Star_Lee Johnson_To Be Great Series

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Star_Lee Johnson_To Be Great Series Page 11

by Blue Saffire

  “Excuse me. Can I help you?” I roared.

  The woman stood up and turned toward me. My mouth dropped. It was Rachael. She was huge, her belly stuck out so far there was no question I was looking at her baby in the sonogram. I felt my heart squeeze.

  “Aw naw,” I blurted out, turning to run for the door. “Crystal!”

  I screamed her name as I ran out to find her. I had just missed her. The elevator closed as I made it to the hallway. I wanted to run for the stairs, but I wasn’t leaving Rachael alone in my place for that long. Just look at what she had done. I haven’t seen that girl in months. What was she doing here?

  I took my phone out and tried dialing Crystal’s phone as I walked back to the apartment. I slammed the door behind me and stood there with my hand on my temple. I tried to calm myself down. I wanted to scream and curse.

  What the heck was going on?

  “Rachael, can you explain what just happened?” I asked through my teeth.

  “We’re having a baby,” she smiled.

  “Are you nuts?”

  “No. I wasn’t sure I was going to tell you. I came looking for you today and she was here. I told her about us and about the baby and she got upset.”

  Her tome was so nonchalant as if she didn’t just walk into my apartment and ruin my life. I could feel my blood boiling. My world was crumbling around me. I felt like I was standing in front of an oncoming train and couldn’t jump out of the way.

  “You told her about us? What us?” I growled.

  “Maybe you need a minute. I’m a little hungry. Do you have something to eat?”

  My phone rang before I could explode on her. I looked to see it was my mother. I picked up right away, she would know how to fix this. There had to be a way out of this twilight zone.

  “Mom, Crystal’s gone,” I rushed into the phone.

  “I bet she is. Is this girl really pregnant?”

  “Yeah, it looks like it, but I can’t say it’s mine,” I grumbled.

  “Can you say it’s not?” My mom yelled back.

  “No. I mean, I used protection.”

  “And? Lee, I warned you. Kim warned you and I know Kenny warned you.”

  “Mom, I don’t need to hear that right now. Crystal just left me. She wouldn’t even talk to me.”

  “Honey, you gonna have to give that some time. Right now, you need to know if that baby is yours.”

  I sunk down to the floor and put my head in my hands. This wasn’t happening to me. Not like this. I was losing the woman I wanted, the one I loved to something I wasn’t sure was a fact.

  My mother was right, they did warn me. This was the girl Kim was sure I needed to stay away from. Now, she was standing in the middle of my life like an ugly, I told you so, sign. I had just watched my future walk out of the door, along with my heart.

  Chapter 17

  Crystal Clear


  I guess I should pick up where Lee left off. But first, let me explain things from my side. I was in love with that man. I didn’t think he could or would do any wrong. I would’ve done anything he asked me to.

  However, when that girl showed up, I recognized her right away. She was the groupie from the club the night Lee asked me to come home with him. I knew he knew her.

  I knew everyone knew her. I also knew her from when I used to party with my cousin, KG. She had been trying to trap someone for years. I was just furious that there was a chance she had trapped Lee. I wanted to believe he was smart enough not to have gotten caught up.

  Let’s be honest. Look at the drama he put me through, thinking I wanted to trap him. Something in my gut told me that sadly, Lee was that stupid. He had let the game play him and not played the game.

  My father was the most disappointed, I believe. I think I saw his heart break twice, once for me and once for what he wanted for Lee. I just couldn’t handle waiting to see if I had truly lost what I had allowed myself believed so much in. I ran home to my family and the comfort I knew.

  It had been about eight months since I’d seen or talk to Lee. I heard he had a baby boy. Word is he’s cute and has green eyes like his mother. Rachael had been living with Lee for about six months. Supposedly her roommate or whoever she was living with put her out.

  Lee finally stopped calling me after three months, just before I decided to change my number. I changed it anyway because I didn’t want the calls to start again. I just couldn’t handle it. I was so heartbroken.

