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Time to Laugh Romance Collection

Page 40

by Wanda E. Brunstetter

  Secret Admirer or not, she made her decision.

  “I don’t know if going out for dinner with you is a good idea. We have to work together, regardless of what happens, if you know what I mean.”

  He leaned closer. “I know that, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. I know you go to church faithfully, and I was wondering if I could go with you on Sunday. But first I have a few questions.”

  Shannon’s eyes widened. “You do?”

  Gary nodded. “Yes. I thought you’d be the best person to ask.”

  Shannon often prayed she could be a good witness at her workplace, to be able to live in a way that people wouldn’t write her off as a religious fanatic, yet still live her life to God’s glory. She thanked God she could see the fruit of her efforts when someone like Gary could be interested in learning more about Jesus Christ as his Savior.

  “I’d be happy to answer any questions you have, although here in the middle of the office isn’t the best place.”

  “I know. That’s why I thought we could go out for dinner.”

  Shannon checked the page on her calendar to be sure. “I actually have plans for tonight. Saturday, too. But I can still pick you up on Sunday morning.”

  Gary’s smile dropped. “I don’t know….”

  Shannon smiled. “Don’t be shy. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Give me your address, and I’ll pick you up about a quarter to ten.”

  “I would prefer to pick you up.”

  Shannon forced herself to keep smiling. She thought it would be a good idea for her to be the one providing transportation, because if she were transporting him, it would be harder for Gary to change his mind at the last minute. But for now, she had to take any opportunity she could find to get Gary to church.

  She scribbled her address on a piece of paper and slid it across the desk. “Okay. You can pick me up at a quarter to ten.”

  Gary grinned, winked, and tucked the note into his pocket. “See you then,” he said as he returned to his office.

  Shannon glanced to the dispatch area where Todd was. While it was good to bring a newcomer to church, this did present a complication. She had already arranged to pick up Todd for church on Sunday; but now she wouldn’t have her car, and she’d also be with Gary. She thought Todd, a fairly new Christian, would understand. In fact, Shannon was certain Todd could relate to where Gary was now, since it wasn’t that long ago Todd was searching for answers and found them.

  She returned to her work. Tonight she planned to have dinner with Craig and some friends from her old church. She figured she’d see Todd there also, so she could talk to him tonight. She was sure Todd would be as happy as she was to know Gary would be at church on Sunday.

  “Pardon me? Did I hear you right?”

  Shannon leaned closer to Todd so the rest of the people at the table wouldn’t hear. “Yes, you heard me right. Isn’t that exciting? He even said he has questions.”

  She backed up to gauge Todd’s reaction, but instead of the smile she’d expected when she told him Gary would be coming to church with her, Todd’s face turned to stone.

  “I’ll believe that when I see it.”

  All the joy seeped out of her. “I can’t believe you aren’t excited. The only thing is that he wants to take his own car, so I can’t pick you up as we agreed. I hope that’s okay.”

  Todd blinked, laid his fork down, and stared at her. “I can’t believe you’ve suddenly turned gullible. He doesn’t want to learn about God. He wants to learn about you.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  Todd’s eyes narrowed. “Yes, I do.”

  “Don’t you think it’s possible for him to listen if God is poking him and telling him to check out his options? Even murderers and people in jail can have a change of heart.”

  “I suppose.”

  “Then it’s possible for Gary to want to discover God, too, don’t you think?”

  Shannon waited for Todd to say something. She didn’t think she’d asked him a hard question. She’d prayed for Todd fairly often after overhearing about his mother, but she’d also prayed for him over the years because God told everyone to pray for their enemies. She wouldn’t have thought it possible for him to open his hardened heart and become the man he was today, unless she’d witnessed the change herself. If it was possible for Todd, then it could happen with Gary.

  Other people in their group chatted gaily, and the quiet murmur of voices echoed through the restaurant. But between her and Todd, the silence was so thick it shouted. When Todd was silent too long, Shannon crossed her arms and glared at him.

