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Take My Hand

Page 19

by Haken, Nicola

  Her eyes honed in on my dick, widening when she saw the glisten of the two small rings dangling proudly from the end of it. Her face went from shocked to alarmed in a nanosecond. Climbing on top of her, I chuckled.

  “Believe me, when you feel those babies inside you, you won’t be afraid of them any longer,” I teased.

  Her small body was trembling below mine and I hadn’t even touched her yet. I felt like a fucking king knowing I had this effect on her. Moaning into her soft flesh, I trailed kisses along her throat, moving down until I reached the crevice between her breasts. She arched her back, encouraging me. I pulled one of her nipples into my mouth and sucked on it gently, tugging the hard pebble between my lips. At the same time I used my hand to caress her other one, pinching and pulling at it and making her groan.

  Her hands were on my back, kneading the skin between my shoulder blades. Then they wandered downwards, grazing my hips as she tucked them between us and reached down to trace the length of my cock which was throbbing so badly I feared it might detonate any given second. I pulled away in the knowledge that if I didn’t, this would all be over too quickly.

  Shimmying down the bed, never taking my hands off her, I settled myself in prime position to finally get to taste the part of her I’ve been salivating over for too damn long. I gazed up at her as I laid my hands on her knees, parting them slowly. She had that sweet tasting lip tucked between her teeth and the most adorable nervous smile on her face. My eyes wandered back down her stunning body, pausing briefly when they reached her chest to admire how quickly, how urgently it was rising and falling. Then I inhaled deeply, feeling like the luckiest man in the whole freakin’ world, before burying my face between her legs.

  Holy fuck, I couldn’t get enough. With one hand resting on each of her inner thighs, I licked, and sucked and fucking devoured her like I’d never been fed before. Whenever I pulled away to lick my lips, to absorb the delicious taste of her, to commit the intoxicating flavor to memory…she bucked her hips – begging for more. I was more than happy to oblige. I could’ve kept going forever and not once gotten bored.

  The more she moaned, the more she silently pleaded with me by riding herself against my mouth, the nearer I became to losing it right there and then. I’d never come without being touched before – but holy hell, I was sure I was about two licks away from doing just that.

  Desperate to feel her wrapped around me, I wiped my mouth on my forearm and then made my way back up the bed, hovering above her the whole time.

  “You liked that huh?” I asked with a wicked grin.

  “Mmmhmm,” she breathed.

  “Well that was me just getting started, doll,” I whispered against her neck as I kissed tantalizingly slowly along the throbbing vein. Then I moved back to her breasts – kissing them, kneading them… sometimes just staring at them. I could feel Emily growing impatient below me. Her hips were forcing themselves into me, her breathing was ragged, her shimmering body was trembling - writhing with impatience…

  “Dexter…” she murmured. “Please…”

  “Please what, doll?” I answered, pushing her to the very edge of desperation. She just whimpered and arched her body into mine. “Do you want to feel me? Do you want to feel me inside of you?” I pressed, never easing my mouth’s relentless assault on her nipples.

  “Yes,” she breathed, her voice cracking. “Please, Dexter…”

  I fumbled blindly through the drawer on my nightstand, unable to prize my eyes away from her body while I searched for a condom. I kissed her lips fervently while I teased it out of the foil packet with one hand, then I hitched myself up just high enough to slide it on before hovering it over the place I was so eager to be inside.

  “This is last chance saloon, doll. You need to know that if we do this – if you let me have you, I won’t ever be able to let you go,” I warned gently through gritted teeth.

  “I don’t want you to let me go. Not ever.”

  I thrust myself inside her before she’d even finished speaking – claiming her in every way possible.

  I planned to go slow, ease myself in gently, but damn I was too fucking hungry for her. She cried out as I drove into her, over and over again. Her fingernails dug into the soft flesh of my ass and her hips met my every thrust, pleading with me to go faster… harder. She tipped her head back, letting her fiery curls fall in every direction across my white pillows as she moaned so loudly she struggled to breathe.

