Page 9
“I’m glad it felt good, Emily, I will make you feel even better when the time is right.”
“What are you talking about, when the time is right? I just need a minute then we can continue. I get to taste you now, right?” She looks at me with a hopeful expression and it makes me fall a little more. A woman asking to please me? Yeah, sexy as fuck.
“No, Красота, we are going to discuss what is going on that’s bothering you.” She doesn’t look happy about this, but it needs to happen and I won’t stop until she gives in.
Chapter 9
I give in. Tate just devoured my pussy and it pretty much drained the fight out of me. I tell him my secret about my sordid ex, Jeremy. I tell him the secret I live with every day about my baby M. He looks so sad to hear about my baby. I know then in my heart Tate would never hurt me or my child. When I cry and Tate holds me close and whispers he will protect me, I know I am falling for him. It’s too fast and too soon from all the shit I went through in my last relationship, but I can’t help how I feel about him.
“I’m scared, Tate, he’s crazy…” I try not to cry again, but my anxiety is getting out of control.
“No, Красота, I will take care of him.” He looks murderous after he hears some of the stuff the monster had put me through. You have no idea…
“What are you going to do to him, Tate?” I can’t help but wonder. I don’t want Tate to get hurt in any way. Jeremy can be very dangerous and there’s no telling if he has gotten worse in jail. I look at Tate, he’s pretty ripped, but still, I care too much for him.
“I’m going to make sure he never touches you ever again. I told you, you are mine. Threats to myself and those I care about I take very seriously. I need some information on him though so I can have my boys find him.” His boys? What is he talking about? Despite my confusion, I love the fact he thinks of me as his.
“Please just leave it, Tate. I don’t want you to get hurt. I think he would kill you and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something were to happen to you.” He doesn’t realize just how much of a psycho Jeremy really is. He chuckles and I look at him, confused, because this shit is not funny.
“I’m sorry, Красота, it is not funny, and it’s just so cute you worry about me, but don’t. Understand that I am worried and want to help you also. Don’t take this the wrong way, but there is a lot you don’t know about me.” I’m glad he’s taking this seriously. I know there is a lot I may not know about him. It doesn’t matter to me what that is though. He’s accepting me with my freaking drama, so what could he possibly have that I can’t handle?
“No, I get that, and I love that you want to protect me and hopefully I’ll get to learn more stuff about you soon?”
“Yes, soon. The first thing I’d like is for you to come and stay with Cam and I until this is all handled. We have a huge place and you will get to meet Muffin. I’ll feel better if you always have one of us around to help keep you safe.” Stay with him, in his house? Who the hell is Muffin?
“I don’t know, Tate, I feel horrible enough involving you, but to involve Cameron too? And invade his space? That’s not very fair of me to ask him, he may like my best friend but I don’t think that’s enough of an incentive. And who’s Muffin? Please tell me you don’t have like a live-in stripper or something. Also, what about London? Her classes are online and I don’t know how long she’s staying. I can’t just leave her here alone.” When I ask about Muffin he starts laughing loudly and his eyes sparkle with humor. I’m so glad to see that murderous look gone from his eyes and the happiness return. I smile when he laughs; it always makes me feel warm all over.
“Okay, look, Cam will feel better if you are there too. We have plenty of room for London also. The place has four bedrooms and three bathrooms; trust me it has plenty of space. Cameron will be happy to have London whenever he wants her. I have a security system and high grade locks installed, plus Niko is always there too. And Muffin is not a stripper,” Tate laughs at this, “he’s my dog!” I start to giggle when he tells me it’s his dog. I bet he’s a cute little dog. Aww, I love little dogs! Maybe I could…I bet we would have fun if all of us got to hang out for a few nights.
“Sorry, but Muffin? Really!? And is Niko, Nikoli?” I love the name Niko! I wonder why Tate doesn’t go by Luka? It sounds so Russian and sexy.
“Yes, Muffin! Wait 'til he hears you laughing at him. And yes, it’s Nikoli, we call him Niko usually. Why don’t you get a bag together and we can all go to my place and grill out?” He’s so tempting… But I’m still not one hundred percent convinced, maybe like ninety six percent.
