Bred by the Alpha

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Bred by the Alpha Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  She swallowed hard, but her desire didn’t diminish.

  “I’ll never let anyone hurt you.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening.” Rebecca painted a fingertip down his chest as she bit her lower lip. Liam loved that she couldn’t keep her hands to herself.

  He grabbed her wrist. “I know you’re new to this, but I don’t think you understand the power you have over me. Every touch. Every move. You drive me crazy.”

  “I’m not trying to.”

  “You don’t have to try. All I can think about is stripping you naked. Filling you with my cock.” He reached between them and cupped her pussy through her pants. She gasped, bracing his shoulders.

  “Liam…” She sank down onto his palm, her eyes rolling back in her head. “God, that feels good.”

  “We haven’t even gotten started. Take your clothes off for me, Rebecca. I want to see you naked. All of you.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “No teasing, baby. You’ve got me rock hard and painful.”

  She hesitated briefly, then pulled off her shirt and shimmied out of her jogging pants. “Is that good enough?”

  He held her waist and took a good look at her. She wore a beige bra and panties, her red hair falling over one shoulder. Her tits spilled out the top and sides of her bra, and she clasped her hands in front of her stomach with a mix of shyness and need in her eyes.

  “Not nearly good enough, little one. I want it all off. I want to see that pretty pussy and these gorgeous tits.”

  She cringed. “Just so you know, I wasn’t exactly expecting this. Ever. I know most women shave down there, but I’ve never had a need.”

  He scowled, looking down at the front of her panties and the dark shadow through the thin material. She was all natural, in every way. His wolf approved. “Even better.” He motioned for her to keep going, to strip down to nothing.

  She continued at a snail’s pace, practically making him salivate. His muscles grew taut, his cock hard and throbbing. Rebecca unfastened her bra, those massive tits bouncing free, the nipples already tight bundles of nerves. Then she took a deep breath and wiggled out of her panties, leaving her perfectly nude.

  “Holy shit, Rebecca. I never expected my mate to be this damn tempting.”


  “Come here.” She stepped closer, and he pulled her against his body. Her soft tits, skin to skin against his chest, felt like heaven. He kissed her, holding her close. Liam slid his tongue in her mouth, deepening the kiss as he squeezed her ass with his free hand.

  He reached down for her pussy, petting her curls before slipping one finger deep into her cunt. She tightened her hold on him, her mouth parting, and small, desperate pants escaping.

  “You like that?”

  She nodded, squeezing around his digit. His little minx wanted more, and he planned to give it to her. He added a second finger, slowly thrusting inside her tight little pussy. “That feels so good, Liam. So…” Her mewling was pure femininity.

  He couldn’t wait another minute to taste her. His fangs even pricked his gumline, his humanity threatening to fade away if he didn’t satisfy his carnal needs. He slid his hands under her shoulders and hoisted her up onto the kitchen counter.

  “Hook your feet on the edge,” he said. Liam spread her thighs wide, all those curves begging for his attention. Her pussy glistened, pink and ripe. Holding her legs open, he knelt down and lapped up the folds.

  “You don’t want to do that.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “You have no idea how much I’m enjoying myself. I’ve been dreaming of you since our first date.” Liam delved back in, holding her pussy lips apart so he could fuck her with his tongue. She squirmed and cried out as he suckled her clit. Liam was in fucking heaven, his head between his mate’s thighs. He rubbed his face against her folds, wanting to drown in her scent. He ate her until she screamed loud enough to disturb the neighbors.

  When she finally came, dishes fell to the ground as she flailed her arms to the sides, one mug shattering. “Liam!” Her screams were beautiful. He loved hearing her beg for him and wanted her to crave his cock as much as his tongue.

  He continued to flick her clit until the waves of her contractions settled, and then he scooped her up into the cradle of his arms. “Where’s the bedroom?”

  She couldn’t speak but pointed in the direction. He kicked open the door.


