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Bred by the Alpha

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “Anytime you want to come, just let me know. People hike around here in the day, but I like it best at night.”

  “You’re right. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

  “There are a lot of other beautiful spots around the town. I’ll show them all to you.” He dared to tuck her hair behind her ear. She didn’t flinch away, which was a good sign. Liam felt a strand between his fingers for a few moments. “I’ve never seen this color before.”

  “I’m cursed. It must be my Irish roots.”

  “It’s stunning, Rebecca. Reminds me of the harvest moon.”

  Her mouth parted slightly, and she looked up at him with those big green eyes. She was shy with men, maybe uncomfortable with compliments, but right now he could feel her desire.

  A wolf bayed in the distance, and she pressed her body against his, her forearms on his chest. He could barely contain his low growl of satisfaction. She’d sought him for comfort, and his little human had no idea how far he’d go to protect her.

  He owned the night.

  Liam was alpha to one of the most lethal wolf shifter packs in the state. Everyone in his world knew not to mess with the Grey Valley Pack. The human world saw a reclusive group of men who lived off the grid. They had no idea what Liam was capable of.

  “I thought you liked wolves,” he said. He used a finger to gently tilt her chin up. She kept close, her big juicy tits pressed against his chest.

  “I love them, but I don’t think they’d love me. We’re so deep in the forest. They could attack us.”

  He wrapped his arms around the small of her back, loving their closeness. “I know a few wolves that would love you,” he said. “And as long as you’re with me, you have nothing to worry about.”

  “You’re my knight in shining armor, aren’t you? You saved me from those jerks and you’re ready to protect me from the wolves.”

  He leaned down, picking up on her lead. Liam kissed her on the lips, softly, tentatively. She grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, pushing up on her toes so they could kiss deeper. She tasted delicious. He explored her with his tongue, her mewling sounds spurring him on. Liam kissed along her jawline to her neck. His fangs pricked his gumline, his humanity starting to slip away.

  “I’ll do anything for you,” he said.

  She tossed her head back as he suckled her pulse. “You barely know me.”

  “That’s why I’m trying my best to change that. I want you to be mine, Rebecca. You won’t regret choosing me.”

  Instead of being insulted, she reached her arms around his shoulders, her fingers combing into the hair at the base of his head. His eyes rolled back. Could she feel the hard ridge of his cock pushing against her stomach? If she could, it hadn’t turned her off. “I’m not sure what you’re saying, Liam. Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”

  “I don’t want a girlfriend,” he said. “I want a woman, a mate, you.”


  He nodded, then kissed her on the lips again.

  “How many women have you said that to?”

  Liam frowned. “Only you. Don’t you believe in fate, Rebecca?”

  “I never really thought about it,” she said.

  He wondered how many men she’d had. It didn’t matter, because he’d be the only one from this day forward. “Have you never been in love?”

  She shied away a bit. “I’m not very good with people, Liam. This is all new for me. I just feel comfortable around you for some reason.”

  “That’s a good thing, baby.” He ran a hand through her hair. “Are you telling me you’ve never been in a serious relationship?”

  Rebecca bit her lip. “I’ve had issues with … anxiety. I’m not good with social situations. That’s the main reason I moved out here. I don’t want to be on medication, so I decided to trade it for some fresh air, peace, and quiet.”

  His wolf didn’t give a shit about anxiety. Rebecca was a virgin, untouched by other men. The knowledge excited him, his claim even stronger. She’d be his. Only his. He couldn’t wait to eat her sweet virgin pussy.

  “You’re good with me.”

  She drew patterns at the side of his neck with her fingertips. It was an unconscious act, but it was driving him crazy. She had no idea the power she held over him.

  “It’s strange, I know. There’s something different about you. You’re not like other men.”

  “Not at all.”

  Alphie started barking at the wall of dark forest behind them. Liam had been so engrossed in everything Rebecca that he hadn’t paid attention to his surroundings. Now that he took notice, he could smell the pungent scent of alcohol. Kids came to drink and make out, so he wasn’t threatened until two men came out from between the trees. Only they weren’t men at all.

  They were shifters, but not from the rival Silverback Warrior Pack. They were dressed in camo, so they were likely playing human, coming out for hunting season. Over time, many werewolves swapped feral life for easy human living. They gave up shifting for so long, they could barely call themselves wolves at all. Their senses and instincts got rusty without use, so they may not even realize what he was. For some reason, Rebecca was a damn magnet for trouble. He had a feeling these urban shifters were pulled to his mate since he hadn’t marked her yet. That would have to be remedied soon. There was no way he’d let anything happen to her.

  “Can I help you, boys?” he asked. This was his alone time with Rebecca, and he didn’t want things interrupted.

  “You’re trespassing,” said the blond.

  “Actually, we’re not. It’s public land. And I’d like to enjoy a nice evening with my woman, if you don’t mind.”

  The blond scoffed. “You think you’re a tough guy, don’t you? I can take your woman, and you wouldn’t be able to do a fucking thing about it.”

  “What did you say?” He shifted Rebecca behind the wall of his body.

  “I said you’re a pussy.”

