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Code Name: Fox / Mind Games (Syndicate Series Book 1)

Page 11

by A. L. Kessler

  “Fascinating, Agent Silas,” He coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood, “But could you just remove the damn thing.”

  “You can’t pull it out?”

  As a demonstration, he reached for the crystal but his hands passed right through it. “Nope, this is your area of expertise.”

  She let out a sigh and looked over at the wolf. He nodded his head and nudged her arm with his wet nose. “Alright, hold still.”

  Her hands didn’t pass through the crystal, but at the same time it didn’t feel completely solid either, but solid enough for her to get a grip on it. It was more like trying to grip and pull a wet balloon out of a hole. She’d tug and it’d move a bit before slipping out of her hand. After several long minutes, the shard came loose and disintegrated in her hand as soon as it was free. Liam groaned as more blood pooled at the entry wound.

  Reagan instinctively clasped her hands over the bleeding hole applying as much pressure as possible.

  “Heal me, witch.”

  “I’m a psychic, not a healer.”

  “You’re still a witch.”

  “I’m limited in what I can and can’t do, but I’ll try.” She sighed and focused on his wound, channeling all of her energy into healing the damage. Slowly the flesh beneath her palms started to knit back together and the bleeding slowed. “There, it’s all I can do, but you’ll survive.”

  As he tried to sit up, something dark whizzed by sending a wave of darkness in its wake. Reagan spun around. “What the hell is that?”

  “No idea, but it wants me dead. And it wants you framed for it.”

  The wolf was chasing the black blur to the edge of the meadow. As they both raced for the border, the wave of darkness vanished as did the wolf’s prey. “Where did it go?”

  He shrugged and gave an involuntary shiver. “We should get you out of here. No offense but I’m not very comfortable with people rummaging around in my mind.”

  She pulled her hands away from his physical form and sat back on the floor next to him. In the real world he looked wild and uncontrolled, in his Mindscape he was calm and collected. It made no sense to her given what she knew of his history and the loss he’d lived through. Why his mind was at peace when his physical self was in turmoil was completely backwards. As he pushed his disheveled hair from his eyes he held her gaze. “Don’t try to figure me out, Agent. I’m not a puzzle that needs to be put back together.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  “Don’t lie, either.” He tapped his nose. “We can smell a lie.”

  Reagan rolled her eyes as Liam stood up. Following suit she picked herself up and tried to ignore his lingering gaze. “So why do you think this thing or person is trying to set me up?”

  “You were fired today, right?”

  “Suspended.” She corrected.

  “Same difference.”

  “I’m going to get my job back.”

  “Why would you want it back? Those people know damn well you didn’t do that to me and they fired you anyway.”

  “Suspended.” She corrected again. “I need a drink. Do you want one since you don’t seem to have any intention of leaving anytime soon?”

  He nodded and followed her. “And how do you know that?”

  She gave him a mocking grin and tapped her nose. “I can smell intentions.”

  Liam laughed and raised an eyebrow. “Touché. So tell me, how old were you when the Agency started your training?”

  “I have witch blood, remember? Which means I’m freelance.”

  “Bullshit. Most witches are freelance, but I know for a fact that the Agency likes to keep the physic ones on a short leash. Hence the title Special Agent. You aren’t technically part of the Agency, but everyone knows they’re your master.”

  Her grip on the wine bottle tightened as she took a drink straight from the bottle. “Fuck off.”

  “Sore spot?”

  She glared. “Is there a point to this conversation?”

  “For as much as you know about other people, I know just as much about you. You’re easy to read. Probably an orphan, given your need to be an overachiever, wanting your job back even knowing that they threw you under the bus, you’re obedient to your master, from the looks of your apartment you don’t seem to have any real life outside of work. In fact, I’d wager a guess that any time outside of work is probably spent with that vampire that I can smell all over you and all over your apartment.”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “Those are the facts, lass.”

  “You can take your facts and get the hell out.”

  “Being an orphan is nothing to be ashamed of, but do you really want to work for people who use you as a pawn?”

  “I’m not an orphan, you fucking idiot.”

  “Really?” his eyes narrowed. “Well then, I stand corrected. My apologies.”

  “And if the Agency is so bad, then I’d say you aren’t any better.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I know the way you run your pack. Don’t sit here and tell me I should be treated better when you have an entire hierarchy based solely on the mistreatment of others.”

  “That’s not true.”

  She glared as years of rage boiled beneath the surface. “The pecking order goes, Alpha, Beta, purebloods, and then bitten.”

  He nodded. “That’s true; there is an order.”

  “And you treat your bitten like they’re slaves, they are lesser than all of your purebloods. They are given lesser tasks, relegated to beatings and hazing by the pack, most don’t survive their first year, and any who want to resume their old life with their families are beaten and left for dead or kill themselves. You are monsters to them, and those people, those humans never asked for your curse. They never asked for you to bite them, but by pure misfortune, they are cursed twice. First by the bite and second by their new pack mates who treat them like shit.”

  His eyes widened. “Our system is there to instill order. Without order there is chaos and I don’t have to defend thousands of years of tradition to a damn psychic who doesn’t even know she’s being used.”

