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Of Night and Desire

Page 7

by Of Night

  * * * *

  It was near dusk when Valya slowly awakened from his healing sleep. He tried to remember what had happened, where he was. He remembered encountering followers from the old Priest on the trail. He fought them off with the wolf pack to give Richelle time to get away. But one was able to stab him in the chest and shoulder several times before Valya was able to tear out his throat. When the battle was over, there were only two wolves left—the black alpha and his mate.

  They told him that one of the strangers had gotten away and was going after Richelle. Valya did not need to hear any more. He took off down the trail, leaving the two wolves behind as he came upon Richelle being accosted by the follower. When he saw how he had touched his Richelle, Valya took great joy in killing him. It was one of the few times he wished there was time so that he could kill him slowly. Valya did not usually experience such emotions as he performed his duties as the Guardian, but his emotions were becoming stronger since he had found Richelle.


  Opening his eyes, he looked down to see Richelle sleeping in his arms. He could not believe it was really her. He thought he was only dreaming last night. But here she was, with him. Her head rested upon his chest dangerously close to his flat nipple, so close that without moving she could open her mouth and let her pink tongue lave that nipple until he was crazed with want of her.

  He leaned his head down and inhaled her sweet scent. It had been so long since he had touched her. And even then, she was a mere child, and he had been unable to do more than protect her and carry her to safety. But now she was a woman. Now he could come to her as a man, her mate. It took every ounce of control he had to not lean down and waken her with a kiss, his kiss. He was so hungry for her. He was hungry.

  It had been some time since last he fed. It would be so easy to take what he needed. As his mate, she would be there to fulfill all his needs, to sate his hunger, both sexual and for blood. And he would fulfill her every need. But she was so naïve. If he moved too quickly, she would fear him. Although, the realization that she had seen him shift from wolf to man and yet she still tended his wounds and lay snuggled against him through the night filled him with hope. Perhaps she would accept all he would teach her. He would have to be patient. There was so much for her to learn about his race, about her past…about him.

  She sighed softly, but it was enough to have his cock stirring against his thigh. He craved her so badly that his body ached from want of her. He was naked, and yet, she lay serenely snuggled upon him with her arm draped around his waist, unaware of the fires that she stoked within him. How easy it would be for him to turn and take her, both body and blood to sate the hunger she had aroused in him and only she could fulfill. She sighed again, nestling her cheek against his chest as she brought her hand up and delicately placed it upon his chest, stroking it briefly before her hand settled over his now-aroused nipple.

  His body tensed as he clenched his jaw. He felt his fangs descend in anticipation of the sweet richness of her life’s blood. Closing his eyes against the image of her supple form lying against his, he tried to still his clamoring body. But it was no use. He had waited so long. So damn long. He couldn’t resist as he lowered his head to kiss her eyelid. It fluttered against the feather-light caress of his lips. He lowered farther still and kissed the tip of her nose, rubbing his lightly against hers.

  When she tilted her head up at the gentle motion, he took her lips. Gently. Tenderly. Warmly. Her lips parted on a soft moan, and he accepted her invitation as he deepened his kiss. Feeling her hand stroking up his body to rest on his shoulder, he let his fingertips trail lazily up her spine until he reached her nape. There, he threaded his fingers through her hair in an unbreakable grip as he began to greedily consume her lips and her mouth. He was starved for her, and she tasted so damned delicious. She tasted of earth and fire, of night and desire.

  He felt her body stir against his, but she did not pull away. Rather, she pressed closer toward him, her leg slowly rising and her knee brushing softly against his scrotum. He moaned into her mouth at the intimate yet innocuous gesture while he continued to feed his voracious appetite. His tongue explored the moist recesses of her mouth and tentatively touched her tongue. Stroking and coaxing, her tongue entwined with his, and she returned his kiss with the same ardor, the same passion.

