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Code Name: Fox / Mind Games (Syndicate Series Book 1)

Page 20

by A. L. Kessler

  Reagan locked eyes with the wolf she’d seen leaving Captain James’s office. “You? How’d you get past Seamus?”

  Liam snarled but the werewolf shrugged. “O’Hare is busy, our pack is keeping the boys in the yard occupied.” He looked past her and spoke only to Liam. “You and I end this now.”

  “You’re too late, Hampton didn’t get a chance to weaken the alpha and he’s dead. You’ve lost, mutt.” Reagan interjected.

  The McGregor wolf snarled. “Shut your bitch up, Liam. This is between you and me.”

  Liam pressed a hand against Reagan’s chest. “Stay back, let me handle this.”

  “Liam, let me help. I can—“

  “No, never interfere with a wolf fight. That’s pack law.”


  He shook his head and stepped forward. “No harm comes to her.”

  “No deal, O’Conner. She’s fucked up enough of our plans.”

  A smug grin crept over Liam’s face, “Then I’ll kill you before you can harm her.”

  He crouched and let out a roar that shook the building and caused Reagan’s heart to beat faster. She’d always been afraid of seeing a wolf change or of witnessing their brutality, but now she was positively excited for it. Her wolf howled and in a blur of movement his body contorted, bones snapped, his muzzle elongated as vertebrae cracked, and his back arched. Fur covered his once tan skin and the hulking beast greeted his enemy with teeth bared and claws pawing at the ground.

  The McGregor grinned. “I knew you’d want to settle this as wolves, but I’d rather do it quick.” From his belt he pulled out a gun and slid back the hammer.

  Reagan’s breath hitched. “You coward,” she cursed.

  In one quick move, the McGregor wolf swung the gun in her direction and pulled the trigger. Reagan tried to summon the magic she’d had at her fingertips before but the brief crackle of energy was too slow. Pain and fire erupted in her chest.

  Liam attacked just as the other wolf turned to fire at him. No part of her wanted to look away. Her vision was darkening, but she watched as Liam tore chunks of flesh from the screaming man who at the moment was trying to transform in an effort to be on an even playing field with the alpha. As horrific as the sight was, Liam was a magnificent beast in the fight. Never letting the McGregor get a chance to summon his beast. Within seconds there was nothing left of the man who’d shot her and Liam licked at his blood soaked muzzle with his wolf tongue.

  Her breathing was ragged, she could feel the life draining from her and in one last effort of comfort she reached out her hand and rested it on his forehead as he crawled on the ground next to her whimpering and nudging her with his nose. The wolf’s fur was cool to the touch considering the rest of her was burning up. “I’m sorry, Liam.” She managed to choke out and in her head she heard his voice as plain as day answering her back.

  “No, lass. I’m sorry.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, her voice was barely audible, “For what?”

  In her mind he whispered. “For not letting you leave me.”

  The wolf’s lips pulled back revealing its lethal fangs. She felt panic rise up but there was no stopping the beast from biting down on her hand, causing her world to go dark.


  Her skin itched and the acrid smell of disinfectant stung Reagan’s nose. When she tried to sit up Liam whispered. “Be still, lass.”

  “What—“ She licked her dry lips. “What have you done?”

  As she opened her eyes she saw him smiling at her, his rough fingers gently stroked her hair and pride seemed to radiate from him. “I couldn’t lose you.”

  “But…” She sat up and stared down at the silver scars left by his fangs. “You’re in danger. I can’t fix it now.” Panic rose in her voice. “I can’t fix it, Liam.” She clamped her hand over her mouth to muffle her sobs.

  His brow furrowed. “Fix what?”

  “You.” She said through hiccup cried. “I can’t fix you.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  She took a deep breath and looked around. When she spotted the astral projection of his wolf she wept again. “Liam, do you know what happens when a witch is bitten?” When he shook his head her voice cracked in despair. “We start to lose our magic.”

  “You don’t need magic, I’ll protect you.”

  “No, you don’t understand.” Reagan sat up straighter and cleared her throat. “The first time I entered your mind I accidentally did something. I’m sorry, I kept meaning to fix it but the time was never right. And now, I won’t be able to save you.”

  “Reagan, just tell me what you are talking about. None of this makes any sense.”