“Are we going to sleep in the same bed?” I ask him shyly. I could get used to snuggling up to him at night. I bet he snores and cuddles with his little dog. Haha! That’s a cute thought. Ohhh, I wonder if he sleeps naked?
“Красота, you are my girl, in my home, yes, you are in my bed. I won’t pressure you about anything, but you will be sleeping in my bed.” I can definitely handle that. I love when he does that Alpha-growl thing. Does that mean I can’t pressure him? I so would not mind hopping on him in the middle of the night. God, I’m such a perv.
I smile at him and nod my head. “Okay, but not for very long. Thank you, Tate, I promise I will keep out of your hair and clean up.”
“I hope you don’t stay out of my way, and we have a housekeeper that comes once a week to do the deep cleaning so you don’t have to worry about that either. Just come and relax, concentrate on school and we will have fun while you’re at the house.” I pack a bag with enough stuff for three days, and my toiletries.
“Is there a place for me to lie out and tan with Avery?”
“Yeah, babe, you can lie in the backyard or bed, whatever,” he says and winks at me.
“Okay, I’m all set. Let’s go tell everyone else what’s going on.” I can’t forget I need to grab some of my snacks and sodas so I don’t eat up all of Tate’s food. When we get to the living room we see everyone around my little table from the kitchen, they must have moved it.
“Hey, what are y’all doing in here?” Nikoli smiles big and stands up. He has a gorgeous white smile. He spreads his arms on each side and says loudly, “Winning man!” I start to belly laugh, I love this guy.
“No, Luka’s Красота, I am kidding, this Texan girl is teaching us how to play Texas Hold’em!” he says, all excited like it’s the coolest thing in the whole world. Poor guy has no idea that London cheats her ass off at this game.
“Ahh! The game of champions! Be careful with London, she will rob you of every penny. That girl is sneaky.” I give her a smug smile. Busted!
“Shut your face, woman, I do not rob! I win fair and square!”
“Haha! Yeah, right! You win because you play with people who have never played before.” Her brother taught us that trick when he was a teenager and kept taking all of our quarters.
“Okay, bitch, get over here and show me how it’s done then!”
“Actually we are going to Tate’s to grill out and hangout over there for a few days. We should take some games though and have the boys play with us.”
“I’ll play with you, Красота,” Tate says quietly, but everyone still hears him anyway.
“Hell yeah, I’ll play with all three of you,” Cameron says cheekily and Niko nods furiously in agreement. Those shit heads! Tate is going to bust their balls.
“Cameron!” Haha! I knew he’d get pissed. Territorial man.
Cameron just shrugs and then yells “Woohooo, no offense, Emily, your pad is nice, but I miss my bed.” Cameron jumps up and starts to put everything away. I guess he’s excited to go home. Or he’s probably just excited to get London all alone with an actual bed and some privacy.
Avery gets her stuff and London packs up enough for a few days. She may as well bring all her luggage since she always needs so much stuff. Her suitcases are dark purple with leopard print. Even the items holding her clothes have to be
stylish like her. I just throw all of my stuff in my plain black duffle bag, nothing fancy.
We step into the hall and everyone suddenly goes silent. What’s going on? I walk into the hall past everyone and see there’s something written on the wall. It’s in huge, blood red letters about three feet tall. Oh My God. Fuck! ‘THE WHORE IS MINE’. I feel my face heat up, I’m so fucking angry right now. How dare he! How dare he do this to me in front of so many people. I hate him so much. I look to Tate, I know my face is red and it feels as if it’s on fire. Emotions and anxiety well up inside me, it’s too much. It’s all too much, I can’t deal with this. Just fucking leave me alone already! I start to cry and it’s Tate’s breaking point.
Before I register what he’s doing, he nods to Cam. Cam stands beside me and Tate and Niko take off outside. He’s practically running, he’s so angry I think he’s going to rip off someone’s head. I slip past Cam and take off running outside behind him. I see them go out the building’s doors and I am so close behind them, but Tate doesn’t realize it. I burst out of the apartment building’s main doors just in time to see Tate lose it. He screams in an angry, gut wrenching voice.
