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Sexy Love

Page 7

by Michelle Leyland

  She plays along, wriggling her body against me as she tries to get away. I can’t help letting out a little groan of excitement at the feel of her body brushing against mine when we’re this close to each other.

  I twirl her around to face me and kiss her deeply. She moans in pleasure at how good it is and I feel her fingers tangle into my hair. I brush my hand over the lower part of her back, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin.

  When we finish kissing, she snuggles into me, “so what are you going to do with me now I’m caught?”

  “This,” I reply as my lips travel down to her neck again.

  I kiss more passionately than before and she breathes hard. I use open mouth kissing and I can tell she loves how it feels against the sensitive parts. She moans quietly with pleasure and this encourages me to go further.

  I brush the tip of my tongue against her neck softly as I kiss. I have to hold her because her knees almost give way at how amazing it is. I can feel her shake a little with desire and she holds onto the back of the sofa for support, gripping the edge tightly.

  There’s so much sexual tension rushing through my body that I feel like I’m going crazy with wanting her so much. I give her a love bite, sucking and nibbling a little at the left side of her neck and making her moan a little louder.

  She lets herself slip down the side of the sofa and down to the carpet and I follow, getting on top of her as we kiss again. She takes off my jacket and we start to rip off each other clothes, kissing passionately before making love on the floor.

  Chapter 19

  Starlet randomly sends me a sexy text message the next day when I’m least expecting it. I’m busy talking with Mick over lunch and hear my mobile buzz and see her message:

  I wil be kissing u all ovr 2nite ;-) xxxxx

  At first I just stare at the screen in surprise and get really turned on. I really want to rush off and find her so we can do that and more right now.

  However, I remember where I am and suddenly feel embarrassed. My best friend is sitting across the table from me and I’m supposed to be eating lunch before going back to work.

  I take a deep breath and try to calm down. I’ll just have to fight the urge and wait until later for anything to happen.

  “You wanna go?” Mick asks me, finishing his meal.

  I don’t know what to say for a few seconds. It’s not like I can just come out with it, that there’s no way I can stand up and walk through the cafeteria after what I’ve just read.

  I shake my head in answer and mutter, “I can’t.”

  He gives me a weird look, confused, and then notices the mobile in my hand. His eyebrows go up as he finally catches on what’s happened.

  “Dirty texts, huh?” he asks quietly, smirking.

  I just nod in answer.

  “Just sit and talk with me a few minutes,” I say to him quietly. “I really need to distract myself.”

  “Okay,” he answers coolly and tells me what happened in one of his martial art lessons instead.

  By the time he’s done telling me, I’ve finally finished my meal and can finally stand up.

  “Thanks dude, I owe you one,” I tell him.

  “No problem.”

  The texting still continues through that week and I’m loving it, even if it does get me too excited.

  I text her on my break: Lets get to 3rd time wen work finishes ;-) xxxxx

  I can’t stop thinking about making love to her twice this morning and I’m dying to do it all over again.

  She replies back: I cant busy 2nite  We can have it all around my flat tomorrow ;-) xxxxx

  I’m disappointed I won’t see her again today, but I’m looking forward to her suggestion for tomorrow.

  “You headin’ to gym when we’re done?” I ask Mick.

  “Yeah, you coming?”

  “Sure,” I answer. “I’ll grab my stuff before we go.”

  I quickly run up to my flat after work, throw my gym stuff into a sports bag and get a lift with Mick in his car.

  I regret it once I take off my t-shirt and remember the friction burns on my back. I’m usually not that bothered when Mick jokes about me having love bites or scratches on my body, but I feel embarrassed this time and it’s still sore.

  Mick catches sight of them and I look away shyly.

  “Dude, nice one,” he says, sounding amused. “Looks kinda painful though.”

  “It is,” I reply, blushing a little, and quickly pull on my sports vest before anyone else can see them.

  “Let’s hope I don’t find rope burns on your wrists next time,” he jokes, loving to tease me.

  “No way,” I cringe. “I’m really not into that…” Although I’m starting to think the idea of Starlet in handcuffs is pretty sexy.

  We walk out of the changing rooms and start on the treadmills as a warm up.

  “So what’s Star like in bed?” he asks me cheekily. “Not ‘cause I’m interested or anything…just curious.”

  I know there’s a big chance he could have fancied her if I hadn’t made a move, but Mick is loyal and a good friend. We’d never do anything with each other’s partners or ex-girlfriends, so Mick only ever sees her as a friend, despite how stunning she is. I doubt he could ever look at her in a potential girl kind of way, especially when she’s one of his self-defence students.

  “She’s totally amazing,” I tell him, keeping it vague.

  I know he’s my best friend and I trust him, but there’s no way I can give him full details to what me and Starlet get up to. That’s private and just between us.

  Chapter 20

  “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Starlet asks me worriedly the next day.

  Today has been eventful. I’ve just had to save people working at our rescue centres, after we were given a tip off that Snider’s troops were planting hidden bombs. Luckily I managed to get everyone evacuated, with the help of Starlet, Sarah and Kat. I had to return inside the building when Kat’s little sister, Lulu, had stayed inside to find her favourite doll.

