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Swerve: Boosted Hearts (Volume 1)

Page 8

by Sherilee Gray

  Panting, because she had his heart going a million miles an hour, he shuffled forward. Shay wasn’t tall, and even with her standing, he was mouth level with her pert, rosy nipples. Cupping her with both hands, he groaned at the weight, the warmth filling his palms. Her hands went to his hair, threading through, nails raking his scalp in a way that sent tinkles down his spine. He looked up at her.

  “Tell me you want me to suck these sweet, pink nipples, that you want me to tongue and nibble them until your pussy is drenched and your thighs are slick.”

  Her eyes were glazed, lips parted, panting softly. “Yes. I want that. Please, do that.”

  She tightened her fingers in his hair, and he nearly came in his pants. Leaning forward, he dragged the tip of his tongue around one of the stiffened peaks, moaning when she moved closer, pressing all that soft flesh against his face. He loved the way his whiskers abraded her flesh, darkening her pale skin, marking her.

  He teased her until she was breathing rapidly, until her thighs were quivering. Moving from one then back to the other, never sucking hard or deep, waiting until she couldn’t take anymore and asked for it. He needed to hear her ask for it. She needed to know she didn’t need to be shy with him, like she had their first night, that he’d give her anything she wanted. He’d almost given up when her fingers flexed in his hair again, and she breathed the words, so quietly he almost missed them.

  “Can’t hear you, beautiful.”

  “Please. Suck harder.”

  His cock jumped in his jeans, balls drawing up tight. Shit. He did what she said immediately, sucking her in deep and hard, rewarding her for her bravery. She cried out, holding him tighter until his face was surrounded by smooth, creamy flesh, her taste, her smell making him goddamn dizzy.

  Dropping his other hand to her jeans, he got to work on the button then dragged down the zipper. “You wet for me?”


  Her hands went to his shoulders as he helped her step free. Then he cupped the heat between her thighs, over her panties, and groaned. Soaked. She was ready, more than ready for his cock.

  He dragged down her underwear, and she came down to the floor with him, grabbing at the front of his shirt and yanking it up and off. He hadn’t planned on fucking her on the floor, but when her shaking hands reached for the front of his jeans and she yanked them open, he knew that’s exactly what was going to happen. Her hand went inside, and she grabbed his dick, freeing him, moaning softly when she felt how hard he was for her. Wrapping her fingers around him, she started working him.

  He dropped back on his ass, against the couch, and hissed through his teeth. Grabbing her hips, he lifted her onto his lap. She straddled his thighs, hands going to his shoulders, rubbing her pussy up and down the length of his shaft.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  He shoved his hand into his pocket, grabbing his wallet, and quickly found a condom. After suiting up, he tightened his grip on her hips, and lifted her. “Sit on my cock, beautiful. Show me how you like it.”

  She shook under his hands as she lowered herself onto his dick, easing down his length inch by painstaking inch. Her little gasps and moans made him crazy, until he was close to snapping, to yanking her down hard to the hilt or thrusting up inside her.

  “You can take all of me, Shay. I know you can. Fuck, baby, you’re nearly there.”

  Finally, she sank down the last couple of inches, taking him fully. Holy shit. Her hips did a slow, little roll, and her head dropped back on a hot moan.

  He dug his fingers into her ass, squeezing more soft, warm flesh. Jesus, she was perfect. Spectacular. “That’s it, beautiful. Work it the way you like it.”

  She started to move against him, taking her time, slowly sliding all the way up, until he thought he might slip out, then dropping back down ‘til he was filling her, stretching her. Then she’d do that sexy little roll again but now with an added grind. Her tits were smashed up against him, her hard nipples grazing his chest. His head was spinning, close to coming, close to shoving her to her back and slamming into her hard and fast.

  But he didn’t, he was enjoying the show far too much, watching her take what she wanted. Shit, every time she sank down, she got wetter, hotter. Her skin was flushed, all inhibitions gone. Hottest thing he’d ever seen. He gritted his teeth as she went up and slid back down, rocking against him.

