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To Claim A Fae

Page 19

by Mila Young

  The old king studies me with contempt, with hatred, while his mother might very well be poisoning me with her glare. I’ve been pondering this moment for the past few days as we prepared for the event, knowing this was coming.

  I step forward on the large dais, the diamonds on my billowing princess dress glinting from the numerous lights strung around the grounds and the fiery torches peppering the land.

  “I don't know either of you very well,” I say, “but my whole life, up to this point, has been a lie because of you. I grew up without my real family, thinking that I was going crazy. You took away everything from me. And as much as I'd like to think you’ve learned your lesson and would never harm me again, that’s not the case, is it?”

  Their deadpan stares answer my question. Not that I’m surprised.

  “You are a curse on our realm" the old woman spits. "You will rip it apart and wreak havoc with your tainted existence.”

  I square my shoulders, lifting my chin, and despite the anger curling around me, I refuse to give her what she wants. To see me lower myself to their level.

  “That's where you're wrong. I will unite the fae like they once were, like the fairy queen would have wanted. There will be no more war, no more death and bloodshed, but a realm where fae aren't afraid of their own kind. Your militant leadership ends now.” I lift my gaze to Michae. “Take them to the dungeon!”

  “No,” the old king pleads. “We ruled this kingdom for years; please, show us mercy. There is no reason to condemn us to death.”

  I feel no pity for him, because he had years to make right what he did to me. I don't trust him in the least. “Take them,” I repeat, louder this time. “You tried to kill me, and for that you will have your power stripped and sent to Earth to spend the rest of your days. Get them out of here.”

  “You’re a fucking whore who will destroy this realm!” The old king gets to his feet, writhing against the guards’ grip, bellowing curses.

  While his mother cries about injustice, then turns on me, “I should have killed you as a baby instantly.”

  Her words make me sick to my stomach. I turn my back to them and return to my princes, who smile with admiration.

  “You were perfect,” Deimos says.

  Then why am I trembling with nerves of the confrontation in front of a crowd? I take slow breaths to calm myself.

  It isn’t long before an elderly fae in a long white coat buttoned from his thighs to his neck approaches us. White hair drapes halfway down his back, and he smiles so gently when he meets my gaze.

  A soft tune permeates the air, the fairies serenading us as they move from the trees to hover amongst the guests. The sight and sound of their beautiful wings beating, blending with their humming tune, brings a sense of love to my heart.

  The guests join in, and I can't stop smiling, because I know what's coming.

  My whole life I've struggled. I fought to just feel normal. To fit in. To stop being an outcast. But this feels right—I’m exactly where I should be.

  The elderly fae stretches a ribbon of lace between his two hands. "Place your wrists on this band," he instructs.

  The four of us crowd together and follow his instructions, after which the officiant proceeds to tie our hands together with a nice little bow.

  He then begins to speak in a language I don't understand—an ancient fae language, I’m guessing—but I get the gist. He is marrying us, uniting us as one family as he holds our bound wrists in his palms.

  My chest beams with warmth, and that earlier giddiness spreads through me, because this is real. There are no more tricks or secrets.

  The girl who was lost, who had nothing, is marrying three princes. Tears prick my eyes, and I blink them away, because I won't cry. My princes all look at me, smiling, and I wish more than anything it was just us four and not so many onlookers. I'm trapped, my emotions bubbling within me to the point of exploding while trying to act as casual about this as possible. But it's a losing battle.

  Looking from Deimos, to Luther, and then to Ahren, I know I made the right decision to fight for us.

  Once the fae pauses, he lifts our hands and kisses each one in blessing, then undoes the ribbon from around our hands. "You may now exchange rings."

  A flash of panic races up my back as I realize I didn't get rings for my princes. With everything else going on, it hadn't crossed my mind.

  All three of them drop to one knee in front of me, loving me with their eyes and smiles.

  Ahren takes my hand first and presents me with a gold ring embedded with a pink, star-shaped diamond. I gasp. “It's beautiful.” And then I start giggling—never in my life did I expect such dreams to come true for me. It sparkles like a disco ball as he pushes it onto my fourth finger. I wiggle my fingers at how perfectly it fits perfectly on my middle finger.

  “May it always brighten your path so you never forget you are loved,” Ahren says.

  I melt on the inside, and I lean in to embrace him, except Deimos takes my hand and I quickly straighten back up.

