Vathek and Other Stories
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Andes, 2, 3
Anjeja, Marquis of, see Noronha, P. J. de.
Anson, Baron George, 263, 263n
Antichrist, the, 135
Antwerp, 140, 141, 142, 143, 196, 197, 198, 200
Anubis, 218
Apocalypse, the 282
Appenines, 23
Arabian, Arabic,x, xi, xiii, xiv, 13n, 90, 101, 102, 106, 112, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 125, 198, 282
Arabian Nights, the,x, xn, 99, 100, 101, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117, 119
Aracan, 72
Arcadia, arcadian, xv, 132, 132n
Argenk, 93, 107
Ariosto, Lodovico, 107, 107n, 114n, 119, 120n
Arrábida, 159n
Arriaga, M. de, 254n
Asia Minor, 102n
Asseca, 5th Viscount, 236, 237
Astolpho, 107
Atalaya, Count, 269
Athens, 115n, 142, 194n
Atlantic, 155, 249
Augustan Age, xix, 210
Aurora Borealis, 159n
Australia, 160n
Austria 293
Aveiro, 241n, 285
Avicenna, (Ibn Sina) 117, 117n
Avis, 269, 269n
Aviz, Grand Prior of, see Noronha e Menezes, M. de.
Azrael, 116
Babel, 129, 129n
Babylon, Babylonian, 31n, 51, 118
Baghdad, 98
Bahia, 279, 279n
Baii, 208, 209
Bailly, J.S., 117
Bairro Alto, 268, 268n
Balaam, 32, 32n, 49, 102
Balsemāo, see Pinto de Sousa Coutinho.
Barabas, 200
Barbegan, Ardscir, 99
Basle, 254n
Batalha, Prior of, 285, 287
Batalha Monastery, xv, xxx, xxxi, 243, 243n, 273, 273n, 281, 283
Bath, xvi, xxii
Bathurst, Mr, 12n
Becket Thomas à, 254, 276
Beckford, Lady Margaret, xiii, xiv,112n, 239, 239n, 256
Beckford, Louisa, xii, xiin, xiii, xxi, xxxiin
Beckford, Mrs Maria (Begum),ix, xi, xii, xiii, xxi
Beckford, Peter, xii,xiin
Beckford, Susan Euphemia, Duchess of Hamilton xiv
Beckford, William (Alderman) ix, x, xi, xii xvn xvii xxii 169n
Beckford, William Thomas, Works: Azemia, xvi, xxvi, xxxi, 58n, 161–89 Biographical Memoirs, xi, xii, xxii, xxiv, xxxi, xxxiii, 123–47
Dreams, xxiii, xxvii, xxviii, xxix, xxx, xxxii, xxxiii, 191–222
Episodes of Vathek, xxi, xxxiii
Journal, xv, xxix, xxx, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, 225–46
L’Esplendente, xvii
Modern Novel Writing, xvi, xxv, 149–60
Recollections, xxi, xxx, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, 271–96
Sketches, xv, xxx, xxxii, xxxiv, 247–70
The Vision, xi, xvii, xix, xx, xxxi, xxxiv
Vathek, x, xiii, xiv, xviin, xx, xxii, xxiv, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxv, 27–131, 135n, 232
Bedlam, 268
Belém, 269, 285
Bell and the Dragon, 127
Bemfica, 275
Benedictines, 127
Bengal, 207
Bentinck, Count, 202, 202n, 203
Bentley, Richard, 90n
Berchem, Nicolaes, 199, 199n, 203
Berkeley Castle, 296
Berti, 254
Bezerra, J. P., 225, 225n, 227, 240, 242, 244, 245
Biagino, 265 n
Bi’llah, Caliph al Wathik, (Vathek), xiii, xx, 29n
Bismillah, 60, 109
Boa Morte Convent, 258, 268, 268n, 269
Bocage, M. M. de, 258, 258n, 259
Bohemia, 127, 128, 129
Boiardo, M. M., 107
Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas, 244, 244n
Bologna, 193
Book of Life the, 4
Bosch, Hieronymous, 203
Bostangi, 290
Boswell, James, xxviii, xxviiin
Botany Bay, 159
Brabant, 266
Bragança, Catherine of, 241n
Braganςa, Duke of, see Lafoes.