  I was close. She was close. I could feel her begin to tighten around my cock and in that moment I slowed down, sliding myself out of her and hovering the tip of my dick just inside.

  “Look at me,” I ordered. She did. Her baby-blue eyes clouded over with pleasure searched mine intently. “I’ve waited to say this to you because I wanted to feel you fall apart when you heard it. I wanted you to feel me giving myself to you while I said the words.”

  I started to move again, slowly working us towards the point of no return.

  “I need you look into my eyes and feel how true the words are when they pour from my mouth. And I need you to believe that I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life when I say…” I drove into her faster, harder. I pounded her until the bed started to shake and she started to tighten and tremble beneath me.

  “I love you, Emily,” I declared, driving into her for the last time and feeling like I would never recover from this intensity of pleasure.

  Then, breathing heavily, I collapsed onto her chest.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “I love you too,” I said breathlessly. I was lying beneath Dexter’s body, still holding him inside me, feeling altogether overwhelmed. I had just experienced the most intense, beautiful, earth-shattering moment of my life and I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to come down from it.

  “I mean it, doll. I love you. I love you more than my own life and I’m just sorry it’s taking me this long to pluck my stupid head out my ass and tell you.”

  “You know,” I said, smiling amusedly, “that’s probably the most romantic thing, said in the most un-romantic way, anyone’s ever told me.”

  “Don’t tell me I’m not romantic after what I just did to you,” he teased with a wicked smile. I was shivering all over again just thinking about it. I had never, ever experienced anything like it and I can categorically say the S word is now soooo a big deal. There were no nerves, no boredom, no pain… none of the things I felt the first time I ever tried it. It felt easy, and right, and altogether bloody fantastic.

  Don’t even get me started on those rings…

  “You’re blushing,” Dexter noted, grinning at me.

  “Am I?” I tried to sound casual but I suspected I failed big time.

  “You can’t get all shy on me now. Not after the noises I’ve just heard exploding from that pretty little mouth of yours. What are you thinking about? Tell me.”


  “Your…um…” Just say it. Say it fast. “Your rings.” Holy crap I felt the match strike against my cheeks.

  “Hmmm,” he murmured against my throat. “Told you you’d like those.” He kissed along my jaw, making me tremble again. “I’ve got so many more things I know you’re gonna like too, doll.” He said it like a threat. A threat which I couldn’t wait for him to carry out. “Wait there,” he said gently, sliding out of me and making me moan as he rolled off the bed.

  He disappeared into another room and I simply lay there staring at the ceiling, reliving every touch and every word we’d just shared.

  I had never been so happy.

  Dexter returned to the bedroom with a damp flannel and settled himself back down next to me on the bed.

  “What are you-” I started to ask with a confused look sweeping over my face but he cut me off. He hovered the wet towel over ‘there’ and then used his forearm to slowly prize my legs apart. What the hell was he doing? More importantly, why the hell wasn’t I mortified?

  He swept the damp cloth up and dow
n, washing me gently while kissing my breasts. If I looked down to watch I began to feel embarrassed, so I closed my eyes and let myself enjoy the sensation. Bizarrely it wasn’t so much a sexual feeling, it was… a sense of safety. A feeling of being cared for – protected.

  “This is mine now,” he said firmly, tossing the cloth to the floor and then resting his hand over my freshly cleaned ‘area’. God, will I ever stop feeling so embarrassed thinking about my hoohaa? “You’re mine, doll. I can’t bear the thought of anyone else hearing you make those delicious noises.”

  “They won’t,” was all I could say. Dexter had rendered me speechless. And just as promised, I could barely remember my own name let alone say it out loud.

  “Come here.” Dexter rolled to his side and opened his arms for me to fall into, which of course I did eagerly. I nestled myself into his chest, smoothing my hand over the smattering of brown hair surrounding those cute little nipple rings and sighed contentedly.

