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Starting Over Trilogy Boxset

Page 23

by Kennedy, Brenda

  “What do you want to eat this morning? Bacon and eggs?”

  “Oh, that sounds so good.”

  “Bacon and eggs it is then.”

  He walks into the kitchen to start the coffee pot.

  He comes back into the bedroom and looks at me. “You need to pee?”


  “Come on Beauty, I can help you.”

  Mason helps me out of the wheelchair, and I stand near the toilet. I stand there, holding onto the wall and the sink for support. I am not allowed to have any pressure on my leg. Mason helps me to stand while I pull my panties down. He lowers me onto the toilet and leaves me to my privacy.

  “Yell, when you are done. I’ll be making the bed.”

  When I am done, he comes in and we brush our teeth.

  “Remind me to install a mirror on the wall behind the toilet tomorrow.”

  I cover my face with my left hand and shake my head. “Oh God, don’t say that. This is already bad enough, I don’t need your jokes to add to it.”

  When he removes my hand from my face, I can feel that my face is beet red.

  “You are all fifty shades of red right now.”

  “Oh, Mason has jokes, I see.”

  “Come on, Beauty, I’m only kidding. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

  We both start laughing and I hold my ribs. I know they are still tender, although I often forget.

  “You really are quite funny when you want to be.”

  “I know. I have a tough guy image to uphold, so I try not to show it too often. Come on, Beauty, let’s go cook.”

  He wheels the wheelchair I am in near the bar, but away from the stove. I am stuck in this chair, but I still feel like I am included with the meal preparation. Mason fills a mug of coffee with cream and sugar for me, just the way I like it and hands it to me.

  After breakfast, Mason cleans up the kitchen. He tells me the nurse will be here around noon to help with my bath and to check on me.

  “I’ll need to have Sara pick up some clothes and things from the cottage for me.”

  “I forgot to tell you that they brought some things over this weekend. All your things are in the spare room; your phone may be in there. Is there something you need before I shower?”

  “No, I am fine. Thank you so much, Mason.”

  He refills my coffee mug and makes sure the wheelchair is near the end table with a fresh bottle of water and some books on it for me.

  “Do you want the TV or some music on first?”

  “Mason, I’m fine. Thank you.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  I am just starting to read when Mason comes out of the bedroom showered and dressed.

  The doorbell rings.

  “It’s probably Sara and Brea,” I say.

  “I’m sure it is; they are two of the few people with the code to the gate.”

  Mason heads towards the door. He looks out the peephole and opens the door wide for them.

  Smiling, Sara and Brea walk into the house while carrying a dozen yellow roses.

  I start to shake, and I can’t breathe.

  “These were out by the security gate when we pulled up. Aren’t they beautiful?” Sara says while holding the large bouquet to her nose, smelling them.

  Mason starts flexing his hands and grabs the flowers from Sara.

  “What’s the matter?” Brea says, walking to me.

  Mason pulls the card out and reads it, then drops it. Sara picks it up.

  He rushes over to me and tells me, “The flowers aren’t from him, Angel; don’t cry.”

  “From who?” Brea asks.

  “They’re from Julia,” Sara says, carrying the card over to me.

  Mason takes the card from Sara to hand to me.

  Wiping my eyes, I look at the card.


  I love you and I am sorry. Please, can we talk?

  Julia xoxo

  “They’re for you,” I say, looking at Mason. “What a relief, I thought they were from Jim.”

  “What’s the big deal about the roses, other than they are from Mason’s ex?” Sara asks.

  “My ex, Jim, used to send me yellow roses when we were together. When he showed up at the hospital that night, he had a single yellow rose with him.”

  “What is the chance of Julia sending you yellow roses?” Brea asks.

  “Slim to none since I have never received flowers from her before.”

  “Why is she sending you flowers?” I ask, biting the inside of my cheek until I can taste blood, not realizing I bit it that hard.

  Mason pulls up a chair next to me and holds my hand.

