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Of Night and Desire

Page 10

by Of Night

  “Do you wish to sleep longer?” Valya asked as he absentmindedly stroked her back. He had noticed the dark circles beneath her eyes, barely fading after a long sleep, and was concerned. It had all been a shock to her, and she was still adjusting to the newness, the profound changes she had to accept in a very short time. And the changes yet to come.

  “No. I’ll get up in a moment.” She lay quietly as he continued to stroke her back. As her breathing became more even at his soft caress, his became harsher, more erratic. Just feeling her skin beneath his hand was enough to have him wanting more. He wanted more than to touch her. He needed to absorb her very essence into him, her taste, her smell.

  His body trembled at her nearness, her innocence. He had vowed to take things slow with Richelle. He needed to give her time to adjust, but he didn’t know how much longer he would last.

  The ancient instinct to take first claiming, to take her virgin’s blood in the cave, had been almost overwhelming. His skin was on fire at her touch and his canines ached to descend and fully taste her, to truly become life mates.

  Lying with her as the evening rose, he could feel an aura of serenity surrounding them and instilling him with a peace he had never known. He knew Richelle could sense it as well. The vibrating power coursing through his blood evened out and became steady as he continued to hold her. .

  “This is nice,” she remarked idly as she closed her eyes and let the security and peace wash over her.

  “Nice?” he chortled. “With you in my arms, the last thing I feel is nice.”

  She smiled at his sentimental words.

  “What I meant is I’ve never felt this safe before. Not ever.”

  His throat clenched at her blunt words. Never felt this safe before? It was a cardinal law among Immortals to protect and cherish their women and their children, but above all else, their children, as they held the future. No child should ever live in fear, afraid of the world and those around them. He held her closer, letting her sweetness seep into his pores and trying to squelch the desire to go out and destroy those who had hurt her.

  “You will never be haunted again. I give you my promise.”

  She pulled away and looked up at him, her eyes misty, and filled with admiration and trust.

  “I know.” She raised her hands and let her fingertips trace along his lower lip.

  Who knew a man whose muscles had the feel of steel would have lips as soft as velvet.

  His body hummed at her thoughts. Her skin was so soft against his lips. The slip she wore was for her modesty, but was a thin barrier as he felt her hardened nipples against his chest. She pressed her body to him as she tipped her head back. Her lips were slightly parted, inviting him to kiss her. His stomach tightened at the appetizing vision—her peaches-and-cream complexion tinged pink in maidenly virtue and her strawberry red lips lush and plump, ripened sweetness he had to taste.

  He accepted her invitation with nibbling kisses. He nipped and sucked her lower lip while he licked along the upper. Parting her teeth with his tongue, he delved into her mouth. His tongue swept in and around, tickling her palate and cheeks before it touched the tip of her tongue.

  He reached up, capturing her hair in his grasp, and covered her mouth with his. She held perfectly still as the kiss deepened, his tongue stroking hers. She sighed softly, tilting her head to the side, giving him better access to her mouth. He took advantage of her movements to ravage her mouth, his tongue twining with hers.

  Without breaking their kiss, he sat up and moved her to sit upon his lap, wrapping her legs about his waist. She gasped into his mouth as his cock nestled into the juncture of her thighs. He didn’t give her a moment to think as he ardently kissed her. She raised her arms in shock and then, as he continued to slant his mouth over hers, she rested her hands upon his shoulders.

  Rumbling in satisfaction, he slid his hands along the sides of her throat. She shivered when he lightly traced down to the straps of her slip and slid them off her shoulders. Slowly, he trailed lingering kisses to the underside of her chin, down her throat to her shoulders. Richelle tipped her head farther allowing her hair to drift along her back.

  Valya pulled his head away to look at her. Her slip stretched across her full breasts, outlining her areoles. He bent his head and sucked her nipple into his mouth through the silky fabric. She moaned as she ran her fingers through his hair to pull his mouth closer to her breast.

  He flicked his tongue over the fabric, bringing her nipple erect. Opening his mouth, he ran his tongue over the bud before enveloping it. He sucked hard, eliciting a squeal from Richelle. She gripped his hair tighter. He sucked her teat harder.

  When he had her panting, he switched his attentions to the other breast, repeating his actions until her nipple was fully erect as well. He pulled his head back to admire his handiwork. The wet fabric clung to every bump and showed the slight pink coloring of her areole.

  Using his pinky, he tugged the fabric down to reveal her breasts. They were luscious and deliciously inviting. He bent his head to suck the sweet treat into his mouth while his hand cupped her other breast. Her hips rocked against his erection as he continued his suckling. He bit down on her nipple and Richelle yelped, thrusting her hips forward.

