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Swerve: Boosted Hearts (Volume 1)

Page 21

by Sherilee Gray

  She scowled up at Joe. “You deserved it.” Then she turned her angry gaze to Adam. “And as for how I really feel about you? You sure as hell wouldn’t want to know.”

  Adam stared at her, expression blank except for the muscle ticking at the side of his jaw. “Think you’re right there, sweetheart.”

  Lucy’s face went red again, but instead of ripping their friend a new one, she turned to Hugh. “Ignore him. Go get her.” Then she looked at Joe and held out her hand. “Keys. I’m crashing at your place.”

  Joe handed them over then patted her on the head. “We’re gonna have so much fun. Can we do makeovers? I always thought I’d make a hot blond.”

  She socked him in the gut, and they walked away, bickering.

  Just like old times.

  Hugh watched them go, feeling lighter than he had in a hell of a long time.

  Adam’s boots scraped on the concrete floor as he stepped forward. “Need to tell you something.”

  Going by the look on the guy’s face, the warm, fuzzy portion of the day was over.

  Adam crossed his arms. “I saw her the other night at Woody’s.”


  Adam dipped his chin, and something tightened in Hugh’s gut.

  “She works there. This isn’t a newsflash.”

  “She was with a guy.” Adam let out a rough breath, something a lot like sympathy hitting his eyes. “And they weren’t just talking.”


  “Shay asked me not to tell you.” He shoved a hand through his hair. “I didn’t think she was the type to be so shady, but…”

  Hugh was on Adam in two steps, shoving him against a car. “You kept this from me…”

  “I didn’t know you were so into her. How the fuck would I know what kind of arrangement you had going on?”

  “The fact she told you to keep that shit from me was probably a heads-up that I would not be okay with it.” Hugh got closer, so they were nose to nose. “You should have told me.” He yelled the last, giving Adam another shove before backing off.

  Rage so raw it clouded his vision exploded through Hugh with enough force he shook from it. “I’ll kill the motherfucker.”

  “Shit,” Joe murmured at his side.

  Hugh was so pissed, he hadn’t even seen his brother walk back into the garage.

  “You don’t even know who it was,” Joe added.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Joe pointed at Adam. “This is your damn fault.” Then he spun back to Hugh. “Don’t do anything stupid. This is not how this day was supposed to go, dammit.”

  “You telling me I should’ve kept it to myself?” Adam fired back.

  “You already did that,” Hugh growled.

  “At least count to ten before you hit the guy,” Joe said, then mumbled, “Maybe then you’ll only go down for assault.”

  “I don’t know,” Adam added. “Way he’s looking right now, he could plead insanity.”

  Hugh ignored them both and headed for the door.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Shay stood at the counter in her kitchen, staring at the statement she’d received from Landon Private Lenders a little over a week ago. She tightened her fingers around it.

  She still didn’t know how she’d managed it, but she’d scraped together just enough in tips and the small wage she earned working for Jane to cover this months installment. Shay had over five hundred dollars in the back of her cupboard in a cookie jar. She usually banked her tips every week, but with Hugh occupying her time—and her mind—then her mother’s visit and all that followed, she had completely forgotten to do it.

  Pain seared through her. Just thinking about Hugh hurt more than she thought possible. Her mother’s betrayal, though awful, was not totally unexpected. But Hugh, she thought she knew him. Knew his character. That he was a standup guy. Direct when he needed to be. Sometimes sweet. Sometimes protective. Always kind.

  That she’d gotten it so wrong, that she’d misjudged him so completely…it threw her. Like nothing else ever had. Despite her past, the amount of times she’d misread a situation, she’d decided to follow her heart, trust her instincts. She should have known better.

  And to top it off, she’d fallen for him. Completely. Wanted him still, even now, after everything.

