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Never Trust a Skinny Cupcake Baker (Death by Cupcake Book 1)

Page 12

by D. E. Haggerty

  I don’t know how long we stand there embracing while Ben continues to murmur nonsensical words of comfort. I’m finally starting to get my body under my control when the door to my office bursts open again. I squeak in surprise before peeking at the door from behind Ben’s back to see Detectives Duchamps and Smits walk into my office. Ben releases me from his bear hug but just as quickly puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. “Detectives,” he says and nods at the men.

  “Is this the cupcake?” Duchamps asks as he points to the box on my desk. Ben must have called them as well because I didn’t say anything about a cupcake in my message.

  I nod and nearly jump out of my skin when Kristie responds. I forgot she was in the room. “Yes, a woman delivered it to the store and told me that some man had asked her to give it to Callie.”

  Duchamps raises an eyebrow in question at Ben, but Ben shakes his head. “No, I didn’t have a cupcake delivered to my girlfriend who owns a cupcake bakery,” he grits out.

  “It was obvious it wasn’t from Ben. That’s why I immediately called him and you guys,” I back up Ben.

  Smits walks to my desk and looks down at the box. “There’s a card in here.”

  “Yeah,” I nod. “That’s how I knew the cupcake wasn’t from Ben. Well, besides the fact that it would be stupid to send me a cupcake.” I clear my throat. “Anyway, the writing on the card is obviously not Ben’s handwriting, and he never ever calls me babe.”

  “That’s because you hate the word,” Ben whispers into my hair, and I nod. My jerk of an ex-boyfriend, Greg, used to call me babe and it annoyed the devil out of me. It always sounded like such a throwaway endearment; like he couldn’t even be bothered to think of something more appropriate.

  My attorney walks in and my already crowded office becomes even more so. The detectives look at him and scowl, but he just smiles and waves his arm. “Don’t worry about me, gentlemen. I’m only here to observe.” They scoff in response, and Advocaat’s smile turns into a smirk. “Unless you abuse my client’s rights, of course.”

  The detectives turn away from Advocaat. “Looks like we’re not the only ones you called,” Duchamps says and raises an eyebrow at me as if daring me to contradict him.

  “Of course I called my attorney,” I huff. “The last time I was threatened, you told me not to make a police report.” I point to the cupcake. “I’m thinking that wasn’t the best advice.”

  Advocaat makes a sound similar to a growl. Oops. I may have neglected to tell my defense attorney about the threatening card I received.

  “How do we know you didn’t send this to yourself? To throw off suspicion?” Smits asks.

  I place my hands on my hips and stare him down. “Seriously? How stupid do you think I am?” I throw my hands in the air. “Why are you having such a hard time solving this crime? This isn’t some complicated Shakespeare novel, it’s a flipping poisoning. Why aren’t you questioning Kristie who received the cupcake? Why aren’t you doing your jobs?” I end on a screech.

  Ben grabs my arm and pulls me to his side again. Anna bursts into the already jam-packed room. She doesn’t say anything but moves to the desk and studies the cupcake. It’s obvious she’s been listening at the door when she speaks. “I sure didn’t make that cupcake and neither did Callie.” Smits starts to speak, but Anna puts her hand up in a stop motion. “We own a cupcake bakery. That cupcake,” she points at it and makes a face, “is obviously made by someone who doesn’t know the first thing about buttercream. We decorate a few hundred cupcakes with buttercream frosting a day. That cupcake would have never made it out of my kitchen.”

  “She could have made a cupcake look bad on purpose,” Duchamps dares to respond.

  Anna snorts and shakes her head. “You obviously don’t know Callie. She’s a perfectionist in every-freaking-thing. And she loves cupcakes. She calls them her precious. No way in the world would she make a cupcake like that.”

  Ben drops his arm from around me and crosses his arms over his chest. “I think it’s time you two started doing your job. Just a suggestion, but maybe you should interview Kristie. See if you can get a description of the woman who brought the cupcake.”