  Liam dropped her down on her bed. It was only a double, so there wasn’t much space. He stood at the end, looking down at her. There was something feral in his eyes, a look of hunger that made her pussy pulse again. She wasn’t a lightweight, but he carried her as if she weighed nothing at all. His strength was a major turn-on.

  He unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. She stared, following that happy trail of hair from his navel down into his boxer briefs. After he kicked off his pants and boxers, his monster cock sprang free, hard as a branch. It bobbed slightly as he stepped closer. Her heart raced with anticipation, but there was no way she wanted this to stop.

  Liam had shown her things she never expected to experience. He wasn’t disgusted by her. In fact, she could feel his genuine attraction. The man made her feel like a queen. Rebecca hoped she didn’t wake up to discover the past week had all been a dream.

  “Show me my pussy,” he said. His voice sounded deeper than usual, the timbre making her skin break out into gooseflesh. He made her feel dirty in a very good way. All her wicked fantasies were being realized.

  She spread her thick thighs, holding her knees. The cool air hit her pussy, reminding her of how wet she was. Liam didn’t come any closer. He ran his hands through his dark hair, all his muscles shifting deliciously as he moved. God, she wanted him. Wanted him deep inside her, making her his.

  “Touch yourself.”


  “Fuck yourself with a finger. Let me see, baby.”

  She bit her lip, her clit throbbing from his dirty talk. Rebecca obeyed, loving this game. She leaned up on her elbows, then carefully slid one finger inside her own cunt. In and out, she moved as instructed, watching his reactions. The man was stoic, his eyes dark and fixated. “Like this?”

  He nodded. “Just like that,” he said. “Now taste yourself.”

  She couldn’t help but gasp. Rebecca was tempted to refuse but was too invested in pleasing him. She brought her finger to her mouth and sucked it like a lollipop.

  Did he just growl?

  “Now lay back and cup those big tits of yours. Play with your nipples.”

  Rebecca dropped to her back and lifted her heavy breasts up into her palms, using her thumbs to roll her nipples. Electric sensations skittered along her skin, traveling straight to her clit.

  “Have you ever touched a man’s cock before, Rebecca?”

  “You’re my first, Liam.”

  “And your last.” He walked to the side of the bed, bracing one knee on the mattress. His cock was so close to her head she could see the bulging veins and drop of pre-cum at the tip. “Touch me. It’s all yours.”

  She liked the sound of that. New, possessive feelings took her by surprise. She wanted Liam forever, only hers. Rebecca crawled up to her hands and knees, then sat on her heels in front of him. She petted his dick, the silky soft skin not what she expected. She attempted to wrap her fingers around his girth, but he was too big and hard.

  He fascinated her. She pumped his cock in slow movements, watching his foreskin expose the mushroom head. He reacted now, groaning with each stroke of her fist. She loved how this beast of a man responded to her touch. It empowered her. “Does it feel good, Liam?”

  “More than you could ever know.”

  After she pumped him a few more times, he stilled her hand. “Taste me, baby. I want to see your lips around my cock.”

  She leaned forward on her knees and licked the tip. His dick jumped. This was new to her, and she didn’t want to screw up or look like an amateur. She didn’t want h

im comparing her to other women he’d had. Rebecca wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and sucked, taking as much of him down her throat as she could without choking. He combed his fingers into her hair, groaning and growling as he directed her movements. He tasted earthy and all male.

  “That’s enough,” he said with clenched teeth. “I need to be inside you.”

  “Okay.” Her nerves ramped up. Liam was massively hung, and she’d never had a man. But this was going to happen, and if what she’d experienced so far was any indication, she’d love every minute of sex with him.

  He hoisted her up higher in the bed and crawled over her, his body lean and muscled to perfection. The faint scent of his cologne was the ultimate aphrodisiac. She breathed him in, kissing his neck when he lowered over her. His erection pressed against her inner thigh as he took residence between her legs.

