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Monsters and Angels

Page 25

by Erik Weir

  Victor looked away, thoughts spiraling in his mind. Not sure what to think, it seemed odd for the Xull mainframe to create such an elaborate plot just so they could meet and discuss terms. The amount of history between all the realms was mind boggling, but Victor couldn’t bring himself to completely distrust Xull. She was well within her power to slaughter everyone, but she had her soldiers firing disabling shots. Horrific thoughts swirled as Victor imagined what the losses would have been if they were firing full plasma bursts.

  Xull moved to the door and it opened. “I don’t expect an answer at the moment. I’m sure you must confer with others, but to answer your previous request, the war with the resistance is over. Tonight, is the final confrontation between my forces and those who have rebelled. When we depart, I will notify all those in the resistance of new terms and peaceful resolutions. The general public will understand what has transpired as new enemies gather at the gates. Congratulations, you have assisted in ending the conflict.”

  Xull stepped out into the hanger. Victor followed, the two acolytes trailing behind. Wynn, Dawn, and Diz looked over the crates and equipment to see a sentry with a woman’s face, Victor and two other women emerge from the side room.

  “Victor?” Wynn shouted.

  The Blade let his bone sword slid back into his wrist as he waved his hands overhead. “It’s over.”

  Furry ears and heads poked up from behind cover, staring at the Blade as he walked toward them.

  “Xull is ending the war with the resistance.”

  “You are all free,” Xull smiled.

  Wynn grimaced as she dropped her plasma rifle and pulled her pistol. Stepping from around the barricade, she marched toward Xull and lifted the pistol, aiming for her head. Victor spent a point of Strength, flashed forward in a blur, grabbed her wrist and pointed it upward as she pulled the trigger. A plasma bolt shot up, causing a blast mark on the ceiling.

  “Victor, she’s lying! You can’t be taken in by her deceit. She has killed many of my friends,” Wynn growled as her eyes watered.

  Victor looked into Wynn’s eyes with darkness under his. “She is ending the conflict so we can band together against bigger threats. She wants to be an ally.”

  “I took no joy in the death of your compatriots,” Xull said with a sad expression.

  Wynn glared at the sentry before trying to pull away from Victor’s grip. “Let go of me! I’ll shoot her and every fucking sentry until we are all free!”

  Victor held fast, “You are free.”

  Wynn’s eyes widened before weakness flowed into her legs. The fox woman let out a small howl before falling to her knees. Victor let go and knelt with her. Wynn gave a sad growl before flinging her arms around him as he held her close. The doors behind them opened and Lily rushed in. Buk, Sakura, and many others stirred awake. The sentries holstered their weapons, turned and marched back to the walls, taking their places on racks and sliding in as another row took their place.

  Tears streaked down over fur as Wynn looked to Victor. “This…is the end?”

  “A new beginning,” Victor smiled.

  “You have my word, I will broadcast the end of the conflict. There will be no reason for any further internal strife. You are free to dwell in the sublevels or the cities above,” Xull said before turning her digital gaze to Victor.

  “When the time comes, Victor, may we be on the same side against the darkness.”

  The resistance fighters gathered their own as they slowly moved to the exit. Victor helped Wynn to her feet while glancing back to Xull’s pleasant demeanor. The sentry waved as angelic eyes blinked on a digital face. Lily moved to Victor’s side, helping Wynn walk as robotic bodies returned to work on the giant ship.


  Victor sat on a wide couch, Lisa 998 and Linda 702 on either side of him. Energy swirled as the Blade tried to concentrate through the haze. Vala’s power glowed and the two women, former prisoners of Xull, could not keep their hands and eyes off Vala’s Champion.

  Wynn paced as she spoke. The fox woman was clearly having a conversation with others while the main screen in the hidden base showed Xull’s angelic features as she declared that the internal strife has ended. The face spoke, pardoning the resistance and encouraging an end to the fighting once and for all. Several smaller screens to the side showed street levels, Xull Citizens holding up flags and large media pads, displaying “We are one!”, “End the real violence!” and “Peace to all!”