“SHE’S FUCKING MINE, MOTHERFUCKER! COME OUT AND FACE ME!” He pulls out one of his .45’s from his back and shoots three times toward the sky. Then screams again, “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO YOU ARE FUCKING WITH? THE FUCKING RUSSKIYA MAFIYA БОЛЬШОЙ БОСС (Big Boss)!”
I dropped to the ground onto my tummy and covered my head as soon as he fired.
I have never seen him so angry or so out of control. He’s always calm, collected and in control of the situation. I look at him now and he looks almost helpless, like he doesn’t know what to do right now. Tate looks his age of twenty-two right now, lost. I feel so sad he is dealing with this, and all for me.
Suddenly he looks at Niko and growls out, “Fucking find him and bring him to me. He was just here while we were inside. Fucking find him! I’ll make that piece of trash bleed. I will get everyone in the fucking Mafiya after him if I have to!” He glances back and does a double take.
“Little lamb, come here. I am sorry you see me so angry. I will take care of this and you will be safe, I promise.” His accent is really heavy. It must get strong and come out when he is very angry. Everyone else has come out of the door behind me and all is quiet. I think I hear London crying again. I’m so sick of crying, of being scared, of running. For once in my life I have friends who are standing up and helping me. It is no longer my secret but something all of us are going to get through. I don’t know what I would do right now if it weren’t for them, just keeping me sane and working to keep me safe. I may not know them as well as I know London, but this group of people have become very important to me and I will cherish them forever.
Tate takes my duffle bag and my hand then leads me to the passenger side of his Tahoe. He’s still flushed with anger and breathing deeply. He keeps scanning the parking lot, as do I. He opens my door then leans down and kisses my forehead. Tate then helps me climb inside and shuts my door. He gives me a look that I don’t know how to read, he’s so serious but it’s not really an angry look toward me. I hope he’s okay. He opens the hatch and loads my stuff in beside everyone else’s and then climbs in the driver’s side.
“Everything will be okay, Emily. Will you please trust me?” Tate turns to me and holds onto one of my hands as he says this. Can I trust him? Yes, I think I can. Do I trust him? It’s strange but I actually do.
“Yes, Tate, with my life.” I give him a small smile and squeeze his hand in reassurance. He returns my smile, nods a little, and then drives to his and Cam’s house.
When we arrive, my mouth has to be gaping. I know London and Avery, who are sitting in the back, probably have the same expression as I do. I was expecting Tate’s house to be nice, but this is absolutely beautiful! He wasn’t kidding about having enough room, this place is huge. First off, it’s not some college house. No, it’s a freaking gated community. I guess I should have expected it though with the type of cars he and Cam drive. I never see Niko drive, but I’m guessing the dark blue, brand new Chevrolet Silverado parked out front is his. Unless Tate picked him up from his apartment, but I remember he said Niko is always at his house. The house is made of stone and there is a four car garage attached to the house. Tate does love his cars, so this is not very surprising. We park in the driveway and when we get out I hear barking. There is a big privacy fence around the house; it looks like his yard is huge. I can’t see the dog, but I can hear him, and he definitely doesn’t sound like a ‘little’ Muffin. No, this dog sounds big and very excited. He must know what his dad’s truck sounds like.
“Come on, ladies, let’s get you settled and take a tour, then you can meet Muffin. Avery, you are going to stay here too, right? Niko practically lives here.” Tate looks at Avery as we all walk inside and I see Niko nod at her. She looks a little unsure so I try to help out Nikoli.
“Please, Avery? It would make me feel better to know that you and London are here with me and safe. Plus, we will have so much fun all together.” I smile big and give her my version of puppy dog eyes.
“Okay, if you guys really don’t mind, then I’ll stay a few nights. I need to wash my clothes though or else go by my place.”
Cam speaks up and smiles at her. “Of course we don’t mind! The house is too quiet. It will be really nice having people around making some noise. The poor dog is probably lonely too. We have a washer you can use, just do my clothes while you’re at it.”
“Haha! Yeah right, Cam! I’m not washing your undies, London can do it!” Avery smirks at them.
“I don’t mind, Cam, I can wash them for you,” London says quietly and looks at him sweetly.