Bragança, House of, 258,258n, 295
Brahma, Brahmins, 10, 10n, 11, 12, 13n, 63n, 112
Brazil, 230, 233, 255n, 279, 289
Brazil, the Prince of, 246n, 256,256n, 264
Bridegroom and the Spouse, the, 114
Bristol, xxxiii
British Critic, the, xxv, 157–60
British Museum, the, 204
Brito, José de 227, 227n, 242, 242n,243,
Brockman, H. A. N., xxxiii
Brucker, Joseph, 112
Brueghel, Pieter (the Elder) 142, 199n, 203, 203n
Bruges, 125, 125n
Brussels, 138
Brydone, P., xxi
Bull, John, 260, 260n
Burke, Edmund, xx
Byron, Lord George, 235n, 249
Cachemere, 65, 113
Cadafaiz, 288, 289, 295
Cadiz, 292
Caetano, Frei I. de S., (Archbishop of Thessalonica) 226, 226n, 244, 267, 296
Cagliariz, F. de Sousa, 258, 258n, 259
Cain, 7
Cairo, 265
Calvin, xi, 204
Cambridge, xii
Camõens, Luis de, 258, 258n, 259, 259n, 282
Canary (wine), 144
Canterbury, xxvii, 193
Canton, 201
Capri, 217
Capuchans, 195, 250, 268n
Cardonne, J., 117
Carmo, Donna Maria do, 254
Carvalho e Melo, J. S. de, (Marquis of Pombal), 227, 227n, 238, 238n, 254n, 267, 285, 285n, 295, 299n
Cary, Henry, 121n
Cascais, 251, 264
Caserta, 239
Castel a Mare, 217
Castile, 281, 282
Castro, Joáo de, 253, 253n
Catopaxi, 24, 25
Catoul, 40, 54, 80, 98, 105
Catullus, 114
Caucasus, 106
Celsinus, N. P., 218, 218n, 219
Cervantes Saavedra, M. de, 211n
Ceylon, 64n
Chaija, 208
Chapman, Guy, xvii, xxxiii, xxxiv 247, 271
Chardin, Sir John, 118, 118n
Charlemange, Emperor, 100
Charles VI (Holy Roman Emperor), 293, 293n
Chatham, 1st Earl of (Pitt the Elder), x, xi, xiii
Chersonese, 245n
China, Chinese, xix, 142, 201, 202, 204, 277
Christendom, 277
Cicero, xxviii
Cignani C., 203
Cimmerians, 216, 216n
Circassians, 38, 50, 103, 105
Circe, 120, 120n
Cistercian, 273n
City of London, ix
Claude Lorraine, X, XXViii, XXiX, 253,
Claudian, 253n
Clavigero, 243, 246n
Clos de Vougeot, 282
Coimbra, 243, 246n
Colares, 226, 250, 250n, 252, 261
Comércio, Praça de, 261n, 295
Cook, Captain James, 262, 262n
Cook, John, 105
Corinthian, 229
Correli, A., 201
Cork Convent, 223, 245, 250, 251
Cork Convent, Proir of, 245
Corsicans, xxviii
Cortes, 225
Costa, L., 290
Cotter, Miss, 240
Courtenay, William (Kitty), xii, xiii
Coxe, William, xxix
Cozens, Alexander, x, xi, xii, xvii, xxii, xxiii, 193n, 198n
Cozens, John Robert, xn
Croatia, xxiii, 133
Cullen, C. 225
Cunha e Tavora, (6th Count of S. Vicente), 237, 237n, 238
Dalai Lama, the, 255
Dalmatia, xxiv, 133, 137
Damascus, 100
Dammé, 127
Dante, A., xviii, 121,121n
Darwin, Erasmus, xx
Decius, (Roman Emperor), 102
Defoe, D., xxviii, 250
Delft, 202
> Delhi, 99
Descamps, J. B., 139n, 146n
Deuteronomy, 129
Devil, the, see also Lucifer and Satan. 235, 236
Dias, José, 263
Disraeli, Benjamin, xxivn
Dollond, 265
Dolgovov (family) 132n
Doomsday, 135n
Dou, Gerard, xxiv, 139, 140, 142, 144, 145, 146
Draco, 109, 109n
Drahomire, Prince, 130
Dryden, John, 262n
Drysdale, Robert, xxii
Dundas, Lord, 159
Dürer, Α., 142, 143, 143n
Dutch, Dutchmen, xxiv, 137n, 138n, 139n, 142n, 143n, 154, 194, 199, 202, 202n, 203, 203n, 204, 205, 239
Dwarf, the see Grailly, P. C. de.
