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Codename Angel (The Angel Chronicles Book 1)

Page 29

by Jason Chapman

  ‘She’s not a witch.’ Ann argued. ‘She’s just into her herbal remedies that’s all, natural healing stuff.’

  Wilks nodded. ‘I take it when you mentioned this Mary got herself into trouble, you meant she’s Pregnant?’

  Ann nodded.

  ‘Who’s the father?’ Asked Frederick.

  ‘That’s just the thing, there isn’t any father, I know Mary you see. She comes from a devout family, the Trembles live just up the road.’

  ‘Has Mary ever gone missing?’ asked Wilks.

  Ann nodded slowly. ‘Last spring she disappeared for two days, and then turned up in the woods. Sarah found her and retuned her to her parents. Several weeks later she found out she was pregnant. That’s when her parents threw her out, so she went to live with Sarah.’ Ann paused.

  ‘And that’s why the locals think this Sarah is a witch.’

  The girl nodded then looked at Wilks. ‘If you’re a doctor then what are you going to do?’

  ‘As I said earlier my dear I just want to make sure she’s ok.’

  ‘That old cow from the guesthouse called the church, reckon they’ll be here tomorrow to cart her off somewhere to have her baby. It’s not fair she hasn’t done anything wrong, it’s not her fault.’

  ‘It’s ok.’ Wilks assured. ‘I’ll make sure whoever these people are who are coming don’t just cart her away.’

  Ann looked back at the pub, her dad was calling out her name. ‘I better go.’ She turned and headed back.

  Wilks looked up and scanned the clear night sky taking in a deep breath. ‘What do you reckon?’

  ‘It’s got to be her.’ Frederick said. ‘The marker on the map we created from the Roswell device is quite accurate.’

  ‘We’ll head out in the morning to check it out.’

  ‘I’ll give Malcolm a ring first thing and warn him of the possibility of officials from the church showing up.’ Frederick explained.

  Chapter 86

  The Old Manor Guesthouse – Abbotsbury - 9:56am

  Thursday 24th January 1954

  ‘And where are you gentlemen off today?’ The landlady appeared out of nowhere as Frederick and Wilks were about to walk out the front door.

  ‘We’re off to the beach.’

  She nodded. ‘Make sure you stick to the road away from the wood, and stay away from the travellers.’

  ‘Travellers?’ Wilks questioned.

  ‘Gypsies.’ The woman replied. ‘They come to these parts this time of the year and are usually trouble. They camp near the beach.’

  ‘Thank you for the warning, we’ll be careful.’ Frederick tipped his hat politely to the woman who just stared back.

  Twenty minutes later both men found themselves on a footpath leading into the woods. ‘Should have brought some breadcrumbs.’ Frederick suggested.

  Wilks laughed. ‘Hope we do come across a gingerbread house, it’s my favourite.’

  The two men navigated the narrow path through the woods until they came to an old stone cottage. Smoke snaked its way out of one of the two chimneys on the top of the thatched roof. An old wooden fence surrounded the cottage. Most of the garden was taken up by herb bushes, an apple tree stood at the centre, bare of any foliage looking like a naked skeleton.

  Frederick knocked on the door loudly.

  ‘Who is it?’ A woman’s voice called from inside.

  ‘We’re sorry for bothering you, but we are looking for Mary Trembles.’

  More voices could be heard inside but Frederick was unable to make out what they were saying. ‘Go away!’ The woman called out.

  Wilks stepped forward. ‘My name is Richard Wilks, I’m a doctor, I merely wish to see if the young girl living with you is in good health.’

  ‘She doesn’t need anyone she’s fine, so you can tell those do-gooders from the clergy to bugger off.’

  ‘Madam we’re not from the clergy, we were sent here by Ann the girl who lives at the pub. She just wants to know if her friend is ok.’

  More voices and then eventually the door opened to reveal a short woman with greying hair wearing a black shawl which she wrapped around her. She glared at Frederick and Wilks. ‘Ann sent you did she?’

  Frederick nodded. ‘She mentioned her friend last night, so we offered to help out.’