“Oh my God! Are you serious? Where did my BFF go? London, where did you go?” I start looking around all crazy and calling her name loudly. She shoves me while laughing then sticks her tongue out at me.
The inside of their house is really nice. There is no way they decorated this place. It actually looks like a home and not a bachelor pad. The couches are extra big ones with really fluffy pillows, and throws that coordinate, laid on the back of each couch. They have three couches and two big recliners. The walls are this cool grey color and the floors through the whole house are a rich, dark brown wood. The kitchen is a cook’s playground. Beautiful granite counters and stainless steel appliances. I look around at the brown wood cabinets and cool tiled floor and can’t help but imagine cooking in here. The bedrooms are spacious with huge walk in closets. I don’t have enough clothes to fill up half of one of their closets. The bathroom in Tate’s room has big plush towels and a beautiful claw foot tub. I really hope I get to try it out.
“What are you doing, baby?” Tate asks when he walks into the kitchen. He stands beside me and pulls me into his arms. He looks so gorgeous right now. He’s relaxed, being home and now changed into comfy clothes. He has on thin sweatpants and a white, fitted tank top. His shoulders look like they bulge out of the shirt and his colored arms stand out beautifully. He looks hot and buff and I just want to jump him right now.
“Not much, just day dreaming about cooking in this beautiful kitchen.” I smile and lift up on my tippy toes to press a chaste kiss to his chin that’s covered in sexy stubble. I wrap my arms around his firm waist and rest my hands right above his juicy ass. His ass looks like it’s perfect to bite.
“Ahh, you like to cook?” I nod and kiss his chin again.
“Well then, Красота, you must cook in it while you are here. I would love to have you cook for me, it would be an honor.”
“Okay, I would love to.”
“Now, let’s go outside so I can start the grill. You can check out the pool and meet Muffin. I’m sure he’s tired of waiting outside and wants to come in and check everyone out.” He yanks on my hand and starts walking toward the back door.
“Oh my Gawd! You have a pool too? Geez, Tate, you are going to turn me into a spoiled brat!” I’m so excited I
giggle. I love swimming in pools rather than dirty lake water.
“Good, Emily, you deserve to be spoiled and I plan to make you very happy.” I swoon; I swear this man is perfect. We make our way outside and I love it. Tate has garden beds that line the whole yard around the fence. The back patio is covered and made out of the same stone that’s on the house. He has one of those man kitchens that have a built-in grill and mini fridge combo covered in stone. There is a big glass table on the patio that seats eight, off to the side are outdoor couches and chairs with fluffy, bright teal cushions. The pool is square with sparkling dark sapphire colored water. It has a built in waterfall, Jacuzzi, slide, fake rocks and plants all on the side. Around the pool are a few small tables with chairs and about ten lawn chairs you can lie on. It’s absolutely perfect. Tate lives in my dream home and I actually get to stay here for a few nights.
I walk to Tate and suddenly this huge dog comes running at us. He looks like he probably comes up to my waist. “Holy shit, Tate, I thought you had a little dog named Muffin, not a huge Cujo!” Okay, I admit I am scared of the dog. He’s huge and full of energy. Tate laughs at my remark and at my scared expression.
“This is Muffin. He is a full size Doberman Pinscher. You don’t have to be scared or intimidated. Did you know Dobermans are the only dogs that were bred specifically for safety? His sole purpose in his breeding is to protect his master and his master’s family. They are also one of the top three smartest dogs. He’s not a Cujo, he will see how much I care about you and he will love you. Come here, baby, and meet him.” I approach slowly with my hand out. I was taught by Granddaddy that it’s best to approach bigger dogs showing them respect and consistency. When I get close, Tate pulls me against his body.
“Muffin, be easy, this is Emily.” Tate kisses my cheek a few times after he says this. It must work because Muffin watches his master then proceeds to smell my hand. I must pass a test because he comes and leans his body against my legs and lets me pet him. Muffin is big, with black and tan fur, his ears and tail are cropped, and has on a neon orange collar that looks like it has something reflective on the stitching. His fur is really soft and he seems happy. He lets his tongue hang out and his little stub of a tail wags like crazy.