  “Angel, Julia and I have been over for a long time,” he says while rubbing my knuckles. “I was scheduled to work a double shift one night at the hospital, but there was a mistake with the scheduling and I wasn’t needed for the 2nd shift. I went home early that night and was excited, thinking Julia and I could spend some time together, but when I got there, I found her in my penthouse on her knees in front of another man.”

  He looks at me and I can see his pain.

  “When I tell you that what we had is over, I mean it. I have no idea why she sent flowers and I don’t care. She is my past, but, Angel, you are my future.”

  “I’m sorry, Mason, I didn’t mean to insinuate anything. I guess we all have a past we are trying to leave behind.”

  He leans over and kisses me, “You can say that again.” He kisses me again.

  Brea and Sara walk in the room from the kitchen, carrying a trash bag.

  “Throw these away on your way out,” Sara says, handing him the trash bag with the yellow roses in it.

  “Where am I going?”

  “I don’t care, but you can’t stay here. We need to have girl talk, so you should leave unless you want to talk about cramping and bloating,” Brea laughs.

  “No, no, I’m good,” he says, walking to get his car keys from the bedroom. “I had to go to Publix, and pick up my dry cleaning from Sun Country Cleaners on 70 anyway. Don’t leave until I get back and lock up when I leave. Other than the nurse, we aren’t expecting anyone.”

  “Ok, got it. And don’t forget the cupcakes when you get back.”

  “Brea, I could never forget the cupcakes when you are around.”

  “Good to know, now go,” Brea says. Smiling, she walks him to the garage.

  After a while, Brea comes back into the room and says, “God, he wouldn’t leave, he kept barking out orders about what to do and what not to do.”

  “Are you all right, Angel?” Sara asks, pushing me over to the couch.

  “I don’t know, I mean I’m fine, I’m just in limbo. I jump at any noise and I’m afraid of my own shadow. Mason tells me not to worry because he has it under control, but he hasn’t shared anything with me.”

  I look from Sara to Brea.

  “Ever since Jim showed up at the hospital, I guess I’m just waiting for him to show up again. I can’t do anything but lie here in fear and wait.”

  “Sara and I were thinking the same thing. The guys say they have it under control, but they won’t tell us anything either.”

  “When do you get the cast on?” Sara asks.

  “In another 10 days or as soon as the surgical site heals.”

  “So you are confined to this wheelchair until then?” Brea asks.

  “I am confined to this wheelchair until my arm cast comes off. But I’m not complaining; the view isn’t too bad.”

  Brea and Sara look outside at the clear blue skies, the ocean, and the white sandy private beach.

  “I’m not talking about that view. I’m talking about my handsome roommate,” I say, laughing and holding my ribs.

  “Oh yeah, that view isn’t bad either,” Sara laughs.

  Brea steps up to me and sits on the edge of the couch, and says, “Sara and I have some concerns, but we don’t want to scare you with them.”

  “What are they? Do you know something?”

“No, that’s our concern. We don’t know anything. The guys are treating us like children, and we are sick of it.”

  Sara looks to Brea before speaking again: “We have come to our own conclusion on all this.”

  “Please share,” I say, straightening myself and leaning forward.

  “Angel, you know we love you, right?” Brea asks.

  I nod. “I know you do.”

  “We want you safe more than anyone, and we will do anything we can for you — you know that, right?”

  “I know, but please, just say it. Whatever it is, I can take it.”

  Sara leans up closer to me. “Just from what we know and have heard about Jim, we are afraid Jim is stalking you. We fear that he is going to strike when you least expect it. We aren’t trying to scare you, but we want you to be ready when and if that happens.”

  “I know — I’m afraid of the same thing. I know him and I know he isn’t finished with me yet. There isn’t much I can do from this position,” I say, looking down at my arm and leg.

  “Do you happen to have a picture of Jim?” Brea states.

  The intercom buzzes, alerting us that someone is here.

  “I don’t have a picture of him, but Raúl might.”