  He slides a ring on my index finger, a white gold band with the reddest ruby in the shape of a teardrop. “A reminder of the beauty that lies inside your heart and that it will never steer you wrong.”

  I grin crazily at him, chewing on my lower lip. I just want to throw myself at him and kiss him all over.

  Next Luther takes my hand, and his half-smirk says it all. We've come such a long way, him and I. From when he entered my mind with his smartass flirting, to bringing me to this realm and fighting for our life together.

  He takes my hand and rubs his thumb over his grandmother's ring I wear on my wedding finger. "For my little wolf. Never stop fighting for what you believe. It's one of the many reasons I fell in love with you."

  And with that, I completely lose control of my emotions. Tears fall and drench my cheeks; I can't stop crying with happiness.

  My princes stand and embrace me, all of us as one. "You don't even know how much this means to me," I manage to say between sniffling and wiping my eyes.

  “Yes we do,” Ahren says. “I love you so much that it killed me to almost lose you.”

  “I love everything about you,” Deimos says.

  “And I loved you from the beginning,” Luther adds.

  I huddle against them, tears streaming down my cheeks—then I start laughing like a crazy person. "These are all happy tears, you know that."

  They chuckle with me, and Ahren wipes my cheeks with his thumbs. "Are you ready to continue, beautiful?"

  “Yes. Let’s do this.”

  My mother waits a few steps away, her eyes also glistening, and she hands me a small box. I find three rings inside, all a dark gold with different patterns carved into the bands. I collect them into my palm as I mouth thank you to her.

  Then I turn to my princes and push my ring on their fingers, one at a time, each beaming with joy.

  The crowd cheers—fairies included—as the officiant declares our marriage. It all feels surreal.

  The elderly fae has left the dais, and now the head council members, one from each court, step forward.

  Behind them are four young girls, carrying a silky pillow with a crown on it.

  My heart beats faster, anticipation curling in my chest. Ahren removes his cape from his shoulders and lays it on the floor before me. He then takes my hand, murmuring, “We must all be on our knees.”

  They kneel down, then I take Ahren’s hand and do the same, all of us in a line, and I am the first the councilmen come to.

  I shake with excitement, wishing I had my phone so I could take photos of everything and not forget a single memory.

  One of the councilmen approaches with a small crystal bowl filled with liquid. He dips two fingers into the liquid, then runs them across my brow and down my cheeks. He speaks fae words again, which I assume are a blessing and the anointment of my new role. A young girl steps forward carrying the most spectacular tall crown, pebbled with rubies and white gems to match my wedding
dress. The other councilman, so councils from both courts are involved, lays it on my head. It's a lot heavier than I anticipated, but it sits perfectly.

  I can't stop beaming, convinced I’m about to cry again, while I watch the princes receive their crowns, gold and dotted with colored gems. I actually pinch my arm to make sure this is real. I’ve always heard people say that when they got married, the day flew by at lightning speed. That is how this feels.

  “Please embrace our new Queen and Kings of Ash and Shadow Courts," the council members announce in unison.

  At that, the masses break out into a cheer, the fairies singing louder, fluttering around us and filling the sky with a rainbow of colors. As we climb to our feet, the fairies’ song explodes into its crescendo, and everyone claps louder. The band chimes in, and then an array of staff in white suits come out of the castle nearby, carrying silver platters of drinks and food.

  I’m utterly dumbfounded that I am now Queen. It’s going to take a bit of getting used to.

  “What happens now?” I ask Ahren.

  “We have fun and kiss you a lot.” He takes my hand and leads me down the steps, and I keep reminding myself—this is my wedding reception. It’s time for me to party and celebrate—because I won. I got what I wanted in the end…my three fae.

  “Where are we going?” I ask Luther as he drags me down one hallway, then another. “Do you even know this place? What about the guests outside?”

  “Of course he does,” Deimos answers from beside me. Ahren is at my back, all four of us heading through the Ash Court castle. This is our new home... well, one of two, really, and I still don't know where we will end up living. Part of me is toying with the idea of expanding one of the courts to bring everyone to live in one location, united. Wherever we end up, we’ll plant grand trees for fairies to live in, if they choose.

  But that comes later. Right now I need to know what my kings have in store for me.

  After hours of celebration, they snuck me out, insisting they had a surprise.

  We rush quicker, the three of them smiling wickedly while I laugh. Nothing in my life has ever felt so secure. So perfect.

