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Surviving, One Day at a Time (Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book 2)

Page 6

by Vera Quinn

  “Rebel was doing what he was supposed to this morning. He called me at six this morning. Remember, he was supposed to talk to Jilly first thing. I don’t have any other answers. I talked to the dispatcher.” Kaden’s phone rings and he walks out of the door without another word. Brody follows him. I need to know what is going on.

  Chapter 7


  This has turned from a bad situation into a total nightmare. I saw the ambulance lights when I turned onto the street where I grew up. I pulled up as close to Brody’s house as could with the cop cars and the ambulance in front of it. I knew something bad had happened. I felt it in my gut.

  I see Ma, Gladys, and Charlie huddled together in front of Jilly’s house. I jump off my bike and push my way through the people just in time to see them wheel Gracie to the back of the ambulance. Someone grabs my arm trying to hold me back but I am a man determined to get to my woman. That’s right, my woman. I see Gracie has blood running down the side of her head but I don’t see Shelby anywhere. I finally make it to Gracie’s side. She’s looking at me with tears running down her face. She grabs my hand and pulls me closer. I lean down to her. “They took my Shelby. Please, Rebel, find her. She helpless. Please, promise me you will find her.” Gracie is breaking my heart.

  “I am following you to the hospital to make sure you and the baby are alright then I will stop at nothing to bring Shelby home. I give you my word, Gracie.” I bend down and kiss the top of her head.

  “We’ve got to go.” The paramedic says while securing Gracie in.

  “I’m right behind you, babe.” I tell Gracie. I take my phone out and text Kaden. Spinner steps up to me and whispers to me.

  “They stopped in Sulphur Springs. We have eyes on them now.” Spinner’s words give me hope. Even though I know I would never stop until I brought Shelby home this brings me hope.

  “Do not let them slip away. I want you, Cue Ball, and Sin on the road now. I am texting Dawg Man to meet me at the hospital with a cage. As soon as I make sure Gracie is going to be alright I will be right behind you. I’ll have Lingo and Hawk watch Gracie.”

  Spinner turns and he is gone without a word. I know he hears the pure anger in my voice. I send out a text to Lingo and then I send Cap, in Tyler, a text for backup. I don’t want to be caught with not enough men in place again. The Giles woman is a wild card. We don’t know enough about her to know if she is really this ruthless or just this ignorant. Cap will have his boys in place just in case. I watch the ambulance leave and I am on my bike before they get to the end of the street. Brody will pay for this. He should have never left Gracie. I don’t know what he is thinking but he is going to see the error of his ways and I will never trust him with Gracie and Shelby’s safety again.

  The hospital isn’t fifteen minutes from Brody’s house but it seems like it takes forever. I don’t follow the ambulance to the emergency room entrance. I park my bike and run up to where they are unloading Gracie. I see Kaden is waiting inside. The paramedic tries to make me stand back.

  “Rebel, let them get Gracie in the hospital so a doctor can look at her.” I look at Kaden and then back to Gracie.

  “It’s okay, Rebel. Please, find Shelby. I’ll be fine. You’re wasting time. They’ll get further away with Shelby.” Gracie is falling apart with worry. I need her to calm down.

  “My brothers are on it. I am going to make sure you are doing alright, then I will go.” I try to reassure Gracie.

  “Rebel will be out here with me, Gracie. Just let them take care of you.” Gracie seems to calm down some. They wheel her into a cubicle and I go to the waiting room with Kaden. I follow without saying a word. My mind keeps going over everything that has happened. “Brody is going to be here in a few minutes. Keep calm when he gets here. I don’t want to arrest anyone. We need everyone keeping their minds on getting Shelby back and finding who ran Jilly down. I think you are right. This has to do with the Giles woman.”

  “You’re a little behind, Kaden. The Giles woman is working with Jade. I have some nomads with their eyes on a house in Dallas. They have it locked down with armed guards. They have Shelby in Sulphur Springs at a motel.” I am filtering what I tell Kaden but giving him most of what I know.

  “Why didn’t you start with that? We are wasting time. I will call the Sulphur Springs PD and get them over there.” Kaden looks at me closely.

