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Page 6

by Niki Jilvontae

  Chapter 7

  The ride to Wolverine was unreal. The bus smelled like urine and Lakea's arm and leg cuffs cut into her skin they were so tight. For the first time in her life, Lakea had to admit she was mad at herself for getting into this situation and she was terrified. Not only was she going to jail for three years, but she was going to jail for three years in a whole new state. She didn't know anyone inside and she was afraid that she would have to do something she didn't want to like kill someone.

  “Hey.” The girl sitting next to Lakea said staring at her. The whole time her and Lakea had been shackled together, Lakea hadn't even looked at her. Her mind was hundreds of miles away. “Wasup my name is Nika.” The girl said. “What's yours?”

  Lakea wasn't in the mood to talk and if this girl was on some dike shit she damn sure wasn't about to choose up. She just wanted to sit there and get lost in her thoughts, but she figured having at least one friend may have its advantages. So reluctantly Lakea started to talk.

  “My name Lakea”.

  “Okay, Lakea. What you in here for and where are you from cause you damn sure don't look or sound like you from Saginaw?” The girl said laughing. Lakea briefly told Nika about herself and how she landed in her current predicament. “Oh shit, you the girl everybody talking about in the hood. I'm from the south side.” Just then Lakea's body tensed up and she went into defense mode. She was ready to beat the fuck out of her new friend if she got wrong. She couldn't believe her luck, out of all the girls on the prison bus she would sit with a girl from the person she beat up hood. “Oh don't worry.” The girl said laughing. “I hated that bitch. I’m glad you fucked her fat ass up. You fucked her up good too. I heard she got a broken collar bone, nose, eye socket, two broken ribs, and she has a concussion. Last I heard the bitch was still in the ICU.” Nika said smiling. “I like that down south shit. My daddy and brother live in Memphis. I'm moving there too when I finish this time.” Nika said smiling.

  “That's wasup.” Lakea said. “That means that we are definitely going to have to link up on the town.” Lakea said as she and Nika talked for a while, getting to know each other.

  Lakea found out quickly that she liked Nika, and Nika liked her too. They were so much alike, shared so many of the same experiences.

  Nika was a tall, light brown, paper sack colored girl with short, natural curly hair and big green eyes. She was a real model type standing at 5'11”, 109lbs. As Nika talked about her troubles with her mama, being molested, left for dead, and pregnant, Lakea's mind got to wondering back into her own crazy childhood. Lakea still couldn't believe how her mother had turned her back on her again after all of the bull shit she had put her through. All the beatings, being molested by her boyfriend, and always being shipped away. Hell if anything Lakea should have turned her back on her mama. It was because of her she lost her innocence so early.

  That made Lakea remember back to the first time Jeff had molested her. It was on school morning and Lakea woke up not feeling well. She told Felicia her head and stomach hurt as she entered her room to wake her up. After checking Lakea, Felicia said she was hot so she should stay home in bed.

  “You can stay home today. I will be back to check on you in about an hour, I have to go see about a job. You can stay with Jeff.” Felicia said as she zipped her skirt and told Ray-Ray and Quan to go get in the car to be dropped off at school.

  “What's wrong with Lady Bug?” Jeff asked standing in the bathroom door watching Felicia put on makeup as Lakea lay in her bed in the room right across the hall.

  “Oh, she doesn't feel well baby and she has a little fever. Just give her some juice and I will be back in about an hour.” Felicia said kissing Jeff deeply as he squeezed her ass and bit her on the neck. That entire time she kept his eyes on Lakea.

  Up to that point Lakea had a good relationship with Jeff. This was before the eviction and the beatings started so she didn't know why he was looking at her so intensely.

  “Alright, I'm gone Lady Bug.” Felicia said coming into Lakea's room and kissing her on the forehead. “Don't give Jeff no damn problems, you hear me?” Felicia said in a serious tone. Lakea shook her head up and down indicating to her mama that she knew she had better not be bad and run him off. In her eight short years of life she had felt her mama's wrath plenty of times when a boyfriend ran off, even if it wasn’t her fault, which it never was.

  As soon as Felicia left and Jeff saw her and the boys pull out of the driveway his whole demeanor changed.

