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To Claim A Fae

Page 17

by Mila Young

  I lunge for the cage and fumble with the door, opening it. The fairy flutters out instantly, its wings wide and beautiful.

  “Please will you help me?” I cry out, outstretching my hand that has the ruby embedded.

  As if understanding, it flutters and lands on my wrist.

  The princes’ mother gasps from behind me. “You have the power of the fairies?”

  “Yes,” my mother explains. “Just like my ancestors. This is why she is the rightful heir to not only the Shadow Court throne, but the Ash Court throne as well. You don’t have to like it, but deep down inside, you know it’s right.”

  The princes’ father charges onto the stage, pushing others aside and coming at me so fast I don’t react quickly enough. His fist finds the side of my face, and I see stars as I fall backward with a thump.

  Wings flutter in my face, and a hissing fills my ears.

  “You will ruin everything,” he snarls. His shadow towers over me, and I open my eyes as the fairy flings itself to his face, scratching and biting him. He bats at the fairy like a lunatic.

  My mother throws her arms toward him, and the fairy flings away from him in that same moment.

  An explosion of air punches the old fae in the chest, and he’s hurled across the room where he slams into a pillar. He groans and slumps to the ground, and I do a small cheer on the inside.

  My mother stumbles on her feet as if suddenly exhausted, barely catching her breath. The queen of Shadow Court catches her around the waist. “I have you.”

  I get to my feet, trying my best to ignore the pain flaring down my face like it’s on fire and concentrate instead.

  “Take everyone as far back in the corner as you can.” I gesture the queens toward the part of the stage where the gutless councilmen hide like rats. My mother helps keep everyone together behind me, as far from the danger as possible.

  The fairy returns to my outstretched wrist once more. The battle spreads to my left, guards against guards, princes, and some of the guests who’ve harnessed knives to fight against the possessed soldiers.

  I can’t see Jasion anywhere, but I don’t have time for that right now.

  Energy flares down my arms and I lift the fairy closer to my face. It mimics me, and we both blow a breath onto our palms. Blue haze spills past my lips.

  “Fairies,” I whisper, and my little friend makes a sound that sounds very close to Eirian.

  In seconds, a black portal spreads out before me, growing in size. My skin ripples with goosebumps from the power. The sounds of battle and screams surround me, but I try to focus on what I’ve opened, praying this works. My fairy takes off and vanishes right into the portal. Oh, crap. That wasn’t the plan. Maybe I’ll get all the guests to do the same.

  A sudden punch drives into my lower back with such force, all the air is knocked out of my lungs and my legs buckle. I drop to my knees, gasping, arching my back from the ache zigzagging up my spine.

  An arm locks around my throat and wrenches me to my feet and up against a hard chest. “Got you, bitch!” Jasion snarls in my ear, strangling me.

  I struggle against him, shoving my elbow into his gut and kicking my heel into his shin. “Let me go!”

  His grip tightens. “You will die today!”

  Dread shudders through me.

  “This is something I should have done long ago.” He raises a blade over my chest.

  My life flashes before my eyes, and with it comes visions of everything that will be ripped from me. This piece of scum will kill those who mean everything to me and take away what I’ve fought to find my whole life—my family and happiness.

  When I catch sight of Ahren pinned to the ground by two guards, Deimos is surrounded by three others, and Luther is thrown into a wall, my heart bleeds.

  I draw on everything inside me, every thread of power, and call it to the surface just as I had back in Ash Court.

  A blast of energy launches from my hands so ferociously that I’m suddenly shoved back into Jasion, both of us stumbling. His grip loosens, and I pivot on my feet, driving my palms against his chest. All the power inside me pummels into him.

  He’s thrown backward and onto his back in an instant.

  His eyes widen into orbs, the blade drops from his grip, and he glances down to his chest. Blood seeps from where my energy hit him. A terrifying cry spills from his mouth as he frantically wipes as more and more blood emerges from his pores.