  “No. I am handling this my way. The Demented Revengers MC will take care of it our way. I’m not following your damn rules. You need to stay out of it so you don’t get your hands dirty.” I tell Kaden with the rage I feel.

  “What exactly does that mean?” Kaden questions me but he already knows the answer.

  “It means that I don’t care what it takes, we will bring Shelby back and we will get the persons responsible for Jilly being run down.” I pause so Kaden can look me in the eyes when I say the next part. I want there to be no misunderstanding that I mean every word I am going to say. “They are going to ground and I am sending them there. Gracie is mine.” Kaden starts to say something and I hold my hand up so he will listen. “I know Gracie is not the kind of woman to cheat on her husband, and I respect that, but when this is all over I will do everything I can to make Gracie understand she belongs with me.”

  “Brody is not going to walk away from Gracie. He’s made a commitment and he will stand by it. He always does.” Before today I would have thought the same thing. Not that it would have mattered to me. Hell, I would take Gracie still married to Brody. She’s pregnant with my child. My morals went out the window a hell of a long time ago. I just know that Gracie is not that way.

  “Then why did Brody leave Gracie, unprotected? Why is he still with Jilly instead of here with his wife? Does any of that make sense to you if he is so in love with Gracie? Shouldn’t he be the one that should be here planning to get Shelby back? So, tell me Kaden, where is mister perfect man right now?” Brody needs to stay away right now because I would love to get rid of some of my anger on his face.

  “Rebel, I know Brody isn’t thinking straight right now. I texted him when the ambulance pulled in. He should be here soon and then he can answer our questions.” Kaden’s loyalty to his cousin is cracking. Just when I am about to say more a nurse sticks her head in the door.

  “You both can come back now. The doctor is finished and he wants to speak with whoever is here to drive Mrs. Samms home.” The nurse is eyeing Kaden. We get up and follow the nurse through the door and back to where Gracie is. “Mrs. Samms, these are the two men you are talking about, right?”

  “Yes, this is them. Thank you.” I go over next to Gracie’s bed and take her hand. Kaden stands by the door.

  “Thank you, Joan.” So, Kaden knows the nurse. She smiles at him and leaves us alone.

  “Are you okay, Gracie? What did the doctor say?” I see the tear streaks on Gracie’s cheeks and I know she is going crazy over Shelby and I am too, but I hope our child is okay.

  “The doctor is going to do an ultra sound as soon as machine is brought in.” I squeeze Gracie’s hand and she must see how anxious I am. “It’s a precaution. I haven’t had any cramping or bleeding. The doctor said I may have a slight concussion but he hasn’t found anything else wrong. They are going to watch for any signs of a concussion. They don’t want to do a scan, unless it is absolutely necessary. My blood pressure is slightly elevated also. Have you located Shelby?” Gracie is looking at Kaden and me.

  “Gracie, I know you are worried and so are we but one thing at a time.” Kaden tries to calm her down.

  “We know where she is and as soon as I am sure you are okay it will be taken care of. Now, calm your shit and let the doctors do what they need to so we can do what we need to.” I give it to Gracie straight. “We cannot talk about it in here. There are ears everywhere, listening.” Gracie nods her head yes, accepting my words.

  “I’m going to step out and update everyone. I’ll be in the waiting area if you need me.” I know he is going to text Brody. I w
ant to tell him to not do it but I know Kaden is in a tough situation. I nod my head at him but Gracie doesn’t stay silent.

  “Kaden, tell Brody I do not want him with me. He needs to stay with Jilly.” Gracie’s eyes have fresh tears in them but they don’t fall. Kaden doesn’t say anything he just walks out the door. I need to ask for my own sanity.

  “Are you sure about that, Gracie? Brody should be with you. I am going to make sure you and the baby are alright and then I am going to be on the road to get Shelby.” Gracie gets a stubborn look on her face but I see the pain in her eyes.