  “Get yo lil ass in here!” Jeff yelled from the living room. When Lakea ran into the room Jeff had a porno playing on the TV and he was sitting on the couch in his boxers. Up until this point Lakea thought of Jeff as a step dad, someone who cared for her like her daddy did. She never thought he would hurt her, so when she saw the lustful, angry look on his face when she approached the couch she was confused and scared at the same time.

  Jeff was a skinny guy, but he had big arms and a chiseled chest from working out daily. He was dark-skinned, bald-headed, and he had beady brown eyes. Felicia thought he was so sexy. She would always ask her friends, “Don't my baby look just like DMX but a little darker?”

  And he did.

  “Yes sir.” Lakea said standing with her hand on the arm of the couch, looking at the TV. At that moment a little girl about twelve or thirteen was on her knees giving a man oral sex. Lakea quickly looked away in disbelief. She couldn't believe her eyes. Just then she looked back at Jeff to see his manhood growing in his white boxer shorts as he stroked it through the cotton material.

  “You know that I like you don't you, Lady Bug?” Jeff asked while still stroking his manhood through his boxers. And you know that little girls with no daddy need a man to love them and show them how to be good women.” Lakea looked at him confused and put her thumb in her mouth. “Yeahhh, suck that thumb.” Jeff said moaning. Lakea didn't know why her sucking her thumb made Jeff moan. It usually made her mama mad when she saw her sucking her thumb so she wondered why Jeff liked it. Then she looked at the TV and what the little girl on the movie was doing and figured it out. She immediately took her thumb out of her mouth and started to whine.

  “My head hurt Mr. Jeff, can I go lay back down now?” She asked still whining.

  “Hell naw, after we finish you can.” Jeff said scooting to the edge of the couch.

  “Finish what?” Lakea asked whining.

  “We about to play a game that step-daddies play with their little girls. But you have to remember that it is our secret. You can't tell anybody or I will go away and your mama will be mad at you.” Lakea didn't want her mama to be mad at her so she was going to do what Jeff said. Just then Jeff pulled his long, thick 8 ½ inch penis out of the whole in his boxers. Lakea bucked her eyes in shock. She had never seen a real one. She was so scared. “Don't be scared, Lady Bug I just want you to suck it like you do your thumb.”

  “But I don't want to.” Lakea whined as Jeff pulled her closer to him and then pulled her Hello Kitty night gown over her head. She was now standing there shivering naked except for her pink Hello Kitty panties as Jeff stroked his penis fast looking from her to the TV.

  “Put your hand on it and do like you see me doing.” Jeff demanded grabbing Lakea's hand and showing her what to do. “Ohhhhh, mmmmmm!” Jeff moaned as Lakea jerked his penis up and down. Her tears fell from her cheeks and moistened the tip of Jeff's penis causing him to moan loudly. His manhood was so big Lakea had to use both of her little hands to stroke it. “Damn you do this good.” Jeff stated as he stood up and pushed Lakea down on the couch. He took off his boxers and Lakea began to cry. “WHAT THE FUCK YOU CRYING FOR?” Jeff yelled yanking her Hello Kitty panties down her leg, pulling them off, and throwing them on the floor beside his boxers. “I'm not about to fuck you....not yet anyway. I just want to taste that lil pussy and see if you are as sweet as your mama.” With those words Jeff buried his face in Lakea's little vagina.

  Slurping and licking Lakea frantically, Jeff stroked his
dick and moaned. Lakea kept her eyes tightly shut as the tears ran down the sides of her face wetting the couch. All that she could think was, “Why is this happening to me”, and “Where is my mama?”

  After licking her for another ten minutes, Jeff stood up and put his penis on her lips.

  “Lick your tongue out, Lady Bug!” Jeff yelled with a crazy look in his eyes. Lakea just kept her eyes shut and cried. Then she felt a hand slap her left cheek hard and she opened her eyes crying. Jeff was getting mad. “Do it, lil bitch or I'm going to beat yo ass and tell yo mama you was being hard headed!” Lakea didn't want one of her mama's you fucking up my chances at love ass whoopings, so she did what Jeff said. She licked his penis from head to shaft and then took it into her mouth. Jeff moaned in ecstasy and he moved back and forth pumping into Lakea's mouth. This horrible scene lasted another fifteen minutes before Jeff finally came all over Lakea's still flat chest. “Damn you sweet, Lady Bug.” Jeff said laughing and smacking Lakea on her ass as she cried and put her panties back on. “That pussy wayy sweeter than yo mama's and I can't wait to get in it! Now come give me a kiss!” Jeff demanded standing in the kitchen by the fridge in his boxers.