  After that day she showed up at his place, I did what I do best. I threw myself into my work. I ran my salon in Westchester and I decided to go in as a partner with Kim and Kenny. We totally gutted the place and redid everything in their shop.

  I also bought my second property and Craig was in the process of finishing another salon. I was determined to have some part of my life work out the way I wanted. It was the one area I had control over.

  If only Craig would just do what I wanted in the first place, when I ask him to. As usual, we were arguing about the new shop. I needed to get out of there. The grand reopening for Kenny, Kim, and now my place, was in a few hours. Craig had done a great job redoing that place, but we fought the entire time as well.

  “I don’t see why I have to go through this. Just do what I ask,” I sighed.

  “If we put the booths in the way you’re asking, it’ll take up time and space. I think you can do this better.”

  That was Craig’s problem he was always thinking. I don’t pay him to rethink my ideas. I pay him to execute the ones I give him.

  “I have how many salons? I consult for how many salons? I have given you business to how many salons? Are they not all successful?” I asked not hiding my irritation at all. “I think I know what works and I want it this way.”

  “Fine, Crystal, have it your way but when you call me back in to redo the place, I’m not giving you a discount,” he grumbled.

  “I didn’t ask you for one.”

  “When are you two going to just get married?” Kenny chuckled, as he and Kim walked into the salon.

  “And leave my quiet submissive wife? In your dreams,” Craig chuckled.

  “Whatever, Craig,” I snapped. “Hey, you guys look great.”

  “Thank you very much. So do you,” Kim sang, as she did a spin, then came over to hug me.

  “Word, Ma, that dress is poppin’.”

  Kenny wiggled his eyebrows as he leaned in for a hug and pecked me on the cheek. Those two had become such good friends. Even with everything that happened between Lee and I, they never turned their backs on me.

  “Thank you, Kenny,” I giggled.

  “So we get to meet this new boyfriend tonight, right?” Kim quizzed.

  “Yes, and please be nice to him,” I whined.

  “We will be on our best behavior. Promise,” Kenny crooned.

  “Good,” I beamed. “Okay, Craig. I think we’ve had enough arguing for today. I’ll see you at the party.”

  “See you guys in a few,” Craig grunted.

  “Sounds like you want me to get a new contractor?”

  “Crystal, I will see you in a few, my dear.”

  Craig plastered on the biggest smile I had ever seen. I walked for the door laughing and shaking my head at him. We fuss and all but he’s the best at what he does.

  I stopped just before we walked out the door to look in the mirror once more. After months of what I’d been through, I did look great. I had finally let Kim have her way. She dyed my hair a ruby red. I still wear my bangs sweeping across the front right side of my face, but I’d grown it out a little, letting the left side grow just above my ears.

  I needed something different. I thought of it as sort of a cleansing to move forward. Things needed to change for my heart to start healing.

  The white and peach dress that draped my body, cowled in the front. It dipped just below my bust line and haltered around my neck. The back of the dress was cut down to the waistline. Surely, my new boyfriend as Kim put it would l
ove the look. He would have to because that was as much of a look as he was getting.

  I reached into my peach bag for my lip gloss to freshen up my face. When I finished we were out the door. I walked to the parking lot with Kim and Kenny where I had a driver waiting for us. I knew they would be excited about my surprise, the reason I had them take a cab to come meet me instead of driving their cars.

  “Word, Ma? A Bentley?” Kenny crooned as the waiting car came into view.

  “Come on now. If I showed up for the opening of my other place in a Phantom, you know we were doing something sexy for this one,” I sang as I slid into the car.

  “That’s my girl,” Kim squealed.

  Kenny got in after Kim, a frown marring his face. I wasn’t sure what that was about. He went from one hundred to zero in the blink of an eye.

  “Man, this makes what I’m about to say seem really messed up,” Kenny mumbled.

  “What, y’all changed y’all mind? You want to buy me out?” I chuckled.

  “I wish that were it,” Kim murmured.

  “We kind of invited Lee,” Kenny blurted out. “But Ma, listen, that’s our boy. You know he’s like our brother. We couldn’t do something like this without him.”

