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Monsters and Angels

Page 35

by Erik Weir

  Umus and Victor dived down toward the giant monster. Umus lifted his mace while Victor pulled back a fist. The monster reached out to grab and crush them when their lights shot past and struck it directly on the chest. The Elder Thing stumbled back, but not before the god and Champion slammed into it again. With an odd moan from nonexistent lips filling the sky, the thing fell and crashed into part of the city, the wall and then into the ocean.

  Umus stuck out his chest and cheered. “Thank you, Victor, but it’s not finished. Save my people while I teach this monster several more lessons.”

  Victor nodded and flew off as Umus hefted his mace and flew down with courage in his heart.

  Drop ships filled to capacity and began to float up. Many pulled back to the last remaining ships while firing at shadows. The enemy became disorganized, lashing out at everything, the streets turning into a foaming frenzy of violence. Wynn fired into groups of shadows when a light flashed and she was suddenly on a drop ship. The fox woman looked around as light flashed again and again, her team appearing aboard with confused expressions in their video feeds.

  Angels, succubi, women, and dragons were all aboard the last drop ships, bewildered looks on their faces. Shyryth held Astor’s cold body in her arms, but wet eyes could not hide the shock. Drop ships lifted off and floated up to the Xull warship.

  Across the city, Lily helped Chill to stand up. The shadow’s eyes sagged as he clutched at the Shield.

  “We have to make it to one of the drop ships,” Lily said as she pulled him along.

  The shadow let out a grunt, “Victor…is in trouble…”

  Lily looked to the shadow, “What do you mean?”

  Light flashed and Victor stood before them.

  “Time to get you both on the ship,” the golden Champion smiled. “The portal allowing the comets to come through is closing but slowly. I’ll have to…,” Victor grunted and clutched at his chest.

  Lily reached out but Victor stepped back.

  “I can feel it…the strain…,” Chill said weakly.

  Lily turned to Victor, “Your body is not meant to have so much power.”

  Victor kept his smile, “I just need to save everyone. Hold tight.”

  The Champion scooped up the demoness and shadow and launched into the air. Light streaking across the city, a drop ship’s doors were about to close when Lily and Chill appeared inside. The metal doors locked shut as many others looked to the succubus and shadow in surprise.

  Chill fell to the floor as Lily rushed to a window. She watched as Victor streaked off.

  “Victor,” Lily screamed.

  Victor flew through the air, the wind caressing every glowing nerve. When he flew to the edge of the city, he watched as the Elder Thing slowly began to get up, Umus wailing on it with his mace. The god angel turned his gaze to Victor’s floating form and smiled.

  “It’s okay boy, I’ll keep this monstrosity busy. Take care of our people until I return.”

  “Umus I…,” Victor began before another sharp pain stabbed at his heart.

  The fatherly god nodded his head, halo burning bright. “You’re running out of time. Save our people. Build from the ashes and never let them destroy your spirit!”

  Umus let out a hearty laugh and dove down to the rising Elder Thing, mace glowing with celestial light.

  Victor nodded before turning and looking up. The drop ships docked and the bay doors closed. Cannons continued to fire into the sky as the rain of comets continued. Beyond them, the black portal began to close. Thoughts rushed through Victor’s mind as the Xull ship’s engines burned to life. The ship began to move, blasting at the comets and firing missiles. The ship began to ascend, but now that they were moving away, the comets came roaring down.

  “This is going to hurt,” Victor said as his light grew brighter.

  Vala’s Champion burst forth like a small comet. Streaking into the night sky, he aimed with a fist out toward the nearest comet. Light and sound boomed as the Champion shattered the comet from the sky. Flying through the debris, he smashed into another, followed by another. Pain stabbed again, but Victor ignored it. He had to destroy them all or the realm, even the planet, may never recover. He spiraled upwards, smashing comets to dust. The power, the energy, the knowledge filled his core with such light. He never wanted it to end.

  When Victor reached space, the silence cooled his spirit as the portal closed and three remaining comets fell toward him. Power leaked away as the pain grew to a point, he could not ignore it. Clutching at his chest, senses felt the Xull ship leave the atmosphere.

  “I’m sorry Vala,” Victor said in his mind as he flew toward the remaining comets.

  Fist out, he smashed one to dust, followed by another. The last one loomed over him and he surged toward it, the pain in his chest nearly too much. Victor faltered as the pain stabbed into his mind and radiated throughout his body. The comet smacked into him and he was knocked away so hard, his body went spiraling through space.

  “No…,” he whispered in his dying mind.