  His voice dropped to a disgruntled whisper. “I guess,” he muttered, barely loud enough for her to make out his words.

  Before she could rebuke him for his bad attitude, Craig leaned forward from across the table. “What’s going on?” He turned to Todd. “If you’re doing something to upset my little sister, I’ll have to take you outside.”

  Both of them stared at Craig.

  “I’m not your little sister anymore, Craig.”

  He smiled. “Until we’re both old and gray, you’ll always be my little sister. All I know is that you two seem to be spending a lot of time together lately, and I don’t mean just at work. If he’s causing you trouble, I can take him outside and beat him up for you.”

  Shannon continued to stare at her brother. When she talked to Craig about her job and the possibility of his meeting Faye, Todd had come up in the conversation. She’d let it slip that she’d bumped into him at the bookstore, then again, mentioned being together when all her workmates went out for dinner. Plus Craig had seen Todd at her apartment yesterday.

  Of course she didn’t tell him about the time she hit the dog with her car and Todd kissed her. She knew Craig was only kidding about beating up Todd. However, she had a feeling that if she told Craig he’d kissed her, it would come to blows between them, friends or not.

  She narrowed her eyes, trying to look stern when really her insides were trembling. “I think I can handle Todd by myself.”

  “Are you sure?” He glanced back and forth between her and Todd, who remained silent. “It’s just that in the past getting you two together in the same room was, well, not altogether pleasant.” He leaned back in the chair and grinned. “Did Mom and Dad tell you? I’m thinking of trading in my car and getting a new one. Brand new.”

  Shannon sat back and listened to Craig prattle on about the car he was looking at, along with a lengthy list of all its features. She noticed Todd still didn’t say anything.

  He truly was a mystery. Shannon had seen only his comic side, and most of that from the receiving end. Lately, she’d seen so much else. When she’d asked him about his mother, it was as if a brick wall had gone up around him. Now he sat in brooding silence. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought he was angry that she was planning to spend time with Gary. But that was ridiculous. For Todd to be angry would indicate he was jealous, and that idea was so far fetched it didn’t deserve any further consideration.

  After everyone was finished and the group had broken up, she found herself leaving at the same time as still-brooding Todd. To her surprise, he followed her to her car and stood beside her while she fished her keys out of her purse.

  Finally, Todd broke the strained silence. “I don’t know why you won’t listen to me. Gary isn’t the least bit interested in learning about God. He’s using this as a way to earn points. He’s just picking something he feels is close to your heart and taking advantage of it. I hope you don’t trust him, because if I were a woman, I sure wouldn’t. He doesn’t want to change. He just wants to have a little fun with you and nothing more.”

  Shannon’s hand froze with the key inserted in the lock. She turned to face Todd. “Don’t you think you’re being rather harsh? And very judgmental.”

  “I’m being realistic.”

  “You haven’t worked with him as long as I have, and you’ve been with him outside of work only once. How can
you make that kind of accusation?”

  “Stuff I’ve heard.”

  She crossed her arms. She knew Gary’s reputation with the ladies, but that wasn’t the issue. They had mentioned that regardless of what happened between them they would have to work together every day. She didn’t agree to date Gary. In fact, she’d told him the opposite. She’d told him she was busy, but she still was happy to take him to church and answer any questions he had. “I wish you wouldn’t be so quick to think the worst of Gary. I know he has his faults, but he’s dedicated and intelligent. You should give him some credit.”

  “Credit for what? His good looks? The good job? Money? His fancy car?”

  Shannon turned around and yanked the door open. “That’s enough. I don’t have to listen to you and your bad attitude.”

  “The only reason he’s talking about going to church is that you have a reputation for not going out with anyone, even once, who doesn’t go to church. That’s it.”

  She slid inside the car. “I don’t believe you.”

  She tried to close the door, but Todd grabbed it, preventing her from moving it. “It’s the truth. I don’t want him to take advantage of you. He’s only looking for a good time.”