  “Crystal, if it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t know you,” Kim almost whispered.

  “Fine,” I released a long deep sigh. “I don’t have to like it, but he is your friend.”

  “Thanks, Crystal,” they said in unison.

  “You’re not welcome.” I said with a serious pout.

  I didn’t want to see, hear, or speak to Lee. I was so glad my parents were out of town for this. If I hadn’t invited so many people, I would’ve skipped the whole thing. I already felt queasy. I spent the whole ride fidgeting with the split in the front of my dress.

  We pulled up to the shop to an already growing crowd. I had some major PR done for this event. I was expecting it to be a great success.

  We climbed out of the car to applause and cameras snapping. Things were falling into place just as I had planned them. The event was off to a great start.

  The three of us walked inside to greet our guests that were already milling about. After making the rounds we took our stations by the entrance to greet those that would still be arriving. I was extremely happy with the turn out. We had a nice diverse crowd.

  My date, Marcus, had arrived and was already mingling. I’d made sure to introduce him to Kim and Kenny. Kenny frowned at me as soon as Marcus wasn’t paying attention.

  Kim smiled while giggling to herself. I waited until we were all alone by the entrance to grill the two. It wasn’t the reaction I was expecting from them.

  “Okay, what was that?” I asked Kim.

  “He’s so not for you,” she laughed out loud. “Fake Lee in the face.”

  “Whatever, Kim. He looks nothing like Lee,” I grumbled.

  “Sure, he isn’t six foot something and built just like Lee. That brother is a light skin Lee if I ever saw one,” she giggled.

  “Shut up, Kim.”

  “I love you too, doll face.”

  “You’re not funny.”

  I rolled my eyes at her. Only seconds later my heart stopped. Pain seared through my entire body.

  In that same moment, Lee walked through the door looking like a chocolate god. I didn’t think I would react like this to seeing him. I wanted to run to him and throw my arms around him. He looked great in his white suit and peach tie. I was happy I made it a white and peach affair. It looked great on him.

  He was clean-shaven and his shape up looked like he’d just stepped out of the chair. I noticed he looked a little thinner than usual, but he was still built. Lee has always been too sexy for his own good, mine as well, for that matter. I don’t understand why it is so hard for me to stay away from this man.

  This is why I don’t answer his calls and I refuse to talk to him. I lose all my good sense around him. That gorgeous face, with its perfect brown skin, jet-black eyebrows, and long thick eyelashes.

  How could I resist? Just looking at him broke me down and sliced my heart in two. It was a physical ache that pulsed through me.

  I watched as he gave Kenny five and a hug, exchanging a few words. Then he moved on to Kim, giving her a hug. He smile down at her as they talked and she fixed his tie. I didn’t notice that I was biting my lip as I watched him, until he stopped in front of me. He leaned to kiss me on the cheek.

  “Hey, Crystal, you look amazing,” he beamed. “I love the new hair. That’s what’s up?”

  “Hey Lee,” I managed to say through my now dry mouth.

  “I miss you.” Lee’s words hit me like a dagger.

  “Hey, baby,” Marcus crooned as he walked over.

  He placed his arm around my waist, just before leaning to kiss the opposite cheek from the one Lee just kissed. His timing couldn’t be worse, or maybe it was perfect. I felt my cheeks heat.

  “Lee, I want you to meet Marcus,” I said quickly. “Marcus, this is Lee.”

  “How you doing?” Marcus said as he held out his hand.

  Lee looked like he just tasted something terrible. His face twisted in disgust as he held out his hand and shook Marcus’s. It cut so deep to have Lee so close and want him so much.

  I had to turn to look out toward the door. I couldn’t allow him to see the look on my face. Though I could feel Lee studying with his penetrating gaze.

  After a few seconds Lee turned, going to join some of the guests he knew. I tried my best to pull it together and breathe. I made it through the first hour, despite the feel of Lee watching my every move. It was driving me insane.

