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Rum Cay, Sweet Surrender (Rum Cay, Sweet Surender)

Page 2

by Collins, Hallie

  “Thank you Garrett. Thank you for all you have done for me. I could never come close to repay you for your incredible generosity, it’s all so overwhelming. But there is one thing I know I can do… let me help you get your revenge on Barchano and rid the world of his worthless existence.”

  “Don’t worry, your obvious passion to make an aspiring proposal like this work, has already sold me. But I will only agree to these crazy ideas on one condition.”

  “What’s that?” said Liliana looking as if Garrett is about to call her on her secrets.

  “That you do everything I tell you to do without argument. I will not put you in danger, understand?”

  Liliana smiles sweetly at Garrett then grabs for his hand. “I will listen to everything you tell me to do, then consider it carefully, before I do just the opposite.”

  “I’m serious Liliana! You have to listen to me. This is a very ambitious and dangerous plan you’ve put together, and I’m all in, but you have to know when to back off and when to be aggressive. I have a lot of experience in this business and you need to listen to me.”

  “I will Garrett; I didn’t mean to be so flippant. I’m very grateful for you and all that you’ve done for me and my family. But I do have a strong nature about me and you need to at least consider suggestions that I may have along the way as well.”

  Garrett begins to laugh incredulously before responding… “Okay, okay, we’re in agreement. You can play my lieutenant, but I’m the boss of the operation, alright?”

  “You got yourself a deal AND a partner Mr. Ross!”

  “Alright then… I’ll call my men on Rum Cay to let them know of our plans and have them work up a shell Corporation, then spread the word through the Stagnoli family that we exist and are ready to do business. It should not take long before we get a call.”

  “Yes, but remember, we have to get the same information out to Barchano’s men so that we can play the ends against the middle,” commanded Liliana.

  “I’m with you; just have to do one thing at a time. Don’t want anyone to get suspicious. It’s a small world after all, especially in the crime business. These guys all track one another, so we have to play it careful.”

  “I understand Garrett. Where should we position the business? I mean where is our home base of operations going to be?”

  “I think it should be New Jersey… it’s perfect, since I know the area so well, and that allows us to keep tabs on Barchano and Stagnoli, since he has offices there as well. Let’s get this thing in operation. I need to make a few more calls and you need to pack your bags. We’re off to where it all began for us Lili… Rum Cay.”

  “Rum Cay?” asked Liliana.

  “Yes, I have a makeup artist positioned to redo your hair and change your appearance enough to keep you safe from identification. I also will have another passport and driver’s license ready for you when we get to the island. Remember… you’re dead now.”

  “Such a strange feeling, knowing you don’t exist anymore. Please, let’s get going, so that we can get word to my family that all is okay. I’m sure they’re already worried, and if Stagnoli gets to them before we do, then, well, I just can’t let them think for one second that I’m gone forever.”

  “One thing at a time Lili, one thing at a time. If we’re to succeed, then we have to make a few sacrifices along the way. Now get ready, we have a long day ahead of us.”

  As Liliana quickly packed, she could not help but think about her family, all the people she left behind that love her. But Garrett was right, she thought, they had to make it look as though she were dead… Stagnoli would not let her out of his grasp, money or not, she was going to owe him forever. Everything they were about to do had to be done.

  Garrett finished up his calls to his men just as Liliana made her way downstairs from the bedroom packed and ready to go.

  “All packed?”

  “Yes, are you?”

  “One thing you’ll learn about me… I’m always packed, wherever I go,” stated Garrett dryly.

  “Yes, I forgot who I was talking to there for a minute.”

  Garrett began to laugh at Liliana’s declaration, then directed her out the massive double doors that sheltered her for the past 36 hours… a place she felt safe from Stagnoli and all the trouble she had caused. Now, she was about to leave her sanctuary, exposing herself to the outside world again, where anyone, anything could hurt her. She just prayed that the change in appearance and Garrett’s charade about her death would stick so that they could carry on with their plans. She also hoped and prayed that Garrett would not learn of her real family connection, at least until their mission had been accomplished.