  “Shit, baby, you’re killing me, way you’re grinding that pretty pussy down on me.” He hissed out another breath. “So good…so fucking tight.”

  At his words, he felt her clamp down even harder, and he was goddamn seeing stars, then she started to move faster, bouncing on his dick, deep and hard and so fucking hot. He dug his fingers into her ass, egging her on. Her forehead dropped to his shoulder as she moved, grinding and pounding.

  Then he felt it, her orgasm, the way her muscles clutched at him repeatedly. She cried out and a second later, he felt her teeth on his skin, her nails scoring his back, and she blew up. He held her down and took over, slamming up inside her. His balls exploded, and he shot hard enough to make his vision blink out for several seconds.

  Shay lay limp against him, her breath rushing from between her lips, tickling his sweat-dampened skin.

  Jesus Christ. He knew that first time between them had been good. The best. But this? What they’d just done…


  When his legs didn’t feel as weak as a newborn foal’s, he carefully slid his arm below her ass, the other at her back, and stood. She was warm and soft, curling into him as he carried her to bed.

  After reluctantly putting her down, he tucked her under the covers and went to the bathroom to get rid of the condom. Washing his hands, he stared at himself in the mirror. At the rough beard, the overlong hair. “A big, clumsy, waste of space,” his old man had called him. Then he thought of Shay, all soft, smooth skin and lush curves and that gorgeous red hair. He was a fucking giant ogre, and she was a fairy princess. He had no business with her, tainting her with the filth that clung to him now. Not even if their affair, as she’d put it, had a use-by date.

  He should get in his truck and leave, never come back, but he couldn’t make himself go. Instead, he walked back to her bed and climbed in beside her, dragging her in close. He wanted more of her cries, more of her soft body, just more—of everything. She snuggled in, made noises in her sleep that were equally sexy and cute as hell.

  He stared up at the ceiling while he smoothed his hand over her waist, down over her ass and back. Getting hard all over again and not trying to stop it.

  Fuck that…while he had her, he intended to enjoy the hell out of her.

  Chapter Eight

  Shay wrapped her fingers around the thick wrist resting on her hip. The coarse hairs tickled her palm, making her shiver at the sheer masculinity of the man in her bed. On a sigh, she lifted the hand splayed across her belly and scooted out from under him.

  She didn’t want to leave the warm cocoon Hugh had created when he’d wrapped himself around her. The whole night, she’d felt small and delicate, safe—but Edna would be up and waiting for her to take Rocky out for his walkies. The dog’s bladder seemed to have a built in timer, and 7:00 a.m. on the dot was taking care of business time. Edna’s arthritis was worse in the morning and evenings, so whenever Shay wasn’t working, she made sure she was around to help out her neighbor. Between Shay and a couple of the other park residents, they had Edna covered.

  Scooping up her PJs—that had been knocked to the floor after Hugh had carried her to bed last night and then proceeded to prove his recovery time was as impressive as…well, everything else about the man—she dragged on the shorts then tugged the tank over her head. Looking back at the bed, she felt an achy heat course through her, remembering the things he’d done, the way he’d handled her—the things he’d said.

  His big body dwarfed her double bed, feet hanging over the end. Right then, he looked like a huge, hibernating grizzly bear. But sexy…and human. Despite the man’s s
tature, he wasn’t rough or clumsy; he had full control over his size and strength. Boy, did he have control. Another wave of heat rolled through her. Goodness, he overwhelmed her, turned her on. So much so, the last thing she’d thought about when they were together was the way she looked. A first for her. All she could do when they were together was feel.

  She had no idea what had come over her last night. But whatever it was—temporary insanity, maybe—the outcome had been the beginning of a casual affair. For a short time, Hugh Colton was hers.

  She wanted him. There was no point denying it. He didn’t want a long-term relationship, and neither did she. She’d sat beside him in the cab of his truck, body throbbing and hot, and she’d reminded herself that Hugh was safe. The men she’d fallen for in the past were his complete opposite, which meant no messy emotions would be getting involved. He was also exciting, enthralling and the most masculine, sexy man she’d ever encountered.

