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Wyrd Calling (Wyrd Bound Book 1)

Page 3

by Shen Hart

  "This is Arkarith..."

  I nodded. "Alright, I'll head out once you leave then."

  With that, she smiled and vanished.

  I was left alone once again. Preparing myself to return to my role and a whole host of challenges that I didn’t want to think about. I didn’t know who they were, but I had no doubt I didn’t want to deal with them. I sighed and flicked my tail idly. That acceptance I tried to tell myself I had was waning, but realistically I had no choice. I had already run from my role as Wyrd Bound. I’d lost everything and turned from every facet of my existence to try and free myself of them. Yet, I knew they would always find me and drag me back. I was born into that role. As much as I was stubborn, determined, and downright pig-headed at times, I knew in the darkest recesses of my mind that I belonged to them. Trying to fight against the Wyrd Sisters was pure foolishness. I had to embrace that fact and make the most of it.

  That didn't stop me from dragging my heels, though. I carefully repacked my bag so that I could get my blades quickly and easily. When my stomach growled, I knew that I had to at least leave the hotel room. I assumed that Lee had covered the bill; if not, I'd try my feminine wiles and hope for the best. I could have paid, but I didn't like the idea of losing my hard-earned money thanks to them. That may have made me petty, but I didn’t care.

  Walking was much easier thanks to Lee. I wasn’t quite fighting fit, but I could have held my own if I needed to. I abandoned my bag on the passenger seat of my car before returning to hand over the key. The middle-aged woman behind the desk barely bothered to look up from her computer, no doubt whining about how crap her job was on Facebook or playing some meaningless game. She gave a quick nod of acknowledgment and returned to her essential game of solitaire or whatever she was doing. My stomach made it quite clear that it was my next priority. Pancakes sounded amazing, but I wasn't fussy. The first thing that came up would do.

  Unfortunately, the first thing to come up wasn't food. I walked slowly back to my car to find a trio of males talking loudly and gesturing at it. I pursed my lips and wished I'd kept a blade on me before reminding myself that slitting their throats in broad daylight just for irritating me… wasn't going to amuse the Wyrd Sisters. Or the human police. That didn’t stop me from toying with the idea, though. The jaguar was quite keen on the concept. I did need a good way to vent, after all. I pushed the jaguar back and tried to make myself relaxed and firmly human. I put on my best false smile, put my shoulders back, and added a little sway to my hips with plans to get the situation resolved as quickly as possible.

  "I see you guys like my car, then."

  The tall one must have been at least a foot taller than me, his thick dark brown hair forming a mop that fell too close to his eyes. He flashed me a lop-sided grin before allowing his lupine energies far too close to the surface. Great, a sloppy cub.

  "Yea, she's a beautiful example; have you had her long?"

  I was in absolutely no mood for car talk, so I decided to act like the ditsy girl. "A few years. I picked it up in a sale, it was just the right price and colour at the time."

  The dirty blond male turned to get a better look at me. His amber-green eyes flashed slightly. I tried not to curse under my breath. Did no one teach the bloody wolves to control themselves in public these days?

  "She is certainly a pretty colour. She matches you in that way. I bet she’s comfortable for long journeys and late nights, too."

  I rolled my eyes. "If you don't mind, I'm heading out."

  The third one moved to block my path. His dark blue eyes shimmered slightly but held no lupine sensations, yet the way he held his slightly short frame gave away his tension.

  "It's not often that we meet a female of our kind..."

  Straight to the point, fantastic. There I was thinking I was being subtle and would escape the situation.

  I tilted my head to one side and gave him my best bunny eyes. "I'm sorry, your kind? Do you mean car drivers...? I'm pretty sure lots of women drive cars."

  They all laughed before they took a step forwards. My patience was growing thin, and I had very little when I started the conversation.

  Mr. Blue Eyes leaned forward and said, with a predatory smile no less, "You know that isn't what we mean..."

  I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. I was bored of the facade. "Boys, you'd best back off and leave me alone, otherwise I’ll castrate you before you have a chance to realise it’s happening.”

