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Surviving, One Day at a Time (Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book 2)

Page 20

by Vera Quinn

  “I never had any competition anyway. We can get that tree after we eat. I spotted the perfect one a few days ago when I was out back chopping wood for Lil. There’s two, so we can get one for the club, too.” Con is better now. He’s not real close to any of the other brothers. Him and Zig Zag are about the same age, but Con has never trusted easily. He’s a good brother, but more like a lone wolf. Besides me and Cap, he’s close to no one.

  “I warmed some soup, it’s on the stove and some sandwiches, they’re on the table. I am taking a tray up to Katie. Eat and then get busy on the trees, please. Maybe we can decorate everything tomorrow if they are trimmed and put up. Monday if Katie is up to it, I will take her shopping.” Lil reaches up on her toes and gives Cap a kiss and then she is gone.

  “Shine, are you sure about Katie? You know all women get that bossy thing going on after you’re together a while.” Cap is saying, but he has a smile on his face and he never takes his eyes off of Lil until she is out of sight.

  “Yes, I’m sure, and you know you would not change a damn thing even if you could. You love every damn minute of it.” I know I am right.

  “You’re damn straight with that.” Cap is a damn lucky man. “Let’s eat and then I want the two of you over to the clubhouse to check and make sure it is still running smooth. Shine, take care of your situation with the club girls. The sooner the better. Con, get the prospects to clean out a place for the tree and anyone not busy I want on the apartment. That way Monday we can get back to club business.” We make our way to the table to eat. Lil is coming back down the stairs empty handed.

  “She’s asleep and I didn’t have the heart to wake her up, so I left the tray. I’m going to eat with you boys and then I am going to dig Christmas decorations out. I might even start on Christmas candy and cookies.” Lil always cooks when she is happy.

  Chapter 9


  I had the most peaceful sleep I have had in too long. I open my eyes and I take in my new surroundings. I see a tray sitting on the night stand and my stomach growls and lets me know I need to feed it. I sit on the side of the bed and let my eyes focus properly.

  I pick the sandwich up and take a bite and it is delicious. It doesn’t take me long to finish it and the bowl of soup, which was cold, but I have tasted worse than cold soup. I get up and go to look out the window. Lil was right, it is a beautiful view of the backyard.

  I see it is dusk outside. I have slept the entire day away. I never sleep this long. Even at night I usually wake up many times. I have to say this bed is way more comfortable than the daybed I am used to. I need to get down stairs and make sure there isn’t anything for me to help with. I stand to go, but I hear a soft knock at the door and I go and open it. Con is standing there. I have to say it is a surprise to me. He hasn’t said much to me since the morning I woke up in the hospital. I step back and open the door wider so he can get in and then he shuts the door and faces me.

  “Look, I understand this is all new to you and you’re not sure about us. I get that. It hasn’t been that long ago I was in your shoes. Not knowing who you should trust or if you should run. If you’ll just give us a chance, you’ll have a family who will always be there for you. Shine wants you as his. You probably don’t understand that right now, but you will. Just understand that when he says forever, he means it. Don’t hurt him. If you can’t give him your all, then tell him that up front. Don’t string him along. He looks like a big ass, but you could easily hurt him. Try not to. He’s my best friend.” He doesn’t wait for a response. He turns and leaves me alone.

  Shine was serious about me being his. I don’t know how I feel about that. I would never purposely hurt anyone, ever. I’ve never been in a relationship, but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea. I want to get to know him better. He is very sexy, and well, I’m just me. I don’t know how he could want me, but it is like I am drawn to him. I can do this.

  I have wanted a big family and now I have my chance. I want to belong. I have made my mind up. As far as Shine is concerned, I will let nature take its course. If it is meant to be it will happen. One of Grammy’s rules in life, if it is meant to be it will happen. No time like the present.