  “I pulled a part of your wolf out. It’s an astral projection of him that is manifest in the physical world. It’s dangerous, if someone, another psychic were to find out, they could kill him and by killing him they’d probably kill you too. And if they didn’t then your pack would certainly kill you for not having your beast anymore. If I can’t use my magic then I can’t find a way to put him back.” She twisted her hands in her lap and averted her gaze. “I’m sorry. You can’t be their alpha anymore.”

  Liam sucked in a breath and then lifted her chin to meet her gaze. “You see a wolf?” When she nodded he broke out in a smile. The smile grew bigger until he was preening like a peacock and laughing.

  “This isn’t funny; it’s serious.”

  “Yes, lass, it is serious. You didn’t pull a projection of my wolf out of my head. You didn’t damn me to losing my pack.” He cupped her cheek and rested his forehead against hers. “You are my mate, Reagan. That is why you see him. You see my soul and I see yours. Since the day I met you I’ve seen it. Kat saw it. It was faint but now she is as plain as day.”

  Reagan pulled back. “What do you mean, she? Do I have a wolf?”

  He nodded. “Not before, before all we could see was a shimmer, it was a subtle change in the air when you were near. But now I can see her, I can see you.”

  “I’m your mate?”

  “Yes, and I am yours.”

  “But I’m a psychic with no powers. Does this mean I’ll change into a creature?”

  The door opened and Celeste entered the room and waved her hand. “Unfortunately being bitten comes with many drawbacks. You are neither the witch you were nor are you truly the wolf you should become.”

  She blinked. “What does that mean.”

  “You can’t transform, Reagan. You are a wolf but only in some ways. You’ll heal like them now, you are faster, your senses are keener. But you can’t take wolf form, which might make you an outsider amongst the pack. “

  “I won’t be able to protect myself.”

  “You’ll have fangs and claws. Think of it as a very limited transformation.”

  “And no psychic power.”

  “Yes, you’ve lost that. I’m sorry, sister. But don’t think that all of your magic is gone. There is still magic inside of you. You can access it, but you will never enter the Mindscape again. I’m sorry.”

  Liam looked away from her and cleared his throat. “Is it so terrible to be with me for the rest of your life without your psychic abilities?”

  She mulled it over in her head. Being a psychic was all she was good at. It was the only thing she’d ever trained for. But the loss of the noise in her head was a welcome side effect. She’d never go back to the Agency. Her old life held nothing for her now. This time she reached out for him and shook her head. “No, it’s not terrible. I don’t know who I am now without the Agency and my power, but I’d like to be here with you to figure it out. Except…”

  “Except what?”

  “I’ll be an outsider.”

  “No.” He growled. “I’ve discussed it with the Syndicate Council. Pack law is changing. Bitten wolves will no longer be treated like second-class citizens. And you as my mate will stand equal to me.”

  She smiled. “When did you do this? How could you do this in the short amount o
f time since I’ve been asleep?”

  He winked. “I didn’t do it just now. I did it as soon as you left with the vampire. Honestly, I didn't think you'd come back, but I listened to what you'd said about our hierarchy and you were right. It was wrong, so I wanted to make a change.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, lass.” Liam cleared his throat. “There’s just one more thing.”


  The door opened and a familiar sight walked into the room. Reagan's mouth went dry and she gripped Liam's arm. “Romulus,” she hissed. His silver hair, swirling eyes, and statuesque body were a dead giveaway. The head of the Agency inspired fear and awe in everyone who looked at him. There was no mistaking him for anyone else. “Stay back.”

  He held up his hand and smiled, something she’d never seen the head of the Agency do. “I mean you no harm, Reagan. You’ve confused me with my brother. I’m Remus. I am head of the Syndicate Council.” He motioned to an older man to his right. “This is Liam’s father, Dugan O’Conner. He sits on the council as the werewolf representative.”

  She wrinkled her brow and gave them a quizzical stare.

  “We’re who controls the mob and supernatural activities in this city. We keep a balance between the humans and our world. The Agency, and more importantly, my brother are out to enslave mankind and rule over them. We do our part to stop them. The pack helps, and as a pack member, your job will be to protect those that the Agency aims to harm.”

  Reagan laughed. “Wait, the paranormal mob are the good guys.” When he nodded her eyes widened. “You’re serious?”