  Lily stood off to the side, arms crossed as she looked to the screens. Dawn sat in a seat, oval eyes drinking in Xull’s words. The rest of the resistance fighters working under Wynn were scattered across the large room, watching as the end to the long war had finally come.

  “Several cells have already entered the higher levels and they are not being detained or questioned. This is real,” Wynn nearly shouted.

  “We dreamed about you for so long,” Lisa said with warm eyes.

  “We knew you would come,” Linda smiled.

  Victor glanced to each one, not wanting to be rude as he listened to Wynn and Xull on screen. He understood his duty, but he couldn’t resist trying to hear every bit of information as it was happening. Warm hands snaked into his pants as he ignored the two women at his sides and focused on Wynn.

  The fox threw her hands up and turned to Victor. “I’m finished with the call, but this new peace will take some time to get used to. Nearly thirty percent believe this is a trap to lure us out of hiding and end it once and for all. Others have already left their locations and entered the higher levels with citizens welcoming them with open arms.”

  “It’s okay to be cautiously optimistic,” Victor said as fingers curled around his hardening member.

  Wynn looked down to Victor’s bulge, Lisa and Linda smiling as they played with him. “Time will tell. What’s next for you…after Lisa and Linda have their way with you?”

  Victor grinned, “We have to go to another realm for Vala.”

  Lily looked away, pain in her eyes. Dawn noticed it as she glanced to the succubus before looking down. Buk and Diz sat diagonally from Victor, hungry eyes on the Blade and the women at his sides. The large room seemed to grow warmer with lustful intent, but it was Wynn who turned away and sighed.

  “You said Xull mentioned something about gaining allies. How do you feel about that?”

  “It felt genuine. She could have stopped all of us, but she didn’t. She wanted a meeting, but had to lure us into it. There are bigger things going on across the realms and I think Xull is preparing for something that may affect all of us,” Victor said as his pants became undone and Lisa stroked his member.

  Wynn turned back around and leaned against a nearby desk, “I’m not entirely convinced either, but it would be wrong if I dismissed the possibility.”

  “For now, I say celebrate, but keep your eyes open,” Victor smiled before he sucked in a small amount of air, Lisa’s lips wrapping around his member.

  Wynn looked down at Lisa’s bobbing head, “I see the celebrations are already starting.”

  “It seems so,” the Blade smiled before Linda pressed her lips to his in a deep kiss.

  “We want to celebrate,” Buk and Diz shouted in unison.

  Lily smirked, “We will stay for a little while, but we have to move on soon. I’m sure a little celebrating is in order.”

  Wynn nodded. “I’ll break out some stored wine.”

  The mood shifted to a cloud of warm bliss and relief. Buk and Diz stood up and stalked closer, licking their lips at the sight of Victor being attacked. The rest of the room looked on, Vala’s touch warming their hearts. The screens in the background played on, Xull citizens and animal resistance fighters cheering in the dark and gloomy day.


  Deep heaviness caressed Victor’s body as he fell asleep amid a pile of bodies. Buk squeezed his hand before he slipped away and floated in a misty gloom. It wasn’t long before Lily and Dawn materialized beside him, boots touching soft, e
thereal ground. Memories played out in Victor’s mind of the demanding orgy he just experienced before his body gave out. Despite the influence he had over his body, satisfying that many women had become a herculean task; one he knew with enough rest would do again. With two knew divine orbs, he was ready to move on to the next part of Vala’s crusade.

  Lily’s eyes contained a sliver of darkness as she stood. Dawn stepped closer to Victor and smiled.

  “Night Sun is next,” the elf said, her words echoing through the mists.

  “Dawn,” Lily began with a heavy heart, “I want it just to be me and Victor for this one.”

  The elf looked to the succubus, “Wouldn’t it be safer if we all went together?”

  Lily crossed her arms, darkness under her eyes smoothing to sad regret. “I…don’t wish to get into the details, but Victor and I need to do this alone.”