  The woman eventually nodded and beckoned them in.

  Mary lay on an old sofa which had been padded with blankets and cushions. Wilks walked up to her kneeling. ‘Mary.’ He smiled at her. ‘Ann sent me she’s concerned for your well being.’

  ‘I’m fine, Sarah has taken good care of me.’ She winced in pain.

  ‘Do you mind if I have a look.’

  She looked at Sarah who nodded.

  Four other people occupied the spacious living room of the cottage, two men and two women who were sat on the floor around the roaring fire, which gave off a lot of heat. Frederick wandered over to warm his hands.

  ‘Are you here to take Mary away?’ One of the two women asked looking up at Frederick.

  He shook his head. ‘No, my colleague merely wants to examine her to make sure she’s in good health.’

  ‘We can take care of her, she’ll be fine with us, she’s better off with us.’

  ‘And who might us be?’ Frederick glanced at the group.

  ‘I’m Paul.’ The man stood up and offered his hand. ‘This is my wife Jane, and our friends David and Theresa.’

  Frederick looked at the group noting how scruffy they appeared. ‘You’re travelling folk.’ He guessed.

  Paul nodded. ‘We are travellers yes, we come here once a year through December and January to celebrate the winter solstice.’ ‘He looked at Mary. ‘This year is special with Mary about to give birth to her sky child.’

  ‘I’m sorry, sky child?’ Frederick questioned.

  ‘This is why we come here, to communicate with the sky people who come this time of year.’ Paul explained. ‘We all gather up on the hill over yonder at Pendragon’s table.’

  ‘And you believe that Mary’s child is one of these sky people.’

  ‘Surely Ann must have told you about how Mary became pregnant.’ Paul said.

  ‘She mentioned that she vanished for a couple of days last spring.’

  ‘Yes, she was in the company of the sky people; they gave her a special gift.’

  Frederick looked at Wilks who stood and walked over. ‘Well there’s no doubt about it, she’s in labour.’

  ‘How long until she gives birth?’ Asked Frederick.

  Wilks shrugged. ‘About as long as a piece of string.’

  ‘We will take her to Pendragon’s table this evening to perform the ceremony.’ Sarah said.

  ‘You cannot move this girl, unless it’s to a hospital.’ Wilks warned. ‘The cold outside could kill her.’

  ‘She will be safe with us.’ Theresa said. ‘Once the baby is born we’ll take her away and look after her.’ She indicated to the group.

  ‘I cannot allow you to take this girl out into the freezing cold it’s too dangerous.’ Wilks protested.

  ‘And I say we can take better care of her than some fancy hospital.’ Theresa argued back.

  ‘Perhaps she’s right Richard.’ Frederick sided with the group.

  Wilks looked at Frederick with discontentment.

  ‘We will stay for however long it takes, you can help Sarah administer whatever treatment she needs.’

  ‘I don’t have any medical equipment with me.’

  ‘Some doctor you are.’ Paul mocked.

  Frederick looked at the traveller. ‘Can you show us where this Pendragon’s table is?’

  Paul nodded.

  ‘Have you taken leave of your senses?’ Wilks tone was dark as they stood outside waiting for Paul. ‘We’re in way over our heads here Ralph, I cannot help this woman. This girl needs to be in a hospital. My skills are limited I was just a lowly medic during the war. A hospital is the best place for her.’

  ‘I know that, but if we take her to the
hospital, then too many questions will be asked, besides I have a theory. We’ll drive into Weymouth later on and telephone Malcolm updating him on the situation. Perhaps he can organise transport so we can take Mary to a safe location. If this girl is about to give birth to a child conceived by whatever abducted her then it could be the breakthrough we’ve been looking for, and give us a bargaining tool with the Americans to share more information. While in Weymouth we may be able to pick up some medical supplies.’

  Wilks eventually nodded, looking at his friend. ‘So what’s this theory?’

  ‘You’ll see.’ Frederick replied.

  Paul appeared out of the cottage entrance.

