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Julia's Daddy (Caught Stripping)

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by Alexia Stark

  Content warning: this book contains adult situations, explicit sex scenes and strong language. This book is intended for mature audiences only.

  Copyright 2013 Alexia Stark

  Julia’s Daddy - Caught Stripping book two

  Alexia Stark

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photo copying, recording, taping or by any informational storage retrieval system without prior written permission of the publisher except in the brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Julia’s Daddy – Caught Stripping book two

  Julia blinked, trying to forget everything that had happened the week before. Her mother’s words floated around her, haunting her mind.

  “Sorry, I just can’t stay here anymore. I need to get out, see the world, and I can’t do that with you hanging off my hip,” her mother had said, her pretty face screwed up in a fake expression of concern and love.

  It didn’t matter that Julia was far from “hanging off her mother’s hip” now that she was ready to face her freshman year. Her step father, David, promised he’d take care of her after her mother left. She believed him. He’d been a stellar parent, far better than her mother had ever been.

  Tears filled her eyes. She didn’t love me. So what? Maybe if she told herself often enough that she didn’t care, she wouldn’t. The tears slipped down her cheeks, seeking her ears and she sniffed quietly.

  A knock at the door was followed by soft words. “Baby, you okay?” David’s tone suggested he thought she might be sleeping, and she was tempted to play along.

  “Yes.” Her voice, thick with tears, seemed to prompt him to open the door a crack.

  “May I come in?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She watched the door press forward, and he came into sight. He filled the doorway. He didn’t move for a moment, and she knew he was letting his eyes adjust to the dark. In his hand he gripped a steaming mug, and the scent of cocoa and something she couldn’t place filled the air.

  “I brought you some cocoa.” He made his way to the side of her bed and set the mug on her nightstand.

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  He leaned over as she sat up, and she wound her arms around his neck. His stubble stung against her cheek, and she nestled her face into the curve between his shoulder and ear.

  “I love you, sweetheart. Is there anything I can do for you?” he asked, and she nodded. He pulled away, sitting on the edge of her bed. His hand reached out, brushing her hair from her face.

  She spoke, not quite trusting her voice. “I’m going to get a job, Daddy.”

  “You don’t have to-“

  She cut him off. “When mom was here, you had a double income. I don’t want to lose the house, ruin your credit, all that stuff.” She’d heard him talk about it to her mother on the phone, and she prided herself on being a bright kid.

  “You don’t need to worry about that kind of stuff. That’s Daddy’s worry.” He smiled at her in the dark, and she shook her head.

  “You don’t have to worry alone. I’m part of this family.” And much more mature than other girls her age. Even though her breasts had only recently began making an appearance.

  “Besides,” she continued, “I have a friend who thinks she can get me a job.”

  He shook his head, his dark eyes worried. “You’re not talking about Miranda, are you?” Miranda was Julia’s eighteen year old friend, and Daddy often said she was a bad influence with her not-so-subtle trysts.

  “Yes, Daddy, I am. Miranda’s not bad, and you can trust me.”

  He turned his face away. “I know I can trust you. But you’re growing up so fast, it’s kind of…” he trailed off, and she smiled.

  “Growing up is good. I’m already way ahead of the other girls my age.” She pulled her knees to her chest.

  He gave her a sharp glance, and she realized he’d mistaken her meaning when he spoke. “Baby, you would talk to me if you had sex, right? And you know you have to be safe if you do?”

  She blushed. “I’d talk to you, yes. But I haven’t and I don’t really have any interest.”

  “Okay. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you, sweetheart. Just please promise you’ll talk to me first.” He patted her knee, and she smiled.

  “Of course,” she said, meaning it. He’d taught her to never be ashamed of things, even when she’d started her period in his car. He’d hurried to get her pads, soothing her with the words, “Daddy knows about this stuff. It’s natural, baby, don’t be ashamed.”

  Even now, nudity and close contact weren’t taboo with him, and she liked the openness, the ability to tell him anything, to ask him anything. But, for the first time, she was going to hide something from him.

