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Page 2

by Ashley Beale

  We don't have a conversation, instead he watches me eat and sip on my coffee, while he occasionally takes a few of his own drink. It's awkward but then again, it's not. I don't understand what is going on right now, not inside my head nor my body, and certainly not at this table. Since I'm thinking about it, I may as well admit I don't understand anything about my life anymore.

  "I take it you're not from around here," he states finally.

  Lost in a daze of my own annoying thoughts, I snap out of it and look back at him. He just watches me with soft eyes and a luscious smiling mouth. I repeat his statement in my head and wonder what made him ask me.

  "Why do you ask?"

  "Yesterday, you couldn't figure out what the subway attendant had announced. Then just now, your eyes were wandering, and you seem a little lost and misguided." He shrugs his shoulders, like I should have realized this myself. "It's just one of those things you can tell when you're a local- who is and who isn't."

  Great, so all those crazy, stalker type of guys, that get off at the thought of murdering innocent, single white females are going to know I'm not from around here and follow me around. I'll be too busy sight-seeing or obsessing over something to even notice the psycho. I can feel my face pale just at the thought.

  Harvey reaches over and grabs ahold of my shaking hand. "Hey, sorry if I upset you or something."

  I look down at his hand and immediately enjoy the warmth there. It's odd that I'd enjoy a stranger touching me. I look back to him and smile genuinely. "No, you didn't upset me at all. I just was hoping no one else noticed my wandering eyes. I don't like the thought of people following me or anything." I hope he doesn't think I'm insinuating he's been following me.

  He chuckles and it's a nice sound. And oddly familiar. "But you like to follow people?"

  "Um, excuse me?" I can't help but feel a little frustrated with his question. Or was it a statement? He doesn't know me, he has no right to assume something so absurd.

  His humor doesn't leave his face. "Kidding. Just saying that because you've happened to be in the same place as me twice in ten hours."

  I can feel my face warm up with embarrassment, even though he said he was kidding. And since I didn't even remember his name, he must know I most certainly did not follow him.

  "So what brings you to the Big Apple?" He changes the subject and I'm happy to drift the conversation onto anything not involving stalking and creeps.

  I finish my scone, which was heavenly, then I take a sip of coffee. When I place it down, I answer his question. He is very patient, it's relaxing. "My job. I'm helping the opening of a new location."

  "What do you do?"

  Not sure I should answer it, but I do. "I work for a fashion magazine, it's called In-and-Out, you've probably never heard of it."

  He nods his head, taking a sip of his own coffee. "Nice. Where you from? If you don't mind me asking."

  I'm not sure why I answer him. I feel comfortable around him already though. Something about him comforts me in a way I'm not sure I can explain, but I don't think about it too much. "Georgia." No, I won't tell him Atlanta, just in case.

  "I assumed the south because of that sweet accent you have." He smiles larger. It looks good on him. He looks like he normally shaves but forgot today, with just a hint of dark hair surrounding his solid jaw. I have a weird need to rub my hand along it but I don’t. I just wish I knew if it were soft or prickly.

  I mentally scold myself. Zoey, stop this. You are being crazy, literally crazy. Keep this nonsense up and it's off to the looney bin. I smile softly at my inner thoughts. I'm glad people can't read my mind, they'd definitely send me to the looney bin.

  "Where do you work?" I ask this time.

  "I'm actually a tour guide."

  "Really?" A tour guide. Hmm, I think I like it. It's a safe job, probably fun too. I can't imagine it's the best of money but what do I know.

  He smiles at me, his eyes watching my expression closely. "You're not judging me." He seems surprised by that. I wonder how often he gets teased or told it's not a career.

  "Why would I? It sounds like a fun job."

  "Oh, it is." He nods his head and I can see the love of his job in his eyes. "I can take you on a tour some time, since you're new and all. Have you ever been in the city before?"

  "I'd like that," I admit. And I would like that. Maybe this weekend, or the next. I'd like to know the place I'll be living a little better. Plus, he'll probably show me places I'd never see otherwise. "I visited twice before, but I was little and they were both family trips. I don't even remember much."