  An explosive flutter of air zooms right past me on both sides.

  Wings are all I see at first, violets and greens and magenta, then I make out the dozens of fairies—no, hundreds of fairies—swarming through the great hall.

  I yelp with joy at seeing them—they are the most incredible sight.

  A group rushes over and attacks Jasion, surrounding him until they coat his entire body. His screams are all I hear, while wings beat around him.

  Maybe I should feel pity, but the vindication of giving him exactly what he deserves is the sweetest satisfaction ever. After just a few moments they pull back from their assault, leaving behind the clattering of bones falling to the floor. Clothes. Hair. And a few flecks of blood.

  That is all that remains of the fucking asshole mage, and even that is too much. I’m going to make sure every bit of him is burned to ashes.

  The guests at the far end of the stage are crying out, ducking from fairies who aren’t even touching them. My mother stands before them, looking at me with a wide, approving grin. “Finish this,” she says.

  A fairy with glinting blue wings flutters in front of me and waves.

  I blink to clearly see, and my heart beams. “Hiss!” I can’t stop smiling because this little critter is exactly who I’d hoped to call. “You came!”

  Eirian. The word streams over my mind, and she swings around and hisses, pointing to the chaos.

  I turn to the hall where the Shadow Court guards are no longer fighting but cowering away, falling to their knees before the princes with remorse, with confusion. Which confirms that Jasion did indeed spell them.

  Dead bodies litter the floor, fae who lost their lives because of two greedy bastards. And my sights set on the princes’ father, slithering like the snake he is to dart out of the room. “Hiss, bring him to me.”

  She catapults across the room like a torpedo, an arrow of fairies right behind her.

  They collide into him, taking him off guard.

  He spins around, his face contorted in panic as he sees what’s coming for him. His screams are music to my ears.

  The gorgeous little creatures swarm him as he fights against them, flinging his arms out, but he’s off his feet in seconds. They carry him over to me, then drop him down where he collapses onto his knees in front of the steps before me.

  My three princes approach their father, as does his ex-wife. My mother is by my side.

  “Ahren,” he grovels. “Will you let her hurt me? I’m your father, your flesh and blood.”

  My prince steps up to his father, his expression one of pure hatred and fury. He lifts his fist and drives it into his father’s face, sending him to the floor on his back. “I no longer have a father.”

  Ahren then unbuttons his jacket and lets it drop to the floor behind him, followed by pulling his top up and over his head.

  The Queen on the stage gasps, but I know exactly what he’s doing, and I love him for this.

  His shoulders curve forward as the back of his shoulder blades split downward. Wings push out of his back, the sound like leather rubbing together. They spread out on either side of him in glorious blues and violets and white. Spanned outward, they a large portion of the room’s width. My prince lifts his chin, not ashamed of what his father told him was wrong, and I’m so fucking proud of Ahren.

  The whole room is oohing because their prince has the most spectacular wings, which I believe is rare.

  He glares down at his father and says, “You tried to break me, but it didn’t work. Fuck you!”

  He glances at
me and gives me a nod of approval, as do Deimos and Luther. I glance over to their mother, who is red in the face with fury. “Kill him!” she demands.

  I smile while the worm writhes, crying for escape.

  “He’s yours, Hiss.” I point to him, and the fairies descend on the old fae in seconds.

  They are ruthless, biting, tearing skin, gouging holes in his face and body. I refuse to look away, because if I intend to take my role in this realm, I must show strength.

  My princes stand by, watching the man who brought so much grief to their lives finally get what he deserves. Though in truth, I do feel like they are killing him a bit too fast. This should be elongated, drawn out a bit more.

  The slurping and chewing sounds are muffled by the terrified sounds of the guests. Yep, this is definitely not the wedding that was planned. I somehow doubt anyone will ever forget today. Ahren draws back his wings, and gets dressed, and I catch the smirk on his face. This is something so long overdue for him.

  Most in the audience don’t know where to look… him or the ruthless end to a horrible fae.

