steps and into the destroyed temple. The four women looked down to Victor as he pushed off the floor and stood at his full height. The strong women made their way closer, Nerin leading the small group.

  “It’s good to have you all to ourselves,” Nerin said with a warm smile.

  Victor gave a warm smirk as the four women surrounded him. “I heard you all wanted to be called War Maidens.”

  Nerin nodded, “We don’t have our clan anymore so we decided to have our own clan under Vala’s power.”

  “It was Lix’s idea,” Ida said.

  The thin Lix nodded and licked her lips.

  Nerin’s expression melted into a semi-serious demeanor. “As much as we want to play with you again, we are actually here to give you something.”

  Victor stood with relaxed shoulders. “You don’t have to give me anything. We are in this together.”

  “That is precisely why we must give you this gift,” Nerin said with a strong edge. “We weren’t ju
st chosen to be locked up for following Vala’s ways.”

  “We were chosen to create weapons for the clan,” Halisa added.

  “What kind of weapons?”

  “The kind that can bestow great power on those who wield them,” Nerin said as she stepped closer and stood before Victor.

  Hand out, the War Maiden caressed Victor’s chest in a loving manner. “Vala has shown us our place in the web of destiny. We are not only to fight at your side, but provide you a gift to aid in Vala’s crusade.”

  Nerin looked into Victor’s eyes. “Please, allow us to perform the ritual and we can carry out Vala’s will.”

  Victor nodded even though he was a little confused on what they meant.

  Nerin looked to her War Maiden sisters and gave them each a nod. Words began to spill from their lips, chants and incantations filling the destroyed temple. Victor stood his ground as a dark purple aura began to glow around each War Maiden, their voices becoming one. The tempo grew as did their voices. Uncertainty painted the Blade’s brow, but he remained where he stood, trust filling his heart. The glow brightened as purple energy flared from their eyes. The purple energy dripped as their voices went silent. It snaked down from their eyes and Victor watched Nerin as it coiled around her toned body and wrapped around her leg. Turning his head, he looked to Ida who had energy circling her thigh. Energy curled around Halisa and Lix’s forearms. The aura turned spiky before smoothing into rippling pulses.

  Nerin reached down with her open hand. When she touched her thigh, fingers sank into her flesh. The war maiden didn’t blink as wide purple glowing eyes looked to nowhere. Victor grimaced as her hand seemed to disappear into her leg. Looking to the others, their hands also disappeared into forearms and a thigh. Wrists moved but the Blade couldn’t see what they were doing. It didn’t look painful, but a part of him wanted to know if they were hurting themselves.

  Nerin let out a gasp as her hand pulled back, a femur bone in her hand. Victor’s eyes widened as he saw a small rift in her leg, energy replacing the place where her bone was as the rift began to seal. Ida, Halisa, and Lix also grunted and gasped as they pulled bones from their bodies. Before Victor could even react from the shock, the woman pulled away from him and stood facing each other. Halisa and Lix held up their bones, connecting them into what looked like a handle and a hilt. Ida placed her femur on the hilt while Nerin placed her thigh bone against Ida’s. Energy flared again, fusing the bones. The top part of the bone weapon sharpened on both sides.


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