  She was so damn blind. Travis was proof of that. Her mother, too. She’d let her mom stomp all over her. Let the woman come and go as she pleased, using Shay repeatedly. Even when her mother had shown her time and again she didn’t give a crap about her. Shay had opened the door to her every time, hoping this visit would be different, that she might actually be with Shay because she cared. Not for what she could get.

  The truth was, she couldn’t trust her own judgment. She’d been hurt by her inability to see what was right in front of her face one too many times. She was better off alone.

  Moving around the counter, she opened the cupboard and reached toward the back to get her cookie jar. Once she’d paid off the loan, she’d finally be able to save some money. Get the car she needed, maybe really try at getting more graphic design clients, working for herself. It was definitely an option. She popped off the lid and reached inside…

  Nothing but cool, glazed china touched her fingers.


  “No. No, no, no.” She stared inside. It was gone. All of it. Every last dollar. Why hadn’t she checked after her mother ran away?

  On shaky legs, she walked to the living room and stumbled back onto the couch. What was she going to do? How would she make the payment? She had bills mounting, another installment to save for after this one.

  Nothing she owned was worth that much. Even her laptop was several years old. Worthless.

  She was completely and utterly screwed.

  Life doesn’t have any hands, Cupcake, but it can sure give you a slap sometimes.

  She’d had more than her fair share. God, she wished her gran was there.

  Her gaze moved to the coffee table, to her phone sitting there. The light flashed, announcing an unread text. It was from Travis; she’d purposely ignored it.

  Hand trembling, she reached out and picked it up. She was out of options. She needed a job that paid more. She needed money, and she needed it now. Her pride meant nothing in the face of losing the only thing she valued. Her gran’s trailer was her home. She’d do anything before she was forced to give it up. And that’s what she’d have to do if she missed this payment.

  She read the text. Nothing new. He wanted her back. Her job was still open.

  Hitting the call button, she put the phone to her ear.

  Travis answered after the second ring.

  “Can we meet?” she said.

  He was quiet for several seconds, and when he spoke his voice was low. “Dinner tonight. I’ll pick you up at seven thirty.”

  Her belly clenched unhappily. “See you then.”

  * * *

  The restaurant Travis picked was one they used to frequent often. The food was exceptional, the decor cozy, romantic. Unfortunately, the present company ruined the lovely atmosphere.

  Travis stared at her over the top of his menu, eyes crinkling at the corners.

  “Let’s just start,” she said again. She wanted to cut to the chase, not sit there pretending they were on a date. “What I have to say won’t take long.” She’d tried to talk him into taking her to a coffee shop instead, but he’d refused.

  He put down the menu and smiled at her. “Sweetheart, let’s just enjoy our meal first, then we’ll get to what it is you want to discuss with me.”

  Stress made her hungry, always had. And since her stress levels were currently through the roof, by the time the waiter came to take their orders, she was starving. “I’ll have the steak, please. Medium.” Her dining companion wasn’t very pleasant, but at least she knew the food was great.

  “You’re having the steak?” Travis asked, pointing out the obvious.


  His lips thinned. “The
chicken salad looks good,” he not-so-subtly suggested.

  She forced a smile, knew it looked frozen on her face. “Does it? You should get it then.”

  He glanced back down, clearing his throat. “Potatoes? All those carbs…it’s not very healthy.”

  She ignored him and ordered another glass of wine. He claimed to want her back; if that were the case, you’d think he’d keep his jibes about her losing weight to himself, at least for a little while.

  Her wine arrived, and she took a healthy sip, though she felt like chugging the whole damn thing right then. Anything to make this hellish dinner less painful.

  He was watching—okay, openly staring at her breasts—when she reached the end of her patience. “Travis, I want to come back…”

  “I had a feeling that’s what this was about.” He reached out, took her hand. “It won’t be easy, but we can make this work. I’ll hire a fitness trainer, anything you need. I’m so happy you changed your mind.”