  Valya smiled and switched to her other breast, treating it to the same pleasure as Richelle continued to moan and thrash in his lap. Reaching between them, he placed his hand over her pussy. She jumped at his touch.


  He didn’t respond—he just rested his hand there as he flicked his tongue over the very tip of her nipple. It didn’t take long for her to relax into his touch. He began to toy with her damp curls. He slid his finger along her slit, aided by her dewy desire, until he found her hidden nub.

  “Valya, what are you…oh, oh.”

  He growled and she shifted faster against his rigid proof of desire. She moaned louder, throwing her head back. He flicked his tongue faster as he played with her clit. His cock began to leak. He desperately wanted to be in her as she came, but he wanted to give her this moment even more. He wanted her to know the pleasure he would give her for eternity.

  “Oh, please…please.”

  “That’s it, that’s it. Reach for it and I promise I’ll teach you to fly.” He opened wide, covering her fleshy mound, and sucked hard as he squeezed her clit. Her body began to shake

  “Oh, my…oh, Goddess,” she yelled, clinging to him. He released her breast to watch her as she came. She wore an expression of sheer bliss as beads of perspiration formed on her forehead. He opened his mind to share her pleasure. She held her breath through the waves of ecstasy he created within her.

  He rocked his hand against her pussy to bring her down gently from the pinnacle he had taken her to. When her aftershocks subsided, she dropped her forehead to his.

  “I never…” she panted, trying to catch her breath.

  “I know,” he replied and then kissed her quickly. He pulled his hand away, her cream sticky on his fingers. He brought them to his mouth and sucked her sweet taste while she watched. Her eyes grew large as he licked his fingers clean.

  When he was done, he stared at her mouth. He wanted to kiss her. Actually, he knew what it was like to kiss her. He wondered what it would be like for her to kiss him—to have her take the lead and show him how she wanted to be kissed. His hunger grew at the thought of how she would press her lips to his—would she be sweet, or demanding, or curious. He growled at the thought.

  “Kiss me,” he commanded. Tentative at first, she did as he ordered. She leaned in and touched her lips to his. Such a shy little temptress, he mused. He remained still as she mimicked what he had done, licking and sucking his lips before covering his mouth with hers. She parted her lips as she gently wriggled her tongue between his lips. Their tongues met, dancing slowly together.

  Her kiss was soft and delectable, yet she could stir the beast within him. Wanting more, he sucked her tongue into his mouth, inviting her to explore his mouth in m
uch the same way he had explored hers. She was an avid student, copying the movements of his tongue as she traced his palate with the same tickling wriggles, tasting the sides of his mouth before running her tongue along his teeth.

  It was when she ran her tongue over his extended canines that she pulled back with a start.

  * * * *

  She expected to find sharp fangs, but was surprised when she actually felt the points at the end of the incisors. She still pulled away from Valya, as nervous as a cat in a rocking chair factory.

  They were so different…he was an Immortal. But more so, everything was moving so fast. These new experiences left her wanting more from Valya, from life. But how does a child who never learned to walk learn to run? Her body craved Valya in ways she’d never imagined; her mind rationalized to back off and think things through; and her heart needed time to catch up.

  “I’m sorry…I mean, I want you, but…”

  “It’s all right, Richelle. I understand.”

  “But I…”

  He stopped her short, placing his finger upon her lips and shushing her.

  “I understand.”

  His eyes conveyed such consideration, she relaxed. She took a deep breath and smiled.

  “Thank you.”

  She realized her ignoble position—sitting in Valya’s lap with the top of her slip about her waist. Blushing, she pulled up her slip to cover her breasts and placed the straps on her shoulders. The way he watched her as she dressed unnerved her. He looked at her like he was ready to pounce, and her breath came in short pants.

  “It’s all right, Richelle. I do understand.”

  He placed his hands on her hips and slid her off his lap to sit beside him, their hips touching.

  “Do you want to look around?”

  She nodded. Straightening up to get her bearings, she perused her new home.

  It was big. No, it was humongous! Architecturally designed as an industrial loft, it was one large room with a twenty-five-foot ceiling. A kitchenette was off to the far right with a dining set for two beside it. To the left was a seating area with a contemporary entertainment center holding an elaborate stereo system and music library, but no television.

  On the front wall hung a set of double doors framed by two large windows on either side. Wide-slat blinds offering maximum defense from sunlight covered the glass. There was light from six hanging bell lights, their soft light highlighting the colors of the room and shapes of the sparse furniture. There was additional track lighting and several artifacts and pieces of artwork hanging on the wall.