  No risk.

  She did another sweep of his body just as he rolled onto his back. He threw one arm over his head, the other coming to rest on his abs. The sheet had dropped low, giving her an unrestricted view of his impressive abdominal muscles…and lower. Oh, my. He had his knee bent, one solid thigh exposed, and resting across his lower belly was his thick, very erect penis.

  Without thinking, she took a small step toward the bed. She wanted to trace that sexy cross tattoo on his ribs with her tongue, lick him all over, then slide down and take him into her mouth. The sudden urge to climb on top of him, to soak in more of the delicious heat that seemed to radiate off him and have her wicked way, was almost too hard to resist. But then she remembered Edna and Rocky.


  Tearing her eyes away, she slid on her flip-flops and tip-toed from the room. Her overheated skin felt tight and tingly, and she was thankful for the hit of cool morning air when she stepped outside.

  Edna’s door banged opened before Shay reached it.

  “There you are, girl. I didn’t think you were coming.” Edna shuffled forward. “It would’ve been a crying shame if Rocky crapped all over my good rug. I love that rug.”

  Edna may have looked like a sweet, little old lady, but she had a mouth like a sailor and a tendency to blurt everything she was thinking.

  “Sorry, Edna, I had a late shift last night and slept in.”

  Edna cackled and clamped her morning cigarette between her lips. “More like all the hanky-panky goin’ on in your trailer after you got home. At one point, I thought a freight-train was gonna burst through my living room wall.”

  Shay felt her face go up in flames. “No, I…”

  The sound of her front door opening had her freezing on the spot.

  Edna’s gaze moved beyond Shay’s shoulder, eyes going big, mouth dropping open, cigarette dangling perilously from her bottom lip. “Jumping Jehoshaphat,” she whispered.

  Shay’s sentiments exactly. She’d had a similar reaction when she’d seen Hugh for the first time. She took Rocky from Edna before she forgot she was holding the dog and dropped him.

  “Babe, what’re you doin’ out here?” Hugh asked, his sleep-roughened voice sliding through her, setting off happy tingles all over again.

  Tucking the dog under her arm, she turned and stifled a lust-filled moan. His chest was still bare—her gaze dropped—but he’d thankfully pulled on jeans, except he’d left the top button undone, and she couldn’t drag her eyes away from the thick hair peaking from the top.

  “Babe?” There was amusement to his voice now.

  Forcing herself to lift her gaze, she met his smiling brown eyes. “Yes?”

  “Come back to bed.”

  Edna thrust her hands forward. “Give me Rocky, girl. I’ll manage his walkies this morning.”

  Shay choked out a startled laugh. “Don’t be silly, Edna, and no, you won’t. If you fall down these stairs and break your hip, I’ll never forgive myself. And anyway, I can’t go back to bed; I have to get ready for work.”

  Edna took a drag of her smoke. “You’re looking a little flush to me.” She waggled her eyebrows. “Maybe a day in bed would do you good.”

  Good lord. Ignoring them both, Shay strode to the middle of the grassy patch in the center of the trailer park. Setting Rocky down, she held the lead Edna had already attached and waited. The dog did his business quickly. The poor thing had obviously been close to bursting. Picking him back up, she walked back to Edna, who was still standing in her doorway staring at Hugh. Hugh hadn’t moved, either—only his eyes weren’t on Edna, they were on Shay.

  She handed over the dog. “I’ll see you after work.”

  Edna nodded so enthusiastically, the lose skin hanging from her neck swung back and forth like an empty hammock in the breeze. “You get a better offer, I’ll be fine.” She tilted her head toward Harold’s trailer. “That old coot can help me with Rocky.” Then, with another cackle, she slammed her door shut.

  Hugh stepped back so Shay could get inside.

  “You gotta work?”

  “Yes.” And didn’t that just totally suck. “I need to be there in an hour, so I better get moving.”

  “An hour’s plenty of time.” He grabbed her hand when she tried to walk to the bathroom. “Give me fifteen minutes, and I’ll have you screaming my name before your PJs”—he tugged on the silky blue ribbon hanging from the front of her shorts—“hit the floor.”