Eblis, xiv, xx, 91, 92, 96, 97, 100, 120
Eden 36, 103
Edward II, King of England, 296
Egypt, Egyptian, xii, xx, 60, 100, 101, 201, 218, 218n 219, 252, 287
Ehrhart, Dr., 274, 274n, 282
Eliphaz, 284
Elsheimer, A., 142, 143, 143n
Elysian Fields, (Groves), 208, 208n, 210, 262, 264
Elzevir, 135, 135n
Emmaus, 278
England, English,ix, xiii, xiv, xv, xxii, xxiv, xxv, xxvi, xxvii xxx, xxxi, xxxiii, 7n, 57, 72n, 79n, 98n, 99n, 105, 119, 133, 158n, 177, 188, 203, 209, 227, 234, 235, 235n, 236, 240n, 241, 242, 244, 255, 258, 262, 266, 275, 278, 279, 279n, 282, 287n, 289, 292
Enna, 195
Ephesian, Ephesus, 102,102n
Ethiopian, 56, 79
Euphrates, 115n
Europe, European, xvii, 11, 12, 23, 86n, 99n, 125, 196, 206n, 230, 233, 238, 266, 295
Eve, 145
Evian, 58n, 225
Eyck, Hubert van, 125, 125n
Eyck, Jan van, 125,125n
Factory, the English, 279,279n
Fagel, Greffier, 205, 205n
Faiume, 102
Fajhum, 110
Falernian (wine), 221
Faustus, Faustian, xviii, 204
Fedelino, 265n
Ferracuti, Ansano, 265n
Ferrara, 290
Ferreira, Joáo, 268, 268n
Firengui, 11n, 23
Firouz, Schah, (horse), 111
Flanders, Flemish, xxiv, xxvi, 144n, 145, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199
Florence, 193
Fonthill,x, xi, xiii, xiv, xx, xxiv, xxvi, 58n, 134n, 164n, 229n, 234, 244
Fothergill, Brian, xxxiii
Fox, Charles James, 188, 188n
France, French, ix, x, xiv, xvi, xix, xxii, xxiv, xxv, xxvii, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, 22n, 35n, 43, 53n, 57n, 79n, 82n, 98n, 120n, 158n, 207, 226, 238, 240, 255, 282, 286
Franchi, Gregorio, xv, xxx, 274, 274n, 282
Francisca, Donna, 279, 280, 284
Franciscans, 200,250n
Franguistan, 105
Freire, M. Gomes, 226
Fussock, Goody, 240
Gabriel, Don, 260, 260n
Galland, A., 99n
Gelati, 265n
Gemmett, Robert, xxxiii, 139
Genesis, 31 n, 129n, 145
Geneva, xii, 112
Genii, 30
George III, King of England, ix, 234, 234n
German, Germans, 130n, 143n, 154, 199n, 207
Gessner, Salomon, 206, 206n
Ghent, 127, 138, 139, 193, 195
Ghulchissar, 54
Giamschid, 78, 83, 115
Gian, Ben Gian, 49, 93, 100,107
Giaour, 37, 232
Gibbon, Edward, 112, 112n
Gihilminar, 115
Gildermeester, Daniel, 240n
Gildermeester, Mrs., 240, 240n
Gilpin, W., xxix
Girard, Didier, xxxiii
Goa, 258, 259
Goes, Damien a, 267
Golgotha, 268
Goldsmith, Oliver,xix
Gordon Riots, the, 197n
Gospels, the, 113
Gossaert, J., 144, 144n
Gosse, E., xxixn
Gothic, xvi, xxi, xxii, xxvii, xxxi, 130, 141, 228, 287, 287n
Graces, the, 152,152n
Graff, J.A., 143, 143n
Graham, K. W., xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxv, 27
Grailly, P. C. de (Perro the Dwarf), 58n
Grand Chartreuse,x, xii, xxix
Grand Prior of Aviz, see Noronha e Menezes.