  “Brody has something he needs to work out with Jilly. He’s pushing me away. He wants me to stay away from Jilly for her safety. I understand this. I would never put anyone in danger because of me.” Gracie hesitates for a minute and takes a deep breath. “I know Brody and I rushed into marriage. We got caught up in a whirlwind. From what I have learned about Brody, he is always rescuing people. He rescued me and he was the answer to my problems but now someone else needs him.” Gracie wipes a tear away that slides down her cheek. “He is on to his next rescue. I should have listened to you but I was swept off my feet by prince charming. I thought he knew what he was getting into. Marriage is supposed to be forever.” Gracie’s tears are falling now freely without her trying to stop them. “My mom and dad loved each other every day. I wanted that. I should have known there is no happily ever after for people like me. I can only survive. Love my children and do what I can until I die.” Gracie has given up. I want Gracie, but not broken. I know I told her I was leaving after I find out she is okay but I will be back. This woman deserves better than me, but she is getting me.

  “Gracie, do not do this to yourself. I already told you woman, you are mine. I know exactly what I am getting into and I am jumping in head first. To hell with Brody and his damn hero complex. You need to let this settle and then have a conversation with Brody. He was an ass to you last night and again this morning when he left you alone. I won’t let that happen again.” Gracie nods her head at me but her eyes are on her hands. “All this will work out.”

  “Rebel, I know what you said but why would you want to be someone’s second choice?” Just the words make my blood boil. “I am not saying that to hurt you. I know I have screwed everything up. I refuse to be second choice or be the one holding Brody back. I just want Shelby back and this little one to be healthy.” She’s rubbing her hand over her stomach. “I want to be the best mom I can be and not worry about anything else.”

  “It’s a good thing you have me to take care of everything else.” I bring Gracie’s hand to my mouth and kiss it. I hear the door open.

  “Okay, Mrs. Samms, we have a machine here now, so let’s take a little look at that baby of yours.” The doctor says coming in after the technician pushing some big machine through the door. I’m ready to make sure that heart is still beating, that is all that matters.

  Chapter 8


  I know Jilly is not going to like this conversation but she’ll just have to get on board with it. We could have lost her yesterday. She has health problems and she has been keeping secrets from all of us. Jilly is always there for everyone but no one puts her first. It is time everyone stops taking this woman for granted before it is too late. I cannot lose Jilly. She’s my best friend and she is family. Rebel can take care of Gracie for a little while so I can put all my attention on Jilly. The fact she has not shared her health problems with anyone shows she needs me. I have been in a haze since yesterday when I saw Jilly helpless and hurt. Everything in me says to protect her. I am lost in thought. I have never been this unfocused and at a total loss.

  “Did you hear me, Brody?” Jilly must have asked me questions. Questions I don’t want to answer. I don’t know if I can answer them. I can’t answer something I don’t understand myself. “What the hell is going on? I want an answer now or I am getting out of this bed and finding out the answers myself.”

  “I don’t know everything going on. I got up and came to the hospital to spend the day with you. Gracie and Shelby were sleeping when I left. Rebel has some of his club guys watching our house so I thought they would be alright. I would never have left them if I didn’t think everything was alright.” All this is the truth.

  “Reading between the lines here, I’m thinking everyone thinks the person that ran me over was after Gracie.” Jilly had a confused look on her face. “So, why would you leave your wife and Shelby alone just to visit me? You could have brought them with you. Rebel thinks Gracie was the intended person and I was a mistake.”

  “No, I couldn’t. If the person was after Gracie someone could still be after her. I don’t want her anywhere near you. You have enough on your plate with your health issues.” I am frustrated that no one understands this.

  “Brody, I’m not an invalid. I am in no immediate danger from my heart. I am taking care of myself. Yes, it sucks, but I am not kicking the bucket today or even tomorrow. I’m watching my diet and taking my meds. I could out live you if you don’t let some of that stress go.” I don’t like Jilly joking about her health.

  “STOP IT!” I snap. “Stop joking and take this seriously.” Jilly’s eyes show how shocked she is I raised my voice at her.

  “You need to take a breath and just breathe. I am going to be fine. You, I am not so sure about.” I walk across the room and sit in the chair beside her bed.