  “Very;” Remus responded. “I have no doubt that if my brother can gain control of this city he will fashion into a new Roman Empire and rule it with an iron fist, crushing those he feels are weakest, which would be the humans. Your mother wanted to help us. Did you know that the wolf that bit her was Seamus’s father?” She shook her head in disbelief. “He even went to get you when your mother was imprisoned, but Hampton James killed him. She was an amazing woman, a rebel and a fighter and she would be proud of you for fighting to save the pack and their alpha. We are grateful, and as a sign of our appreciation the council offers you this.”

  He held out a paper and Reagan took it. “What is it?’

  He spoke even as she opened it and read the exact words he was saying. “A death warrant for Agent Jake Rosenthal. If it is your wish, we will execute the warrant and the vampire agent will be dealt with. What is your answer?”

  She read and re-read the paper. Looking at Liam she silently pleaded for help but all he did was nod his head. She gave the paper one last look before tearing it half. “Leave Jake alive. I don’t want his blood on my hands.”

  “Very well. You have a level mind and a good heart, we look forward to seeing what you do in the future as matriarch of the pack.” Remus nodded and started for the door. “Dugan, are you coming, old friend?”

  The old wolf barked a laugh and walked to the bed, clasping his son on the shoulder before quickly embracing Reagan. “Welcome to the family, lass. Try to keep m’boy in line for me.”

  She laughed and the wolf escorted Remus out of the room with Celeste following behind them. Liam gave a low growl as soon as the door shut. “Shall we see if your increased healing has improved your stamina, mate?”

  Reagan blushed and bit her lip. “Right now?”

  “Right now.” He was already pulling his shirt over his head and her stomach fluttered with butterflies. “Right now, every night. Always.”

  “Always.” She answered back as her fangs and claws elongated and anticipation left her wet and wanton. “My mate.”


  About The Authors

  A.L. Kessler

  A.L. Kessler is the author of the best-selling series Here Witchy Witchy. She resides in Colorado with her family and pets. Her addiction to coffee and chocolate fuels her creativity to bring her readers wonderful stories. Learn more at

  Connect with her online:






  Other Series by A.L. Kessler

  Here Witchy Witchy

  Dark War Chronicles

  Children of the Apocalypse

  Want to know a secret? Scan the QR code or follow the link

  Mia Bishop

  Mia Bishop lives in Colorado with her husband, two boys, and enough animals to fill a mini-zoo. She writes to keep from dying of boredom in the high desert. Mia loves to write paranormal romance and erotica, but also enjoys the steampunk and post-apocalyptic genres as well as historical romances.

  A geek at heart, Mia indulges in all matters of nerd cultures. When not writing, she can be found with her nose in a book or graphic novel, watching anime, playing video games, or creating pieces of chainmail and wire jewelry. The key to Mia’s heart can be won with anything Whovian related, tickets to ComicCon, or a ‘67 black Chevy Impala.

  You can follow Mia at links below:



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  Other Books By Mia bishop

  Waking Up In Bedlam

  Ryder is a fake- and he knows it. He spends his days pretending to be a paranormal investigator and his nights entertaining groups of believers with his claims of communicating with the dead. Life is good and business is booming until the night a beautiful woman storms out of his seminar and a mysterious man drops an unexplainable case in his lap. Ryder finds out the world he thought was fake is actually real and even worse, he has become the paranormal world’s most wanted.

  Jessa wants answers and the human, Ryder, is the only one who can give them to her. She has one goal, keep him alive long enough to figure out why he has been haunting her dreams. The only problem is the more time she spends with him the more she realizes the answers she seeks are ones she isn’t ready to face.

  Can either one of them accept what fate has laid out for them? Or will they fight their destiny at the cost of everyone they hold dear?



  In the New Mexico desert evil is stirring. A lost man must protect everything he holds dear from the oncoming storm and a mysterious woman is the key.

  A decade after being forced out of the priesthood, Nico Lynch spends his days drinking himself into an early grave and his nights hunting demons. His world is turned upside down when he is asked to help a local Striga Coven.

  Abby shouldn’t have survived, but she did and that’s turning out to be one hell of a problem for Nico. The world he lives in is black and white. There has always been a clear definition between good and evil, right and wrong. Every moment he spends with Abby challenges him to see the world differently.

  Mysterious forces have brought them together, pitting them against a demon army. Nico will either be the savior of mankind or the catalyst of the apocalypse and Abby’s fate rests in his hands.




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