  “I love your body.” He lifted one breast up and sucked her nipple and areola into his hot mouth. Liam teased her with his wicked tongue until she arched her back and combed both hands into his hair. He trailed kisses up her chest to her neck, then suckled her erogenous zone. “Tell me you’re ready to be claimed.” He whispered in her ear between kisses.

  “I’m ready.” He leaned back a bit, and they looked into each other’s eyes. “Just for you, Liam. I’m not the kind of girl to jump into bed with a man, even if we’ve moved really fast. I want you to know that.”

  He smiled. “Fate does that to a person. Your body knows what it wants.”

  Liam positioned his cock at her entrance, their eyes still locked. He pushed in, her moist pussy helping him ease inside. She immediately felt the fullness, but she tried not to flinch.

  “You’re big,” she said, smoothing her hands over his back.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “I’m okay.” Damn, she’d never been this full, every cell touched by his cock. When he was fully seated, all those thick inches deep inside her, he paused.

  “You’re so tight around my dick, baby. You feel like heaven.”

  Rebecca had the sudden realization that she was no longer a virgin. It took her long enough at thirty years old, but honestly, she’d expected to die untouched. She’d moved out to the boondocks to get away from the hustle and bustle, but she never expected to find a man to love and protect her.

  She could feel his erection throbbing inside her, and she could only imagine the amount of restraint a virile man like Liam was using. She wiggled a bit, pulling his neck down to kiss him. “Fuck me,” she said against his lips.

  His chest rumbled, then he pulled out a few inches and sank back in. Over and over, he pistoned in and out in a slow, deliberate rhythm. It didn’t take long for her nerves to disappear, replaced by a heady lust. She needed him, wanted to be owned by him. Rebecca had no one else in the world. She rarely saw her parents, and they only reminded her of the strict, rigid upbringing. They never nurtured her insecurities, but made her feel like an outcast, forcing her to act “normal”. Liam understood her, didn’t push her away because she was different. He was like a breath of fresh air in her life.

  “I’m different, Rebecca. Different from other men. But I’ll never hurt you.”

  She liked him exactly as he was. “It’s okay, Liam. Kiss me again.” They kissed hard and demanding. His powerful arms supported his weight over her, the thrusting of his hips picking up. She spurred him on, digging her heels into his hard ass.

  “You want more, baby?”

  “I think I need more.”

  Liam delivered, fucking her like a stud horse. Her old bedframe creaked and groaned as he pounded into her pussy. Each time he came down, his pubic bone rubbed her sensitive clit. An explosion of sensation pulled her from reality. “Let me mark you. Tell me to mark you.”

  She wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but she trusted him and wasn’t ready to refuse anything at this point. “Do it,” she commanded.

  He licked the base of her neck, and then a sharp pain stole her erotic fog for a moment. She struggled, but he held her wrists at the side of her head, his cock deep inside her pussy.


  He’d bitten her. She hadn’t expected that from him. Within seconds the pain morphed into a rush of heat so powerful that a second orgasm barreled to the surface. She screamed, the contractions rushing through her body like the waves of a tsunami. Her pussy squeezed around Liam’s cock, milking him as he joined her in orgasm.

  When the lust settled, her breathing was labored, her entire body covered in a sheen of clean sweat. “You bit me,” she said between pants. He rolled to the side, his sticky release on her thigh.

  “Marked you,” he corrected. Liam lay on his side beside her. He touched the wound on her neck. “We’re bonded for life, Rebecca. This mark is my promise to you.”

  That sounded better. His sweet words soothed her insecurities, making her feel right with the world. He was unorthodox, but with skills like his, she wasn’t going to complain.

  “People change,” she said. “No one tends to stay in my life very long.”

  “Not me.” He brushed the moist hairs from her face. “There will never be another woman for me.”

  She cuddled into the crook of his arm, excited about the future.

  Chapter Six

  The scent of her intoxicated him. Liam had been warned by his friends to be careful. No one knew how a human female would handle such a mating, but the bite he gave her was almost healed and his cock thickened just remembering the feel of her pussy wrapped around his dick. He’d been her first.