  I pick the tray up and make my way downstairs. The house is quiet. I decide to go down the back way, figuring that has to go to the kitchen and I am right. I clean off the tray and rinse the dishes out and put them in the dishwasher. I clean the sink out of dishes, too. Then I start the dishwasher. I put the tray on the end of the cabinet out of the way. I see a door to the right and open it and that is the wash room, so I close it back. I go to the next door and it swings in to see a dining room. Very nice.

  I go back and find the door into the hall which leads me to the family room. There I see Lil going through boxes of decorations and the hugest Christmas tree I have ever seen is in the corner. How did they get that monster into this room? I haven’t had a Christmas tree since I was eight years old and Grammy explained there was no Santa Claus and we could afford no Christmas presents, but we could celebrate the true meaning of Christmas our way. So that year and every year after we spent helping to feed homeless people and attending a church service. We received our meal for helping, so that helped Grammy out. It brought her happiness, and me, too. When Lil sees me gawking at the tree she smiles.

  “They out did themselves this year. Con found this one and another one even bigger out in the woods behind the house. Do you like it?” She is such a kind lady.

  “It is beautiful.” She’s got boxes on top of boxes to go through.

  “Did you have a fake tree or real growing up? We can get one of those too, if you like them better. This house is big enough for two trees.” Lil is waiting for my answer but I don’t want to sound pathetic.

  “The only trees I remember were real.” I try not to give too much away.

  “You don’t have a tree every year? Oh, you’re not against Christmas are you? I mean the whole tree and present thing? I don’t ever think of things like that. Some religions don’t do things the way we do.” Lil is trying to be sensitive.

  “No, it’s not that. I haven’t had a tree since I was eight. We couldn’t afford the whole gifts and things so we helped others out like us. I think it is a good way to celebrate. Plus, we went to a service. We had everything we needed.” I want her to know I was ok with it and now I like to carry on the tradition. “Now I like it that way.”

  “I’m sure we can find a way for you to keep doing that around here. We have a huge dinner at the clubhouse, but we will find you a service and I know there is a place we can all help at together.” I see that she understands and that makes me feel better. “Tomorrow we are going to trim this monstrosity and then go to the clubhouse and trim that one so I hope you are up to it by then.”

  “I will try to help, but I know nothing about it.” Lil is so warm and easy to be around.

  “Nothing to it, sweetie. The guys will put on the lights and garland, and then we put on the bulbs and other decorations. We also have the house, yard, and clubhouse to decorate.” That’s a lot of decorating. “Then we have candy and cookies to make and gifts to buy and wrap. Three days before Christmas I’ll start on the club dinner. We have a meal with the club on Christmas eve, and then Christmas day I fix something totally different and smaller for home and anyone who doesn’t go to their family for the day.” It sounds wonderful. I’m nervous about the club, though.

  “I’m a little nervous about going to the club. I know nothing about motorcycle clubs.” I know I can be honest with Lil.

  “All the brothers are more or less like any other man. They may be a little gruffer around the edges, but they have hearts of gold. Just don’t tell them that. They like to keep it well hidden. You’ll meet all of them tomorrow when we decorate the club if you feel up to it. I have to warn you the club girls are not going to be happy that Shine has taken a liking to you. Be warned. They are alley cats and will do whatever they can to stop it. I have had to fight m
any a club girl over my man. I’ll be there with you, but do not let them intimidate you, because if you do, they will walk all over you.” I don’t even know these women.

  “Why? I don’t even know them. Shine wants me, he says. I am really drawn to him, but we haven’t even talked. Do you think he means it? I feel something towards him, but I am not sure what. I’ve never even dated before. I was too busy working.” I have decided to see where this can go. I don’t want anyone interfering with it.

  “All the sluts in the clubhouse want is for someone to claim them. Their number one goal is to be an old lady. No matter if the man is married or not. The higher up in the rankings they are, the better. Cap is President and that means every bitch wants him. After him is Shine and Con because they know one of them will be the next President. They are like our sons and are being groomed for the position. One will be President and the other VP. So the bitches flock to them, as if they need that. They have no problems getting female company. Anyway, I was just warning you. I’ll be with you and there will be no worries.” Now I am worried. Why am I so worried? It’s like I have a knot in my stomach and I feel anxious.