  "Good." He twirls his now empty cup around in his hand. I look down at his other hand and notice its still placed on top of mine. How did I not realize that still? It's very comforting and relaxing. I never thought I'd let another guy touch me, not in any way, not even like this. "So when are you free?"

  Lost in my own thoughts, I startle slightly at his question. My gaze meets his again and he is now watching our hands. His thumb comes out and rubs along the side of my hand, giving me warmth and happiness.

  I'm being crazy again!

  "I'm, uh," I stutter, "free, um." He chuckles and pulls his hand away, probably knowing I'm nervous from this sudden gesture and the happiness it oddly brings. I clear my throat and smile shyly at him before looking down at my almost finished drink. "I'm free this weekend or next, or probably even the next. I'm new, I don't have many plans."

  His laughter brings my sight back to him. "Well, lucky for you, I'm free all those weekends, so you choose."

  I bite down on my lip and try to think. "Saturday it is."

  His smile widens. "Perfect. Let me get your number and I'll give you a call Friday. Unless, of course, you want me to call you before that." I can see the hopefulness in his beautiful eyes.

  I see what just happened. He tricked me to get my number. Sort of. I ignore it regardless because I am excited to go sight-seeing with someone who actually knows about the city and the history of the beautiful buildings. I give him my number, knowing I shouldn't trust a stranger right off. My Poppa would ring my neck for this. He stands after and tosses his cup in the nearby trash before turning towards me. "Well, Zoey, it's nice to meet you. I'll call you..." He lets the last word drag a little.

  "Tomorrow," I tell him with a smile. Not tonight, it's too much too soon, but tomorrow, I'll have had time to process everything that is happening. I'll get some insight from Emi, she is good at doing my thinking for me now.

  "Tomorrow it is." He reaches over and runs his finger along my jaw line while looking me in the eye. It's a sweet gesture, but again, it reminds me of Kirt. I don't let my smile fade, not yet, that can wait until he walks out the door. I don't want him to think he did anything wrong.

  "Bye Harvey."

  "Bye Zoey." He walks away, and the moment he leaves the cafe, I sigh and sag down into my seat. Oh what I am thinking? What have I done?

  Emi's gasp makes me laugh. I think she is in more shock about everything than I am.

  "Seriously, you're not just playing some cruel and unusual game on me?"

  "I promise you Emi, it's all true." I told her everything, from the subway ride, to seeing him in the cafe, to his hand holding mine, to our plans Saturday.

  "So are you going Saturday or are you ditching him?" She knows me too well.

  "Oh, I'm certainly going," I tell her.

  "Ahhhh!" I have to pull the phone away from my ear for a moment. "I told you Zoey Lynn, I freaking told you!"

  I giggle softly, rolling my eyes even though she can't see. "Yes mother, you did."

  She grunts, not liking that I compared her to Momma. "Yeah, not even close. She'd be on here telling you you're not being safe, all the while doing a criminal history report on the poor guy. Talking about that, do you even know his last name?"

  I think on it for a second. "No, I really don't know much about him at all. He is a local, so he says, his name is Harvey, he is a tour guide. That is about it." I'll g
et to know him more on Saturday, I think to myself.

  She sighs dramatically. "Is he dreamy? He must be to have gotten your attention. Everyone swoons over you but you never notice anyone. You never talk to guys, unless it's Colt. It's almost disturbing. You have no idea how happy I am for you!" She is muttering more to herself than to me, but I don't mind. The less I have to talk, the better.

  "Yes Emi," I say, answering his factor of cuteness, without arguing about her other nonsense.

  "Good. Saturday I expect you to take a picture of him and send it to me. If you don't, I'm driving up there Sunday just to kick your ass." I can hear the humor in her voice. Even though, I wouldn't put it past her.

  "Oh, stop it. I'll get a picture of him. That is high on the creeper factor though, just snapping a picture of someone I hardly know."

  "Just tell him you're sending it to me in case you end up missing. That way he'll be less likely to kill you or something."