  Kristie doesn’t wait to be asked. “It was a tall woman. At least an inch taller than me.” At seven inches over five feet, Kristie isn’t short. The woman must be at least five feet eight inches tall, which fits exactly into our profile of the murderer. “She was older. I’d say at least forty, but probably more like fifty.” She shrugs. “Otherwise, I can’t say anything. She was wearing a scarf over her hair and big sunglasses.”

  Detective Smits obviously doesn’t believe Kristie’s description. “How do you know she was older if she was covered?”

  Kristie rolls her eyes at him. “Her neck and hands. They always give a woman’s age away,” she says as if she’s some type of expert, which she sort of is. Her dad is a plastic surgeon, and she spent her teenage years working in his practice until she could escape to college.

  Smits nods even though it’s obvious he’s not happy. “Come on, I’ll take your statement.” They walk out, and Anna immediately takes Kristie’s seat.

  “So what happens now?” She asks as she looks around the room.

  “Now,” Ben grits out. “Detective Duchamps is going to take Callie’s statement and then take the cupcake into evidence.”

  And that’s exactly what happens. There’s no more arguing about whether or not I sent myself the cupcake. Duchamps takes my statement while Advocaat stands in the corner watching to make sure the detective doesn’t step out of line. When my statement is signed, Duchamps pulls an evidence bag out of his bag of tricks and secures the cupcake and card. He gives me a copy of my statement and that’s it. He leaves with a nod to everyone, and I sag into my chair.

  “Why does he hate me? And why does he think I’m stupid enough to send myself a cupcake?” I ask in the room in general.

  I’m surprised when Advocaat answers. “He doesn’t hate you. He hates me.” He smiles a wolfish grin. “After all, I am a well-known adversary.” There’s something he’s not telling, but I’m not in the mood to delve into his secrets. He grabs his briefcase from the floor. “If I’m not needed anymore, I’ll be heading out.”

  “Make sure you grab some cupcakes,” I shout as he disappears from the kitchen.

  “I better get back to work,” Anna says with a groan as she stands. “We’ll talk later.”

  I close my eyes and enjoy the quiet for a moment, but only for a moment because Ben moves to stand in front of me and clears his throat. He grabs my hands and squeezes. He hesitates, and I already know I’m not going to like what he’s going to say. “I’ll be staying with you until the killer is caught,” he finally announces.

  My eyes fly open, and I glare at the frustrating man. I want to scream at him that I don’t need protection from a killer dumb enough to send a cupcake to a cupcake bakery. But I don’t. And it’s not because my insides warm at the thought of Ben wanting to protect me. It’s definitely not because I’m excited to spend my nights with the gentle man. Nope. It’s because I’m too tired to argue. Apparently, I’m also too tired to make up believable lies, even if they are lies I only tell myself.

  Before I can manage to form my thoughts into words, Ben says, “I’ll be right back.” And walks out but he’s back in less than five minutes with a bag slung over his shoulder. “Apartment keys,” he demands and holds out his hands.

  I don’t move to hand him my keys and instead narrow my eyes at him. “How did you get a bag packed so quickly?”

  He shrugs. “Even before that cupcake arrived, I wasn’t planning on leaving you alone until the killer is caught.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him. “Really?”

  He shakes his head and drops his bag before kneeling in front of me. “Sweetheart, I know you believe you’re not in danger, but I have to know you’re safe. A year,” he takes a deep breath. “A year I’ve watched and waited for you. Falling for yo
u more and more each day. Please, I can’t lose you now.”

  Guess I have a new roommate.

  Chapter 23

  Make cupcakes, not war.

  I’m surprised to see Kristie coming into the bakery the next morning. “I didn’t realize you were coming in today,” I comment as she rounds the display cases.

  She stops and looks unsure. “Anna called me to come in. I hope that’s okay?”

  “Of course it’s okay! I just didn’t realize is all.”

  Kristie smiles and rushes to the back to put away her jacket and bag. When she returns, Anna’s following her. I motion Kristie to help the next customer and approach Anna. “What’s going on?”

  “I made an appointment with that doctor this morning,” she whispers and looks around furtively as if she’s on a secret spy mission. “You’re coming with me, aren’t you?”