  Dazed, he opened his mind and was shaken to the core to find her mind reaching for his, willing and receptive. He felt the emotions pouring from her mind and her heart. There was no trace of deception or fear in her emotions. There were only feelings of acceptance and passion. His arm encircled her waist, pulling her body closer. The simple slip she wore was little barrier to his thickening cock pressing against her pelvis.

  Shifting her body he felt her lush breasts squash against his chest. Her fingers timidly combed through his hair. She dragged the length through her fingers before she returned to rake her fingernails over his scalp, eliciting a low rumble from a primitive man reveling in his mate’s touch. He was desperately trying to control the inner urges of the beast that begged, that demanded, to claim its mate. That delusion of control evaporated with the morning mist as she moaned her compliance at his touch.

  “Valya,” she sighed softly before licking and sucking his lower lip. She slipped her tongue into his mouth, to explore and taste him.

  Crushing her body to his, the beast seized her mouth with a deep-timbered growl. She was his to protect, to taste, to take. The beast would not tolerate her resistance. She belonged to him. His instincts rose to the surface while she sucked and nipped at his lips, purely exploring the passion of his kiss.

  Like aged brandy, she was potent and went to his head. It was a unique experience, having this slip of a girl/woman be both the spirit that made his soul sing and his heart dance and yet be the anchor that kept him grounded in this world. He couldn’t stop himself. Surging forward he captured her lush lower lip, nipping it with his fang and drawing a few drops of blood falling sweetly upon his tongue.

  But, at the same time, it awoke Richelle from the slumberous and sensual dream, the night spell that he had her under. She pulled her head away. He gazed at her intently; her eyes were closed as his tongue skimmed his lip, licking up a single drop of her blood. She gasped at the sight. Valya opened his eyes to see her watching him with her expressive doe-eyes, eager yet nervous. He could sense her apprehension at the simple taste of the sweet nectar of her life’s blood he had taken. Yet it did nothing to alleviate his growing hunger for her or ease his throbbing cock.

  “You bit me,” she squeaked as she raised her fingertips to stroke along her lip where he had nipped her.

  Her voice was melodious. He realized it was the first time he had ever heard her speak as a woman. Before where she had an impish quality to her child’s pitch, now she had a huskier depth to her voice that struck him to the core. He was conflicted as he balanced his impulses to place her on a pedestal where he could worship and adore her, hide her away in a tower where she would be sheltered and safe, or flip her over on their makeshift bed and sate his base desires to feed and fuck. Sheltered and safe won out over feed and fuck.

  “My apologies, mio dusa,” he crooned as he stroked her back, trying to ease her fears. “I could not help myself. I have waited so long for you that I momentarily lost my senses.”

  Perplexed, she ran her tongue over her nipped lip, weighing his words while he watched in rapt fascination. She caught him staring at her, his eyes drinking her in, and that sent a tremble through her entire body.

  “You’ve waited for me?” Her voice was filled with confusion and wonder at the thought that such a magnificent man would take leave of his senses over her. He chortled at her thoughts, her mind as open as the night sky to him.

  “Yes, mio dusa. I have long awaited your return to me. At times, I thought I would go mad at your absence. But now you are in my arms, and I could not resist a taste of your sweetness.”

  * * * *

  Richelle blushed
at his soft words spoken with such reverence. Her body flushed as she felt his body harden against her, his cock cuddling intimately between them. She lowered her eyes for a moment, searching for a modicum of secrecy, to conceal the confused emotions he created within her. When she raised her eyes, she saw him gazing at her intensely, as if he could peer into her soul.

  She knew he could see into her mind. She had felt his mind merging with hers, wrapping his thoughts around hers, offering her comfort, as if he could protect her from the confusion and noise…and then it struck her like a bolt from the blue. There was no noise, only silence. Usually, her mind was filled with garbled thoughts from those around her, unable to shut out the chaos and keep out the voices. Even in the solace of the mountains, there was still some amount of white noise that echoed in her mind.