  Chapter 87

  Pendragon’s Table


  Frederick stared at the stone monolith which lay flat on the ground facing inland. Paul was gathering wood for six pyres which had been constructed and set out in a circular fashion around the stone. The stone bared striking similarity to the standing stones in Scotland which Colonel Konev had destroyed.

  Frederick climbed on the stone and looked at the constellation marked out on the top. ‘Pegasus.’ He said.

  Wilks looked at the eleven circles spaced out towards the bottom of the stone. ‘These are like the stones you described in Scotland.’

  Frederick nodded. ‘Yes.’ He looked at the circles and noted three of them had lines pointing towards the tip of the nose of Pegasus. ‘Incredible, if I’m reading this correctly the star here has three planets which may harbour life.’

  ‘Three planets.’ Wilks repeated. ‘The possibility of a planetary system with three life sustaining worlds is too incredible to imagine.’

  Frederick looked back at the stone. At its base was the familiar spiral pattern he had encountered before. ‘This is the third time I have encountered stones like this, with this symbol. First at Ripley Castle, then in Scotland and now here.’

  ‘And your point being Ralph.’

  ‘On two occasions the stones seem to be located in an area where people have been taken. Edith Jones in Ripley and now this girl here. Both have become pregnant.’

  ‘I still don’t see what you’re getting at.’

  ‘Don’t you see, these stones could be markers, like an ancient version of that device Vannevar Bush demonstrated last year. This spiral pattern seems to be a constant on all these stones I have seen.’

  Wilks smiled. ‘You’re right.’ He looked at the stone. ‘You realise that there are hundreds of stones up and down Great Britain similar to this one. And those are just the ones that have been discovered. There could be hundreds more buried or overgrown.’

  ‘Yes, and they could hold the key to all that has been going on.’

  ‘Finally information the Americans might not have.’ Wilks said.

  Frederick nodded smiling. ‘Which means we might not need them as much as they think.’

  Wilks frowned. ‘But what about the circle in Scotland? The one that Konev destroyed there was no one living in that area.’

  ‘Not now perhaps, but we did find the remains of a Viking burial site. There could have been a settlement at some point. And there was ruined cottage near the beach. The English uprooted a lot of Scots during the highland clearances.’

  ‘And the woman in London, the one that was taken away by Vatican officials?’

  ‘London is old and has expanded over the centuries, who’s to say there wasn’t some kind of ancient monument where she lived.’

  ‘True but if it’s no longer there why are these creatures still taking people?’

  Frederick inhaled. ‘Another missing piece of the puzzle.’

  ‘You shouldn’t stand on Pendragon’s Table, it can bring bad luck.’ Paul called out returning with a handful of wood.

  Frederick jumped down. ‘I’m sorry I was just examining the markings. Why do you call it Pendragon’s Table?’

  ‘It is told that King Arthur himself used to frequent these parts with his knights.’

  Wilks looked at the stone. ‘This is hardly the Round Table I’ve read about.’

  ‘No, but there are those of us who believe a great castle once stood here and this is all that remains.’

  ‘What do you think these markings represent?’ Frederick pointed at the etchings.

  Paul just shrugged. ‘Decoration.’

  Frederick and Wilks glanced at each other with a smile. ‘My colleague and I are going to Weymouth to pick up supplies.’ Frederick revealed. ‘We’ll be back later.’

  ‘How do I know you’re not going to bring the fuzz back?’

  ‘Because we want what’s best for Mary, just like you.’

  ‘And what exactly do you get out of helping us?’ Paul questioned again.

  ‘Peace of mind dear fellow.’ Wilks replied.

  Chapter 88

  The Sky People

  Stavordale Wood


  Professor Wilks smiled at Mary and mopped her forehead. He had managed to pick up a stethoscope in Weymouth and some more blankets. Frederick had phoned Chambers and explained the events of the past few days. Malcolm had offered to send help as soon as possible. Frederick and Wilks did not return to the guesthouse, making straight for the cottage instead. The group of travellers had spent the afternoon preparing the pyres and converting an old cart to accommodate Mary.

  ‘It is time.’ Sarah said. ‘We must get her to Pendragon’s Table to prepare for the Birth.’