  The way her tight cunt had given way to him would stay with him forever. She belonged to him now, and he’d never let her go, not ever.

  Running his fingers across the mark that claimed her as his, he smiled. It looked so beautiful, so right, so perfect.

  He’d been dreaming about doing it for some time, and now that he actually had, it gave him a whole new thrill. This was his mate. The one chosen to love him, and he fucking relished it. She was perfect in every single way.

  She released a little moan, and he watched as she woke up. He smiled down at her.

  “Hey,” she said. “You’re awake.”

  “Watching you sleep.”

  “That’s not creepy at all.”

  He shook his head. “Not at all.”

  She lifted her arms up above her head, giving a little stretch and yawning at the same time. He stared down at her naked, full tits. Running his hand up her chest, he cupped one and teased the nipple, savoring her moan.

  “That feels so good.”

  “You feel good, baby. So fucking good. I love your tits.”

  “You do?”

  He leaned down and licked one perfectly beaded nipple, smiling as she gasped. Her fingers sank into his hair. “I don’t say stuff I don’t mean. They’re perfect. So perfect.” He pinched the tip before licking away the pain with his tongue.

  She arched up, thrusting her tit into his mouth, and he couldn’t get enough.

  His cock hardened within seconds, the tip already leaking pre-cum. He wanted inside her again, filling her pussy with his cum, getting her pregnant. She’d look so hot with his child inside her, swollen, ready to give birth. The need to impregnate her was so damn strong. He couldn’t fight it, nor did he want to.

  “Please, Liam, I need you. I need you now.”

  Sliding his hand down her body, he found her wet pussy. Teasing her clit, he stroked back and forth getting her more aroused by the second. Moving down, he filled her pussy, plunging a finger within her, feeling her tight walls wrapping around him.

  Adding a second finger, stretching her open, he watched her ride up as she moaned his name repeatedly.

  “I want you to come all over my fingers first, baby.” She needed to be really wet. She was still so new at this, and he didn’t want to hurt her. Her pussy had taken him once, but a second time would hurt her unless she was really wet. She’d be sore and his scent would be all over her. Any passing wolves would know
she belonged to him and should keep them away. There could be a few that would try to rival the claim, especially as his mating with her was so new.

  You’re going to have to tell her the truth.

  He didn’t know if he could do that.

  Even though she loved wolves, it would still be a challenge to do this. She was human. Wolves were something from fairy tales. They were not to be taken seriously. Not to humans.

  She cupped his face. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “You started to frown. I think you even growled.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “You don’t scare me, Liam. Far from it.” She pressed a kiss to his lips. “I find everything you do really sexy.”

  “You do, do you?”

  She nodded, biting her lip. “Yes.”

  “You like it when I do this.”

  He pressed his lips against her neck, giving her a bit of a bite. She moaned, tilting her head to the side, giving him better access.

  “Yes, that feels so good. Don’t stop.”

  “What feels good?” he asked. “This?” He rubbed his thumb against her clit. “Or this?” He sucked on her neck right over her pulse.

  She cried out. “Both. I love them both.”

  “Then tell me to fuck your pussy and kiss you.”

  “Fuck my pussy and kiss me.”


  “Please, Liam, please.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, stroking her clit as he did. Breaking from the kiss, he sucked on her neck, moving between her thighs as he trailed his lips down her body, licking her body between kisses.

  She wriggled about, and he loved it. He loved watching her squirm, but also tasting her. Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he licked them, savoring her.

  “So fucking good. I need more.”

  Spreading her legs open wide, he used his shoulders to keep her open as he ate her pussy. She was already getting wet, but he wanted her so slick that it was dripping onto the bed. His cock was painfully hard and he wanted to be so deep inside her, but first, he wanted her to come, to scream his name, to have it echoing around the walls so he couldn’t think of anything else.


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