  The Xull ship came up from below, Victor’s body tumbling through space. The comet fell from the sky and toward Valis’ greatest city. Umus looked up as he stood on the Elder Spawn’s massive chest, wiping his brow. The brightness of the comet bathed everything in white light.

  “It will all be okay,” Umus smiled as the comet struck the city.

  The bay doors were open as a shield prevented the vacuum of space from sucking the people out. Portia stood, watching as a huge explosion rippled through the atmosphere, her heart heavy. Lily watched as Victor’s tumbling body floated closer to them. Wide red eyes stared as the ship moved closer and in the last moment, Victor passed through the shield and tumbled onto the cold metal bay floor.

  A crowd rushed to the fallen Champion but Lily was already there, turning him onto his back and in her arms. Victor’s eyes stirred as the golden aura faded away. He focused on Lily’s face and a weak smile bloomed.

  “Hey you,” he whispered.

  Lily poured healing energy into him, “Don’t let go!”

  “Too…late…love…you…,” Victor smiled before the light faded from his eyes.

  The succubus shook her head as tears flowed, “No! Victor NO! I won’t let this happen!”

  Buk knelt to Lily’s side and placed an armored hand on her shoulder. Lily’s shoulders trembled before he knocked the arm away.

  “Cassandra! Bring us home,” Lily shouted to the universe.

  Mist appeared around the demoness and Champion. The crowd stepped back as the two were enveloped and faded from view. Portia continued to stare down at the planet, tsunamis radiating outward as the sky filled with black smoke.


  Hard stone touched Lily from underneath. The succubus held Victor close, putting an arm under his legs and lifting him up. The mists parted and Cassandra stood with sorrow in her eyes.

  “We have to bring him back before his soul is gone,” Lily shouted.

  “Take him to the springs. Get in the water,” Cassandra instructed.

  Lily moved with Victor in her arms. In moments, she was by a hot spring and stepping down into it. Healing energy flowed from her arms and hands, but Victor was cold to the touch. Body sliding down into the water, Lily held him close, tears staining her lilac colored skin.

  “You can’t die…I won’t let you die. I love you Victor. Please…wake up,” Lily sobbed.

  Cassandra stepped to the pool’s edge, shadows covering her eyes. “Lily…”

  “He…can’t…,” the succubus cried.

  Lily looked up to the crescent moon. “Vala, I give my life for his! I give it all! Don’t let the man I love…die…”

  Dawn, Night, and Chill moved and stood to the right and left of Cassandra. Lily wailed, Victor’s body slipping under the water. The succubus was about to let go when a fire burned bright. Hands holding Victor’s body, she spent every drop of influence and right before the last point was gone, lightning stabbed from the
clear sky.

  The bolt arced down and struck Lily. Energy boiled and swirled around her as she pumped every drop of life into the dead husk. The energy never stopped, Lily screaming. Victor’s body convulsed and convulsed again. Cassandra, Dawn, Night, and Chill looked down with wide eyes. The spring boiled as Lily’s screams echoed off the mountainside.

  Victor’s eyes shot open and he burst from the water, taking in the deepest breath of his life. Energy dying, Lily fell forward, Victor catching her. A lock of white crawled along her raven black hair from her right temple to the end of her long hair. Victor caressed her face as she slowly blinked. Cassandra, Dawn, and Night cried as Chill gave a wide smile.

  Victor held the demoness close, stroking her cheek, “Hi.”

  Lily snuggled closer in the water, “Hi…yourself.”

  “You didn’t give up on me,” Victor smiled.

  “And I never will,” Lily said with a weak smile.

  The Blade and Shield kissed while Cassandra fell to her knees, Night and Dawn hugged each other and Chill gave a small clap of his black hands.


  Victor lifted a heavy stone and placed it off to the side. Wiping sweat from his brow, he watched the slyths and War Maidens clearing away rubble while Vonn and Yex were painting a statue of Vala. The Blade could see that Vala’s temple was starting to look better. With a little more work, the temple would be fit for worship in a few days.

  Lily sauntered in with a glass of wine in each hand. Victor smiled as she handed one to him and they both drank deeply. Eyes looking up, Helana and Kelora crawled along the damaged wood and stone roof, pulling out the decayed pieces while Vindrel hovered above with new boards. The succubi threw pieces away before signaling the dragon to hover closer with the supplies.

  “Where’s Shyryth,” Victor asked.

  Lily’s eyes darkened. “She is still by Astor’s grave. I think she will need more time.”