  "What the hell!" I yell. "That isn't even funny." Okay, it kind of is, only because it's Emi saying it. It'd be embarrassing telling him that too, which makes me sort of smile.

  She giggles through the phone. "Well, it's smart, don't you think? You still have the mace, just in case something does happen? What about the rape whistle?"

  "Yes and yes. Oh, and the nine millimeter as well." I smile at the thought of bringing my pistol with me on our adventure. If he had to go through my handbag for whatever reason, he'd probably have a heart attack between the mace and gun.

  Her laughter gets a little louder. "Oh, I almost forgot about that. Anyways, I need to get going. Good luck tomorrow and I'll see you in a few weeks. Love you sis."

  "Love you too, Emi."

  We hang up the phone and I get ready for bed. Thoughts of Harvey and Kirt invade my mind. I'm not sure if I should feel guilty or not about hanging out with Harvey so soon after Kirt's death. Yes, a year may not seem like a long time to a lot of people, but to others like myself, a year hasn't been a long time at all. Especially after spending over a decade with the man.

  Waking the next morning, I'm a little groggy and slow while getting ready for work. I didn't sleep well last night as my dreams were a little crazy. I think it's a side effect of my new medication, having strange dreams. They started a few nights ago, but last night was the worse one yet. Instead of contemplating on it any, I finish getting ready, then I head to the cafe shop I saw Harvey in yesterday.

  Instead of going the other two routes and trying out other shops, I decided that'd be my shop, at least for now. It was a delicious coffee and scone, it's the shortest distance to work, and if I'm being honest with myself, it warms my heart thinking of yesterday. If something happens, I can always find a different shop later on.

  I make it to work earlier than I intended to, but I don't mind. It gives me an opportunity to check the place out, get comfortable with its setting and the people I'll be working with. When I walk into the entrance of the building, I'm taken aback for a moment. It's stunning. The foyer alone is filled with brass and maroon fabrics. I feel like I just walked into a renovated theater or something, I'm completely awe struck.

  A gentlemen dressed in a security uniform stops me. "May I help you ma'am?"

  I smile at his kindness. "Yes, I'm starting work for In-and-Out, today is my first day."

  "Okay, just one moment please. Follow me if you could." He turns and I follow him to a large, solid oak desk, where there are TV monitors that show different parts of the building and inside the elevators. He sits in a maroon chair, then he grabs a pen.

  "Your name?" he asks.

  "Zoey LaRoche."

  "I just need to see your ID."

  I go through my purse and show him. He smiles at me, while handing it back.

  He writes down something, then he dials a number on the phone. After confirming my employment, he does a few more things on the computer. A moment later I'm handed an ID badge.

  "Okay, this badge is yours. Every day you're going to need it. It's a hassle if you don't have it. If you follow me again, I'll show you how it works."

  I follow him to a metal detector. "You'll have to hand it to whoever is working. This is Fred," he points to the guy handling everyone's badges and handbags. "He works here the most."

  "Hi Fred," I say.

  He smiles politely. He's an older man, probably in his early seventies. "Why hello, you beautiful little thing."

  I smile in return.

  "Fred, don't scare her off already."

  I hand Fred my badge, he looks down at it then back at me. "Cute picture."

  I didn't realize there was a picture. I don't even know where they'd get one. I grab the badge and look down at it and see the picture from when I was twenty two and first started working for In-and-Out. They must have it saved in the computer system. I was happy then, it was when I thought my life was complete. It was before I knew what the future held for me.

  He rummages through my purse and I'm glad I left the handgun back home in the bed side table drawer. He allows me through the metal detector and I'm good to go.

  "Have a great day Miss LaRoche."

  "You too, Fred."

  The security guard walks me to the next door, where he shows me how to swipe my badge in front of the mini gray machine on the side of the door. This is something I've actually seen before but never had to do at my last job. It wasn't in a tall building like this, where it was mixed with other companies. It was in an older looking house, which was converted into an office. I liked the at home feel, not that this isn't nice, it just is much, much different.