  After boarding the yacht for the return trip to Rum Cay, Liliana made herself comfortable on the expansive deck, stretching out as Garrett navigated his way across the spray of the ocean waters. The open sea was rougher this time around as waves began to pound against the hull of the ship, causing it to crash harshly up and down as they would hit wave after wave that fronted them. But the strong weather was no match for Garrett’s sea worthy ship, as it effortlessly, almost aggressively sliced through anything Mother Nature put in its way. During the harshest part of the trip back, Garrett asked for Liliana to go down below to keep her safe until they reached the shores of the island. Hurricane warnings were in effect and Garrett did not want to take a chance on anything happening to his new love.

  The voyage back took longer than the initial trip to Garrett’s private island, as they pulled up to the dock late that evening around 10pm. After settling into the marina, Garrett and Liliana carefully disembarked, warily looking around to make sure they were not about to see anyone unexpectedly. Luckily, Garrett had kept the same cottage he had rented before leaving the island, allowing them to seamlessly slide themselves back into the fabric of Rum Cay.

  Chapter II

  Exhausted from the trip back to Rum Cay, Liliana didn’t even have the energy to undress, as she dropped her physically drained body onto the same cottage bed that kept them both so busy only a few days before. Garrett let Liliana sleep as he finalized details to their impending plans to manipulate two strong willed men. The first few moves were of utmost importance, and nothing could go wrong if they were to engineer a strategy that was put together in less than two days.

  Hearing that one of Stagnoli’s men had decided to stick around for a couple days, Garrett adjusted security to make sure of Liliana’s safety. Having that additional concern made things a little more worrisome for Garrett, knowing he had to be that much more careful when traveling the island.

  Liliana woke to the soft touch of his hand tickling her silky legs up and down and across her round arching butt; gently kissing the curved areas of her neck as she began to stir. “Time to get your makeover my lady,” whispered Garrett with a loving smile.

  “What?… wait, what time is it? Oh my Gosh, you let me sleep so late Garrett!”

  “You needed the extra rest my dear, that was obvious. But we do need to get going if we’re to make the time I set with Cherise.”

  “Hold on, they’re not going to do any plastic surgery on me are they?”

  “No, no, just basic stuff, not to worry… you’ll have a new haircut, hair color and a completely different wardrobe ready for you, which reminds me, we have to get rid of all these clothes of yours.”

  “What, everything?”

  “Sorry, we can’t have you in anything you wore before, can’t take any chances.”

  “Can I at least keep my bikini? I just bought it here last week.”

  “Alright, but nothing else. We have to burn it all.”

  “So, a new hairstyle and clothes… that’s it?”

  “Almost. You’ll be fitted for a prosthesis that will cover your nose, to change your facial appearance along with colored contacts to change your eye coloring as well. Then you should be good to go.”

  “Hopefully, I can still breathe with my new big nose you have in store for me,” groused Lil

  “Actually, I think you’ll like what my girl Cherise has designed for you, she’s a master. Very easy to put on and take off. You should always wear tinted glasses when outside as well. Until we accomplish our goals at least, we can’t be too careful.”

  “I’m all yours maestro. I’ll be your canvas, just keep me safe, and you can paint me up all you want.”

  “Oh, yes, of course… paint!”

  “Wait, I was just kidding!”

  “No, I just forgot about the spray tan… we’ll go really dark, should give you that local island look. Now, let’s get going, we have to get to my office that I have set up in the business district.”

  “Huh? I thought we were going to New Jersey?”

  “No, we can do almost everything from here. I have a rerouted Jersey number set up to correspond with the new corporation I created and registered in that State, ‘Steel Gate Landings LLC’.

  “Sounds like a military base in Eastern Europe or something, is that what you were going for?” smiles Liliana.