  “The guys have one. I overheard them talking about posting it around town and at the hospital. We’re just going to have to snoop around a bit more until we find it,” Sara says, walking to the front door to buzz the nurse through the gate.

  “Don’t say anything, and we’ll work on the snooping-around part,” Brea beams. “I love snooping around.”

  “No, let’s just ask for one. You need to know what he looks like in case we ever come face to face with him. These guys try so hard to protect us, but they are putting us at risk by keeping things from us,” Sara deadpans, “and I am sick of being in the dark.”

  The nurse comes in and Sara talks her into letting me wear my regular clothes. The nurse washes my hair with the shampoo cap, and after I get washed up Sara and Brea put lotion and body spray on me and a pink eyelet nightgown they got from my cottage. The nurse checks my vitals, the surgical site on my leg, and the circulation to my right arm. After the nurse finishes changing my dressing, Brea walks her out and waves her off.

  “Thank you and see you tomorrow,” Brea says while shutting the door.

  “Where were we?” Brea says, walking over to us from the front door. “Oh, yeah, I was going to text Mason to bring us lunch.”

  Sara and I look at each other and laugh. I say, “That is not what we were talking about.”

  “I know, but I’m hungry. What do you guys want for lunch?”

  Sara walks towards the bathroom and yells over her shoulder, “Anything is fine with me.”

  We decide on subs for dinner with cupcakes for dessert.

  Chapter Six: Jim (Saving Angel)


  I wake up to Angel playing with my hair. Today is a big day because today the doctor decides if he will cast her leg. He will be here at 9:00 a.m. Doctor Stevens, has agreed to meet us here at the beach house instead of us going into his office. He knows the story about Angel and Jim and was more than happy to help us out. I raise my head and smile at Angel. The bruising and swelling are completely gone from her face, and the sparkle is back in her eyes.

  “Good morning, Handsome.”

  “Good morning, Beauty. It’s a big day today, huh.”

  “It sure is. I’m excited and scared at the same time.”

  “I’m sure you are, although you have nothing to fear. Maria will be here soon to help get you ready before the doctor arrives. Would you like coffee and some breakfast first?”

  “Coffee would be great, if you don’t mind. Thank you.”

  I fix both our coffees and drink them in bed while looking out at the beach.

  The past week and a half, we have suffered many ups and downs. Every time we got a lead on Jim, it turned up to be a dead end. He always seems to know our next move. My practice is due to open in one and a half weeks, and with today being Thursday, I feel like I am running out of time. I have everything I need for the practice, but I was hoping to have found Jim by now.

  Maria and Raúl show up before the doctor. Raúl is flying back to California later today, but Maria is staying to help out with Angel. With Jim on the run and with her injuries, Angel still needs assistance with her daily care. We have had a nurse daily, but Angel can’t be left alone. She has had a family member or friend with her since her accident.

  Maria helps Angel with her bath while I shower and get ready for the day.

  When I walk out into the family room, I can smell her before I see her. Cinnamon and peaches is my new favorite scent. She is applying makeup when I reach her. I bend down to kiss her before I whisper in her ear, “You are breathtakingly beautiful.”

  Angel turns her head and pulls me to her mouth. She gives the sweetest kisses I have ever had. We have kissed a lot over the last week.

  “You smell like spice and sandalwood and I love that smell,” she smiles.

  “Thank you, and you smell like peaches and cinnamon, and that’s my new favorite scent.”

  The intercom buzzes, alerting us that we have a visitor. Once I determine it’s the doctor, I buzz him in. He checks Angel’s surgical site and announces that it is healed up and he can apply the cast today. He goes out to his car for a larger medical bag. Maria and Angel pick out a tank top and a pair of sleep shorts for Angel to wear today. It’s something that will fit over her cast easily and will feel and look like something other than pajamas.

  Raúl and I stay back away from the bed to give Angel some privacy. Once the cast is on and dry, I lift Angel up and place her in the wheelchair with her leg extended. Her right arm is still in a cast but for only another few weeks. Slowly but surely, she is getting back to normal. She will remain in the wheelchair until her arm cast is off, then she’ll have crutches to use to get around in.

