Bred by the Alpha

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Bred by the Alpha Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Gliding his tongue down, he thrust inside her, relishing her cries of pleasure as he ravished her pussy.

  “I’m so close.”

  “Then come for me, baby. I want to hear you scream it. Give it to me.” He attacked her clit, glancing up her body as she moaned and whimpered. He wanted her so badly as she wriggled on his mouth.

  When she came, it was a beautiful sight to behold, one he couldn’t help but love as his name filled the air at the same time as her cream flooded his mouth. He drank her up, pushing her into a second orgasm.

  Only when she was over the crest of her second did he grab his cock and crawl between her thighs. Running the tip up and down her pussy, he stared into her eyes as he filled her once again.

  Her tight little cunt squeezed him like a vise. He slammed to the hilt inside her only to pull out and slide back in, going deeper than before.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he rocked inside her, staring into her eyes. He kept checking to make sure she wasn’t hurting. He didn’t want to harm his mate. He wanted her completely blown away by the pleasure he was giving her.

  “Please, it feels so good. God, so good.” She thrust up to meet him, and he caught her hands, holding them against the bed as he took over.

  Seeing her need for him, he gave her everything, not holding back, pushing in deep.

  “Yes, yes, please, I need you. Please, Liam.”

  He didn’t know if this was part of the mating, but it was like she was calling to his wolf. Begging him to come inside her, needing that claiming that only he should understand. Her grip on his hands tightened. She arched up, wanting him, begging for more.

  Driving inside her over and over again, he watched as she built to another orgasm. He changed the angle so he rubbed against her clit as he thrust in deep.

  It wasn’t enough.

  He needed to be closer to her.

  Releasing her hands, he wrapped his arms around her so that they were body to body. He’d never felt anything this strong before, nor this fast. It should terrify him, but it didn’t. In fact, it made him so fucking happy.

  He’d finally found her. The one that was his woman.

  “Please, Liam,” she said.

  “You want my cum, baby? You want me to fill your pussy?”


  He claimed her lips as he fucked her hard, going as deep as she could take him. Her nails scored his back, and his wolf within him howled in pleasure. They wanted her marks, to wear them like a fucking badge of pride. She belonged to him, and they were going to treat her with so much love. She’d never want for anything.

  He’d make sure of it.

  This was why his friends were the way they were. They had something to fight for. She was fucking everything to him and more.

  They would be bound together for all eternity.

  Liam thrust inside her one final time, feeling his seed pulse as it filled her body.

  I want a baby.

  I want a wife.

  I want everything.

  He wanted it all with this woman in his arms. He’d never had anything precious to him before, but now he did, and he didn’t want to lose that. He loved her more than anything.

  Pushing some of her hair off her face, he smiled down at her.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he said.

  “That was amazing. I don’t know what came over me. I just felt something overwhelming, and I needed you.”

  “How do you feel now?”

  “So much better.” She cupped his cheek. “I love being with you. It’s like everything else falls away and I don’t have to worry anymore.”

  “You’ll never have to worry again.” He stroked her cheek. “You can always rely on me, Rebecca. Always.”

  “I’m not like other women. I’m not normal.”

  “Normal is overrated, and I’m not here for other women, Rebecca. I’m here for you.”


  This was a big mistake. Rebecca tried to think of something, any excuse that would stop the car, and make him turn around so that she could go back home. Home to her perfectly ordered world that didn’t have any other family. Where for a few short minutes she could pretend to be like other people and not have any issue.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.


  “You’re fidgeting like mad, and I know you’re lying.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I just know.”

  She’d noticed he seemed to have a sense of something, whenever she was upset or annoyed, or even worried. In the past couple of days, she’d gotten used to him being around the house. He’d stayed, and they’d made love, had sex, and ordered takeout food because neither of them wanted to be away from the other long enough to cook.

  These feelings she had for him were entirely foreign to her. She didn’t even know if they were normal, if this feeling of needing to be with him all the time was natural. Not only that, each time they had sex, she had this overwhelming desire for him to come within her. To mark her. Clearly, all the years of editing books were starting to get to her.

  She knew it would happen.

  The lonely nights.

  All the secret fantasies she had.

  It all would lead to a moment when she finally had a boyfriend that she’d just explode with need.

  Well, it had happened, and now she was so embarrassed. Even though she didn’t want to go and meet his family, her body needed him. Holding his hand didn’t exactly help matters as she knew just how good it felt for him to touch her, to stroke her, to be inside her. They were both insatiable, and one glance at his cock, and she saw that he was having the same kind of trouble. His cock pressed against the front of his jeans, and she wanted him inside her once again.

  “Don’t you think it’s a bit early to, you know, meet your friends?”

  “I wanted you to also see my place. My friends will be there as well. We can ignore them though.”

  She tucked some hair behind her ear, not really liking that idea. Not liking it at all. She was so nervous. What if they didn’t like her? What if they hated her? She didn’t want Liam to choose between her or his friends. That would be wrong.