  Lakea pulled her Hello Kitty gown back down over her head and slowly walked over to Jeff. She went to kiss him on the cheek, but he turned his head and kissed her in the mouth. His thick tongue parted her lips and danced around in her mouth making her stomach do flips. Lakea felt sick to her stomach and ran to the bathroom to throw up. Just as Jeff left out of the kitchen with a carton of orange juice and sat back on the couch to watch his kiddie porn, Felicia walked in.

  “Hey baby, Em baa...” Felicia said entering the living room until what Jeff was watching caught her attention. ‘I know this ain’t no lil girl,’ she thought as Jeff switched the TV off. “What the fuck was you watching, baby?” Felicia asked with her hands on her hips looking around the room. She could smell a familiar sex smell in the air, but she thought maybe Jeff had been jerking off.

  “Oh my brother sent me that movie.” Jeff said standing up and embracing Felicia from the back so that his dick was on her ass.

  “Uhh huh. Where Lady Bug at?” Felicia asked walking away from Jeff and into Lakea's room. Lakea was still in the bathroom sitting on the floor in shock, crying her little heart out. Felicia knocked on the door, but got no answer yet she could hear Lakea's sobs through the door. “What's wrong baby, you still don't feel good?” Felicia asked, although she knew that wasn't it. She knew something was wrong from the nervous way Jeff was acting, and from how her daughter was crying and wouldn't come out of the bath room. Yet, she still did nothing. She couldn't or wouldn't do anything to ruin her chances at love. She was happy for a change and she wasn't going to let anyone ruin that, not even her kids.

  “She knew all along!” Lakea said out loud as she came back to reality and realized she was on the prison bus.

  “Who knew all along?” Nika asked.

  “Nobody.” Lakea said because that is exactly who her mama was to her now...NOBODY!!!

  Chapter 8

  When the bus stopped in front of Wolverine, Lakea's heart stopped for a second time. She was facing three years in a city so far away from home. Wolverine was a huge gray building that sat out in the middle of nowhere. As they got off the bus to line up, Lakea got a good look at her new home. This shit was really jail, with the real barbed wire electric fence, and watch tower with guards carrying guns and Tasers.

  The inside of the facility was just as shocking to Lakea. She had seen prison and juvenile facilities on TV in shows, but this was different. So much different. When she entered the building she could smell the feces, fear, hate, desperation, anger, urine, and other bodily fluids of the thirty girls chained to the wall of the holding cell with her, and those already housed. They took them all into one big room and dressed them out then showed them to their pod. Each pod was just a big room with twenty-four bunk beds and twelve foot lockers crammed in it. Tucked into the right hand side of the room was a small metal desk that came out of the wall, and a sink, mirror, and toilet. Lucky for Lakea and Nika, they were housed together in Pod A with twenty-two other juvenile girl offenders. As they entered the pod all of the girls approached them yelling, ready to attack until a guard walked up to the door.

  “Chill out bitches, let them breathe!” Yelled the guard, opening the door to their pod and walking in.

  “Hello new convicts, my name is Officer Klemmings and I am the watch commander. I will expect you to obey all rules and orders with no questions asked, and never talk back to me. Is that clear?”

  All the girls yelled in unison, “Yes Sir!”

  Klemmings continued his barrage of insults, yelling so loud when he talked that he made Lakea's ears ring. It was something about Officer Klemmings that made Lakea petrified other than the way his voice made her feel nauseous. That was a feeling that all of the girls shared and with good reason. Klemmings was evil and he looked it too with his red hair, bulging deep blue eyes, and red freckled face. He was about 6'2”, weighed about 200lbs, and had a bounce when he walked. When he would talk all of the girls would look terrified and would not make eye contact with him. Lakea knew then that Klemmings was someone to avoid and she hoped that she would be able to.