  Coming to a halt in front of a grand arched door, Deimos turns toward me. “We spoke with your mother and discovered something you’ll find interesting. King Tibout purchased the ruby for his throne because he knew his daughter had a direct lineage to the fairy queen, as did the ruby that might assist with your powers, even though he told nobody. He had intended to give you the ruby if he ever had a chance to meet you. I’m not saying this to upset you, gorgeous, but to let you know he loved you.”

  His story touches me, and all I can think about was the last time I saw my father. Our conversation over wine. I wish so much that I would have known then he was my father so I could have told him it was me.

  Luther’s hand is at my back, rubbing small circles.

  Deimos swings open the door, and before me lays a beautiful, grand room that whisks me away into another world.

  Pearlescent walls dripping with green vines covered in small white flowers. Rows and rows of white benches, as though we’ve stepped into a gothic church. A fresco of fairies and flowers on the lofty ceiling. There are freaking real trees along the back wall, filled with green leaves and flowers, the ceiling there made of glass to let in natural light.

  In front of the trees are four thrones, all black with golden patterns to match my husbands' rings. The high backs are engraved, except one is different. A ruby stone is embedded into the crest.

  “Is that—”

  “Yes,” Ahren answers. “Your little friend Hiss had another ruby the fairies were guarding, and she is gifting it to you.”

  I want to run outside and hug her. My cheeks are now officially hurting from smiling so much. It’s still hard coming to terms with all of this, but it doesn’t stop me from twirling on the spot. “You did this for us?”

  “Well, magic was involved,” Luther tells me and leads me forward by the hand.

  Deimos shuts the door behind us, and once I take my seat, it’s Ahren who stands in front of me. The other two are to the side—it’s like they have their own ceremony planned.

  “What's going on?” I ask, finding my throne rather comfortable as I recline and look out into the room. The seat is wide and can easily seat two people, so naturally I picture myself snuggling in it with one of my men.

  My crown, along with the princes’—no, kings’—have been put safely away for now, but a girl could get used to wearing it and sitting up here.

  “This room is brand new, as are the thrones. And we figured this would be the perfect time to break them in,” Ahren announces. The way he stares at me is different from the serious expression I'm used to. Today he is playful and flirtatious, and I completely love seeing him happy for a change.

  He falls to his knees before me, and I straighten in my seat. Except, he takes my ankles and tugs slightly so I'm slouching again.

  “Whoa.” I grip the armrests to avoid tumbling off.

  “I remember you made me a promise,” he teases, his hand slithering under my gown and crawling up my legs to my knees.

  My heartbeat intensifies as heat coils deep in my gut. “Yeah, and what is that?” My breath catches in my throat as his hands pry open my legs as much as the seat allows, which is quite wide, apparently. Is this why they build them so large?

  “I haven't been able to think about anything else but you not wearing any underwear.” Ahren's touch slides between my thighs, his fingers grazing the heat, the inferno, the melted puddle of what they all do to me.

  “Fuck! I need you,” he growls and pushes the fabric up as he tucks his head under.

  Before I can respond, he grips my hips and drags my ass to balance on the edge of my seat, placing me in prime position.

  My heart beats hysterically as arousal intensifies with fury through me.

  “What if someone comes in and... Ahh.” I throw my head back, clasping the arms of my throne as Ahren's mouth clasps over my pussy.

  Unrelentingly, his tongue flicks as he devours me like an animal.

  I'm crying out, groaning, while Deimos and Luther close in, both of them bunching the fabric of my wedding dress around my waist.

  “We need to see this,” Deimos insists.

  Luther is already unbuckling his pants, staring down at Ahren eating me out, my legs spread wide.

  I pat the fabric down so I can see my kings get off as much as I am. Ahren pushes two fingers into me, tugging on my clit with his mouth. Fire streaks through me, the warm heartbeat between my thighs growing in intensity.

  The euphoria rushing over me comes fast, and I'm not sure how much longer I'll last.

  “I want to fuck you bending over the throne,” Deimos coos.

  Now, if being a queen means having your pussy licked and claimed by the three most insanely handsome fae in the world, well... I'm fucking intend to be the best Queen this realm has ever seen.

  I look back and love the feeling after the ceremony… After everything I’ve been through, I finally found my home.

  Extra Scene

  Join my newsletter to get an extra scene of Guendolyn and her three Kings set 5 years after To Claim A Fae.


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