  The doctor, Maria, and Raúl leave, and Angel and I have lunch on the deck. The sky is overcast, but it is still a beautiful day. Angel and I talk about her newfound freedom, which, although small, still gives her a sense of independence.

  I wheel Angel inside and shut and lock the door before cleaning up the kitchen. I don’t want her anywhere I can’t see her, especially outside. I still have no idea where Jim is, and I don’t trust him.

  I put a movie in and lift Angel onto the couch to watch it. I grab her quilt and throw it over us. She cuddles up close to me and it feels good. The last time we were this close was the night before her accident. I’m glad to have her in my arms again. Sara, Brea, Vincent, and Donovan are coming over later for a small cookout. It was Angel’s idea, although I wasn’t sure she was up to it.

  I quietly get up from the couch, careful not to disturb a sleeping Angel. I have noticed she always falls asleep during movies. I smile while looking at her sleeping on the couch. I season the steaks and cook the potatoes for potato salad.

  Angel wakes up and is frowning at me.

  “You didn’t wake me.”

  “I didn’t want to bother you.” After walking over to her, I cradle her in my arms and lift her from the couch into the wheelchair.

  I try to wheel her into the kitchen, but she insists on doing it herself.

  I walk into the kitchen and pretend not to be watching her. I smile at her eagerness to get around by herself. She uses her left arm and left leg. She tries to use her right fingers that are poking out from the cast to help turn the corners by placing them on the wheel. It takes her awhile, but she finally does it. She arrives in the kitchen with a smile.

  “What took you so long?” I laugh as I make the potato salad.

  “Don’t laugh; this is harder than it looks.” She frowns.

  I bend down and lift her up on the bar, so we are eye to eye.


  “Better, thank you. May I have a glass of wine or a Scotch, please?”

  “You drink Scotch?”

  “No, bu
t if you say no to the wine I was hoping you would say yes to the other. It’s not like I’m driving or walking for that matter, and I haven’t had pain meds in two days.”

  “If you were on crutches, I would have to say no, but I don’t see any problem with a glass of wine or two.”

  Sara, Donovan, Brea, and Vincent show up within 15 minutes of each other. I have music on the surround sound and place the drinks and cups on the bar for everyone. Sara, Brea, and Angel are sitting at the outdoor lanai table. Angel didn’t want to be in the wheelchair today among our friends. The cast on her leg has her leg extended almost straight, so Angel has her casted leg resting on another chair under the table.

  I find a red Sharpie and everyone signs Angel’s cast. She decided on a purple strappy sundress to wear tonight to help cover her cast. She looks radiant as always.

  We eat and talk about Vincent and Brea’s wedding plans. They found a venue and have set a date. They decided to get married at the Sarasota Botanical Gardens on October 22nd. They talk about wedding colors and food caterers. The conversation flows easily, and the company is relaxing. Brea is sitting on Vincent’s lap while Donovan holds Sara close to him at the table. I refill everyone’s drinks and grab hoodies from my closet for the girls and a throw blanket for Angel.

  We decide on dinner next week at Half Shell on University Parkway. They have large booths that Angel can rest her leg on. After calling it a night, I lock up and set the security alarm on the beach house.

  “Are you ready for bed, Angel?”

  “I am. We had a big day today.”

  “That we did. Was it a good day for you?” I ask, kneeling down next to the wheelchair.

  “Thank you, it was. I appreciate everything you have done for me.”

  “You are more than welcome.”



  “I have a question?”

  “Ok, you know you can ask me anything.”

  “May I keep sleeping in your bed with you? We have been together every night for a few weeks, and I don’t want to be alone.”

  “Come on, Beauty, you were going to anyway. Let’s go to bed.”

  We lie in bed and talk about the events of the day and about our future.

  I tell her about us growing old together and feeding our grandkids sugary sweets and giving them drums as gifts before sending them home to their parents.


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