  I tried to act normal. I threw myself into a conversation with Marcus and some of Kim’s clients, but I was holding on by a thread. Every time Marcus placed his hands on me I wanted it to be Lee. Marcus would whisper in my ear and I would have to fight with myself not to cringe. I couldn’t take it.

  “Will you excuse me?” I said and turned to find Kim.

  Those eyes were still watching me, but I wouldn’t dare look his way. I needed to get out of there for a minute. I was going to lose it any second. I finally found Kim and grabbed her by the arm to pull her outside. When we got out front, I pulled her to the far left of the shop away from where the crowd of photographers and people dwindled.

  The moment I knew we were free of all eyes and ears, I threw my face into her shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and started crying. How could I want someone who hurt me so much? Why did I still love him?

  This was so impossible. There I stood an educated, successful, and beautiful black woman. I didn’t need to have Lee, but I wanted him. I wanted him more than anything.

  Kim rocked me back and forth, rubbing my hair. I sobbed so hard chills ran up my back. My back stiffened and annoyance rose within when I felt hands rest on my waist. Marcus just didn’t get it.

  “Marcus, please just give me a minute,” I sobbed.

  “Nah, baby, my name ain’t Marcus,” I heard Lee whisper in my ear.

  I turned to look at his face. He crushed his lips to mine. I didn’t fight him. I wanted this, I wanted it badly. I missed him so much. I welcomed his hands on the small of my back. I couldn’t help the moans escaping from me as he kissed me.

  The photographers most have noticed Lee and I embracing. Cameras began to flash around us, capturing what should’ve been a private moment. I opened my eyes, breaking the kiss just in time to see Marcus walk out of the shop looking for me. The flashing cameras caught his attention. Immediately, a frown rushed across his face.

  “Marcus, wait,” I called as I pulled away from Lee.

  Marcus had already started for the valet. I felt terrible. He was a nice guy. He just wasn’t the one.

  “Forget about him,” Lee whispered in my ear, pulling my face back to his with his fingertips. “I love you, Crystal.”

  “I love you too, Lee.”

  I didn’t mean to say it, but it’s true. I was so unbelievably in love with him. I’d felt
lost and like something was missing for months.

  He wiped the tears from my eyes as he kissed me. I wanted to jump up and wrap my legs around him, but I fought the urge as much as I could. Just the fact that I hadn’t let anyone get this close to me in eight months amplified the amazing feeling of being in his arms. It felt so good. After what seemed like a few minutes, Lee released me and pecked me on the cheek.

  “Come on, you have a party to be at.”

  He grinned at me so confidently. It was one of the things that drew me to Lee, that smooth swagger he possessed. He moved like a man aware of himself and his power to make a woman’s knees buckle.

  I walked alongside him while he held his hand on the small of my back. It felt so right. I was meant to be at this man’s side. I never loved any man the way I loved Lee.

  I slid my arm around his back and he kissed the top of my head. As we returned to the party, Kim stood inside smiling like a little kid in an ice cream shop. I noticed Kenny nod at Lee in approval. I looked up to see a huge grin spread across Lee’s lips. He looked much happier than he had when he arrived earlier.

  Lee spent the rest of the night by my side. His hands remained in contact with me the whole time. It was easy to forget about everything we had been through to just have what I wanted for one night. He made me so happy.

  When the party was over the cleaning crew showed up. Kim and Kenny stuck around with Lee and I to wait for the cleaners to finish up. We laughed and joked around just like old times. It felt good. I was finally able to breath.

  Lee sat in one of the new barber chairs as I sat curled up on his lap. I totally ignored the fact that he was something I couldn’t have.

  Kim and Kenny decided to conveniently find something to do in the back room, as the cleanup crew started to move away from us. The moment they were gone, Lee began to caress my back, placing kisses against my neck. It felt amazing, but my brain told me to run.

  “I miss you,” he whispered in my ear.

  “I miss you, too.”

  “I love you,” he said in a gentle voice. “I’ve always loved you.”

  “Lee…I don’t think we should do this. I miss you, but I,” I tried to get out my reasons for not making this mistake, but before I could he had his juicy lips taking over my thoughts.


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