  “Well this psychic just saved your fucking life.”

  He let out a growl and backed her against the wall. Reagan held her breath but was stunned to see him taking several deep breaths. The glow in his eyes that manifested with his rage started to subside, and when he’d calmed down his voice was softer than usual, “I know, and I’m grateful for that.” Something moved in her peripheral vision and she saw the shimmering phantom of his wolf wagging his tail and staring at her. Liam didn’t seem to notice. Instead, he was taking deep breaths as if to calm himself. “Listen, Reagan, we got off to a bad start. I—”

  She stiffened. “You know my name?”

  “Oh like I couldn’t figure out your name,” his tone dripped sarcasm. “I mean really, give me some credit.” She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot. “Fine, I asked around. How the hell do you think I found your apartment?”

  Now that he’d mentioned it why hadn’t it surprised her more that he’d shown up on her doorstep? She glanced at the astral wolf and almost smiled at his dopey grin. She hadn’t been surprised because deep down she knew the wolf would come looking for her. As much as she hated werewolves, his astral wolf didn’t bother her. In fact, she took some bit of comfort from seeing him sitting in her kitchen even as it’s master had her currently pinned between his large, looming frame and the wall. Finally, the small smile that pulled at her mouth broke free and she bit her lip to keep him from hopefully noticing it. “You asked about me?”

  “Yes,” He groaned in a way that made butterflies erupt in her stomach. “Can we move on now? I have a proposition for you.”

  “What kind of proposition?”

  “I want you to come work for me. I’ll pay you, of course. Ten thousand.”

  She laughed. “Work for you? Oh, that’s funny. Why in the world would I do that?”

  “To help, because
it’s the right thing to do and because someone is trying to set you up.”

  “And backing a female into a corner is how you ask nicely?”

  His hands went to her waist and slowly ran up the curves of her body. “I can ask nicely if that’s what it takes.”

  She pushed him away and stepped to the side to avoid any more contact. "I think it would take more than a little charm and a polite tone."

  He smirked. “My tone had nothing to do with being polite.”

  Reagan felt her cheek burn hot. “I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I find your species disgusting, and yet, you think you can try to get into my pants? And you really think that I'd want to work for you afterward if I did give in and fuck you?"

  "I never said anything about fucking." He smiled. "But it's interesting to see that is where your mind went to."

  "Oh, please. You touched me, and you insinuated. I'm not an idiot; I know what you were going for."

  He ran his fingers through his hair and stepped a full three feet back. "Okay, I'm sorry.”

  “What would an Alpha need my help with?”

  Liam scrubbed his stubbled cheek. “I need you with me, in case this person gets in my head again. Next time I might not be able to reach you in time.” He paused and then added. “Plus, I think a Psychic would be the best person for the job of finding out who or what this person is. You happen to be the only Psychic I know.”

  It made sense, if he hadn’t been nearby there’s a chance he could have died from whatever that attack had been. "If I come work for you on this then you will do things my way." She held up her hands ticking off fingers as she counted. "One, I won't be a party to any illegal activity. Two, your pack better stay out of my way. And three, when we catch this person we are turning them into the Agency to be dealt with properly, I won't help you enact any pack-justice on anyone."

  Liam scratched the back of his neck. "I can agree to all except the last one. This bastard is trying to kill me. I have the right to revenge."

  She shook her head. "If you want my help then you will agree to it. And I want cash, half up front, half when this person is caught.”

  “How about you help me, and we work on seeing things from each other’s point of view and we can revisit this topic at a later date?" When she started to protest he added, “Whoever did this is trying to kill me and ruin your reputation, Reagan, we both have a stake in this."

  She nodded. "Agreed. We'll revisit it later, but I can assure you my mind won’t change on this."

  "If you say so." He winked. "I have some conditions of my own."


  Mimicking her he started ticking off his points on his fingers. "One, you will relocate to one of the rooms at my house. In case there is another attack I need to have you nearby. Two, you will have security with you at all times outside of my compound. And three, you won't challenge my authority in front of my pack."

  She bristled. "There is no fucking way I'm agreeing to any of that."

  "Why? None of them will interfere with your demands. My pack will still stay out of your way."

  "How will they do that if I am living with you and if I have to take them with me as security?"

  "I will tell them to give you space, they will be there to protect you. Don't fool yourself, this person is trying to kill me, if they see you as a threat they may just come for you too."

  "And what will happen if I challenge your authority in front of them?"

  His eyes darkened. "I would think that you wouldn't want to find out what would happen. We are animals after all."

  She tried to hide her shiver but failed miserably. A crooked grin spread over Liam's face as he licked his lips. "Shall we get you packed?"

  "Right now?"

  "Well, yeah. I've already been attacked twice in one day, I'm not taking any chances that something might happen to you while you're out of my sight."

  She rolled her eyes and took another swig of wine from the bottle before handing it off to him. "Fine."

  She left the kitchen and stopped in her tracks as someone pounded on the other side of her door. Liam snarled from the kitchen and the next thing she knew he was standing next to her. His deep voice whispered in her ear. "Get rid of him."