  “Where is Shine? I’d like to talk to him.” Lil looks at me.

  “He’ll be back in a little while. He went to have a little conversation with the girls so there will be no complications. You have feelings towards Shine, don’t you? It’s written all over your face. That is wonderful. I thought it was all one sided, but you and Shine are going to be the cutest couple. Not that Shine will want to hear that.” Lil is genuinely happy for us. He’ll be here when he gets here.

  “Can I do anything to help?” She looks buried in Christmas decorations.

  “Come on over and help me separate these decorations. Plastic goes to clubhouse and glass stays here. They’re too rough at the clubhouse for glass.” I go over and sit on the floor next to her and we sort through more boxes than I own, and this is just Christmas decorations. It’s going to take a little getting used to.

  Chapter 10


  As soon as I walk in the clubhouse, DaVine is on me. A few more steps and Dizzy has joined her. Con is not helping, following behind us and making whipping sounds. I finally get to the bar and shake the women off. I climb on top of the bar. I want everyone to hear this. I whistle loudly to get everyone’s attention.

  “I want everyone to hear this and understand it. I am claiming Katie Walton. She is staying with Lil and Cap and she will be around soon. She is mine. I am hers. That means I am no longer interested or need any other female. If any of you bitches harass or confront her, I will be sure it is the last time. She will be wearing my patch as soon as she adapts. Anyone have a problem with it, talk to me.” I hop off the bar and wait for the flood of questions, but I didn’t expect DaVine’s reaction.

  “What do you mean your claiming someone? I’ve been sucking your cock for two years. If anyone is getting your patch, it is me. I will not be disrespected like that, so you better think again.” DaVine has moved over close to me and is trying to rub on me. “Could you really give me up just like that?” She is being whiney and she is biting on her bottom lip like it is sexy. It looks ridiculous.

  “Yes, and I already have. Never made you one promise. Told you exactly what we were. Now get over it or leave.” It’s that cut and dry for me.

  “She can be your wife, but I will be your old lady. I can stay here in the club. I don’t mind sharing, but I won’t give you up.” This bitch is crazy.

  “You never had me DaVine. We were what we were. You have fucked every one of my brothers and I don’t want you. I want her and I will have her. Stay the hell away or I will put you out. Now get away from me and do not try to touch me again, or there will be consequences. End of story.” I move to the other end of the bar by Zig Zag and Con. She sulks over to a table with Dizzy and Bubbles. Maybe she’ll get it the first time.

  “That was kind of harsh brother.” Con is riding me again.

  “Con, I don’t believe in threatening women, but I want Katie. I won’t let anyone stop that from happening. DaVine was not going to take no for an answer. I had to make her believe I would be harsh with her. I just don’t want it to come to a big confrontation and scare Katie away.” He shakes his head.

  “You have it bad, brother. I hope it works for you.” Con is being serious, which he hardly ever is.

  “I hope she is what you expect. Her background would make you think she is an innocent. You may have to take it slow.” Zig Zag is right and I can do that. I have all the time in the world to be patient. I watch Cap and Shark come out of Cap’s office and make their way over to us.

  “Did you square it away, Shine? Katie will meet everyone tomorrow so everything needs to be handled.” Cap wants to be sure everything will be good when Lil and Katie get to the club tomorrow.

  “You missed it, Cap. Shine got up on top of the bar and declared his every lasting love. It was heartwarming.” Con is being a smartass again.

  “I don’t care if he got up there and sang it as long as it is taken care of.” Cap sounds like he is ready to get out of here.

  “It’s done. I’m ready to get back to Katie.” I want to be there before she turns in for the night. I’d like to talk to her.

  “Let’s get out of here then. It’s been a long few days and Lil has Christmas on her mind and that means she is going to keep us busy.” Cap slaps Con on the back and the two of us head out to be with our women.