  Why are you panicking?

  Stop being weird right now.

  They’d already started down the long trek of forest. She’d heard a lot of rumors about these places and wolves attacking hikers. She was of the mind that the forest was a wolf’s habitat and anyone who invaded it kind of got what was coming to them. If someone invaded her home, she’d be so pissed. She also had a large baseball bat in case something like that ever happened. Of course, it hadn’t yet, but she liked to be prepared for everything that might happen.

  He drove for another ten minutes, and when he pulled up in front of a large A-frame log cabin, she was in shock. She didn’t know what she expected, but it certainly wasn’t the luxury house before her.

  “You live here?”

  “Yes, all my life now.”

  “Wow, it’s beautiful.”

  “You’ve not seen inside yet. Hopefully it’s not a mess.” He pulled the jeep to a stop and turned off the ignition.

  She waited as he climbed out of the truck, walking around to her side, and helping her out. Within seconds, Alphie was there, and she smiled, bending down to give the large dog a stroke.

  “You’re such a cute boy.”

  “He’s missed me. This is the longest I’ve ever been away,” said Liam.

  “Now I just feel bad.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist, kissing her neck.

  Don’t think naughty things.

  Think about dogs and puppies.

  Not what it feels like to have this man between my thighs.

  Just one thought of thighs and she whimpered, envisioning his beautiful cock sliding in deep.

  He released a growl, and that only aroused her more. She noticed he growled a lot. Rather than it scaring her, she found it highly arousing and masculine.

  “So, you finally decided to come back.”

  She pulled away from his kiss at the sound of another man.

  Glancing toward the house, she saw three men standing on the wraparound porch.

  “Where are your women?” Liam asked.

  “Out for the day. They had to get some shopping done,” another said. “Is this her?”

  Another on the left sniffed the air. “Holy shit, you don’t waste any time, do you?”

  She found that weird. What was with all the air sniffing?

  “Rebecca, I’d like you to meet my very weird friends that have, for some reason, seemed to have forgotten they’re dealing with a human. That’s Jake, Ben, and Eli.”

  Jake had been the sniffer.

  Eli the questioner.

  Ben had yet to speak.

  Holding her hand up in a wave, she smiled at them. “Hey.”

  They all stood watching her.

  “Did I do something wrong?” she asked.

  “No, they have no manners.” Liam took her hand. “Come on, let me show you the house while they remember what to do when they meet someone for the first time.”

  She found it odd the way they bowed their heads as she passed or that they wouldn’t look at her.

  Was she too ugly for them?

  None of this made any sense.

  She was soon distracted though as they entered his home. It was beautiful, breathtaking in fact. Glancing around the open home, she couldn’t help but smile. The kitchen was huge and opened up onto a large, open concept dining room. The ceilings peaked high above them, and a stone fireplace traveled all the way up. Oversized glass windows offered a picturesque view of a valley and river below.

  “Do you have a lot of guests?” she asked.

  “Yes. I come from a large family. The guys outside are friends and family.”

  “I don’t think they liked me.”

  Liam pulled her into his arms. “They adore you. They just don’t know how to act yet. They will. I promise.” He leaned down, kissing her lips.

  He took her on the tour of the ground floor, showing her the sitting room, library, and his office. There was also a games room with a pool table. It was like he didn’t have to leave the house as he had everything at his fingertips.

  To Rebecca, this was sheer heaven.

  She loved it, right down to how secluded it was from the world. When he took her upstairs, the bedrooms were also beautiful.

  “They kept it clean then.”

  She giggled at his sigh. “You were worried?”

  “They were all staying with me, along with their women. It has seemed a little full at times.”

  This made her laugh.

  “What do you think of the place?”

  “What do I think? It’s perfect. I don’t even know how anyone could hate it, or even be upset by it. I think it’s amazing. So beautiful. I bet you get a lot of peace out here, don’t you?”

  “I do. It’s nice. We also get a lot of travelers and hunters that can be a pain.”

  “Is that because of the wolves?”

  “What do you know about the wolves?” he asked.

  “Not a lot. I know they’ve been known to attack tourists and travelers.”

  “You still like them?”

  “Of course. I haven’t really met one before though,” she teased. “I don’t imagine I ever will. You know, the whole snarling and wanting to kill being a bit of a turn off.”

  “I bet there are a lot of wolves that would love you,” he said, pulling her close. They were on the upper landing leading to the wooden stairs.

  She smiled. “You know how to say all the right words, Liam.” She pressed her hands to his chest and went on her tiptoes to kiss him. “And I for one love that.”

  Someone cleared their throat.

  “It would seem my friends have decided to be normal and now want to introduce themselves.”

  She giggled again. Whenever she was around him she felt so relaxed to be herself. “We could ignore them if you’d like. I don’t mind doing what you want to do,” she said.

  The bedroom was calling her. His bedroom.

  He groaned. “That’s really tempting.”

  She ran her hand down his chest, loving his moan as she cupped his dick.