  We only just got out in time before the explosion happened and destroyed the whole building. I somehow heard the bang and pushed Lulu to the ground just in time, shielding her body with mine. The blast vibrations hit us seconds later and parts of rubble flew down on us and hit my back hard. I just had to grit my teeth and hope that we were safe from any more damage.

  Poor Lulu was terrified, clinging onto me and whimpering in fear. I felt so sorry for her and knew this experience would scar her for life.

  “It’s okay,” I tell her softly. “We’re both safe now.”

  She’s still in shock, her little body trembling. After a few seconds she bursts into tears.

  I look up to check the situation. The building is now in ruins, just two half shattered walls remaining, with the rest scattered around into piles of rubble. I cough with the smoke that’s flowing over our heads and stay down until it’s passed and the air is clearing.

  I carefully get up, feeling my back sting with pain where bricks had fallen onto me. I hold onto Lulu and help her stand to her feet. She looks totally shell shocked and holds onto my hand tightly.

  “Let’s go find your sister,” I say, giving her a reassuring smile.

  She seems eager to get back to Kat, and we see them both waiting anxiously, looking upset. Kat is already crying, but she looks so relieved when she sees that Lulu is safe. She runs over and scoops her up in her arms, hugging her tight with tears of relief.

  “Thank you, Rickie,” Kat says to me, tearfully, still holding Lulu. “I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

  Starlet runs over too and goes straight into my arms, hugging me tight.

  “Rickie, we thought you were still inside,” she said. I notice tears in her eyes and feel guilty for worrying her.

  I smile with relief and hold her close, “we had to get out the back way,” I explain. “I didn’t want to risk wasting time going to the front. Luckily we managed to get a safe distance away before i
t exploded.”

  She notices me rubbing my back where it still aches.

  “Are you hurt?” she asks me, immediately concerned.

  “I’ll be fine,” I reassure her, “I guess some of the rubble hit me, but at least Lulu’s fine.”

  Lulu comes over and gives me a hug too, smiling up at me gratefully, “Thank you.”

  I smile down at her and ruffle her hair.

  “Come on, we need to get back to the base,” Starlet reminds us all, but she takes hold of my hand and watches over me, making sure I’m okay after the injury.

  “I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you,” she says to me later.

  I feel a twinge of guilt again. It must have been horrible for her to watch me go back, knowing that I might not come out alive, and then watch it explode thinking I was still inside.

  “I’m sorry, Star,” I apologise. “It must have been hard. I know I’d be totally devastated if I thought you’d been killed.”

  “It’s okay. All that matters is you got out safe,” she says, cuddling up to me happily.

  Even though I’m hurt and nearly got blown up, I’m really enjoying the attention I’m getting from Starlet now it’s all over.

  We have a long kissing session, relieved that everything’s okay and we’re still together.

  “How’s your back?” she asks me, still concerned. “Does it still hurt?”

  “It feels okay, just a little sore,” I answer.

  “We should take you to first aid and get it checked out,” she says and drags me off there.

  Unfortunately Kat must be busy with Lulu so there isn’t a first aid nurse available.

  “Do you want me to take a look?” she asks.

  “Okay,” I agree and get on the stiff medical bed.

  I roll over onto my back and let her pull up my t-shirt to inspect the wounds.

  “Aww, you poor thing. It’s all bruised where the rubble hit you,” she says, running her fingers smoothly over it.

  I can’t help feeling excited at her touch, even though it still hurts.

  “I’ll make it feel better,” she whispers sexily and starts kissing gently along my back.

  I groan a little, loving it.

  She stops, “sorry, did I hurt you?” she asks.

  “No, it’s fine,” I reply dreamily. “It feels great.”

  She carries on kissing my back until it feels so good that I have to roll over, pull her on top of me and kiss her passionately.

  She pulls away from me after a while, “we really shouldn’t be doing this here. What if Kat walks in?”

  “We’ll go back to my place,” I suggest.

  We leave immediately, running along the corridors to my flat and go through to my bedroom.

  “What are you grinning at?” she asks amused.

  “I’m just imagining how hot you’d look in a nurse outfit,” I reply with a smirk.

  She just laughs and lets me push her towards my desk. We kiss passionately against it and I rest my forehead against hers.

  I pull her even closer, although I didn’t think it was possible. There isn’t any gap between us, but somehow our bodies entwine even more. I know she must feel how excited I am over her, because it’s hard against the place I want be and this makes her groan in my ear.

  I French kiss her and begin to rip off her clothes hungrily. She moans into my ear again as I unclip her bra, let it fall to the floor and push her back onto the desk.

  She smiles and lies back on it sexily as I get close to her again. We share an intense gaze before our passionate kissing begins again.

  Soon she’s taken off all my clothes too, so I remove her remaining thong with my teeth. I kiss along her legs teasingly and then go down on her. She screams so loud I can hardly wait to start having sex with her. I can only stand waiting until she has an orgasm and then I just have to have her.