  Not to be defiant, but because she feared he would be ashamed of her. Miranda was going to get a job for her, but Julia didn’t want her father to find out the job was at a strip club.

  She picked up the cocoa he’d brought and took a sip. The burn warned her it was spiked, and she grinned at him.

  “You’re a good girl. Enjoy it.” He stood, tugging her cheek and left her alone with the rum-cocoa, the heady flavor invigorating her every pore. A bit of guilt bit at her, but she pushed it away. Was it really so bad she’d be getting a job so they wouldn’t lose the house she’d grown up in?

  She woke to soft sunlight streaming in through the windows. The phone rang and she snagged it, hoping Daddy down the hall didn’t hear it.

  “Hello?” she whispered.

  “Julia!” Miranda’s bright voice woke Julia the rest of the way.

  “Why did you call so early?”

  “To give you the good news. You start tomorrow. What are you doing for your birthday?” Miranda sounded bored.

  “Going to the lake with Daddy.” Julia sat up, running her fingers through her hair.

  “Oh, you lucky bitch!” Miranda’s adoration of David put Julia on edge.

  “He’s my dad. Of course we’re spending the day together, you whore.”

  “I wouldn’t care if he were my dad, I’d fuck him until-“

  “Julia?” Daddy’s tired face peeked into the room and she hung up on Miranda.

  “Good morning, Daddy. Want me to make you breakfast?”

  He shook his head. “I have to get ready for work. I was just making sure you weren’t talking to me.”

  “I wasn’t.” She smiled, placing the phone on her nightstand. She stretched, a huge yawn popping her jaw, and David left the doorway. The phone rang again, and she picked it back up.

  “Miranda, it’s so-“

  “Julia?” The voice belonged to Adam, one of Daddy’s good friends. “How are you this morning?”

  “Good. Let me go get Daddy.” She made her way to his bedroom, putting Adam on hold so he wouldn’t hear the shower running. Even though she was comfortable with the relationship they had, she doubted other people would be nearly as okay with it.

  People tended to freak out over silly things. She walked into the bathroom, phone in hand. The phone slipped from her grasp as she caught sight of Daddy through the clear glass. He stood, his member in hand, stroking it with rhythmic long tugs. His other hand pressed to the wall, and his head was tilted back.

  “Daddy?” she said the word, unaware it was coming out until his body tensed, his expression shifting.

  “Lia, what are you doing in here?”

  She bent, picking the phone back up, trying to look at anything other than his throbbing, purple-headed erection.

  “I, uh, I’m sorry, Adam is on hold.” She held the phone out, but he shook his head. “Tell him I’ll have to call him back.
And we need to talk, hon.” He shut down the water and reached for his towel.

  “No, it’s fine, I learned about this stuff in school.” She left the room, her heart pounding. Hurrying to her room, she forced her voice to be steady and clicked over to Adam.

  “Hey, he’s not available, sorry. I’ll have him call you back.”

  “No worries, Kiddo. Have a good day.” The click that followed Adam’s voice cued her sigh of relief, and she puzzled over the flash of excitement that surged through her at the sight of Daddy masturbating.

  Oh, god. There is something wrong with me, isn’t there? she wondered, but her mind fought back. It’s natural to have urges. And you trust Daddy. Therefore, you have feelings for him.

  “Sweetie, can we talk?”

  She turned toward his voice, catching sight of his damp, dark hair, his worried dark eyes and the sheen of damp on his olive skin. His nice slacks were buttoned and zipped, but his button down shirt hung open.

  “Uh, yeah, sure Daddy.”

  He worked the buttons while speaking, and she stared at the sheer curtains hanging in the window and to the trees beyond.

  “What you saw-“

  “Daddy, you were masturbating. I told you, I learned about this stuff. Besides, it’s not as if I haven’t seen you naked before.” Or thought about touching him, but that thought she kept to herself, locked away in her mind.