  Wilks helped Sarah escort Mary to the front door where she was carefully placed on a cart which was padded with quilts and other soft material. More blankets were piled on her once she was on the cart. The two travellers Paul and David took up a cart handle and the small band of people made their way to Pendragon’s Table.

  ‘Mr Frederick!’ Sarah called out from the front door of her cottage.

  Frederick turned and saw that she beckoning him back. ‘Something wrong Sarah?’

  ‘I know this is going to sound strange but last night I had a dream.’

  Frederick felt frustration and looked back to see Wilks and the others making their way towards Pendragon’s table. ‘Can this wait Sarah, Mary needs our help.’

  Sarah grabbed his arm. ‘Listen to me!’ She ordered. ‘I have seen death, terrible death.’

  Frederick took a deep breath. ‘Look we haven’t got time for this.’

  ‘I have seen him, he will kill me.’


  ‘The coloured man.’

  Frederick smiled. ‘Perhaps you should lay off the mushroom tea Sarah. Now please come along we need to join the others.’

  ‘I have seen you.’ Sarah continued. ‘I have seen your wife in your arms, dead!’

  A shudder bolted through Frederick’s body. The image Janus planted flooded his mind. He thought back to the hospital where he had encountered Janus. The huge shadowy figure standing over Elizabeth’s broken body.

  ‘Beware the giant man, he will bring you nothing but tragedy.’

  How do you know this?’ Frederick asked.

  Sarah seemed to stare into space. ‘He will come for me.’ She took a deep breath. ‘I will welcome death.’ She wrapped her shawl tightly around her closing the door of the cottage. ‘Perhaps you are right, Mary’s child is important now.’

  ‘I’m starting to have doubts.’ Frederick revealed, wrapping his jacket around him and looking at Sarah who had joined with the main party. Her words played over in his head.

  ‘It’s a little too late for that now old boy besides Malcolm said help will arrive in the morning. So until then we have to go through with this ritual.’

  The pyres were already lit when they arrived at their destination. When they entered the circle Frederick had to admit without a wind the fires created a comfortable heat. The stone had been covered with blankets and cushions and Mary had been lifted onto the flat stone surface.

  Paul took up position at the head of the stone and was dressed from head to toe in a white tunic with a hood covering his head
. He looked up into the crystal clear night sky raising his hands. ‘We are in the presence of the Sky People and welcome them with open arms.’

  Frederick looked up into the night sky at the glistening stars, taking a deep breath.

  ‘Sky People we await your arrival and present to you your child...’

  ‘STOP!’ A voice shouted from outside the circle.

  Frederick spun around and saw a group of people with torches. Three men stepped into the stone circle and walked up to Paul. ‘This blasphemous ceremony must end now!’

  Frederick recognised the three individuals. It was the men he had encountered in London with Agent Cones.

  ‘You have no right to interfere.’ Paul stood firm.

  ‘We are taking this woman with us, and you are to leave this area never to return.’

  Wilks reluctantly stepped forward. ‘You cannot move this woman, she is about to give birth.’

  ‘To an abomination.’ The Priest stated. ‘And who are you?’

  ‘I asked you that question last year in London.’ Frederick said.

  The priest stared at Frederick hard before recalling where he had seen him. ‘You are once again dealing with matters that don’t concern you.’

  ‘What concerns me is this woman’s safety, you cannot move her.’ Frederick spotted three more villagers stepping into the circle. ‘Your so called Brotherhood has no authority here.’

  The priest grinned. ‘We have authority everywhere.’ He looked back at Paul. ‘I’ll ask you once more to stop this ceremony.’

  ‘Piss off!’ Paul hissed.

  The two cardinals walked up to Mary and grabbed both arms. Paul rushed towards one of them but was stopped by more villagers who now poured into the circles of pyres.

  Mary began to scream as the two cardinals began to pull her to her feet. Sarah was also screaming at the priest calling him names.

  A rush of air suddenly descended from above snuffing out the fires instantly, leaving the area in darkness.

  Frederick became aware of a static discharge building up around the group.

  Paul was the first to sight the object. ‘Look!’ He shouted pointing skywards.


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