  “Thank you, doll.” I gazed up at him, silently questioning him to elaborate. “For making me feel again.” I think I just melted into an actual puddle of goo all over his sheets. I smiled proudly – a smile so wide it conveyed every emotion charging through my veins right now. Then I settled my head back onto his toned chest and closed my eyes, relishing the thrum of his heartbeat against my ear as it lulled me to sleep.

  But then, just as my limbs grew heavy and my brain started to turn foggy… I almost choked on what smelt like the stench of a decaying rat.

  “Oh my God have you just farted?” I asked, jolting upright.

  “Yeah. Sorry,” he muttered groggily, smiling devilishly with his eyes still closed.

  “Eww!” I grumbled, and then turned over, away from the revolting smell. That sure as hell didn’t happen in the books. Seconds later I felt his arm drape over my waist and his naked body mould into mine from behind.

  “G’night, doll,” he whispered contentedly.

  “Goodnight, Dexter,” I replied, squeezing his arm closer to my chest.


  The morning came too quickly, despite the lack of sleep, and I was sure Rachel would be delighted to cross off Number 18 – the one with all the S.E.X. Before I knew it I was sitting uncomfortably next to a guy labelled throughout the halls as Pervy Pete in my humanities class. I could practically hear his drool drip onto the desk as he openly gawped at me. Weirdo.

  When that class was finished I had an assignment to drop off with my English Language tutor and then I headed to Starbucks to meet Rachel for lunch. I was half expecting her to cancel judging the state of her and Jared this morning, yet there she was, sitting at the table by the window sporting her freshly-dyed blue (Seriously!) hair and her full-sleeves in a cream vest top.

  “You must be freezing,” I noted, pointing to her sleeveless attire as I settled in at her table.

  “I’m too hot to be freezing.” She winked at me and I laughed. My smile was soon erased though when she put on her tell-me-everything face.

  “So? Where’d you go last night?” As if she didn’t know.

  “Dexter’s of course,” I answered flippantly. But then I was betrayed by the jaw-splitting smile that crawled across my face.

  “Oh my God did you… you did! Didn’t you?” I knew exactly what she was referring to.

  “Yeah,” I answered coyly, blushing at the beautiful memory. “Yeah we did.”

  “Hallefuckinglujah! I was beginning to think he was born a woman and was scared to tell you!”

  “Oh no. He’s most definitely a man,” I assured proudly – going red in the face the second I closed my mouth.

  “Tell. Me. Everything,” she ordered, folding her arms across the table as she eagerly awaited the gossip.

  After grudgingly agreeing to let me buy a coffee first I went to the counter and ordered a latte from Rachel 2. Then, because it was fresh in my mind I started telling Rachel 1 why I hated Rachel 2 but she cut me off and told me to get straight to the good stuff.

  So I did. I relived every wonderful moment of the night before in excruciating detail - and amazingly, I only almost passed out from embarrassment twice. One of those times being when I told her about the rings.

  Oh dear God, those rings…

  Rachel and I were just getting ready to leave Starbucks when David appeared from nowhere and asked me to come in early tonight. To say I was gutted was an understatement. The longer I was here the less time I could spend with Dexter. Still, I didn’t have it in me to purposely let people down and so I agreed without question.

  I sent Dexter a text when I got home, cancelling our plans to grab pizza before I was supposed to start work. I didn’t call at first because I knew he’d be in class but I missed his voice so I also called his voicemail and left a message. Yep, soppy I know. Sometimes I almost make myself feel queasy by how much I love him.

  After showering for work I called Chris to make the long overdue announcement that Dexter was my boyfriend. Obviously I didn’t divulge even a fraction of what I spilled to Rachel before – I told him I had a boyfriend, who he was, and that’s it. The grunt that sounded in my ear afterwards told me he wasn’t best pleased about it. But I was beginning to think no one would ever be suitable for me in Chris’ eyes. And I love him for that.

  I didn’t stay on the phone long because he sounded like crap. He mentioned these migraines he’s been getting and is putting it down to all the extra responsibilities he’s having thrust upon him at work. So, I jokingly told him to man up and take some painkillers, before softening my voice and saying I hoped he felt better soon.