  She fought not to yank her hand away, but she didn’t want to make him angry. She also wasn’t there to play with his affections. That wouldn’t be fair, even after the way he’d treated her. She just wanted her job back “No. I mean I want to come back to work.” She turned her hand in his, though it cost her to do it, and gave his fingers a squeeze. “I know you regret the things you said, but I can’t go back. I…I think we’re better off as friends, Trav.”

  “You don’t want to get back together?” he said quietly.

  “No.” She gave his hand another squeeze. “We started off as friends, colleagues; we can be that again, can’t we?”

  He didn’t answer, just stared at her.

  Her face heated, and she shifted in her chair. “You said my job is still open? I’ve…I’ve found myself in a bit of financial trouble, Travis. I’d like to come back to TBS if you’ll have me…but…well, I was wondering if there was any chance of a small advance…”

  “An advance?” he repeated. His mouth tightened, eyes narrowing.

  She sat a little straighter. “Yes. You know I’m good at what I do. I single handedly brought in half our client list.”

  The grip he had on her wrist tightened, no longer friendly. “I think you have me mistaken for some gullible chump.” He leaned forward, yanking her closer. “You want your job back?”

  “Yes.” She was close to flipping out completely. Her pride was a shriveled mess on the floor, and the more she sucked up to this creep, the more she hated herself for it, for being so damn weak, for being stupid enough to get in this situation in the first place.

  Travis sat back suddenly but kept hold of her. “Fine. You want your old job…you’ve got it.”

  She was stunned into silence. Maybe he’d finally seen the error of his ways?

  “You want an advance, it’s yours…”

  “Thank you, Travis. Thank you so much…”

  “You didn’t let me finish.” He gave her wrist another bruising squeeze. “You can have your advance, but you’re going to have to work for it, honey.”

  “Of course. I will, I promise…”

  “Not at TBS.” His gaze slid back to her chest, and his lips tipped up at the sides.

  “I don’t…I don’t follow.” Though, she kind of thought she did. She just didn’t want to believe it.

  His gaze lifted to her mouth. “You want your job back; you’re going to make yourself…available to me.”

  Shay froze, nausea racing through her. “You can’t be serious?”

  “I want you back in my bed, Shay.”

  “That’s going to be a major fucking problem for me.” A deep voice growled beside them.

  She twisted, looking up, all the way up, and swallowed hard, stunned.


  “What are you doing here?” she whispered. She hadn’t meant to whisper; it was just at that moment, her voice wouldn’t quite work.

  Hugh’s hard gaze slid from hers to the center of the table, where Travis still had hold of her wrist.

  “Let go.”

  That was all he said, voice rougher than she’d ever heard it.

  Travis’s fingers loosened then slipped away. She glanced at her ex-boyfriend across the table. His eyes were narrowed, mouth pinched.

  “I don’t know who you think you are, but if you don’t leave, I’ll have you thrown out.”

  Everyone in the restaurant had stopped eating, were watching the spectacle in the center of the room.

  Hugh stayed where he was, towering over them, eyes now fixed on her, ignoring Travis completely. “You’re back with this guy?”

  “What…? No.” What is he doing here? What on earth is going on?

  “This is who you were kissing at Woody’s?”

  She froze. Adam had obviously broken his silence. Not that it mattered now. Anger and confusion pumped hot through her veins, unlocking her limbs. “He kissed me, not the other way around. I did not kiss him back.” She drew in a shaky breath, annoyed that she was explaining herself to this man. A man who had thrown her away, who cut her deeper than anyone else could. “What are you doing here, Hugh?”

  He shook his head. “What are you doing here with him?” he rumbled. Yes, rumbled.

  She bristled. “I asked you first.”

  He just stared at her, and she got the feeling if he didn’t get the answers he’d come for, they’d be there all night.

  “Fine. If you must know, I came here to ask for my job back. I have bills to pay, a loan installment…”

  “I paid it,” he said. “I saw the statement on your counter last week and took care of it. I cleared it. You don’t owe a thing anymore. There’s no need for you to work with this asshole.”