  But being near Valya, there was nothing but silence. It was as if there was a wall built around her mind to shield her from the disorder and commotion of the outside world. It was a peace she was unaccustomed to and thought she would never have. She couldn’t remember a time when she was without her so-called gift. It was not merely a part of her, but what had defined her over the years. She had no control over it. The inability to control her gift had made it impossible for her to have any type of normal relationship, with anyone.

  Being near people caused too much pain from hearing their every thought, feeling, and emotion. Her senses were always on overload, leaving her stressed and drained. She would pray to the Goddess for assistance in shutting out the noise but to no avail. She also prayed the Goddess would take away her psychic abilities, but those pleas also fell on deaf ears. She quietly accepted her fate and hoped one day to learn why she was cursed with such a gift.

  Lying with Valya, there were no thoughts, no emotions, and no noise, nothing. There was no one else, just the two of them. The rest of the world had evaporated into thin air, leaving the night to her and Valya alone. For as long as she could remember, she had prayed for release from the mayhem and pandemonium she had lived with all her life. Now, the answer to that prayer left her feeling unsettled…and vulnerable.

  And Valya was there. He was her knight in shining armor, her Guardian.

  His hand drifted over her back, her muscles tightening beneath his touch. He began stroking her like a kitten to calm her fears. She settled back onto his chest, his light touches sensitizing her skin. She sensed the unease in him. She knew it was because of her, but she didn’t know what to do to soothe him. She had no experience with these types of emotions. She had no knowledge of men, but there was something deep within in her that wanted, no, needed to ease his pain. His hand felt warm against her skin as he continued to stroke and pet her. It felt so good to be held and touched. Perhaps Valya would find ease with her touches.

  Raising her hand slowly, she began to stroke his chest, mimicking the motion of his own hand as a guide. At first, there was a sharp intake of breath as she stroked her fingertips over his nipple down toward his abdomen. When she flipped her hand over to drag the back of her nails upward, he shuddered and grabbed her wrist. His voice was strained as he spoke.

  “Don’t, mio dusa. You hold much power over me, and I fear what would happen if I were to lose control.” Without releasing her wrist, he settled it over his heart, trying to regulate his breathing and restrain the beast from claiming what was rightfully his. She didn’t pull her hand away. She accepted his will and his strength, and for that, he was pleased.

  “That is the third time you called me that,” she stated softly as she lay motionless so as not to cause him any more pain. “What does that mean? Mio dusa.”

  “It is old language. It means precious heart, for that is what you are to me.”

  She blushed anew, embarrassed at such an intimate name after knowing each other for so short a time. Then she remembered she was lying atop of him, and he was naked. Where she felt comfortable before, now she blushed with embarrassment.

  “Please don’t call me that.”

  “Why not?”

  “It doesn’t seem…proper.” Shyly, she averted her eyes. She couldn’t face him as she made her request, silly as it sounded. He chuckled, huskily, sending an erotic shiver down her spine. He moved his hand again, lower toward the rounded curves of her backside. He chuckled again as she gasped, both recognizing their state of undress. She couldn’t meet his gaze. She had no thoughts, no words for him. She just wanted the embarrassment to end. He took pity on her.

  “As you wish, Richelle. I will not call you that again.”

  “Thank you,” she meekly said as she exhaled.

  “Until you ask me to do so.”

  Then she did meet his gaze, his dark eyes smoldering like red-hot embers as he looked upon her. Their eyes locked for what seemed an eternity.

  * * * *

  He wanted an eternity with her, and he would have to convince her of the same. It would take time to teach her and even then, many things about Immortals would frighten her. He could only hope she would learn to accept their life together, for there was no other choice for either of them.

  However, now was not that time. Night was upon them and he had to rise. He had to hunt, to feed. With great difficulty, he set Richelle aside and began to rise. She tried to hold him down.

  “No, Valya, you need to rest.”