  “Where are you going?” I asked Rachel, noticing her dragging her shoes on when I was almost ready to leave.

  “Jared’s,” she said casually.

  “You two are so into each other,” I said out loud for the first time. She jolted upright from putting her shoes on so quickly, for a second I thought the shock had regained her ability to walk and she was going to charge at me.

  “Don’t be so fucking ridiculous!” she challenged. “Jared’s… Well… Jared’s Jared!”

  “Whatever you say,” I retorted, holding my hands in the air. Rachel shrank back in her chair, eyeing me up as if she were deciding if I’d lost my mind.

  “Catch you later,” I said, still laughing at her fierce denial. Then I swung my bag over my shoulder and left for work.


  My extended shift passed pleasantly quickly – possibly because Rachel 2 wasn’t there, or maybe because I’d made over fifty quid in tips. Either way, I breathed a contented sigh of relief come home time and then made my way straight to The Blue Apple. Rachel had already text to say she was there with Jared and it was only then I realised I hadn’t heard back from Dexter today.

  Me: Is Dex there? Xxx

  Rachel: Yeah. Looks a little weird tho x

  Me: Weird??

  Rachel: Yeah. Miserable I suppose. Kinda like his cat died or something x

  A fire of panic instantly ignited in my stomach and I prayed the whole way to the pub that I was overreacting. It only succeeded in burning hotter however when I caught sight of Dexter the second I prized open the heavy doors.

  Waving briefly towards Rachel I headed straight for the bar and waited, drumming my fingers against the walnut bar impatiently, for him to finish serving the bald man in front of me.

  “I’ve not heard from you today,” I said as soon as I got the chance – sounding every bit as desperate as I felt.

  “I know. I’m sorry,” he muttered dejectedly, ruffling his tousled brown hair between his fingers. “I need to talk to you. Will you come in the back with me?” My heart catapulted from my body and drowned itself in the half-empty glass of beer adjacent to me. The look in his eyes told me whatever he had to say was serious and so when Jared took over the bar, leaving us alone to go into the back room, I prayed and wished and hoped and begged to God that he wasn’t going to push me away again.

  “Dexter?” I prodded nervously.

  “I might have to go back home soon,” he answered. Turned out my heart hadn’t in fact leapt from my body earlier. It was well and truly still there and beating so hard against my throat it was choking me.

  “By home… you mean the States right?” I already knew the answer but the question flopped out of my mouth anyway.

  “Right. I’m sorry, doll but it won’t be for long – few weeks max.”

  “Oh,” I breathed, relief flooding my veins and helping me to breathe again.

  “I thought you meant forever,” I said, my heart beginning to slow. He pressed himself against me and cupped my face in his hands, tilting it upwards so I was looking straight at him.

  “Doll, I won’t ever leave you. I meant everything I said last night.” The sincerity oozing from his dark-blue eyes was impossible not to believe. Silently thanking whoever was up there in the sky listening to me, I nestled myself into his chest.

  “So what’s wrong? Why might you need to leave?” I whispered into his crisp white shirt. He always wore a shirt to work and he looked more than a hell of a lot of sexy in one.

  “An, um… an old friend of mine is pretty sick. It’s not looking too good.”

  “That’s terrible,” I said, pulling away from his chest to study his face. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I might not need to go yet. They don’t know which way it’s gonna go. I’m just telling you so you can be prepared if I have to leave last minute.”

  “Of course. I understand.” I nodded slowly, my heart aching for what he must be feeling. “Maybe I could go with you?” I suggested the second the idea popped into my head. “You shouldn’t be alone if the worst happens,” I added. It’s not that I don’t trust Dexter when it comes to dealing with emotional situations, because I do. I would want to be there to support him whether he had a history of addiction or not.

  “No, doll. You’re not putting your life on hold for me,” he said quickly – too quickly. Did he not want me to go with him or was I seeing things that weren’t there?


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