Grand Tour, the, xxviii
Gray, Thomas, xii, xxix, xxixn
Grecian, Greece, Greek,x, 13n, 33, 99, 102, 105, 114, 115, 177, 118,120n, 127n, 129n, 132n, 138n, 152n, 153, 195, 202n, 217, 228, 230, 226n, 278n
Greg, Sir Walter, xxxivn
Grenville, Lord, 156, 159
Grua, Pedro, 254
Haarlem, 203n, 206
Habeas Corpus, xxv, 159n
Habesci, Elias, 101, 105, 108
Hades, 19n, 116n
Hafiz, 103
Hague, the, 194, 201, 202, 202n, 205, 206
Hals, Frans, 203n
Hamilton, Anthony (Count), ix, xii
Hamilton, Lady Catherine, xii, xiii, 238, 239, 239n
Hamilton, Lady Emma, xiin
Hamilton, Sir William, xii, 208n, 220, 239n
Hareth, 110
Harmer, T. V., 118
Harpocrates, 218
Hassan, Benridden, 114
Hasseluist, Frederick, 110
Hawkesworth, John, xix
Haynang, 204
Hebrew, 99, 120
Hecuba, 204, 204n, 245n
Henley, Samuel, xiv, xxxiv, xxxv, 30n, 72n, 79n, 82n 98n 99n
Henry VIII, King of England, 254
Herbelot, see Molainville, B. d’Herbelot de.
Herculaneum, 209, 219
Hercules, 209
Hermaphrodites, 127, 127n
Hermes, 116n, 127n
Herod, King, 133n, 254n
Hervey, Elisabeth, xxv
Hesperides, 127, 127n, 202, 262
High Holborn, 269
Hindostan, Hindu, 10n, 119, 204, 291
Holland, see also Low Countries, Netherlands, and United Provinces, 154, 196, 202, 203, 205
Homai, 115
Homer, 115, 115n, 116, 216n
Horace, 221, 221n
Horne, Thomas, 225, 225n, 227, 239, 244
House of Commons, ix, xiii, 156n
House of Peers, (Lords), ix, 157
Hotel Lawrence, Sintra, 235, 235n
Hottentot, 207, 207n
Huber, Jean, xii
Hull, 181
Hungarians, 133, 134, 135
Huysum, Justus Van, 199, 199n
Hymettus, 194
Iatmaiah, Ben, 99
Iliad, the, 115n
Ike Mulai Ismail, xx
Inatulla, 99, 100, 108
Incas, 24, 24n
India, Indian, xviii, 10n, 37, 58n, 79, 101, 253n, 258n, 286
Indies, 46, 66, 204
Indonesia, 202n
Inquistion, the, 255, 261
Iraq, 51, 98, 108
Irish, 236
Ischia, 209, 217
Isis, 219, 287
Ispahan, 109, 117n
Istakhar, 49, 70, 79, 81, 83, 85, 86, 88, 90, 94, 102, 115
Italy, Italians, xiii, xxii, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, 129, 131, 134 135, 135n, 143, 144n, 145, 201, 201n, 207, 217, 225, 228, 235n, 265, 290n
Ixhora, 64, 112
Jacobites, 164n, 168n
Jamaica, ix, xvi
Japan, Japanese, 276
Jenkins, Captain, ix
Jerusalem, 219
Jesuits, 286
Jesus, 109, 208
Jews, Jewish, 44n, 113, 114
Joáo I, King of Portugal, 277,277n, 287n, 288
João I, King of Portugal, 269n, 277, 277n,
Joāo V, King of Portugal, 246, 246n, 252, 283
Joáo VI, King of Portugal, (Prince Regent), xv, 256, 256n, 267, 273, 288, 289, 290, 292–96