  She didn’t doubt it, and she wanted that…badly. The man had proven he could do it, too, several times. “I can’t.” Her voice came out breathless, needy. “I have to get ready, that’s at least thirty minutes, right there. The walk to work, that’s another thirty. I’m already late.”

  His brows dropped. “You’re walking?”



  “I don’t have a car.”

  He straightened. “How do you get home from Woody’s?”

  “The bus.”

  She’d had to sell her car after she lost her job. She hadn’t had much in the way of savings to start with, and when her grandmother died, she’d used what she did have to go toward her funeral costs. Funerals were expensive. She still had two installments left to pay on her loan. Her grandmother was a generous lady, had been her whole life, would give the sweater off her back, and had done so. Shay had seen it with her own eyes. But this also meant her grandmother had left behind some debt, because if someone was in need, Gran gave, even if she didn’t have it to spare.

  Her grandmother had also been sweet and funny, and at times a little flighty. That meant she often didn’t plan ahead. Sylvie Freestone had lived life to the fullest, for each day. She didn’t like to think about the future, not for herself, at least. She’d also loved with everything she had. And Shay had loved her right back for it. Finding out her grandmother had somehow scrimped and saved to make sure Shay had gotten the best education possible had been a shock. She couldn’t repay her gran for everything she’d done, but Shay could give her grandmother the best funeral she could afford. And that’s what she’d done. Which meant she had to rely on public transport or walk for the foreseeable future. Considering her grandmother had lived in a trailer her entire life so Shay could go to a private girls’ school and college, it was a small price to pay.

  Hugh’s brown eyes bored into hers. “You’re telling me you take the fucking bus at one o’clock in the fucking morning?”

  Well, that seemed an excessive and unnecessary amount of cursing over her use of public transport. Also, she sometimes finished at two or three but decided to keep that to herself. “Yes.”

  “On your own?”

  “Well, yes.”

  He bit out another curse. “Only people on buses at one in the morning are crazies and drunks after a night out getting wasted.”

  He wasn’t wrong. She’d encountered more than her fair share of both. “It’s fine.” And why he cared or was getting so hot under the collar about it, she had no idea. “I only do it four times a week. I’ve never had any trouble.�

  “You working tomorrow?”


  He stared at her for several seconds, then his posture changed, and he seemed to let go of whatever was getting him so riled up. “I’ll give you a ride to wherever you need to go this morning.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  He fisted the front of her tank at her belly and tugged her forward. “I do if I wanna watch you come. You wanna come, princess?”


  She felt her face get hot but refused to care. “Yes.”

  A grin lifted the corners of his mouth. “Good.”

  It was sexy and wicked and had her squeezing her thighs together to relieve the ache.

  “We can save time by multi-tasking.”

  Then he took her hand and led her to the bathroom.

  He was wrong, though, it didn’t take fifteen minutes—it barely took five.

  * * *

  Shay ran the steamer over a dress to remove the wrinkles then slid it along the rack. She’d spent most of the day in the back of the store. They’d had several deliveries of clothing arrive the day before, and Jane wanted to get them out front as soon as possible, so Shay had spent all morning unpacking, hanging, steaming and pricing to get them ready.

  She was kind of glad for the solitude. It meant she had uninterrupted time to relive her night and morning before Hugh had dropped her off at work with a deep, hot kiss and a rumbled, “Later, babe”.

  God, the man made her weak at the knees and totally destroyed her ability to think clearly whenever he touched her. She’d never felt anything like it. The energy between them felt almost electric.

  She’d watched him drive away and only realized when he was out of sight that they hadn’t made any plans. Usually, that type of thing would have had her stressing out. Worried that she’d messed up, put off her date, somehow. But she didn’t have to worry about that with Hugh. That wasn’t what they were about. She knew he was attracted to her, and that was all that mattered. It was freeing. He didn’t owe her anything, any explanations, and she didn’t owe him a thing, either. She was fine with that, too. They were free to do as they pleased, and if they decided to get together again, that was more than fine with her, as well.


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