  Without another word Liam darted into her bedroom and she tiptoed to the door and peeked out the peephole. Jake stared at her. She sighed, "Go away, Jake. I said everything I needed to say today."

  "Reggie, open the door. You're in danger."

  She opened the door a crack and glared at him. "By who? You?"

  "Don't be over-dramatic. You know I'd never hurt you." He paused. "That werewolf has been on the prowl for you. I know he came in the building. I've swept all the lower levels, but," He looked down at the blood on her doorstep. "He's here, isn't he?"

  "No." she feigned.

  "Don't lie. I can smell him."

  She blew out a breath and opened the door to let him in. "Look, Jake, I don't know what you want or what concern it is of yours if I had a visitor, but I don't want to hear it. I was suspended, your boss accused me of hurting someone, and you didn't stand up for me. So much for partners, right?" When he opened his mouth she shouted. "Don't give me any excuse. You were supposed to stand up for me, you were supposed to know me better than anyone and know that I would never do that. Where was your loyalty, huh?"

  "Reagan, you don't--"

  She poked him in the chest, "Don't understand? You're damn right I don't understand. I've been loyal to you, you threw me under the bus at the first sign of trouble."

  "Your past with werewolves could drive anyone to break the rules, don't you understand that? I wanted to believe that you wouldn't do that, but after all you've been through with those creatures it would be understandable if you snapped and got your revenge."

  "Understandable?" She pinched the bridge of her nose. "You really think that little of my mental fortitude that I'd attack someone just because of their species? I hate wolves, but for fuck sake I'm not unstable. My job was my life, Jake, I would have never fucked it up because of a damn mutt. I'd like to eradicate every male of his species off the face of the planet, but I also understand that in a civilized society we have to tolerate the things and people we don't like, but thanks for the vote of confidence, partner."

  Jake held up his hands. "I see that now, I know you didn't try to kill him."

  "Why? Because he came here? Or is it your guilty conscience." She gave him a knowing look and wrinkled her nose. "Or is it something else? Like you knew the next time you tried to sweet-talk your way into my bed that I’d say no even more now that you’ve betrayed me?"

  He was quiet for a long time before hanging his head. "Reagan, I love you. You know that. I should have stood up for you, but whatever you are thinking about doing with that creature don't do it just to spite me."

  She blinked. "You think I would do something, anything, to spite you? News flash, Jake, the world doesn't revolve around you." She walked passed him and held open the door. "You don't love me, you love the idea of me. You don't see who I really am, and that is why I could never be with you. Now please leave."

  "Is he still here?" His eyes melted from blue to red as she recognized the seething anger starting to surface in him. From behind her, she heard her bedroom door open and her face paled as she turned around to find Liam shirtless and standing in the doorway. Her heartbeat quickened and instantly she knew both of the men had heard it too. Liam let out a predatory growl and his eyes glowed green in the low light. The sight of him made her legs quiver, and Jake’s aura went ice cold sending flecks of ice crystals dancing in the air around him. "I guess I have my answer." He gripped the door handle as he cursed in an ancient language, one used solely between vampires and added. "You'll regret this, Reagan," before slamming the door shut.

  As soon as Jake was gone, Reagan spun back around. "Shirtless? Was that really necessary?"

  "He loves you? Are you supposed to be his mate?”

  She ignored the que
stions. "You didn't have to do that."

  "Sure I did. He wasn't going to leave otherwise. Now that he thinks he's lost you, the vampire can go sulk in his cave somewhere and we can get down to business."

  She shook her head and pushed past him into her bedroom. "No, now you've pissed him off and he's not going to let it go. I just hope that we wrap this up fast before you start a pissing contest that you can't win and get us both killed."

  "He'd never harm you. You see the way he looks at you."

  "Doesn't matter. The vampires will take it as an affront to him, and they’ll see it as an insult to all of them. Even with me saying no repeatedly they insist that I am his. He might forgive but they won’t.”

  "Fucking bloodsuckers."

  She whipped her head up and shot back. "Fucking mutts."

  "Touché, again."

  After several minutes of hastily packing up her necessary belongs she stepped out of her apartment with a backpack and a duffle bag slung over each shoulder. "Let's go before I regret this even more than I already do."

  “You know, you might enjoy my company if you'd give me a chance."

  "A chance to do what?"

  He headed down the hallway motioning for her to follow. "Show you that not all wolves are beasts."

  She snorted and whispered under her breath. "That'll be the day."

  He glanced over his shoulder, and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. No words were said between them, but she got the feeling he'd heard her comment and took it as a personal challenge. The traitorous thoughts in her head welcomed him to try. She hated herself even more for the rush of wetness pooling between her thighs.


  Liam had known the moment he was attacked that it wasn't the female interrogator, but even after hours of questioning from other Agency lackeys they still insisted on pinning the guilt on her. His colleague inside the Agency escorted him out of the building with a tantalizing tidbit of information. The woman, Reagan Silas, had been suspended and would eventually be fired and locked away in the Agency's lower-level holding cells reserved specifically for the magic users that the Agency felt had gone rogue. Peterson also slipped him an address in case Liam wanted to enact a little revenge before the fledgling witch disappeared.


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