Joaquina Carlotta, (Consort to Prince Regent), 255 255n, 290, 291, 292 Job, 203
Johnson, J., xiii
Johnson, Samuel,xix, xx, xxxiii, 153n
Jones, Sir William, 103, 103n, 104, 111
José Antonio, 240
José I, King of Portugal, 238n, 265, 266
Julian, (Roman Emperor), 112,112n
Juan I, King of Castile 227n, 281, 282
Juiter, 56, 195
Kaf, 57, 59, 83, 93, 106, 107, 119
Kalverstraat (Amsterdam), 137
Khalfah, Hagi, 99
Kent, 193
Kingston, ix
Kirmith, 34
Kischtab, 102
Kismische, 104
Koran, the, 58, 59, 60, 61, 74, 87, 99, 100, 103, 104, 106, 109, 109n, 113 118, 119, 120
Ladon (Dragon), 127n
Lafóes, Duchess of (Henriqueta de Marialva), 226n, 234, 234n, 241, 242, 255
Lafões, 2nd. Duke of (Duke of Bragança), 226, 226n, 266
Lake District, the,xxix
Lamiae, 107
Lancaster, Duke of, 287n
Lancaster, Phillipa of, 287,287n, 288
Lansdown, xvi
Lansdown, C. V., xxii
Laos, 113
Laplanders, 26
Latin, Latins, x, 105, 106, 117, 139, 153, 217, 221, 267
Lausanne, xiv, xxxiv, 35n, 41n, 226n
Lazaretto, 209
Lebeid, 104, 117, 206n
Lebtarikh, 102
Lees-Milne, J., xxxiii
Leiden, 135n, 139, 206
Leilah, 66, 113
Lencren, Van, 199
Leo x, Pope, 274, 274n
Lettice, John, xii, xii
Levant, 125
Lima, J. F. de, 226, 227, 227n, 243, 245, 255
Lincoln, 163, 164, 185
Lincoln’s Inn, 241n
Lingard, Dr., 276
Lisbon, xiv, xv, xxix, 159n, 225n, 226, 226n, 227, 229n, 238n, 240, 249, 252, 257, 257n, 260, 262, 264, 268, 268n, 281, 285n
Lisbon earthquake, the, 257, 257n, 258, 264n
Lister, Andrew, xvn
Locke, John, xxi
Logistilla, 107
Lokman, 106
London, ix, xi, xii, xiii, xv, 12n, 27, 164, 166, 167,169n, 176, 180, 197, 198, 228, 234n, 272
Lonsdale, Roger, xxxiv
Lorraine, 293
Loughborough, 1st Lord, (Earl of Rosslyn) xiii, xiiin, xv, xx
Loures, 276
Louriçal, Marchioness of (Joaquina de Marialva), 240, 240n
Loutherbourg, P. de, xii
Low Countries, see also Holland, Netherlands, and United Provinces, xiii, xxiii, xxvii, 206
Lucatelli, Count, 258
Lucian, 115
Lucifer, see also Devil and Satan, 194, 211 Lud, 109
Ludeke, 113
Lumiares, 275, 276
Lumiares, Countess of, 255, 256
Lusiads, the, 258, 258n
Lusitanians, 251, 282
Luther, Martin, 254
Mabuse, see Gossaert, J.
Macaulay, Rose, xxxii
Mafra, 227, 227n, 228, 230, 231, 246n, 293
Mafra, Abbot of, 230, 231, 232
Magriço, 282
Mahadi, Caliph, 106
Magi, 89
Mani, 29
Mallarmé, S., xxxiii
Mansfield, Lord, 156
Mare morto, 210
Margate, 153
Maria I, Queen of Portugal, xiv, xxx, 225n 226n, 233, 234, 238n, 239, 240, 255, 256, 259, 264, 295, 296