  They laughed again, for the brief moment it took me to cover the short distance between us and hold the tall male's balls in a vicelike grip. I looked at the other two.

  "Now, be good little cubs and do as you're told, or I'll keep my word."

  They bared their teeth a little, but backed off. The tall one didn’t dare move a muscle until I let him go. He stepped behind the others, but I was no longer interested. I got into my car and put them out of my mind. Stupid bloody wolves.

  The stress and concern from the previous twenty-four hours melted away for a blissful few moments. It felt good to be back behind the wheel again. It gave me the sense of freedom, something I'd all but given up on. I reminded myself that I made those choices and it was still more freedom than they gave me. Still, the smile faded from my face and the heavy sigh sat in the back of my throat. I’d been putting off that moment for a good number of years, but I had no choice but to face it head-on. I paid little attention to my surroundings and found myself wandering down unfamiliar roads. I shook my head and looked for someplace to eat.

  The roadside diner was hardly 5-star cuisine, but that didn't matter. I ordered two full meals and as much coffee as my stomach could hold. My body needed extra energy to help it heal. The waitress gave me one of those questioning, almost pitying looks, to which I gave her a saccharine smile and dug in. The greasy, salty food was exactly what I needed.

  Driving again put me at ease. It was the closest I got to feeling free at that point. I allowed my mind to wander as I made my way cross-country to Ark's little cottage in the woods. It had been a long time since I'd seen the elf, but I knew we would be as though it had only been hours. We'd been through thick and thin together. We had so many stories to tell. I smiled to myself and turned the radio on. There was no point in pining after the old days. They'd been and gone. Memories of Alex tried to assert themselves. I shoved them back into the big locked box in the back of my mind with a reminder that the past had been and gone. A pop song about love blared through the speakers. I rolled my eyes and bit back the curse aimed at the Wyrd Sisters. I had to wonder if they could read minds, or if the coincidence was really just that.

  I had managed to relax a little bit and forget why I was making the journey as I sang along to a rock song when I pulled down Ark's driveway. The last time I'd been there, the trees lining the well-worn dirt track were barely more than saplings. They stood tall and proud, their branches forming a full canopy overhead as I made that return journey to the cottage. I couldn't help feeling a twinge of happiness and pride in my little elf. He'd made a good life for himself, and I hadn't realised quite how much I'd missed his company and our adventures. I smiled and tried to focus. There was no use in dwelling, and I was back, so we could catch up and giggle like little cubs again. I told myself that everything was fine, it would be me, Ark, and maybe a little toy-boy of his like the good old days.

  The dirt track and woodland opened out into a large driveway where four vehicles were already sitting. It was fine. Ark had just collected a few toy-boys, or so I told myself. I eased my foot onto the brake and considered where it would be best to park. Part of me wanted to try and make sure that if I needed a quick getaway then they were hindered and I had more time to vanish. I sighed and pushed that part away. That didn't stop me from parking as close to the driveway as I could while facing it so that I didn't need to turn, I could just go. Just in case. I switched off the engine, gripped the steering wheel a little tighter and prepared myself. These were people I knew. There was nothing to fear the
re, or so I told myself. I closed my eyes and reminded myself that this was what I was created for, there was no running away. I took a deep breath before standing and striding to the front door. I had to keep up appearances, after all.


  The dark green door opened inward, creating a small breeze that disturbed the wisteria covering the facade of the cottage. Ark stood grinning at me. He'd allowed his black hair to grow down to his slightly pointed ears, and it was distinctly ruffled and scruffy. He had a man, then. I returned his grin and embraced his slender frame in a bear hug. I had to stretch a little to kiss his cheek. He pulled back and threw me a mock disgusted look before ushering me inside.

  "So, how's my favourite fur-ball been? Gotten in much trouble?"

  I playfully pushed him as he led me through the hallways to the back of the property. "It's always you that gets me in trouble, my dear elfie!"