  I make love to her hard against the desk, and when I’m done she pushes me back into the chair. She gets on top of me, her legs either side of me as she sits on my lap. I pull her close and kiss along her neck until we’ve having sex all over again. It hurts my back to keep touching the back of the chair, but I ignore it because it’s worth it to make love to Starlet and there’s no way I’m going to stop. The way she moves her body against mine feels totally amazing.

  Chapter 21

  The next day is really bad. It was going well at first, and Starlet and I even had time to go out for a meal together, enjoying some time off away from all the action. Little did we know that our secret base was being raided and destroyed right when we were at the restaurant. We were blissfully unaware at that moment, holding hands across the table and staring into each other’s eyes.

  It was only an hour later on our drive back that we got the dreaded phone call. Carl was pretty annoyed that Starlet and I hadn’t been answering our mobiles, but he didn’t rant at us because he had to give us the really bad news.

  I was so shocked I couldn’t believe it. Our secret base had been there for years. It had been my home since I was fourteen and now it was gone. It was really hard to process.

  Carl told us to meet everyone at another one of our buildings, where we would have to stay for the night until we set up another base.

  We headed over there but we were still in a state of shock and everything just passed by in a blur. We all had to camp out in a small building, still getting over it all.

  “I can’t believe he did this,” Starlet says as she cuddles up in her sleeping bag to keep warm. “Our home, our work offices…they’re all gone.”

  I put my arm around her, “I know it sucks big time, but we can’t let the bad stuff get to us too much. If we do everything that goes wrong will bring us down. We just need to be strong and move on from it.”

  “I guess so.”

  “It’s a dangerous job we have; we could be injured or killed at any time. As long as we all make it back alive then we should be grateful for it.”

  “You’re right,” she replies. “We could have all been in building when it happened. Everyone else was lucky to get away.”

  “Exactly, so instead of thinking about the negative stuff we should focus on the positive and be happy we’re all okay.”

  “What happens when a team member is killed?” she asks me eventually, looking nervous at the thought. “How do you all move on from that?”

  “We just try our best to get through it,” I answer sadly. “We took a huge hit when Snider murdered our previous leader, but we had no choice but to get back up and carry on working, because people out there need us to protect them. Knowing that gives you the boost to keep going.”

  She smiles at my advice and I realise just how deep I’m getting.

  “You’re so amazing, Rickie,” she says with love and admiration in her eyes. “I hope I’ll be one of the best freedom fighters one day, just like you.”

  I grin at the compliment, feeling touched that I’m her idol, “I know for sure you will be, Star. You’re still getting into it yet, but even Carl says you’ve got potential to do really great things for us.”

  She smiles, “I hope so. I want to make my parents proud.”

  I hold her for a while as we think about everything.

  “Rickie, I still can’t believe it…about Josh,” she says.

  We haven’t mentioned it for an hour, because everyone’s still angry about finding out how Snider found where our secret base was. I guess Starlet needs to talk about it since Josh was one of her closest friends and she’s just found out he betrayed us.

  I still feel pissed off with him. We were all friends with Josh and he had just started working for us and finished training. However, he still risked our lives by grassing us in and I don’t think I can forgive him for that.

  “Yeah, he’s really out of order,” I agree. “How could he do that to his own mates?”

  “I know. It’s awful,” she says.

  It must be even harder for Starlet because she was the one who risked her li
fe to rescue him from Snider’s troops and inspired him to come and work with us.

  “It scares me what you said, about not being able to trust people,” she says, referring to what I said once we found out. “I thought I would be able to depend on my work colleagues, but I guess I can’t.”

  “You can trust people here. I just meant that there’s always a chance that one of us could break, like Josh did.”

  She nods.

  “I know for sure I can trust Carl. He’s my bro and our leader, so he would never do anything to put us in danger. I can trust you too. You love me and I know you wouldn’t have anything to do with Snider after what he did…”

  She thinks about him killing her parents and her eyes fill with sadness, “yeah, I hate him,” she agrees. “But what about everyone else? Do you think they would turn?”

  “I don’t think they’d want to,” I say honestly, “but we all have weaknesses and Snider could easily use them.”

  I think of my deepest fear and feel nervous. I don’t know what I’d do if Snider threatened to kill Starlet, Carl or my best friend Mick. They mean the world to me and I don’t know how much I would do to keep them alive. That’s what scares me the most. Would Snider ever be able to manipulate me into getting what he wants?

  “I can definitely trust you,” she says, breaking my thoughts. “I know you would do anything to keep people safe.”

  “Yeah,” I agree, determined not to ever let Snider take control of me.

  The next day, Starlet arrives back to our temporary base looking troubled and her friend Sarah is crying.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “We ran into Josh,” she tells me.

  Sarah says she wants some time alone and goes off to the toilets to cry in private. Her and Josh had a short romance so I guess she’s pretty gutted.

  “Come on, we need to talk about it with Carl,” I say, dragging Starlet off.


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