  Liam cracked his neck to the side, his alpha power making his muscles tense. “I get that you’re both wasted, but when you threaten my mate, we have a big fucking problem.”

  “It’s okay, Liam. Let’s just go,” Rebecca whispered behind him.

  “Listen to her,” said his dark-haired friend. “Or we might keep her for ourselves.”

  “Take her,” said Liam. “I fucking dare you.”

  Rebecca clutched his shirt from behind.

  Liam flashed his fangs, his eyes morphing into wolven yellow. He’d told Rebecca they lived in a decent town, but this was the second time he’d had to kick ass in front of her. He hoped this shit was earning him some boyfriend points.

  The two hunters turned to look at each other. “Shit,” the blond whispered. The realization of what they were dealing with was starting to sink in past their alcoholic stupor. The dark-haired one backed off, the blond still holding his ground. Liam rushed forward, punching the blond square in the face. He’d held back, but the man still toppled down on his ass. It wasn’t enough. He needed to put the fear of the devil in these pricks, a warning to never threaten his woman again. After grabbing the guy’s collar and lifting him up, he used his free right hand to punch him a couple more times. This time he was out cold.

  “Don’t forget your friend,” he called out into the darkness. The other man was long gone.


  This couldn’t be good for her anxiety.

  Then why did it turn her on? She was a sick puppy if she enjoyed watching Liam punch a man into unconsciousness—and she did enjoy every moment of it. He made her feel safe, invincible. His shirt pulled tight across his back when he bent over to hit that bully, all his hard muscles flexing. The man was fearless, and she decided it was the sexiest thing on earth.

  Rebecca had always been afraid of everything, even social situations. Liam was the opposite, and she gravitated to his strength. He made her feel special, and her attraction to his rugged masculinity grew more by the second.

  He whirled around once he stood up.
“Are you okay, baby?” Liam held her shoulders, taking a good look at her even though the glow of the moon was faint. “I swear I can’t catch a break when I’m with you.”

  She bit her lip before speaking. “What if he took you up on your offer? Would you let him take me?”

  He cupped her face, his big, rough hands holding her securely. “I’ll never let anything happen to you. If I had to, I’d kill them.”

  There was something in his eyes, in the way he said the words. He meant every word. Who was this guy?

  “Maybe we should go,” she said. With their luck, the jerks would come back with reinforcements. It was getting late, and a bit of chill was in the air. Liam said this was a popular spot, but in reality, it was in the middle of nowhere, pitch black, and she hadn’t seen any teens.

  “I want to be with you, Rebecca. Don’t cut things short because of that. I have more to show you.” He took her hand and led her farther down the rough path near the water. Crickets and frogs droned heavily from the underbrush. She closed her eyes briefly, the sound more soothing than any lullaby. Rebecca felt like a kid again, a young girl before the world brought her down. Back then she’d been happy in her skin, played in the dirt, and watched the stars past her bedtime. Then reality and adulthood stole all her magic. Something about Liam brought those feelings back.

  He brought her into the heavier wooded area where the light of the moon didn’t penetrate. She held his hand tighter, leaning into him so she didn’t fall or bump into something. “How can you see?” she asked.

  “These trails are imprinted in the back of my head. I’ve grown up in these forests.”

  She was new to the area, so she put her trust in him. After a bit more walking, he stopped dead. “Look.”

  Rebecca looked up when he tilted her chin up. There were fireflies everywhere, little lights scattered in the inky blackness, appearing and disappearing like magic. “They’re beautiful,” she said.

  “The forest has a lot of secrets. I plan to show you every one of them.” He played with her hair, his fingers brushing her cheek. Every time he touched her, she fell under his spell. She’d never given much thought to sex, not when she couldn’t even talk with men. Now the wicked scenarios wouldn’t leave her alone. His voice was so damn deep, the rough timbre making her clit tingle.

  She touched his neck, her urge to be closer giving her the courage to do things she normally wouldn’t dare to do. His skin was warm. “You feel good,” she said. “Aren’t you cold?”

  “I’m fine. Are you?” He smoothed his hands down her arms, giving her goosebumps, but not from the cold.

  “A bit.” He interlocked their fingers with one hand. It felt like the most intimate thing in the world. Liam brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it.

  There were a lot of sounds around them in the bush—breathing, branches snapping. She hadn’t paid much attention because she was falling in love with a stranger. But Liam suddenly stiffened, ushering her back the way they came. “We better get you home before you get a chill.”

  She frowned, wanting to stomp her feet like a two year old. In truth, she wanted the night to last forever, to feel his kisses again. “I thought the night was young.”

  “You were right. A gentleman shouldn’t keep a woman out this late,” he said. “We’ll have to make a date for earlier next time.”

  At least there was a next time. She kept expecting him to realize he was out of her league, that she was too fat, or too awkward. But, no, he appeared genuinely interested.

  He was quieter on the walk back, and she could feel the tension. When they reached the road after the short climb from the lake, he looked back into the darkness briefly.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “I’m more than okay. I’m with the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  They drove back to her apartment. Her cheeks heated from the compliments. Even though she didn’t believe everything he said, it still felt nice. She just hoped this fantasy wasn’t like Cinderella because she never wanted it to end.