  “Yes, baby. Daddy was masturbating, but what I wanted to tell you is that it is a normal thing, and there is no shame in it. The body has… urges. It’s healthy to respond to them. But it is something you should do alone, or with caution if other people are around.”

  “I know. Like if a boy masturbates and it gets on me,” she gestured to her sex, “ I could get pregnant.”

  “Or if he has an STD you can catch it. Just be smart about your body, darling. I know you’re smart, I just worry.” He smiled, his buttons all neatly latched. He tucked the shirt in, and she caught her breath, imagining his fingers brushing his member.

  “Thank you for the talk, Daddy.” She walked up to press a kiss to his cheek, but caught the corner of his lips. His stubble scraped her as he jerked.

  “It was an accident, Daddy,” she said, catching his shocked glance.

  “Okay.” He left the room, making his way back to his own to finish getting ready. She flopped back on her bed, thinking about him in the shower. Her hand crept down toward the junction between her thighs, and through the thin cotton of her boy-short panties, she hit an electric spot and moaned.

  Pulling her hand away, she tried to decide what to do all day. Summer break was awesome in some ways, not so awesome in others. Deciding not to even bother getting dressed, she made her way downstairs and plopped onto the couch.

  She turned on the TV and listened to her father’s footsteps back and forth overhead and thought about starting her job tomorrow. Daddy thundered down the stairs, flashing her a grin.

  “Enjoy your day, honey.” He walked over and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “You too, Daddy.” She smiled at him, eyes locked on him until he disappeared out the door.

  The day passed slowly for Julia, who watched some TV, cleaned a bit, and prepared dinner for Daddy. He walked in, all tense with stress and pent up anger.

  “Bad day, Daddy?” she asked, handing him a plate. He took it, nodding.

  “Thank you. Any calls?” He carried his plate to the table, nodding her to sit across from him. She complied, setting her own plate down.

  “Yeah, Adam again, something about plans with you and Kyle. He wouldn’t give specifics, but said you’d get it. What’s going on, Daddy?”

  He swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing. He lifted his fork and her tuna casserole crossed his lips. With a thoughtful expression, he chewed and swallowed, then answered her. “Well, the boys arranged a party for me. Kind of. Where all the guys get together and hang out.”

  “Oh. Okay. I hope you have fun, but you better call Adam back before he explodes.”

  Daddy coughed, his hand covering his mouth. She stared at him as he grabbed his glass and gulped the water in one long drink.

  “Everything all right?” she asked.

  He nodded, wiping at his eyes with his napkin. “Wrong tube.”


  They ate in silence, and she cleared the table when he finished. “Thank you, kiddo,” he said.

  “Go watch a movie. I’ll clean up.” She placed the dishes in the sink, but his hand caught her shoulder.

  “Come watch a movie with me.”

  She nodded, walking toward the living room, but he pulled her toward the stairs. “My room, hon. Better TV. I was surprised you didn’t go in there to watch today.”

  They made their way up and she stretched across his bed while he got things set up. “What do you want to watch?” he asked, glancing at her over his shoulder.

  “Something scary.”

  He nodded, selected a disk and put it in the DVD player. “No complaining when you can’t sleep, though.”

  “I’ll just sleep in here with you like I did when I was little.” She grinned, and an odd expression crossed his face.

  “Sure, sweetie.” He crawled into bed. Throwing an arm over her ribs, he pulled her close.

  She woke to the shower starting and tried to figure out why she was in Daddy’s bed. “Damn, must have fallen asleep watching the movie.” She stretched, then jumped out of bed and hurried to her room. She had to work today!

  She jumped at Daddy’s voice. “Good morning. I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “Nope.” She smiled back at him, then bent to dig for pants in her dresser. “I’m going out with Miranda today.” She smiled as Daddy grumbled.

  “Oh, well, I have that party today. So no worries. Please be careful with Miranda, she’s trouble.”

  “I will. Now go get ready for work. Don’t want you to be late.” She grinned back at him again, pulling a pair of jeans from the drawer. He left the room and she changed quickly. Though Miranda said she wouldn’t start until later in the afternoon, she didn’t want to be late.