  “Of course!” After a night spent in Ben’s arms, I’m lucky I remember my name. It’s no wonder I forgot about our rendezvous with Dr. Abrahams. “What time is the appointment?”

  Anna looks at her watch. “In thirty minutes.”

  I nod and turn to Kristie. “You got everything covered here?”

  “Of course, Callie.” She smiles and turns back to help another customer.

  I’ve already grabbed my bag and followed Anna to the back door before I realize my mistake. “Shoot!”

  Anna turns around and stares at me. “What?”

  “I promised Ben I wouldn’t go anywhere without him.”

  Anna smiles and bumps my hip with hers. “You really like him, don’t you?” I resist the temptation to roll my eyes at her because who wouldn’t like the hot detective when he’s sweet and attentive? “Call him. If he hurries, we should still be able to make my appointment.”

  I quickly call Ben. He says he’ll be at the bakery in five minutes and makes me promise to wait for him. My eye roll at his pushiness is completely ineffective considering we’re on the phone. We hear a car honking in the alley a few minutes later, and I get a text message from Ben telling me he’s waiting in his car.

  Anna and I pile into Ben’s car. “Where are we going?”

  I hesitate, and Anna answers for me. “I’ve got a doctor’s appointment,” she hedges.

  Ben’s eyebrow rises as he stares at her in the back seat. “A doctor’s appointment? Really? This appointment wouldn’t be with a Dr. Abrahams, would it?”

  Anna shrugs. “Maybe.”

  Before Ben has a chance to admonish us, I jump in. “You said we needed to check his alibi. And,” I quickly continue when I see Ben open his mouth. “Anna made this appointment before the whole cupcake incident yesterday. Besides, we have this big, sexy detective with us to protect us.”

  Ben smiles and shakes his head at my obvious attempt to butter him up. “I’m going to do the talking.”

  I mumble, “Whatever,” but secretly, I’m glad that he’s not mad at me.

  We arrive at the University Medical Center, and Anna checks in while Ben and I find somewhere to sit. Anna sits next to me and leans in to whisper, “So what do you suppose everyone thinks? I’m going with two lesbian lovers looking for a sperm donor.”

  I can’t help the giggle that escapes. “Except that Ben has his arm around me.”

  “True,” Anna says and taps her cheek. “How about you’re infertile and I’m going to be your surrogate?”

  Ben leans over and responds. “Not sure your tiny pixie body could handle my baby, Pinkie,” he says and winks.

  My mouth falls open, and I stare at the man. “Did you just make a joke?”

  He smiles and shows me his dimple. “Yeah, honey, I’m more than just a hot body.”

  I don’t get a chance to respond as the nurse calls Anna. We all stand and follow her. The other patients in the waiting room don’t even bother to hide their surprise. Raised eyebrows above rounded eyes stare at us as we walk through the room to the exam rooms.

  The nurse opens the door and points to the gown laying on the table. “Please undress and put on that gown.” She looks up at our group and blushes before rushing out of the room.

  Anna hops up on the exam table. She makes a face at the gown before moving it out of her way. “So, how are we going to play this? Good cop, bad cop. Or I guess good cop, good cop, bad cop?”

  Ben shakes his head at her. He doesn’t get a chance to berate her, though, as Dr. Abrahams walks in. When he looks up from his chart, his eyes take in the spectacle the three of us create. He looks confused until his gaze lands on me. Then, he narrows his eyes and hugs the chart to his chest. “I’ve already said everything I’m going to say on this matter.”

  Before he can turn around, Ben has his badge out and holding it up. “I’m Detective Evers and I just have a few questions for you.”

  The doctor stops and puts his chart on the cabinet next to the sink. “How can I help you, detective?”

  “I just need to know where you were on August tenth between the hours of 3 and 5:30 p.m.” Ben clips his badge back on his waistband and pulls a small notebook out of his pocket.