  Dawn took a step back, oval eyes taking on an understanding gaze. “I’ll return to Vala’s mountain. I’m sure Night misses me anyway.”

  Victor stood, unsure what to say.

  Dawn looked to Victor, “Take care of her. I’ll be waiting if you need help. Cassandra will be able to send me to you so don’t hesitate to call on her.”

  The elf stepped to Lily and gave her a big hug, “We will be here for you when you return.”

  Lily nodded as the elf pulled away. With a wave goodbye, Dawn stepped further into the mists and faded from sight. Victor turned to Lily, silent as a tomb.

  The succubus took hold of his hand and they began to walk.

  “I knew this night would come and I don’t want to drag anyone else into it,” Lily said in a small voice.

  “Is it because of your family,” Victor said as he remembered the shared dream he had with the demoness.

  Lily looked down, “I know you have been wondering why I’ve been on edge for a while. Vala has sent me dreams…visions of Night Sun and my family. I know I have unfinished business with them and it seems Vala is directing us to complete it.”

  “We don’t have to go,” Victor said with an understanding edge. “I could go and find acolytes while you return to the mountain.”

  Lily shook her head slightly, “No. Vala has been preparing me for this and I won’t let her and you down. I’m your Shield and partner. We have to do this together.”

  “Lily, we can do this another time. Maybe we should visit Valis and take care of what needs to be done there?”

  “Victor, I know you're trying to help, but the best thing we can do now is get it over with. I can’t run from my past any longer.”

  The mists thinned as they walked. An eerie darkness touched the tendrils of mists and oval shapes of red glowed in the distance. The mists parted and before Victor knew it, he walked into a black forest, trees filled with crimson colored leaves. The bark was black as pitch and patches of dark green grass dotted the landscape.

  Victor looked up, eyes drinking in an eclipse and streaks of comets in the starry sky. The air contained hints of sulfur and odd glows dotted the forest around them. Victor looked to a patch of glowing moss clinging to a tree, colors swirling in different patterns.

  “Welcome to Night Sun,” Lily said with a sarcastic, sad edge.

  Victor looked back up to the sky, streaking comets painting the heavens in different colors. The sun burned like embers in a dying fire, a planet or moon directly in front of it as its dim halo flared around it. It was awe inspiring and unsettling at the same time. A long moment ticked by and the sun and planet moved as one, casting a thick shadow over the realm.

  Lily looked up with glowing red eyes, “The planet is tidal locked with one of our moons. The sun is dim but we only get its real light at dawn and dusk. During the day, it is a permanent eclipse every day.”

  “And the comets,” Victor asked as he couldn’t stop admiring their beauty.

  “Tens of thousands of comets circle our system and almost every night they fly past. They never seem to intersect with our world, trapped in a stream around our solar system.”

  Lily lowered her gaze and peered into the darkness beyond the trees. “Victor, I have to tell you a few things before we continue.”

  Victor looked down to the beautiful demoness. “I’m all ears.”

  The succubus continued, “My family home is not far from here. I remember these woods from my childhood. When we go, understand that society and family are different here than in the other realms. I know I told you how my people preyed on each other, eating the weak until we discovered a food that could sustain us. Blood Fruit stabilized my people into a working society. Farmers are similar to feudal lords and hold a lot of power. All farmers are considered royalty and should be treated as such.”

  Lily hesitated before she continued, “My father…like most of my people…will test you. Vala wants me to return here and I will follow her commands but Victor, please promise me, whatever happens, don’t let any of them push you beyond your limit.”

  “It sounds like they might pick a fight,” Victor tried to smile.

  Lily looked away, “They may…I don’t know. It’s been so long, I hold a spark of hope that my father will be relieved seeing me after all these years.”

  “What about your mother?”

  Lily gave a faint smile, “I don’t doubt she missed me. She was always so kind compared to my father.”

  Victor took Lily’s hands into his, lifted them up and kissed her fingers. “I will follow your lead on this one. I know it must be hard returning home, but I will be here to support you through it.”