  My mother comes to my side along with Ramond, carrying his bowl of blood.

  “It’s time they saw the truth so you can take your rightful place,” my mother reminds me. She grasps a blade and runs the sharp end down her palm in a quick swipe. She turns her hand sideways and lets her blood drip into the bowl that still holds blood from King Tibout and me.

  Ramond runs his hand over the liquid, blue energy covering the surface. Then he offers the bowl to Hiss. “This will work on any fairy,” he reassures us.

  Hiss looks at me, and I nod, praying this time goes better than the last.

  My heart beats frantically. Nerves zip up my spine with worry that this will fail.

  I remember when I was small, and I once had to wait for blood test results because they feared I might be epileptic. The wait was excruciating. But that doesn’t come close in comparison to this. This is a hundred times worse.

  Ahren’s face is stoic, eyes glued to Hiss, who lands on the mage’s arm and leans in, tasting the blood. Seconds later, she is feverishly lapping at the offering.

  Her head suddenly jerks up, mouth covered in blood, more dripping from her chin. Her eyes are wide like she’s tripping on something really good.

  I want to shut my eyes and turn away so I don’t have to watch this. All I can picture in my mind is her bursting about wildly. Coldness floods me, and it chills me at the core. My knees tremble.

  The fairy dunks her face back into the dish, loving every drop.

  My mother takes my hand in hers and leans over. “There is nothing you need to fear. Ever again.”

  Suddenly, the little critter pulls her head up, and several people in the room gasp in anticipation.

  I hold my breath, watching her surge into clumsy flight toward me, her wings stretching out, twitching. The more I look at her, the more I expect her any second now to burst into a frenzy.

  My mother grasps my arm.

  And I hold my breath while we wait.

  Chapter 20


  Every inch of me aches, including where I’d been kicked in the balls by a fucking guard. But now I can’t move as I follow every stiff, jutting movement the fairy makes.

  This day will go down in history—the entire realm will talk about this—but all I care about is keeping Guendolyn safe. If she’ll have me, I’ll take my place by her side.

  The fairy suddenly drops out of the air and lands clumsily on Guendolyn’s shoulder. Finding her balance, the fairy settles down on her knees. Her head tilts downward, and she begins to snore softly. Guendolyn collects her into her arms, while the rest of the fairies surround us and watch.

  “It’s a match,” Ramond announces loudly, making everyone flinch. “Guendolyn is the daughter of King Tibout of Shadow Court and Queen Sarey of Ash Court. She is the rightful heir to both kingdoms.”

  No one dares speak or even move with that announcement, and I’m bursting with joy on the inside. I want this for her more than I could have ever thought. “Oh Guendolyn,” I say and move to her with haste. “This is everything you deserve.”

  Guendolyn gasps, her expression one of shock, as if she can’t believe her ears. With glistening eyes, she wraps her arms around my middle, and I embrace her, kissing the top of her head.

  My mother looks at me strangely.

  “This is who I want to marry,” I declare loud enough for all to hear. “If her and the Queen of Ash Court will have me.”

  “Yes,” she answers. “I want to marry all three of you.”

  There are gasps from the crowd, but it isn’t an uncommon event for a queen or king to take more than one partner to rule alongside them. My brothers join us, and I’ve never been so happy. I never expected to find this kind of joy amid death, never expected that somehow I’d find a way out of the corner I’d been wedged into.

  I glance over to where the guests are dispersing around the room and catch the eye of the advisors from the kingdom to our east. I was meant to marry their princess, yet they stare at me with anger burning in her eyes. My first point of call is to address this with them and apologize for how today has turned out. I wave over to my advisor, Mael and instruct him to take our guests from the east to where Queen Titania, her husband and daughter wait in the castle. “I won’t be long and don’t let them leave.” It’s a hard conversation I am hoping I can smooth over for the sake of our relations.

  “Of course.” He bows his head and rushes away. I hate that they’ve been put in this situation, but I won’t change that I finally got what I wanted.