  “I’m sure I was here, but let me show you.” Abrahams grabs a tablet that is affixed to the wall next to the door. He starts ticking away and just a few seconds later, he holds out the tablet to Ben. “I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t note the patients’ names. Doctor confidentiality and all that. But you can confirm my whereabouts with my staff.” He grabs the tablet again and taps away. “Here is the list of nurses who were on duty on that day.”

  Ben grabs the tablet and copies the names onto his notepad. “Thank you, doctor.” He hands the tablet back and folds his notebook. He looks like he’s about to leave.

  Anna’s not going to let this opportunity to question the doctor go. “Do you know any women on this list?” She shoves a copy of the list of women at the gym when the cupcake was placed in the locker room in his face.

  The doctor scrunches his nose at the list and shakes his head. He doesn’t bother to look at the names. “I have a medical practice which only serves female patients. I can’t possible know all the names of those patients.”

  Anna shakes the piece of paper. “But were you friends or maybe ‘intimate’ with any of these women?”

  Abrahams takes a deep breath and is obviously holding onto his patience with a thin thread. He turns his head to me and glares. “As I told your associate, the only person I’ve been intimate with recently was Dolly. I paid her for sex because women are not to be trusted. Even if you tell a woman that you don’t want a relationship, once you have sex, she thinks you’re in a relationship.” He grunts. “I don’t do relationships.”

  “Aren’t you married, doctor?” Ben asks.

  The doctor scuffs. “Yes, I’m married, but my wife and I haven’t been intimate in a long time.” He returns the tablet to its resting place and grabs the chart. “If that’s all.” It’s not a question. He’s already exiting the room.

  “Well, that was anti-climactic,” Anna notes as she jumps down from the exam table. “So much for being your baby mama.”

  I shake my head at her, but Ben chuckles before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room.

  Chapter 24

  Procrastibaking: The art of making cupcakes instead of doing what you should be doing.

  It’s one of those rare moments in the bakery world when there are no customers to serve and the café is completely empty of lounging students. The summer semester is finished and fall semester starts in just two days, which is why – despite sitting in the super-comfy chairs – I’m anything but relaxed.

  “What am I going to do?” I whine to Anna for not the first time today.

  “We’ll figure something out,” she responds in a cheery voice that makes me want to punch her.

  “How?” I continue to whine.

  “I don’t know.” She shrugs. “You’re the one with the doctorate. Can’t you look at it like an intellectual puzzle somehow?”

  I sit up straight. I do have a do
ctorate, and I do love intellectual puzzles. “Okay, let’s start with what we know. What do we know and what are we missing in this puzzle?”

  “We know Dolly was poisoned by a cupcake, which I didn’t bake by the way.” Anna just had to add that last part. She was completely affronted when she heard that someone put alcohol in the cupcake that killed Dolly.

  “And we know that cupcake was placed in the gym between 3 and 5:30 p.m. on the day Dolly died.”

  “And we have a list of names of women who were in the gym during those times.”

  I snort. A fat lot of good that name of suspects has done us so far. “Maybe the person who killed Dolly isn’t the same person who delivered the cupcake. After all, our best suspect so far is Doctor Abrahams, and he can prove he was at work at the time of the murder.”

  Anna leans forward and whispers even though there’s no one else around. “Are you saying you don’t believe the doctor is innocent? What did Ben think?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know if the doctor is a killer or not, but he’s so slimy. I mean, he’s admitted to using a prostitute already, and then yesterday he practically told us that he sleeps around with his nurses.” I shiver in disgust.

  Anna scrunches up her nose. “Can you imagine him doing an examination of your private parts? Gross.”

  I vigorously shake my head. “And you said I’m the prude!”

  “Hey, it’s not being a prude when you don’t want some sleazy dude all up in your female bits.” She points her finger at those very same bits.

  I giggle at her choice of terminology. “But seriously, do you think he could be a murderer?”

  Anna shrugs. “I don’t know. Everyone said Ted Bundy was charming.”

  “True.” I lean over the table and place my hands in my chin. “But how did he do it if he’s the murderer? I mean it’s obvious he could have made some deadly concoction with that beta blocker to cause death, but how did he get the cupcake into the locker room without anyone seeing him? He had to have someone place the cupcake on his behalf.”


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