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Operation: Reunited

Page 19

by Linda O. Johnston

  “Too bad,” Forbes said, shaking his head. His impressive white mane rippled at the motion.

  Alexa closed her eyes for a moment, swallowing hard. This might be an ordinary occurrence for men in military special operations, but the horrors she had been through this day were unnerving her.

  “Well,” she managed to say brightly, “I should make myself scarce while the two of you talk over all that’s happened here and what you’re going to do now.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Alexa,” Forbes Bowman said. He drew a small gun from his pocket and fired point-blank at Cole, who fell silently to the ground.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The zinging of the silenced gunshot reverberated through Alexa’s head like the blast of an atomic bomb. “No!” she screamed. Cole’s body slammed back, and his head smashed into the wall beside the stairs. Alexa tried to run toward Cole, but Forbes grabbed her arm. She tried to wrest it free—unsuccessfully.

  Phantom leapt down the steps and growled ferociously at Forbes, who held the gun in one hand and Alexa in the other. “Make that animal keep quiet, or I’ll shoot him, too.”

  “Sit, Phantom,” Alexa cried out through her sobs. “Sit!”

  The pup must have sensed her panic. In any event, he sat down directly beside Cole’s body.

  Cole had landed facedown at the base of the stairway.

  “Let me go to him,” Alexa cried.

  “I don’t think so,” Forbes said. “It’s time for us to go.”

  He dragged her toward the door. She tried to dig the rubber of her tennis shoes into the wood of the floor, but he managed to move her, anyway.

  “Come on, Alexa,” he said impatiently. He swung the gun to point it at her. “Quickly. I didn’t intend to kill you now, but you’re trying my patience. You can’t help your lover, so move it. Now.”

  For an instant she hesitated. Without Cole, she wasn’t sure she wanted to live.

  She shook that thought aside immediately. Maybe she couldn’t help Cole now, but she could accomplish his goal for him: she would thwart the damn terrorist plot.

  She would avenge his death somehow.

  She wasn’t the one who had betrayed him, but the man he had trusted with his life apparently had.

  Was Forbes Bowman a terrorist? Why had he shot Cole?

  Alexa would find out. And he would pay for it. Damn it, she would see to it: Forbes Bowman would pay.

  FORBES’S BLACK SEDAN drove at a teasing pace along the winding mountain roads, not too fast for conditions in the increasing darkness, but much too fast for Alexa to jump out.

  In the passenger seat, Alexa sat hunched into as small a ball as she could within the confines of the seat belt. She remained alert, watching the narrow lanes, the tall surrounding trees, the restaurants and residences they passed, praying there would be someone to whom she could signal, some obstruction that would stop the car and let her run.

  But how would she outrun a bullet? For Forbes kept his gun on his lap, pointing at her. His left hand steered the car; his right hand seemed poised to grab the gun at any moment.

  Oh, Cole, her mind wailed as she pictured how that same gun had taken his life, pictured him on the floor, Phantom beside his unmoving body. But she didn’t dare grieve for him now.

  The inside of the car reeked of this evil, arrogant man’s aftershave. Alexa felt as if she wanted to throw up. She didn’t allow herself to. She had to keep control of every aspect of her being, if she wanted to survive.

  If she wanted to avenge Cole.

  They turned a bend, and Alexa stiffened. Parked at the side of the road was a police patrol car.

  How could she get the cop’s attention?

  “Don’t bother, Alexa,” Forbes said mildly, apparently realizing her intent. His fingers stroked the gun butt almost lovingly, but he didn’t aim it at her. “Even if the cop were to come to your aid, you’d be dead first. And remember, I’ve been at this game a long time. Plus, my credentials are impeccable. I could easily make it appear that you were kidnapping me, and that the sight of the police car was enough of a distraction to tip the upper hand to me. After all, you’re one of the Kenners who was involved in a vile terrorist plot two years ago, and I had you under investigation for a similar scheme today.”

  “You did that to my parents. You helped Vane.” It was a statement, for Alexa knew the answer.