  Klemmings also carried a black whip-like strap around with him, one like the ones used when riding horses. He had this sinister laugh that pierced your soul and could be heard throughout the floor.

  “Now, if you follow those rules and be nice to me, I will be nice to you.” Klemmings said as he walked pass Lakea and got so close to her that she could feel his breath on her face. He drunk her up with his eyes, then he gave her a sinister wink and smirk as he walked back out of their pod still laughing. His laugh echoed in the pod and you could still hear the click of his shoes as he made his way to another pod to terrify more girls.

  When he left, some of the girls started to approach Lakea and Nika again. The poor girls didn't know what they were getting themselves into.

  “I know you can throw.” Nika whispered to Lakea. “Let's whoop these bitches!”

  With that Lakea rushed forward and grabbed the first girl that was approaching around her waist and slammed her hard on to the floor. She was doing one of the take downs she had learned practicing MMA fighting with her brother Ray-Ray. Once she got her down, Lakea unleashed a combination of fists and forearms strikes to the girl's face. The strikes were so hard that you could hear the bones in the girl's face breaking as blood began to squirt out of her nose, mouth and eyes, and they started to bulge out of their sockets. Lakea held one girl by her neck choking the shit out of her as more girls started to approach. Lakea jumped up off of the girl she was pounding, who by the way was now unconscious and laying in a puddle of her own blood, and kicked one of the advancing girls in her knee. That kick caused the bone to break and poke out through a hole in her pants. Lakea then kneed her in the face and slammed her head into the floor over and over. By this time, Nika had choked one girl unconscious and was pounding the other one in the face. None of the other girls ran up after seeing this, instead they stood there in disbelief screaming and hollering.

  Just then a siren went off and six to eight officers rushed in to find Lakea with her hands and arms covered in blood still pounding a girl. Nika had stopped fighting and was looking at Lakea in disbelief too. Lakea had really done a number on the two girls she fought. So much so, they had to be carried out on stretchers. Lakea and Nika were taken to the hole for the fight, even though everyone agreed it wasn't their fault.

  The hole was a row of dirty, dark rooms in the basement of the building. Each room had a sink, toilet, and metal frame with a wooly, itchy blanket. There were no windows, no mirrors, and no light. No hope really.

  “What have I gotten myself into?” Lakea though out loud.

  “A whole lotta hell!” Klemmings said from outside the door startling Lakea, causing her to jump across the tiny room. “Now Lakea, that is your name right?” Klemmings asked
smirking as he approached her.

  Lakea shook her head up and down and managed to let out a timid, very low, “Yes”.

  “Don't be afraid now, Lakea. Now didn't I just tell you to follow the rules, and isn't one of the rules no fighting?” He asked as he paced back and forth in front of her. By then, Lakea was sitting on the metal bed with her back against the wall and her knees tucked against her chest. “Sit yo ass up and speak, lil bitch!”Klemmings yelled. When Lakea sat up to the end of the cot, Klemmings chopped her across her throat with his right hand sending her flying to the floor gasping for air and holding her throat. “Get yo as up!” Klemmings yelled grabbing Lakea by her ponytail and flinging her on the bed. “Now, you little bitches lack discipline, that's why you're here. So, I am going to give you all of the discipline that you need. Remember how I told you if you are good to me I will be good to you?” He asked in a sweet voice walking to the door to look out of the window. The way that he went from rage to calm to almost loving is what scared Lakea the most. He was surely bipolar. After making sure no one was around, Klemmings walked back to the bed and slapped Lakea hard across the face, then he punched her in the jaw. Lakea cried out in pain, which made Klemmings smirk. “Now, the only way to fix this is going to be by you doing whatever I tell you to, when I tell you to do it. So right now, suck this dick bitch!” Klemmings said unzipping his pants and taking out his four inch pink dick. He thrust it into Lakea's mouth, moaning in pleasure as he stroked his dick. “Oohhh, Yeaaaa. That mouth is so wet and warm, just like I like it. You lil convict bitches sure are good lays.” He chuckled grabbing the back of Lakea's head and ramming his small dick into her mouth.


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