  “No, mio…Richelle. I need to fly. Night is upon us, and I need to fe…find food. To build my strength.”

  “Then let me go and find food for you.”

  He growled low at her innocent suggestion, staring at the slender length of her throat and then lower to the creamy swell of her breast. He refrained from licking his lips as he tamped down his baser longing to take her up on her offer. She had no idea what he truly hungered for. Only the blood of his life mate would sate that hunger. His life mate’s blood, her blood.

  With her porcelain skin and delicate taste, she reminded him of moonflowers, large white trumpet flowers that carried a subtle scent and bloomed only at night. He pictured her sitting in the meadow bathed in moon glow. She was an ethereal beauty, and she belonged to him. He shook his head to rid himself of her enticing image before he did something they would both regret. She was young and green. She had to learn about Immortals and what that would mean to her, to them.

  “No, you cannot provide me with food, not now. You need time to learn, to understand wha…who I am.”

  * * * *

  Cocking her head, her brows furrowed in confusion. Does he believe I am that naïve? That Duncan would have neglected telling me anything of his people? Since she was thirteen years old, she had known of the Immortals, not everything, but enough to calm her when fears would plague her in the night. She would waken from nightmares of faceless, dark figures chasing her. Faceless all except for one…the old man in the priest’s collar. She could never forget that face in a thousand nights.

  Malice was reflected in those brutal eyes. They were the ones she remembered from the night her mother died—black as coal they were. His eyes bored through her as if to find her heart to rip it out. There was no mercy in him when he murdered her mother, and there was no mercy in him when he chased her in her dream. She somehow knew that if he caught her in the dream, then she would be destroyed. No matter how hard she tried, she never was able to elude him.

  Until Valya appeared.

  Valya would appear in her dreams and stand between her and the old priest. He did not kill the priest, but he stood as an immovable wall between them, protecting her and keeping her from harm until the priest dissolved into the evening mist. Valya would then turn and take her in his arms, stroking her hair and whispering words of comfort and of love.

  He was there only in her dreams, but she could feel him as if he were in the same room. It confused yet calmed her. She should have been afraid of him. She was merely a child of thirteen and he was a man, but she never felt fear when she was with him. She felt safe. She felt…excited. A young girl’s blossoming at her first love.

  It was then Dun
can began to tell her of Valya and the Immortals. It was fantastic—a race of people who lived to be centuries old and whose sense of duty protected all people, be they mortal or Immortal, from evil. She found it hard to believe Immortals subsisted on the blood of living creatures, but she was enamored by the romanticism of spending your lifetime searching for your one true love.

  With so few female Immortals, many of the males sought their life mates in the mortal world, choosing to live among them and protecting all they could from evil until the day they found and claimed their mate. It made sense to her why she had visions of Valya in her dreams, not merely because he had saved her as a child from the old priest, but because she was indeed Valya’s life mate.

  She found comfort in her dreams, but during the day, she teetered on the edge of anxiety. It was difficult enough closing out the world invading her mind every moment. Then Duncan told her about her past filling her mind with terror: movie myths of Vampyres and the living dead; evil men hunting her, and death. She withdrew into herself, trying to shield and protect herself from the outside world. Yet the thought of being Valya’s life mate filled her with a giggling glee. He was powerful and handsome, and though she was a wisp of a girl in the throes of adolescent adoration, one day she would become a woman.

  And now that day was here. She was lying with Valya, he naked and aroused and she wearing nothing but a slip. She was waiting for her fears from her youth to resurface, but they didn’t come. Rather, being alone with Valya, she felt tingly, and her heart fluttered in her chest, racing like a hummingbird’s wings. Every part of her touching him felt as if it were electrified, leaving her skin sensitized to his touch, especially as he stroked her lower back, encouraging her to arch farther into his embrace. The anxiety didn’t come. Instead she was as aroused as he.

  “I know what you need, Valya. I know of your race and I know what you need to sustain your life. I know how you…feed.”


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