  “What?” she whispered.

  “I paid off the loan. It’s done.”

  “I don’t understand…” She felt dizzy all of a sudden. Head spinning so fast, she was having trouble thinking clearly. “You paid it? Why would you do that?”

  His dark gaze slid to Travis, expression terrifying, and just when she thought Hugh might lunge at him, he looked back at her. “Because I hated seeing you killing yourself working three jobs when I could take care of it for you.”

  She ignored the warmth his words stirred inside her, and shook her head in denial, still struggling to understand what any of this meant. “I don’t…I’m not…” What? She didn’t know what to say, what to think.

  “We need to talk, and we’re not doing it here. Let’s go,” Hugh said.

  She jolted in her seat, the shock of seeing him, of learning he’d paid the rest of her loan, had momentarily stunned her. But now, all the anger and hurt surged back, full force. He didn’t get to come here asking her questions. Ordering her about. How goddamn dare he?

  She had no idea what he was playing at, but she didn’t want any part of it. She wasn’t doing this anymore. Wasn’t letting people walk over her, push her around, as if her feelings didn’t matter. Never again.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. And as for what you did, paying my loan…well, I didn’t ask you to do that, so if you expect me to fall at your feet, groveling and thanking you for it, you have another thing coming. As soon as I can, I’ll pay you back every cent.” She wasn’t her mother, she didn’t need or want a man taking care of her, regardless of his motives.

  He shoved his fingers through his hair, sucking in a deep breath through his nose, as if he was trying to calm himself down. “I don’t want your money.” He mumbled a curse. “We need to talk, princess.” His voice had grown softer, more intimate. “There are some things, things I need to tell you.”


  “Hang on a minute,” Travis interrupted.

  Shay had forgotten he was even there.

  “I don’t know who you think you are…” Travis continued.

  “I’m Shay’s.”

  His words slammed into her, battered her, had her frozen in her seat. Hugh kept his eyes locked on her, no longer dark and pissed but that soft brown she’d grown to love. The way
he was looking at her, it sent tingles skittering across her shoulders, down her arms, lifting goose bumps on her skin. Then he fired another shot, this one hitting even harder.

  “And she’s mine.”

  Hope unfurled in her chest, even as disbelief and anger socked her so hard, her limbs felt weak from it. Shay stood on shaky legs, fingers curled into fists at her side, heart pounding. “No. I’m not,” she rasped.

  Hugh reached for her, but she took a step back.

  Travis shot to his feet, as well. “If you leave with him, you’re not getting your job back, do you hear me?”

  She turned to him. “I don’t agree to your terms, Travis. I won’t be manipulated, not anymore.” She turned to Hugh. “And I won’t be used, either, not by you, not by anyone. I sure as hell don’t want to talk to someone who treated me as if I’m nothing, as if I’m worthless.”


  The way Hugh growled her name made her shiver. She took another step back.

  “Both of you just…leave me the hell alone.” Then she grabbed her bag and raced from the restaurant.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Hugh pointed at the asshole across from him. “You contact her again, you fucking look at her, I’m coming after you.” Then he strode out of the restaurant after Shay.

  The street was crowded, but he saw her moving quickly away. No way was he letting her go, not tonight, not ever. Hugh pushed through the people in front of him, not giving a shit. Shay was too polite for that, which meant he caught up with her easily.

  He grabbed her arm, and she gasped, spinning to face him.

  “Let me go.”

  “We’re talking, princess.”

  She tried to yank her arm away. “Like hell we are.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to argue and tugged her to the side, lifted her off her feet and carried her down a narrow alley. It led to the back of the restaurants in front of it. Which meant it was quiet and, thankfully right then, besides a few cars, deserted.

  She fought hard, but he held her tight so she didn’t hurt herself. Her teeth sank into his forearm.

  “Jesus Christ.”


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