  “He helped me.”

  They passed the police cruiser without Alexa making a move.

  “Why?” she demanded as her hope dimmed. “Why would you get involved in something like this?”

  “Because it was a challenge.” He grinned without taking his eyes off the road. “Because it was fun and potentially lucrative, and I’ll soon have all the power I could ever imagine.”

  “Are you going to get a position highly placed in the new government after the coup?” Alexa asked scornfully. Her fists were clenched in her anger and impotence.

  Forbes’s chuckle was malevolent. “Oh, I nearly forgot. That’s what you understand the plot to be. And although Vane suspected the rest, that’s all he knew for certain, too.”

  Excitement pulsed through Alexa. Was she actually about to learn the true goal of this entire malicious plot? “So you didn’t even tell your flunky all that was going on? How interesting. Then you don’t intend to overthrow the United States government?”

  The glance Forbes shot her was cunning. “Are you trying to interrogate me subtly, my dear? Don’t bother. I know more tricks to avoid spilling information than you could ever imagine.”

  “Then just tell me.”

  They rounded another curve. Ahead was a stop sign. Would he run it? If not, could she open the door and—

  Again, he must have figured out how her mind was working. He picked up the gun and aimed it at her.

  She yearned to grab it and use it on him. He had shot Cole.

  But he would have no compunction about killing her. And dying now would serve no purpose. She settled back into her seat, swallowing her anger.

  “That’s better,” Forbes said. “And as a reward for your being a good girl, I’ll tell you what’s really going to happen. Yes, my group is going to overthrow your ineffectual government while your military is busy mopping up its losses after the explosions our agents are going to set in key installations everywhere in the country.”

  Your government? Alexa wanted to throw his words back in his face. This damn traitor was an American, too. She was certain of it. Cole would have told her otherwise.

  He had cared deeply about this man.

  But she didn’t contradict the despicable Forbes Bowman. Instead she nodded calmly. “That’s what we found on Vane’s computer.”

  They were on a main highway now. Soon, they would be headed down the mountain toward San Bernardino.

  What would happen to her there? Why hadn’t he killed her yet?

  “But that’s not all.” Forbes apparently appreciated having an audience. His smile was distant and smug. “With all that is going on in its own backyard, the mighty U.S. will be much too preoccupied to worry about stopping a little takeover of Kuwait once more, plus another small Middle Eastern country or two. And all that lucrative oil will be in my group’s hands.”

  Alexa closed her eyes, imagining all the people who would fight and die for the greed of this man and his allies. “Who is your group?” she finally spat out.

  Again he shrugged. “Does it really matter? Just say we’re a well-funded multinational conglomerate.”


  But Alexa was interrupted by the ringing of a cell phone. Forbes reached into his shirt pocket.

  Was this her opportunity to run, while he was distracted by driving and conversing?

  But they were going too fast.

  “Hello, Cole,” Forbes said into the phone.

  Alexa gasped. Her heart started racing. Cole? But—

  “Yes, I knew you’d call. I simply wasn’t sure when, since you hit your head. I have to say,
you made a quicker recovery than I anticipated.” He listened for a moment more, then said, “Yes, she’s here and she’s fine. For now.” Again he listened. “Of course I knew you wouldn’t die when I fired at you. Why else would I have told you to put on your body armor? You’ll be bruised for a long time. No, no others from my nasty little terrorist group are on their way there now. I did lie about that. Oh, and none of your good guys were stationed at Lake Arrowhead, either, to follow our trainees as they left or to help you. I haven’t told anyone about your suspicions that our plot has been revived. Only your overseas contacts suspect, and they’re too far away to do anything about it. Do you realize that the only reason Bradford and Maygran had to die was that you were foolish enough to contact them directly? Yes, yes, I told Vane from the first that you were still alive. He was expecting you.” His grin grew wider and more malevolent with every second. “All right. All right. Shut up. Listen. Here’s what you must do to keep your dear Alexa safe.”