  The queen of Ash Court says, “This test confirms Guendolyn’s true legacy as a descendant of two royal lines. And by the looks of our winged friends, my little girl also has the fairy queen’s power.” She clears her throat and looks over to my mother and then the council, who stand amid the crowd of guests, huddled and utterly shocked.

  I’m still dealing with learning that Guendolyn is the princess of both Shadow and Ash Courts… and now, added to that, she is now also the queen of the fairies. My mind can barely comprehend this turn of events. If anyone deserves this, it’s my Guendolyn.

  “There is more,” the queen says. “Many know my daughter as the cursed girl in our realm, but not many understand she was cursed as an infant by my mother-in-law and husband so that she would never return to our realm to claim the thrones and to unite our kingdoms. I was never given a choice and did what I could to protect my girl, which is why I hid her amid humans in the Earth realm. But now that she is back, I want to bestow a gift upon her for all the wrongs done against her. To make things right.”

  She moves to take her daughter’s hand. “My bloodline is of the original family that came from the fairy queen herself. I was forced into a loveless marriage. Now I am taking a stand. I am officially abdicating my position as Queen of Ash Court. The throne is open to be claimed by a family member as I have stepped away. And my husband can’t do anything about it as you are the heir by blood.” She glances over to Guendolyn, who is crying happy tears.

  My stomach knots up, because this is unprecedented. No royalty has ever renounced their throne. Deimos' mouth drops open, while Luther blinks in disbelief.

  “Mother,” Guendolyn whispers, her voice shaken. She draws away from me and rushes into her arms.

  My heart warms to finally see Guendolyn find her family, to know where she belongs. I grew up loathing what my father did to me, so focused on becoming a better king, on what changes I’d need to make in order to achieve some semblance of happiness in the future, that I didn’t see that I already had everything I needed. It took a while, but with Guendolyn, we got there. And there’s nothing I would ever change… though I do wish the path here wasn’t so treacherous or heartbreaking.

  I turn to my mother and collect her in my arms, as do my brothers.

  “Looks like we have another wedding to plan?” she says, tears pooling in her eyes, glancing up at me, smiling
like she used to when life was easier.

  “And you’re fine with the union between the kingdoms, with us three marrying her?” I ask.

  “Of course. I lived too long with hatred; now I just want peace, and grandchildren. And if this brings my three boys what I couldn’t have, then I give my blessing.”

  “About time!” Deimos calls out, drawing everyone’s attention.

  Guendolyn glances over and laughs like she can’t believe this is happening. The rest of the guests and councilmen are silent, clearly lost for words.

  I step aside from my family and kneel in front of my queen, my brothers following suit.

  “Guendolyn, to make it official, will you have us three as your husbands as you claim the thrones?” I ask, wishing I had a ring to offer her.

  The way she looks at us is heart-warming, and a tear slips down her cheek. “Absolutely. It’s why we did all this. So we can all finally be together.”

  In that same moment, the fairies break out into a beautiful song and begin fluttering around the room in a splendid aerial dance.

  My heart thumps, and adrenaline races through my veins. We have found our queen. This is the day I’ve dreamed of… to get what I want in the end. Never believed it could happen, but now that it’s here, I will fight to the end to ensure it remains. We will prove ourselves to her.

  I tilt my head as she kneels in front of us and she embraces us all saying, “Please tell me this isn’t a dream?”

  We all burst out laughing, and I lean in to brush my lips over hers. I try to act casual, to pretend my heart isn’t pounding in my chest and that I want to scream at the top of my voice that she’s mine. Instead, I just whisper, “This is only the beginning of your new life.”

  Chapter 21


  One Day Later

  I'm in my room in the mansion, staring out the window at the landscape. The rolling hills and woodlands coated in snow, the superb sunlight brightening the blue sky, the landscape that I reign over. Me, the lost girl who only wanted to find her family, but instead, I found something more incredible than I ever thought possible.


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