  He gave me a look that said 'seriously?' I grinned, but that fell away when we stepped into the spacious rustic kitchen. The 3 males that had hassled me a few hours ago were sitting at the table talking amongst themselves, with what looked to be homemade lemonade.

  I stopped dead in the doorway and looked at Ark with my clear 'what the fuck!' face. He laughed at me and walked over to the table. The males stopped chatting and looked at me.

  Ark made a sweeping gesture and said, "Meet your new pack."

  My eyes went wide and I gripped the doorframe and hoped it was all a horrible nightmare. I had no such luck. The three males all looked at me. The blue eyed one that had pushed so hard earlier stared directly at me. His lips formed a small smile. The other two looked back and forth between each other before settling on Ark. I waited for him declare that it was in fact a joke and they were his lovers.

  Instead, a meek waif with chocolate brown hair appeared at my side. He handed me a glass containing clear liquid. I sniffed it then grinned. Russian vodka, Ark knew me so well. I knocked it back in one gulp and savoured the burning sensation on my lips and warmth running down my throat. The waif took my glass and washed it in the large porcelain sink immediately. Ark had him well trained, then.

  I restrained myself from pacing as the image of that willowy blonde appeared in my mind's eye. She'd screwed up my deal, got me beaten up and now, now, I had to consider those worthless, dickless little cubs my pack?

  I felt a warm hand brush over my lower back before he spoke in that deep, sultry voice that I had spent years trying to forget. "You've met your new pack, then, Baby Girl."

  I did my best not to snarl at him. My teeth elongated and sharpened and the jaguar moved close to the surface, ready to make a move if I needed to. I knew it wasn't his fault. They'd no doubt dragged him back, too. He was an easy target, though. I had to look up into those icy blue eyes of his, as my head only reached halfway up his chest.

  "What the fuck is going on here Alex?"

  His pale lips pulled back into a small smile. "You're not deaf, Thalia."

  I looked over to them and back up to him again. "Please tell me you at least got a receipt for them so I can return them."

  Ark tried to stifle a laugh, but the blond said, "I feel like an unwanted mutt and she can't..."

  I raised an eyebrow and strode over to him. I leaned in and hooked my finger under his chin and said, in the tone that had put many men in my bed, "What was that you were saying?"

  He scanned my face as the words leapt around his tongue desperately trying not to fall out into the world. Blue eyes spoke up, "He was saying you're weak. You can't lead a pack."

  He didn't get any further. I grabbed his throat and pushed him back so that the chair was balancing on its back legs. My wolf aspect erupted to the surface., I felt my jaw extend and change slightly as my teeth shifted to their lupine form. My lips pulled back and a deep snarl rumbled in my throat. His eyes went wide and he gripped onto the edge of the table.

  Alex said in a calm tone, "I'd suggest you don't refer to Thalia as weak. She doesn't react very well."

  The blue eyed wretch did his best to nod before I let go. There were distinct red marks left on his throat. He couldn't regain his balance and clattered to the floor. I stepped back and restrained myself from putting my foot on his throat and ramming the point home.

  I looked at the other two and said, "Names."

  The blond spoke with a false confidence, "Ryan."

  I ran my tongue over my teeth, keeping them clearly exposed. At that point my reddish grey wolf ears had also shifted and were pinned back to my head. The tall one was actually a touch shorter than Alex on closer inspection. He called himself Nik.

  Blue eyes considered scowling as he righted himself and the chair before saying, "Dan."

  I raised an eyebrow and looked at Alex.

  "I remember the days when we had a good pack rather than a collection of scruffy cubs..."

  He tilted his head and crossed his arms before saying, "You haven't changed, have you?"

  I took a deep breath and pushed the wolf back just enough to return to my full human form. Then I crossed my arms and said, "Not at all, dear Alex. Not at all."

  His eyes darkened a little as he looked away from me towards Ark. "Is everything ready?"

  Ark bit his bottom lip and counted on his fingers for a moment; I had missed the dear elf, he always made me smile. We'd been through everything together and caused more trouble than anyone would ever know.

  He finally said, "Well, Thalia needs a bit of healing, she's stiff and injured, probably picking on dragons again. You know how she loves them..."