  “Funny you should ask. The parent company is a small private militia operation that I have connections to. I cleared it through them to use the name as a branch from the main syndicate. Needed it to appear like a large operation, that’s all. Also, there’s a ‘Steel Gate Mountain’ that happens to be a huge shipping operation out of Canada that I wanted to cause confusion with. We can’t have Stagnoli or Barchano thinking we’re only a front or too small to work with. Now we just need to put the word out to the two families that we’re in the drug trade business, and hopefully catch us a big fish.”

  “I want to be the one that Barchano deals with… he does not know me like Stagnoli, and I know I can make him do what we need,” exclaims Liliana.

  “How so?”

  “Remember? I’m a woman. A very wry complicated woman to deal with. I can get the most intensely aggressive men to do something that they wouldn’t normally do. Don’t forget, I was able to manipulate Stagnoli into fronting me $250,000 without any collateral, only my womanly wilds.”

  “Right, he talked about that.”

  “What? What do you mean he talked about that?

  “When I met with him. He mentioned how you used your sexuality to get him interested in helping your sister.”

  “Really?! I wasn’t aware of that. You never mentioned it before,” stated a very surprised Liliana.

  “I didn’t think I needed to… it never came up. Look, he’s a two-bit sleaze ball. I don’t care what you had to do to get the money from him. I know what your motivations were. So yes, I agree.

  “Agree? Wait, I’m getting more confused by the minute,” muttered a puzzled Liliana.

  “I agree that you should speak to Barchano, but only on the phone, not in person, too dangerous.”

  “Okay Garrett, and thank you for indulging me. I told you I would have some good ideas to help in our plans.”

  “Just remember, Barchano is a butcher, and he’ll do anything to hurt anyone if he thinks you’re trying to fool him. We have to stay on track and create a strong front that will not be questioned, agreed?”


  “Now, let’s get you over to Cherise, and create a new you.”

  “I’m all yours, but of course you already know that,” said Liliana with a cute smile.

  Garrett and Liliana spend the next few hours with Cherise, preparing Liliana’s new physical appearance and fitting her with a wardrobe that shows off Liliana’s womanly athletic build, but very different than her normal wear. After finishing off the nose prosthesis, Liliana became physically exhausted and wanted to return to the cottage to get the rest she so needed, knowing what she had to face in the days to come. Garrett and Liliana became almost catatonic during the drive back, both immersed in thought, readying themselves for something they were both meant to do… both meant to accomplish together.

  The next day came very quickly and Liliana showered and dressed before Garrett woke up. So many thoughts were streaming through her head… how was she supposed to keep Garrett from finding out who her father is while she masquerades as an assistant to a drug lord? And her family… when will she see them again? Will they be safe from harm while she tends to her new life? Too many problems to worry about, she thought… total and complete focus is what she needed the most now.

  “Hey, I woke up and found you missing… I thought that maybe you had second thoughts about our new venture,” stated Garrett with strong concern.

  “Not in the least. I just wanted to get a quick start on the day is all.”

  “That’s a good thing because I just received word that Stagnoli needs to hear from me. So it’s best that I get to the office to begin the process.”

  “Alright, it should only take me a couple minutes to be ready, but I’m not putting on that ridiculous fake nose you had done up for me. I look like a drag queen or something, not gonna happen.”

  After Garrett stops laughing, he gets quiet and looks Liliana squarely in the eye… “Remember what I said about listening to me, what we created for you was a new identity and you need to adhere to the plan as close as possible at all times.”

  “Even on this island?”

  “Yes, even on this island. You never know when Stagnoli may have someone around to keep tabs… it could be anyone, the local baker, house boy or bar tender. If there’s one thing I learned about him is that he’s very cagey and pays attention to detail. If you do everything I tell you, especially when dealing with Barchano, then there should be no problems.”

  “I still don’t understand why we couldn’t do everything from your private island Garrett.”