  “I think we all will,” Victor swirled his drink.

  Lily reached out and took Victor’s free hand. Leading him outside, the demoness stared up at the black sky.

  Victor took another gulp before he spoke, “Has anyone been able to commune with Vala yet?”

  “We have all tried, but nothing. She hasn’t appeared or whispered in our dreams. I think…bringing you back weakened her. Cassandra said to be patient. She will return when she is strong enough.”

  Victor nodded. “I woke up to having more Divine Orbs.”

  Lily sighed. “While you were recovering, I slipped back to the Valis Realm. I spoke with Portia. The single comet that struck the planet nearly destroyed it. She told me that the other locations faraway took serious damage and few survived. The atmosphere has turned toxic but Xull has offered to help. They will keep the ship in orbit and they are designing equipment to terraform the realm to the way it was.”

  Victor raised an eyebrow, “They can do that?”

  Lily nodded. “In the Xull realm, there are many planets with Xull civilizations. It may still take years, but Valis will return to what it was.”

  “What about its people?”

  “Some are still on the Xull ship while many more are in the Xull Realm, separated from the populace so they can recover in peace. Wynn and the others will be diplomats when they decide to interact with others in the realm,” Lily said and took a drink.

  The crescent moon glowed with ethereal light as the man and succubus stared up at it.

  “Kira and Skye have begun recording Vala’s stories and teachings. Cassandra has been talking their ears off, telling them everything she knows. When the town at the base of the mountain is restored, we will have books to add to the library.”

  Victor reached over and curled his arm around Lily’s waist, glancing at the lock of white hair, “Are you…okay?”

  Lily was silent for a moment before her lips parted. “I feel a little weaker, but I should be fine. No more dying.”

  The Blade nodded. “No more dying for any of us…promise.”

  Lily looked down. “We are closer to raising Vala from the dead. Vala’s enemies will grow as it draws closer.”

  “One problem at a time,” Victor said as something caught his gaze from beyond the moon.

  It was faint at first but soon, they began to dot the sky. Victor tapped Lily’s hip and she looked up. Smiles blooming, the Blade and Shield gazed on twinkling stars in the distance. Shining like diamonds, they covered the black sky in wondrous, dreamy light.

  “Vala is still out there,” Victor smiled.

  Lily turned and nestled her body against his, hand on his chest. Victor held her close as they basked in the moon and star light.

  “Victor…,” Lily began.

  “Yes,” the young man smiled.

  “Before we rush off to the crusade, can you tell me more about Captain Picard? He sounds like a hero worth knowing.”

  Victor’s grin widened. “I’d be happy to. Captain Picard is the Captain of the USS Enterprise and some would say, the greatest captain there ever was…”

  Lily leaned her head on Victor’s shoulder as his words carried on the wind. A celestial goddess peered down with warmth as stars shined in the vast distance, the crescent moon growing brighter to the symphony of hearts and light.


  Victor Hobbs

  Acolytes Unlocked- 53/77

  Divine Orbs- 11

  Powers to Unlock-0

  Spheres of Influence

  Str (Gaia)- 15

  Con (Nano)- 11

  Int (Abyss)- 3

  Will (Holy)- 6

  Wis (Mind)- 10

  Cha (Shadow)- 3


  Iron Sword

  Elemental Sword

  Gun Blade

  Bone Sword

  Cursed Blade

  Sphere Abilities/Powers


  Speak/Read/Write Languages


  Unseen Hand

  Enchant Weapon


  Increased Strength/Speed

  Animal Tongues


  Animal Shapeshift

  War Form

  Summon Monster


  Heightened Senses Upgrade

  Body Enhancement/Repair

  Interface Upgrade

  Weapon Upgrade

  Armor Upgrade

  Power Suit Upgrade



  Light Aura Shield

  Soothing Touch


  Energy Craft


  Impulse Control Touch

  Thank you for reading!

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  Below are amazing authors who inspired me!

  Daniel Schinhofen

  Dawn Chapman

  Scottie Futch

  Blaise Corvin

  Harmon Cooper

  James Hunter

  Randi Darren

  Eden Redd

  Stuart Grosse

  Prax Venter

  Angel Ramon

  Michael Chatfield


  Jamie Hawke

  Hondo Jinx

  Zachariah Dracoulis

  Dave Willmarth

  Apollos Throne

  Charles Dean

  If I forgot anyone, let me know and I’ll include you in the next book!

  Special Thanks to those who supported me!

  Adam Friedman, Eric Newman and V93!

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  Erik Weir, Monsters and Angels




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