  “I am going to be by your side to make sure you take care of yourself and that you are safe.” There, I said it. Jilly crinkles her nose up. It’s a nervous habit she has when she is irritated.

  “You can’t do that. You are married to Gracie and I am sure she will not like that, no matter how close we are. Why aren’t you helping find Shelby? Gracie must be scared out of her mind. Can’t your connections help?” Jilly isn’t getting the whole picture.

  “I have texted Tyler and Shane. They are on it. Rebel’s club is on it and the Sheriff’s department is on it. Who knows who else has been called in? So, they don’t need me.” I am worried but I know where I need to be. “I am being updated by text and if there is anything that I can do to help I will, but right now, my priority is you. Mom and dad should be here soon. What do you want for lunch?” I know our conversation isn’t over but I need to clear my head a little. Jilly has a stubborn look on her face so I know I am not going to get that break.

  “Brody, just spit it out. Whatever it is that is going on. I don’t have the patience to play twenty questions. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room.” Jilly looks at my face closely like she can see what is going on in my mind. “What is going on with you, Gracie, and Rebel?” She pauses and I don’t say anything so she goes on. “You are here with me instead of with your wife or helping find Shelby. Rebel is saying Gracie is his and he loves her. What the hell happened while I was out yesterday?” My time is up. It’s time to come clean.

  “I think I made a mistake marrying Gracie so fast.” I wait for her response but she says nothing. “At the time, I just wanted to get her back home. I thought I loved her, but now I am not sure.” I am still waiting for her to say something. “I think I made a mistake. I think I love someone else.” That got me an eyebrow raised.

  “You are going to break her heart. Gracie loves you. I have never seen her laugh the way she does with you. She smiles all the time. In all the time I have known her, she has always been so quiet. You have gotten her out of her shell. Brody, are you sure? Don’t do this until you are sure. You seem happy. Who is the other woman? Please, don’t say Selena.” Jilly is waiting for my answer.

  “You.” I say it fast to get it out. I wait for her reaction but I get nothing but an unbelieving look.

  “What the hell did you just say?” Jilly asks barely loud enough for me to hear.

  “You heard me. I am in love with you and I know it is an impossible situation and it can never happen.” On that I am positive.

  “Why now? I fell in love with you when we were teenagers and you couldn’t do i
t then, so why now?” Jilly has misunderstood me.

  “Jilly, I have loved you just as long, but we are family, even if it isn’t by blood. I still cannot do this but I also cannot be married to Gracie and in love with you. It is wrong and no matter how much I do not want to hurt Gracie I need to end our marriage. It’s not fair of me to keep her if she can’t have all of me.” Finally, it is all out.

  “It’s not fair to stay married to Gracie and love me but it is fair to tell me that you love me but I can’t have you either. Do you know how wrong this all is? You are going to hurt all of us. This is such a screwed-up situation.” Jilly is angry but I can see the pain in her eyes. “Rebel loves and wants Gracie. Gracie is in love with you but pregnant by Rebel. I have loved you and Rebel both since we were all teenagers and I can’t have either of you. We would make a perfect country song. Heartbreak going on all the way around.” Jilly shakes her head.

  “I know and I am sorry. I won’t hurt mom and dad. I owe them everything. I am trying to find a way to tell Gracie but I have broken almost every promise I have ever made her. I guess I am hoping if I push Rebel and Gracie together he’ll convince her to leave me.” I think about how fucked up that thought is. “Maybe if he is the one that finds Shelby for her.”

  “Quit being a damn coward, Brody. The Brody Samms I know is not a damn coward. Suck it up and tell Gracie. You want her to be the one to call it quits and feel guilty. Man the hell up and find your damn balls.” Jilly is yelling at me by the time she is finished.

  “Calm down, Jilly. I am just being honest with my best friend here. I can tell you anything and I need some advice on how to do this.” Jilly just stares at me for a few minutes.

  “Okay, best friend. My advice is telling Gracie the truth and after that stay the hell away from her and me. I cannot do this anymore. You tell me you are in love with me and then you say you can’t be with me. You are screwed in the brain. GET THE HELL OUT!” Jilly wants me gone and I can’t say I blame her.


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