  For the next few minutes, Forbes rattled off instructions. Cole was to call the local authorities and make certain they knew the location of all four bodies at the Hideaway. He could give whatever rationale he wanted, except the truth. He was to tell no one outside about this alleged terrorist plot.

  Meanwhile, Forbes would call in a report to his own military superior at the Pentagon, explain about the deaths, and assert that they were the result of an unplanned showdown between Vane and Minos, and the Unit’s men. But the result was favorable, Forbes would say, since he had just learned about a possible terrorist plot that had already been stopped.

  Cole was to back him up for at least twelve hours.

  And then, if Cole had done as he was told, Forbes would release Alexa. As soon as the first military installations were destroyed, it would be too late for either of them to make enough noise to trip up the plan. But for the moment, Cole and Alexa were alive because Forbes needed time and backup—willing or not.

  Alexa listened in horror. To save her, Cole would have to turn his back on all he believed in. He would not be able to help stop the terrorists.

  But Forbes Bowman was lying. He would never free her. He would kill her.

  They were nearing a sharp downhill curve. She grabbed at the steering wheel and the phone at the same time. “Don’t do it, Cole,” she screamed.

  “Alexa!” His voice was faint and distant, even as Forbes Bowman hit her in the head with the gun.

  Alexa’s consciousness faded.

  “ALEXA!” Cole shouted into the phone, but it was too late. That damnable traitor Forbes had already broken the connection.

  He had heard Alexa cry out to him. At least she was still alive—or had been just seconds ago.

  But he wouldn’t put anything past Forbes.

  Damn it, this had been the problem his instincts had warned about. Things were too pat here at Skytop Lake. Vane had seemed to anticipate Cole’s moves. Minos had been too rebellious toward Vane to be in his employ.

  Forbes. He had been behind it all.

  Cole hurriedly looked around. He was still in the inn’s reception area, standing and leaning against the desk. His chest hurt like the devil. He might even have a cracked rib or two. The body armor had protected him from the bullet, but not from the force of its impact. The wind had been knocked out of him, and he’d lost consciousness when he hit his head. But he hadn’t time to baby himself.

  Phantom was snuffling around uneasily. The poor pup obviously knew something was very wrong. “It’s okay, boy,” Cole said. “I’m going to find Alexa.”

  He hoped.

  He shut Phantom behind his gate in the pantry, then glanced around outside before he exited the inn’s door. The street still appeared quiet. Good. Somehow, the neighbors must not have heard anything. Either that or they were hiding inside, awaiting the police—the police whom Forbes had said Cole must deflect from the truth for a while, in their investigation of the four killings.

  Both of the inn’s SUVs were in the driveway along with his own car, which, fortunately, wasn’t blocked. He reached into his pocket for his keys and found them there. His Beretta, retrieved from Vane’s room, was in its holster, too, beneath the jacket he’d hastily donned. Obviously, Forbes didn’t believe Cole would be much of a threat, for he hadn’t searched and disarmed him.

  And that worried Cole.

  Forbes would expect him to obey his instructions. Otherwise, he would kill Alexa. And there were a few things that Cole had learned about Forbes over the years: he was ruthless, and he never made idle threats.

  But Cole had thought his boss’s single-minded determination had been in furtherance of the country’s interests.

  And he had saved Cole’s life after the explosion…. Now, Cole wondered why.

  Sirens suddenly sounded in the distance. Ignoring how it hurt to move, Cole thrust himself into the driver’s seat. In moments, he sped away from the inn.

  And toward Alexa.

  He drove at a breakneck speed on the dimly-lighted roads, taking curves as fast as an amusement park ride. It was his best chance to catch up with Forbes. For unless Forbes was doing something uncharacteristic, Cole knew his boss was a cautious, uneasy driver who seldom sped.

  But there had been a lot he hadn’t known about Forbes before. Maybe caution on the road was just part of his act, too.

  It didn’t matter. Somehow, Cole would catch up with them.

  There was only one good road down the mountain from here—unless Forbes was attempting to lose him by heading, not directly toward civilization, but toward Big Bear Lake.