  I rolled my eyes at the mention of the old joke before he continued, "So, fifteen minutes, then you're ready."

  I curled my lip at the realisation that I was the only one in the room who didn't know what was going on. If I was going to be thrown into this situation, then I was going to be an alpha, and alphas are not left out of the loop. I took a deep breath and glared at Alex for a moment before I shrugged it off. It was the Wyrd Sisters’ fault, not theirs. No point in taking chunks out of them for things they didn't have any control over.

  Ark made a big scene out of pulling out colourful salves and ointments. I smiled and made myself comfortable on a stool at the breakfast bar. It was fun watching him with his lotions and potions. He looked pointedly at the three males and then Alex, they all took the hint and shuffled out. Ryan tried to stop in the hallway, but Ark shut the door to give us a little peace.

  I hugged him again and sighed, trying to steady my breathing and contain all of the emotions. "It's good to have you back, dear elf."

  He smiled and nodded. "Not too bad having you back, either, furball."

  I laughed quietly. "Are you going to fill me in while you patch me up?"

  He took the lid off a sweet-smelling, bright blue ointment and dipped a finger in before saying, slightly absentmindedly, "Are you going to tell me how you got the injuries?"

  I blushed a little. "Draconic..."

  He looked at me for a moment before we both burst out laughing. My breathing came in short bursts and my ribs ached, but it was worth it for that respite.

  "You can't help yourself, can you?"

  I grinned at him. "You're one to talk!"

  He attempted innocence as he began applying the ointment to my aching ribs. It felt warm and slightly tingly. I tried not to wriggle, as I wasn't entirely sure what I thought about the sensation.

  "Are you going to fill me in, then?"

  He sighed softly and said, more quietly than before, "The Wyrd Sisters swooped in and said everyone must return to their place in things. Those male wolves are linked to you. They didn't bother saying why, not that they ever do."

  He took a moment to place bandaging over the ointment to keep it there. He continued on with my other injuries.

  "Alex has a big house where you'll live, and then it'll be like the old days. It's not too far from here, so you can visit. I've been making progress with the local wild fae."

  I looked away from him at the mention of Alex an
d the old days. Ark leaned in and gave me a light hug, trying to keep the excess ointment off himself. He quietly said, "I'm sorry."

  I shook my head. Not his fault. "So, I'm going to a big house, with Alex, and those cubs? And I have to go about my role like the old days?"

  Ark nodded and finished up with my final injury. I tried not to shift my tail and curl up in it. They'd thrown all of this at me out of the blue. I should have been given time to prepare. I cursed them under my breath.

  I closed my eyes for a moment. “What about that waif, then?”

  A flash of rose crept across his cheeks and he couldn’t hold back the grin. “That’s Adam. He’s adorable, sweet, kind, and a little nervous, but he’ll get there. The big bad furballs put him on edge.”

  We giggled. It may have been cruel, but it felt good to focus on other things. I said, “So he’s long term, then?”

  Ark wrinkled his nose and looked away for a second before saying, “I think so, yea.”

  I grinned, it was good to hear that he was happy and settled down. It had been far too long since he’d been truly happy.

  The males were shuffling around outside and a couple of doors slammed. We couldn’t hold off any longer. A small frown sat on Ark's face as we hugged one last time, and I exited the kitchen to begin the new phase of that life.

  I kept telling myself that I was made for that role. It was my purpose, and I didn't have such a bad life. Things were never the same two days running, which stopped boredom from setting in. I closed my eyes and brought forward my raven side.

  The calm, peaceful understanding descended over me as I walked out into the hallway and said to Alex, "Lead the way."

  He gave a small nod and did lead the way. The cubs kept looking at me, but not a word was said as we went to our various vehicles. I noted that Alex was the owner of the sleek black executive car. He always was that way inclined. I took another deep breath and turned on the engine, listening to the low, rumbling growl. It focused my mind and removed any chance of slipping into thoughts of the past. The past was done with, and that was that. Or so I kept telling myself.


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