  He came to a stop in front of her apartment.

  “Thank you for taking me out. I loved it.”

  “Remember, I have a lot more to show you.” He opened her door and helped her down. Liam hooked an arm around her, his hand at the small of her back. He held her close, their bodies practically pressed together. “And think about what I talked about. I want you, Rebecca. Want you as my woman.”

  Her mouth went dry. She didn’t want to play hard to get. The voice in her head screamed at her to say “yes, yes, yes!” She would be a fool to reject this hunk of a man. But they’d only just met, and she didn’t want him to think she was cheap if she moved too fast. She remembered the sharp talks from her mother about keeping her legs crossed and not looking men in the eye. She’d grown up with a complex around men and sex because of her overly strict, backwards upbringing.

  “I’d like to get to know you better,” she said.

  He ran his tongue over his teeth. The dark shadow on his jaw and the wicked glint in his eyes held her spellbound. “That’s exactly what I want, sweetheart. I want to know everything about you. When can I see you again?”

  “I have a couple deadlines coming up this week, but I’ll have more time on Thursday.”

  “Then I’ll be here Thursday,” he said. The man was a go-getter, and she had no intention to refuse him. She expected he got everything he wanted.

  “Thanks again for taking care of me.”

  “That’s my job.” Under the glow of the moon, he leaned down and kissed her on the mouth. She supposed it was intended as a simple good-bye, but she wanted more. Rebecca wrapped her fingers around the collar of his shirt, pulling him down, deepening the kiss. His musky scent and scratchy stubble made her feel so feminine. He was a beast of a man, and she wondered if he was husky or muscular under the layers. She didn’t care. Liam made her feel like a princess, and that wasn’t an easy task. “You’re already mine,” he whispered against her lips. Then he stood straight.

  “Maybe,” she said. For the first time in a long time, life excited her. It wasn’t shrouded in fears and uncertainties, just genuine joy.

  “Get some sleep,” he said. “And be careful when you leave the house. For a while, it would probably be best not to talk to strangers.”

  She found it an odd thing to say. Did he think she was a crazy magnet, or was he already starting to be controlling? She’d rather stay single than deal with a fatal attraction. “I’ll start going out in the afternoon instead of at night.”

  Rebecca had only gone shopping at night to avoid all the townsfolk, but Liam had given her enough confidence that she was going to give daytime shopping a go. She wanted to face her fears, not just look at life from behind a window.

  “You have my number. Any time, day or night, call if you need me.”

  She nodded. He stayed on the sidewalk until she got inside the building. It was like going back in time when men were still gentlemen. Rebecca got to her third-floor apartment. Before she turned on her table lamp, she glanced down at the street. It was late, so the neighborhood was deserted. She hoped to see Liam drive away, but he was gone.

  A wolf ran by in the distance. It was a massive black wolf cutting through the neighborhood. She let out a little gasp, hoping Liam didn’t run into it. Being this far north, they weren’t even safe outside the forests. She was definitely not heading out at night ever again.

  She plopped down on her sofa and stared at the ceiling, lost in daydreams. Rebecca couldn’t stop thinking about Thursday.

  Chapter Four

  Tracking through the woods over the next couple of days, Liam paid careful attention to any new scent. He hadn’t liked how hunters or enemy packs had been lurking while he’d been on a date with Rebecca. The natural competition in wolves was often sparked to life before a male claimed his mate. They’d be able to sense his territorial threat, and their wolves would crave to compete for the prize. He’d never let anyone take Rebecc
a from him. There’s no way his wolf would even allow it.

  Just thinking about her was enough to make him so fucking hard. He wanted her in his bed as soon as possible. Over the past couple of days, he’d done nothing but think about her. How she’d feel beneath him. The scent of her skin. Her beautiful eyes. Her soft hair. He wondered about her pussy and how tight it would feel wrapped around his cock.

  So far, she hadn’t called him back about their second date. Thursday felt like a lifetime away.

  He was obsessing. Combing through the surrounding forest and land, he had to make sure everything was safe for her. Two attacks within a short amount of time was just ridiculous. He’d never known that.

  “What exactly are we looking for?” Jake asked.

  “If you remember, he said not to ask questions.” Eli spoke up this time.

  “Guys, shut up otherwise he’s going to go all alpha on our asses,” Ben said.

  Liam had gotten his three best friends to help in the perimeter checks of their territory. Not only were they mated males but also good trackers. Shifters from other packs were getting too close to home. Too close to his mate.

  “I’ve told you many times before you came out here. I need you to catch any scent at all and head in that direction.”

  “Trespassers would be crazy to enter your land,” Ben said.

  “There’s a lot of crazy people around.”

  “You’re not going to tell us what this is about?” Jake asked.

  He remained silent, happy with his thoughts of Rebecca. He wasn’t ready to share them with the pack just yet.

  “Guys, haven’t you smelled him?” Eli asked.

  This made Liam pause and turn to look toward his group of friends. He didn’t like this.

  “He stinks like a woman. A human female.”


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