  “You do know we can hear you, right?” one of them said.

  Liam sighed. “Their timing is the worst thing in the world.”

  “That it is.” She withdrew her hand. “I guess we should go and see them.”

  He gripped her ass and claimed her lips once again. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she felt alive in his touch. Like he’d finally awakened a part of her that had been dormant all of her life. This was supposed to be. The two of them together.

  She felt possessive, desperate, and needy. So fucking needy.

  Chapter Seven

  He wanted to fuck Rebecca again, to christen his bedroom, but he could wait. He’d gone a lifetime without a woman of his own, so a few more hours wouldn’t kill him.

  “Let me show you around the property,” he said. They held hands as he took her out the back door. She’d done well with his friends. He’d worried about her feeling anxious and wanting to leave. It pleased him how she handled herself, and that she loved his home. It would soon be their home.

  “It’s like a dream here,” she said. “Heaven.”

  Liam had the perfect spot for the homestead. His packmates’ new cabins were out of sight, but not too far off. There was plenty of space for privacy. He’d had enough of stepping on toes for the past year with six extra people in his house. No way could he stomach listening to them fuck another day. Going forward, the main house was for his own family.

  Pinecones and leaves littered the forest floor, but it would soon decompose into new black earth. He remembered his father telling him the legend of the great oak, showing him a small acorn and explaining how it would one day grown mighty. His father had done a lot to prepare him to become alpha, to take his rightful place in the pack. Liam knew full well the importance of keeping the bloodline alive. It was one of many reasons he was thankful for finally finding Rebecca. One thing he’d never been taught was how to prepare for a human mate.

  “Most women think it’s too rural here, too far from shopping malls and nail salons,” said Liam.

  She shook her head. “That’s not me. I left the city because it was too much to handle. The noise, the pollution, the fake smiles. I couldn’t do it anymore.” Rebecca bent down by the river, running her fingers through the crystal-clear water. “This is real. I don’t have to pretend to be someone else.”

  He tilted his head. “Who would you be?”

  “I don’t know. The woman on magazine covers—beautiful, confident, and refined.”

  “You’re all that and more.” He sat down on the riverbank, wrapping his arms loosely around his knees.

  “Do you know me at all?”

  He smiled. “Baby, I don’t want a fake woman. You’re natural, honest, and perfect exactly the way you are. Don’t change.”

  She flicked some water at him and giggled. The sound made his cock hard. Breeding her kept creeping into his thoughts, and he hoped he’d already impregnated his mate.

  “It’s so quiet here. All I can hear are birds and insects.” She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. “Do you ever get scared living this far off the grid?”


  She turned and smirked at him. “You’re fearless, aren’t you?”

  “I’m only afraid of losing you.”

  Her smiled faded as she stared back at him. “I’m surprised you’re still single. You said you’re around my age?”

  “Maybe a bit older. Does it matter?” Liam had recently turned fifty. Although shifters didn’t age as quickly as humans, the number still sent him into a tailspin. His biological clock was ticking, and he’d been the only one in his pack left unmated—until now.

  “No, it doesn’t matter at all. I’m just curious.”r />
  “What if I told you I’m fifty? Twenty years older than you.”

  She bit her lip. “I’d say you’ve taken very good care of that body.” Rebecca winked at him before returning to the water. He couldn’t believe the weight that lifted from his shoulders. He swore she’d be turned off by his true age.

  “The forest looks good on you,” he said.

  “I’m kind of surprised how much I love it out here. I’ve never been camping, never roasted marshmallows, or ate over an open fire. My anxiety kept me from doing a lot of things in my life.”

  “Things are going to change now. I’ll make sure of it,” he said.

  Rebecca stood and came over to him. She knelt down and straddled his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him hard, her tongue pushing in his mouth. “Teach me everything.”

  He was about to roll her to her back when his peripheral vision picked up movement. Two wolves dashed through the underbrush toward his home, barely disturbing a leaf. A human would never have been able to notice them—Liam was not human. He held Rebecca a little tighter as his wolf thrashed within him. There were trespassers on his land, and that was one thing he would not tolerate, especially now that he was a mated male.

  Liam got to his feet, pulling her up with him. She looked disappointed. “We should get back to the house,” he said.


  “We’ll have lots of time to explore. Promise. I just need to check up on something quickly.” His senses were working on overdrive. He wanted to shift, to chase after the threats and eliminate them. It felt like a thousand miles to the house when they were only a few minutes away.

  Once they got to the back door, he brought her to the kitchen and opened the fridge. “Help yourself, baby. There’s plenty to eat. I promise I won’t be long. Be back before you know it.” He kissed her forehead.

  He walked away from the house into the tree line before shifting into his alpha wolf. Power surged through his veins as his beast took control. His muscles stretched, his bones reforming as he changed from man to wolf. All his senses became magnified as he tracked the trespassers. The other packs knew damn well where the property lines started and ended. Why were they pushing their luck? Liam had a reputation for a reason.


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