  “Thank you,” Lily said before pulling her hands away and began walking.

  Victor followed, remembering the dream they shared. Vala was directing their crusade, but it seemed Lily was fighting it. The succubus was working through her inner turmoil, but seemed to only recently accept what had to be done. The only thing needling away at Victor was why here on her father’s farm? Lily was a Shield of Vala, but why direct them to this location? It didn’t sit well with him to think that such an abusive demon would be connected with Vala’s crusade.

  Victor tried to rein in his thoughts. He didn’t know the whole history, but from what Lily told him, it wasn’t anything positive. They were walking into Lily’s past and Vala’s Blade had to keep himself in check. Respecting Lily’s wishes came first, but scenarios played in his mind’s eye of what he would do if her father said and did anything out of line.

  They are a different people. This might be the one time you don’t follow the knight in shining armor routine.

  “Easier said than done,” Victor mentally said to himself.

  Do you think she will forgive you if you punch him in the face?

  “I hope we don’t find out,” Victor mentally smiled.

  You’re not filling me with a whole lot of confidence.

  “Have I ever,” Victor mentally smiled wider.

  Come to think of it…

  The Blade smirked as Chill trailed off. The black forest parted before the pair as they walked out into a wide field. In the distance, gourds glowed from standing vines. A pulsating light painted the far edge of the field, a wood fence bordering it. To the right, a long, flat ranch house stood complete with a well and a barn between it and the fields. Victor thought it looked like something from a Tim Burton movie and at any moment Jack Skellington or Beetlejuice would appear. Comets slowly crossed the star lit sky as the dim sun moved across the heavens to the east.

  Lily took a deep breath as she walked. Victor was by her side, taking and squeezing her hand. The succubus gave him a warm smirk before pulling away and walking ahead. A door opened to the ranch house and a woman stepped out. Long black hair flowed from a widow’s peak, over her head and past her shoulders. Pale red skin shined in the low light as a pointed tail snaked back and forth. Small black horns rose up from her forehead and a razor smile bloomed as she stepped off the porch and began walking toward them. As she drew closer, Victor noticed the striking similarity between her and Lily. If they had the sa
me colored skin, they would look almost exactly alike. A dress with a red leaf pattern covered her womanly form, cleavage straining against the top, begging to be released.

  The woman approached with outstretched arms, “My Lily has come home.”

  “Mother,” Lily said as she stepped to outstretched arms and hugged her mother.

  Victor stayed about ten feet away as the two women held each other. At the small distance, Victor could see the small wrinkles in the corner of her eyes. Aside from that, she was womanly with curves and smooth skin. The Blade wondered if Lily ate a little more, they would look like identical twins.

  Lily pulled away and turned sideways, “Mother, this is Victor Hobbs.”

  Dark eyes shined in the low light as she held out her hand, “Nyla Brightblood, Lily’s mother.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” Victor said as he stepped closer and took her hand.

  Eyes bulging, the Blade was caught off guard as the demon woman pulled him into her strong embrace, pressing her body to his. Arms tight around his waist, she smiled evilly as she kept him close.

  “Now I understand the love in my daughter’s eyes. You feel delicious,” Nyla said with a sultry edge.

  Victor’s body was stiff against the demon mother, giving her a warm smile.

  Lily smiled. “Mother, you’re being a little too friendly.”

  “Can you blame me? He is a looker,” Nyla said and licked the tip of Victor’s nose.

  Victor’s brow shot up as a hand squeezed his ass.

  “Where’s father,” Lily asked like it took all of her strength to say it.

  “He’s in the barn, getting everything locked down before night fall. The imps have been raiding the stores again and he’s tired of killing them. He is setting traps,” Nyla said before turning her attention to Victor while still holding him, “I hope you like imp? We caught a few and their flesh can be savory.”

  “I’ll try anything once,” Victor grinned.

  Nyla slowly blinked, “Anything?”

  Lily shook her head, “Mother, let go of his ass.”


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