  Her blood boiled. “I know what I’m doing, Todd,” she said harshly. She sucked in a deep breath and pulled the door, forcing him to release it or catch his fingers as it slammed. She turned the key in the ignition, rolled down the window, and leaned her head out for one last parting comment as she drove away.

  “Besides, for your information, he just might be my Secret Admirer.”

  Chapter 11

  Todd stood in front of the mirror and straightened his tie. His hand froze on the knot as he gave it a final tug. He closed his eyes.

  He’d had a fight with Shannon. That was Friday night. He hadn’t spoken to her since.

  He’d let the sun go down on his anger. He’d also let Saturday’s sun, a second night, go down on his anger.

  He didn’t know if he’d ever been so angry or so disappointed in himself.

  Shannon hadn’t listened to a thing he said; yet he’d been speaking the truth. Still, he had no right to be so angry. He’d had all night Friday, all of Saturday, and the early part of Sunday morning to think, giving him plenty of opportunity to sort things out.

  Of course, Shannon would give Gary the benefit of the doubt if he said he was interested in learning about God. Her gentle and forgiving spirit was a big part of what made Shannon who she was. She was starting to open up at least to be friends. She’d put aside all the bad things he’d done to her and forgiven him. If she did that for Todd, she would do the same for Gary, who had never personally done anything to hurt or embarrass her, as Todd had.

  In many ways, Gary deserved more of a chance than Todd did. And she was giving Gary the chance, too.

  Todd was jealous, and he knew it. And that was another thing that hurt.

  He knew what the man was like. Shannon had worked with Gary for longer than he had. Years. She knew Gary far better than he did, which made it even worse that she would consider spending personal time with him. The thought of her hanging around with him and liking him was too much for Todd to bear.

  What if she liked Gary more than she liked him….

  Todd opened his eyes and studied his reflection in the mirror. He’d just showered and shaved, and he’d gelled his hair meticulously into place. He’d bought some new toothpaste; his teeth hadn’t been so white since his last trip to the dentist. His shirt and pants were clean and pressed. His tie was a perfect match, the most expensive one he owned, and it didn’t even have a sound chip or flashing lights. He didn’t get any better than this.

  But this time, he needed more. If he wanted to look better than Gary, there was no competition. Gary was taller than he was and had one of those handsome faces that turned women’s heads. He was in better physical condition because he worked out at the gym three times a week, since he had the money for it. If Todd were honest with himself, Gary was probably smarter than he was, too. When Todd became uncomfortable, he made jokes and displayed ridiculous behavior—anything to get a laugh to ease a difficult moment. Gary, on the other hand, oozed confidence and poise in everything he said and did.

  On the surface, Gary had everything going for him. But beneath the trendy clothes and perfect hair and movie-star-handsome face, Gary was pond scum. And Shannon was right. Todd knew he was being judgmental, but that didn’t make him wrong. While everyone knew beauty was only skin deep, Shannon had to get past Gary’s skin layer to see the real man. In doing so, he hoped Gary didn’t do something to hurt her, either physically or emotionally.

  After Gary’s comment the other day, Todd should have figured out he would try to motivate Shannon to see him outside of work. Shannon was right; he was intelligent. The only reason she would see him would be to minister to him, so that was what Gary zeroed in on.

  Despite what Todd thought was the reality of the situation, there was still a one-tenth-of-one-percent chance Gary might be sincere in his quest to know God. If that were so, then Todd was being worse than judgmental. He was being unfair. God had touched him when he had no thoughts of Him. Craig had tried to show him God’s love ever since they’d been in their teens and often told Todd he’d been praying for him. Every time, Todd had scoffed and told him not to bother. Looking back, he had a feeling Shannon might have been praying for him, too.

  If the two of them had been praying for him for ten years before he allowed God to touch him, then it happened, the same could happen with Gary. Todd was a sinner, just as Gary, and God loved Gary, too.

  Todd looked around. He figured Shannon would be ten minutes early for the church service, as she was at work, regardless of whether she was driving or if Gary was picking her up.