  “Hey, you’re getting dressed today.” Daddy’s playful teasing brought a smile to Julia’s lips.

  “Yep.” She slipped out of her shirt and pulled on the cute tank top she’d chosen. Pulling it down over her breasts and belly, she glanced at Daddy. “Need my help?” she asked, noticing him struggling with his tie.

  “Yes, please.”

  She made her way over to him and straightened the tie, fixed his askew collar and gave him a hug. “I love you, Daddy.”

  His arms wrapped around her shoulders. “I love you, baby. Have a good day.” His lips brushed her forehead, and she shivered.

  “You okay?” He pulled back, and she nodded.

  “Great. I’ll see you tonight, and have fun with your friends.” They walked toward the door together, and he lifted a hand, indicating she go first. A knock at the front door prompted her to hurry down the stairs.

  She opened it to Miranda’s bright face. Brilliant blue eyes focused on Julia’s face, and she smiled at her friend before pulling her into a hug.

  “Hi!” I thought we could talk about- David!” Miranda’s words ended on a breathless note as she caught sight of Julia’s dad.

  “Don’t talk about me, there are better things to focus on.” He winked at Julia and left the house with quick goodbyes.

  “You know he knows you’re hung up on him, right?” Julia asked her friend.

  “Oh, I hope so. How do you keep yourself contained around him?” Miranda’s eyes followed David’s progress out the window until his car drove out of sight.

  “He’s my dad. What did you want to talk about?”

  “Your new job. Are you excited?” Miranda sprawled out on the couch, tossing her soft blond locks back over the armrest.

  “Yeah, kind of. I haven’t told Daddy, though, so keep your mouth shut.”

  “Yeah, like I’d tell your dad I got you a job at a strip club. W
hat was your cover story?”

  “Hanging out with you. Not that it matters, he’s going out tonight.” Julia sat on the chair opposite the couch, watching her friend wiggle to get more comfortable.

  Miranda sat up fast, and her hair flew forward to frame her face. “Wait, did you find out where he’s going?”

  “I’m not going to help you stalk my dad, you perv.” Julia rolled her eyes.

  When it came time to leave, Julia’s nerves kicked into overdrive, but Miranda chattered, putting her at ease. Her friend drove, her never ending talk curbing some of Julia’s rising trepidation.

  What if Daddy finds out? Excitement blazed through her. He’d be ashamed. The excitement dulled, but only a little. The thrill of doing something so forbidden surged in her, and she enjoyed the high.

  They pulled up before Bottoms Up, and Julia’s excitement kicked up. Her pulse thundered, and she felt faint.

  “You sure you want to do this?” Miranda asked.

  “Yes. It’s good money, maybe I’ll make enough to help Daddy not lose the house.” She said the words, sensing the truth in them, but Miranda seemed to catch her hesitation.

  “He’s not going to find out. And if he did, I doubt he’d flip. You guys have that weird talking thing. I bet he’d listen to you and understand.” Her friend placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, and they made their way into the club.

  Backstage, Julia gulped while Miranda did her makeup and helped her get dressed. “You’ll do great, you’re beautiful.” Miranda’s words flowed, and Julia soaked up the comfort, praise and advice. For the last touch, Miranda tied a black half mask on her face.

  “Okay, out you go.” Miranda helped her to the stage door, and Julia hugged her friend before turning to enter the stage. She took her position at the pole, waiting for the music to start and the lights to go up.

  Once they did, she walked around the pole, one hand gripping the smooth metal. She closed her eyes a moment as the lights blinded her. Moving in time to the music, she clasped the pole with her other hand, thrusting her hips toward it in a rhythmic ripple.

  With a quick spin, she pressed her spine to the steel and slid down then back up, her hands slipping along the length in her most suggestive manner. Her eyes adjusted to the light, and she eased the halter top up over her head and let it dangle by the strings from her finger while she gave a quick shimmy that sent her breasts bouncing and threatening escape from the confines of her bra.


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