  Cole swerved into the left lane around a slower car, then pulled back into his own lane, narrowly missing a head-on collision.

  Two horns blared behind him. He ignored them, listening only for sirens. As far as he knew, the police weren’t following him…yet.

  Forbes had told him to remain at the inn and do a tap dance about the four dead bodies. It seemed very convenient that the police would arrive right about the time Cole woke up.

  Forbes must have called them, to make sure they kept Cole occupied while Forbes got away with his hostage—effectively forcing Cole to go along with his plan or risk Alexa’s murder.

  He passed the turnoff for Lake Arrowhead and headed toward the town of Blue Jay. In a short while, he reached the four-lane road that would take him down the mountain.

  How far ahead were Forbes and Alexa?

  He continued his carefully controlled speeding as the roadway headed downward…and then he spotted them, on a switchback down below.

  He sped up even more.

  Fortunately, traffic coming up the mountain was sparse that day. But Cole was uncertain what to do. If Forbes were alone, Cole would have had no compunction about running him off the road. But Alexa was with him.

  He needed to think of something that would not endanger her life, that would not cause Forbes to shoot her out of malice, because Cole had not obeyed him.

  An idea came to him. He called Forbes back on the cell phone. “The police are here at the inn,” he said, “and you forgot something.” Since they were using cell phones, his boss would have no way of actually knowing Cole’s location.

  His former boss did not sound pleased. “What the hell are you talking about, Rappaport?”

  “I’ll tell you. Just let me talk to Alexa first.”

  Forbes argued for a few seconds, but his curiosity caused him to comply.

  “Cole? Are you all right?”

  He pictured her soft and lovely features pinched with fear—for him. He wanted to hug her, to hold her close. Make her safe.

  “Never mind about me,” he said. “How are you?”

  “Okay.” She seemed to hesitate just a split second. “They’re using the coup as a decoy,” she said in a rush, “so they can—”

  He heard a harsh sound he could not identify. He had been making progress catching up with the car ahead of him, and he saw it swerve just a little.

  “Alexa!” he shouted.

bsp; “You talked to her.” It was Forbes’s voice that next came over the line. He sounded furious and out of breath.

  “Is she all right?”

  “She’s fine. Now tell me what I supposedly forgot.”

  Cole wanted to reach through the air, grasp the man’s throat in his hands…and squeeze.

  But instead of using his strength to conquer this foe and save Alexa, he had to continue using his wits.

  “The thing is, you didn’t check to see whether our friend Vane was dead. Frankly, I just assumed he was, too. But though he’s not going to be lifting weights or doing anything else strenuous for a long time, he’s lucid enough to be telling these guys what you both have been up to. And the police chief—the guy Vane paid off—well, he knows he’s in way over his head. He’s sent for the feds down in L.A. They should arrive by helicopter in San Bernardino any minute, if that’s the way you’re heading. A roadblock’s being readied as we speak.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Forbes growled.

  “It doesn’t matter what you believe,” Cole said, and he hung up. For a moment, he chewed his bottom lip in an agony of contrition. Had he just sealed Alexa’s death warrant? Would Forbes kill her merely out of spite that Cole hadn’t responded the way he wanted?

  He pressed on the gas once more. He had never been more glad that the car he had borrowed for this assignment didn’t just have a luxurious interior; it had power to match. He hurtled down the mountain, weaving in and out between the cars in both lanes that were in his way.

  And then he reached them. Forbes’s dark sedan was right in front of him. Across the double lanes of the road toward his left was the cliff’s sheer drop-off. At the other side of Forbes’s car was the unyielding rock of the mountain.

  How could he stop them without endangering Alexa?

  But she was already in danger. No matter what, he had to stop them quickly.

  Taking a deep breath, he pulled his car alongside the sedan. Forbes glanced over at him. He did not seem surprised. In fact, he seemed pleased.

  And Alexa? She was still alive, thank heaven. In the split second he had to look at her, he could see that she was white-faced and frightened. Her wide eyes met his, and she managed somehow to give him a tense smile.


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