  Todd said a short prayer for wisdom and made his way to Shannon’s church, not caring if she wanted him there or not.

  He recognized Gary’s car in the parking lot and parked nearby.

  Once inside the building, he found them easily. Of course, Gary was dressed perfectly, in clothes Todd could never afford. Shannon wore a pretty skirt and blouse, with shoes the same color as the skirt. Over her top, she wore a sweater Todd knew her mother had knitted for her. Todd smiled. She wasn’t fancy. She was just Shannon.

  He wiggled the knot on his tie and approached them.

  “Hey, Shannon, Gary. Good morning.”

  Shannon spun around in the blink of an eye. Gary turned more slowly.

  “Todd!” Shannon gasped. “What are you doing here?”

  He raised his hand and pressed his Bible to his chest. “It’s Sunday. I came to church—which is where I go every Sunday morning. Your invitation to join you this morning still stands, doesn’t it?”

  Her face turned ten shades of red. “Of course,” she muttered. “I just didn’t expect you to come by yourself.”

  Todd smiled at her. “I’m not alone. I’m with friends now.” He turned to Gary. “It’s good to see you here in God’s house.” He forced himself to keep smiling, trying to tell himself he really meant his words. “Shall we find a seat?”

  The three of them walked toward the sanctuary together. When they came to the entranceway, Gary stepped in front of Todd, forcing him to enter behind Gary. Before he could catch up to Shannon, Gary guided her into the nearest pew. He slipped in beside her, leaving enough room for Todd at the end.

  Todd narrowed his eyes. He didn’t want to sit beside Gary; he wanted to sit beside Shannon, and Gary knew it.

  Once again, he forced himself to smile and stepped toward Gary. “Excuse me,” he said. Not giving Gary a choice, he stepped in front of him, forcing him to tuck his legs to the side so Todd could get by. He then stepped gently past Shannon, as she also tucked her legs to the side, then sat beside her. Once seated, he turned to address them both at the same time. “I like to leave the aisle seat open. For elderly ladies.”

  Shannon smiled tenderly and rested her fingers on his forearm. �
�Oh, Todd, that’s so sweet.” She sighed.

  Gary’s ever-present friendly expression faltered for just a second. “That’s a good idea. I’ll have to remember that for next time.”

  Todd hoped there wouldn’t be a next time, then mentally kicked himself, in case this was the one-tenth-of-one-percent chance that Gary was here for good and honest reasons that had to do with God and not specifically with Shannon.

  When the service started, Todd noted the routine was similar to his own church’s but not identical. Shannon’s church was much smaller and geared more to a younger congregation than his own, which was the only church he’d ever attended. With the difference in mind, he was relieved to know all the songs except one. Even though singing wasn’t one of his greatest strengths, he worshipped from his heart, trying not to notice Gary caught on quickly to the songs and sang better than he did.

  Shannon’s pastor preached a good message with a little more fire and brimstone than he was used to, about the parable of the man sowing his seed. Once Todd became accustomed to the pastor’s animated speech and the shout of the occasional “Amen” from various members of the congregation, the enthusiasm of the pastor and the congregation became infectious. Todd almost called out an “Amen” to a point that hit home with him but held himself back because he didn’t want to startle Shannon. Sitting between him and Gary, she didn’t appear completely comfortable, and he couldn’t blame her. He didn’t want to make it worse for her.

  Throughout the entire service, in between being enthralled with the pastor’s words and writing notes on the back of the bulletin, Todd snuck a few sideways glances over Shannon at Gary. In a way, Todd hoped the pastor would have been more calm and sedate, allowing Gary to fall asleep. Instead he’d caught Gary sneaking sideways glances at him, probably hoping the same thing.

  At the close of the service, Todd forced all thoughts of Gary out of his head and followed in his heart with the pastor’s prayer and benediction. When most of the congregation called out an “Amen,” he did, too, which caused Shannon to jump and Gary to stare at him, but he didn’t care. The service had been great, with the possible exception of Gary being there.


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