  “Presence, we have to establish a presence. Additionally, I have a couple of close associates opening an office in Newark, near Barchano… they’re setting up work space as we speak.”

  “Isn’t that dangerous Garrett? I mean what if they get the idea that we’re a fake organization; wouldn’t that put your men in danger?”

  “Don’t worry about my men, they know how to handle themselves, and this type of operation will need a stateside presence as well. I would just fly in and do it myself, but until everything is ready to go, I don’t want to chance Barchano knowing anything about what I’m doing, and it would be too difficult to protect you while creating the front. ”

  “Alright, I understand. Might as well get this thing underway. I’m ready to go when you are.”

  “That’s what I like, a Lady that isn’t afraid of anything… just don’t let that aggressive attitude get you killed!”

  “Not to worry, I have the real James Bond as my lover,” giggled Liliana.

  Garrett just smiles as he and Liliana jump in his rented Range Rover for the 20 minute ride into the business district of Rum Cay. The four block lining of multiple three to five story buildings is all that encompasses the downtown business district. Garrett pulls up to an ageing but quaint corner building that contains two small offices leased out for the next month to front as the main operations of ‘Steel Gate Landings’. Garrett had already made arrangements for the front office door to be emblazoned with their name, then letterhead and business cards to be delivered later in the afternoon.

  “It’s amazing how quickly you have put this together Garrett. Almost as if you’ve done this before,” cracked Liliana.

  “Yes, well, I have opened up a few fake fronts over the past 20 years, so I’ve gotten very good at it really.”

  “I see you even had a landline put in… does it work, or is it for show only?”

  “I can assure you that everything in here works fine, even the coffee maker… when I put on a show, I leave nothing to the imagination.”

  “You mean like this?” said Liliana as she unbuttons her blouse, allowing her supple breasts to gently protrude, just enough to make themselves known to Garrett’s wanting eyes. “I thought you might enjoy a quick break from all the anxious moments Mr. Ross,” continued Liliana while she began to rub her half naked body up against Garrett’
s, feeling his hardened slacks grow with pronounced intensity.

  Without thought, Garrett instinctively cupped her right breast while slipping his other hand gently over her tight butt, skillfully working his way deep into her channel. As he squeezed his hand together, he began to lift her off the ground causing her to gasp with delight. Her legs wrapped tightly around Garrett’s waist while he kissed her, slipping his tongue into her mouth, darting it in and out before continuing his slippery lick downwards to her long waiting neck. She began to churn her body gracefully as she moaned with great pleasure, watching as he dipped his head and took her breast generously into his mouth, sucking with such passion that it felt as though he were about to swallow her whole. Thoughts of his hardened member entering her from behind raced through his mind while he voraciously engulfed her soft flesh. Then without notice, and before she could object, Garrett gave one last nibble to her extensive nipple, then a ravenous lick to her full breast causing it to pull up then bounce hardily back onto her chest, before pronouncing his insistence to curtail their sensual dance.

  “I would love to continue this Lili… God knows I would, but we have a lot of work to do if we’re to be successful,” said Garrett reluctantly, gently placing Liliana back down with a sweet kiss to her soft wet lips. “I already had one of my men contact Stagnoli about your death, so I expect a call from him at any time. Meanwhile, let’s get you set up on a computer… I have a secret IP address that nobody could trace, so you can record the fake cocaine drop and send it securely without the worry of it getting back to us. I know you have the computer skills to work up a dummy website, so why don’t you complete that first while I have a conversation with our friend Stagnoli.”

  “If you insist my sweet; just give me a moment to breathe after our abbreviated tryst… I’m still trembling inside,” declared a flush Liliana as she buttons her blouse. “Of course, my skills, as you know, run deep in many areas Mr. Ross,” teased Liliana, rubbing Garrett from behind. “So yes, I’ll set up the website and have it looking as professional as possible.”


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