  Chapter 11


  I decide to turn in early, but I am just laying here thinking about what Lil said. I am determined to at least try to make this my home. I’ll feel better when I am in my apartment and working, but Lil makes me wants this. Shine makes me want it more. This may be the best Christmas in a long time. I am just trying to nod off when I hear a light tap at my door.

  “Come in.” I hope I am loud enough for whoever it is to hear me.

  “Hey, babe. I thought we might talk if you’re up to it.” Shine opens the door and walks in and comes to the end of the bed.

  “I would like that, Shine.” I sit up on the bed, but keep the covers gathered around me.

  “Do you mind if I get up there beside you? I swear it is just to talk. You can trust me, Katie.” I’m nervous but as I look in Shine’s face I know he is telling me the truth.

  “Sure, if you want.” I don’t know what else to say. He takes off his boots and climbs up beside me, but he stays on top of the covers so we have blankets between us.

  “Thanks, babe. How was your evening with Lil? You two are in bed early.” It’s not early for me. I look at the clock beside the bed and it is almost ten.

  “This is my normal bedtime, but I am used to getting up around five a.m. I work a little before school. I did sleep most of the day. I guess maybe the wreck took a lot out of me.” I never sleep so much.

  “You must need it, babe. Take all the time to get well you need. We have you now. You’re not alone anymore.” I hope that is true.

  “Do you mean that, Shine?” I think about my question. “What is your real name and why does everyone have nicknames?”

  “My name is Gage Lawson. Only you can call me that. When you get your cut and become a brother you get a road name. Cap gave Con and me ours. It’s what we are known as from then on and what matters. You can call me Gage. I would like that.” I like that name Gage. I’ve never known a Gage.

  “How did you get the name Shine?” He is smiling. He is so sexy when he smiles.

  “My favorite drink. Cap said I was always full of Shine. It stuck.” He looks like he is thinking. “Con’s real name is Billy Lee. Well, actually William Lee, but was always called Billy. His story is a true for sure. You see, he is what Cap calls a lady’s man. Cap said he could con any woman out of her panties in less than an hour. Con stuck. Do not repeat that and don’t call him Billy. He said he rightfully earned the name Con.” Shine is almost laughing. Con is hot, but he can’t compete with Shine.

sp; “Lil said you were warning the club girls to stay away from me. They are not going to like me much. It’s okay. I may be shy, but I can take care of myself. I have been doing it a long time.” I don’t want Shine, well, Gage, to think I can’t stand on my own.

  “I did, but that doesn’t mean they will listen. DaVine is the main one. I promise you, I never made promises to her or any woman. I’ve never had feelings for any woman. I am drawn to you and I am claiming you in front of the club. I did that tonight. I know you have to get used to the idea, but you are mine. I will also be sleeping next to you every night. We’ll take it further when you are ready, but I will be here from now on. I also will be kissing you before we go to sleep tonight. Just a kiss. Can you deal with that? Because I can say you don’t have much of a choice. I’m not going anywhere except next to you.” I know I should be offended by the way Gage is talking to me but I’m not. In fact, I am looking forward to that kiss. I want it. I’ve never been kissed by a man before.

  “Are you sure Gage? What if I’m not what you want? I have no experience with men. I’ve never been on a date or even been kissed. I may not be able to give you what you want.” Gage looks surprised and maybe a little shocked.

  “You are twenty years old, right?” I don’t know what my age has to do with it.

  “Yes, but I never had time for fun. I’ve worked since I can remember and there was no time.” Gage has a look on his face I can’t make out.

  “I don’t date, but we can do things together. Just be together. Katie, will you be mine? It’s not like you have a choice, but I want you to want it. I want you to want it as much as I do. I don’t have a family except Lil and my brothers, but I want to have one with you.” Gage is speaking from his heart and I want exactly what he is offering.

  “Yes, Gage. I want that as much as you do. I can’t promise you won’t have to help me along the way, but I want it so bad. I’ve been alone for so long and I want what your offering. I want what Lil is offering. I want this big crazy family.”


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