  I swipe it, the button turns green, and I open the door. The guy says, "Go to floor seven, it'll open up to your office area. I'm sure someone will be around to help you out."

  "Thanks so much, uh," I look down at his name plate pinned to his shirt, "Bob."

  He smiles softly. "Have a wonderful day Zoey."

  I can spot my reflection in the shiny gold once the elevator doors close. I bend a little closer and fluff my slightly curly brown hair, and run my fingers under my eyes. There was just a little bit of eyeliner that had smudged, probably from the wind outside making my eyes water. With a sigh, I talk quietly to myself. "It'll be okay, Zoey." I'm sure Bob is getting a laugh out of watching me from the monitors, but I don't mind.

  The elevator doors open to the seventh floor and once again, I'm pleasantly happy yet surprised. There are at least thirty cubicles throughout the middle of the floor, and the walls on either side are covered in office doors. Across from me is a giant wall of floor to ceiling windows. The area is lit right up with the bright shining sun, and everyone is running around, busy with work already.

  They opened this office three weeks ago, so most people are already in routine. I know they transferred at least twenty more of us for this week, so I'm not going to be completely alone in the training. Not that I need much training, I already know what to do, I just need to be directed on the changes from my previous office to here.

  Someone walks by me and I stop her. "Excuse me, can you tell me where to go? This is my first day."

  She pauses and smiles at me, but she looks awfully busy and I feel bad stopping her. She points to a door close by. "That is Gemma's office." I thank her and make my way to the office.

  I knock on the door and when told I may enter, I peak my head inside. "Hi, Gemma?"

  "Yes, I'm Gemma. Please, come in, have a seat."

  I do as she says, sitting in the green chair across from her desk. "I'm Zoey LaRoche, from the Atlanta office."

  "Oh, yes, Zoey. Perfect. Okay, Meghan is going to be helping you today but she is running a little late it seems. If you would like to wait in the break room, you can. Go down this hall to the left and it’s the third door on the right. I'll send Meghan in there when she arrives."

  Standing up, I thank her, shake her hand, then do as she says.

  The break room is decent, with two large couches, three tables with chairs surrounding them, a small television t
hat is playing a local news channel, and a kitchenette. I think it's the size of my apartment if I'm being honest with myself.

  No one else is in here so I take the opportunity to relax on one of the couches. The weather man on TV says it'll be in the eighties and sunny all week, except Sunday with light rain. I'm thankful that Saturday looks to be nice. It's not as warm as back home, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I was lucky enough to move up here in the late spring rather than in the winter. I can get used to the chillier weather a little easier that way.

  "Zoey?" I hear a younger woman call.

  I turn to a blonde girl that looks to be right out of high school. There is purple streak in her hair and her clothes are quite something. She definitely has a love for fashion, and it looks great on her. "Hi, Meghan?" I question.

  "Yes," she says with a sweet smile. "It's nice to meet you. I'm going to show you your office and the basics."

  I follow her down the hall to an office door. I'm excited that I get my own office rather than one of those cubicles. I like my personal space.

  The office has two large windows behind a small brown desk. A tall chair in brown leather sits behind the desk, in front of the windows. There are filing cabinets, a fake potted plant, and two regular chairs placed against the walls, besides that, there is just a computer and office supplies. Along with a few shelves on the walls as well as a dry erase board and cork board. The walls are painted a soft pink and I like the contrast in colors. It's bright and warm, like the rest of the building. I think I'll be very happy in here.

  "So this is your office." She hands me a slip of paper. "This is your user name and password for the computer, your email and account information is the same as before. If you have any issues, let me know and I'll get the tech guy in here. We're still new at running things, but it should be very similar to back at the Atlanta office. Susan from Editing is going to be joining us on Tuesday, she just accepted the offer yesterday, so you will know someone."

  That makes me smile. Susan is the sweetest woman in the world. She is fifty two, with five kids, twelve grand babies, and is a widow. I'm surprised she'd leave her family behind like that, but she always swore she was part gypsy and was going to get away one day. I guess her one day is now.


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