  The entire apartment looked like it had been professionally decorated in shades of wine, gold, and black, chicly tasteful. It exuded a sense of masculinity, but was cozy despite the enormity of the room. Everything was so enormous—the size of the room, the entertainment center, the ceilings…even their bed.

  On display as if it were the focal point of the room, the bed was oversized and made of brass, sitting upon a step-up floor so it was slightly elevated from the rest of the room. The mattress was plush and soft, a direct contrast to the metal spindles of the headboard. With black silk sheets and burgundy comforter, an air of decadence surrounded her as if she had stepped into the sultan’s tent to share his bed.

  “I thought Vampyres slept in their coffins.” She giggled, unable to keep the laughter from her voice.

  “I am not a Vampyre, I am an Immortal,” he responded and then did an extremely good impersonation of Bela Lugosi. “Besides, sleeping in a coffin would not be nearly as enjoyable as having you sleep in here with me,” he replied as he waggled his brows at her.

  “And not nearly as roomy either.”

  “Soft bed, soft woman, what more could a man want?”

  She averted her eyes and giggled like a flirtatious high school cheerleader with the quarterback of the football team.

  He held her chin between his thumb and finger and turned her to face him. His expression was solemn, and his eyes were sincere.

  “But seriously, don’t believe everything you’ve seen in old Vampyre movies. Mortals have a habit of explaining things they don’t understand. They take facts and twist them into fiction, sometimes for the better. But mostly, for the worse.”

  “So I shouldn’t worry about being turned into the undead by having an Immortal drink my blood?”

  Valya flinched. She would pick that.

  “There have been some mortals who were changed to the undead by a Vampyre. But it is against Immortal Law to do so. Converting someone in that way takes away the person’s choice. And in all matters, we cannot make the decision. It must be their choice.”

  “Free will, and all that, huh?”

  “Yes.” He nodded. “We are Immortals, governed by ancient laws determining right and wrong. And if an Immortal chooses to turn away from those laws, he becomes what men call a Vampyre, bent on destruction and mad with the lure of power. A Vampyre is judged and sentenced; to death. It is a matter of choice. Even in the matter of our life mates. When an Immortal finds their life mate, whether they be mortal or Immortal, they must choose to bond together and complete the ritual.”

  “You mean, after all this…I can say no?”

  * * * *

  His gut clenched again. What if she says no? He had waited so long for Richelle. He could just complete the ritual and then spend eternity making her happy, begging her forgiveness. But that would be abandoning all he had been taught, everything he believed. And he would not be able to live if she never forgave him for forcing the decision upon her.

  “Yes, you could,” he affirmed through clenched teeth.

  She could sense his uneasiness, his agitation if she would turn away and leave him. She snuggled back into his arms, resting her head in the crook of his shoulder.

  “You were right about what you said in the cave,” she started as she ran her fingertip over his pectorals, making large figure eights around his flat male nipples. She liked the sharp intake of his breath as she came dangerously close to touching them. “I know about Immortals but understand very little.”

  “I have had centuries to learn the teaching and laws of my people. You cannot be expected to learn so much. You will learn in time.”

  “What’s involved with this bonding ritual? I mean…what happens?”

  Clearing his throat, he raised his free hand and placed it behind his head, propping himself up.

  “The first blood is the easiest. It is when I taste your blood for the first time. If you were Immortal, we would both taste each other for the first time.”

  “And make love the first time?”

  “No, not necessarily make love, but it is more pleasurable when we do. It is much like how we feed. Those who haven’t found their life mates usually have to hunt to find their sustenance.”

  “Couldn’t you just go to another Immortal for your…sustenance?”

  “We could, and do, if we are in the same area. But there are so few of us, and even fewer females among my race. It was decided long ago by the elders that if our race is to perish, then we would spend what time we have left in the service of mankind, finding ways to help men survive and destroying evil.”

  “Well, why are there so few Immortal females?”

  Valya sighed heavily as his thoughts drifted to the past. Images from history filled his mind; untrained Immortals eager for battle, sacrificing their lives for others; those who chose to turn away from Immortal Law humanely put to death; humans, not understanding the difference, hunting Immortals and Vampyres and gruesomely killing them. It was a shadowy history filled with anger, betrayal, chaos, and death. But he was leaving the darkest part out.

  “And the females?” she questioned again.

  Valya shielded his mind from her so she could not see the horrific images of their torturous deaths.

  “Although stronger than humans, Immortal females are not as powerful as males. They make easier targets, so many of our females were murdered by so-called Vampyre hunters.” Involuntar
ily, memories of his sister surfaced. She had a joyous spirit, so innocent and giving, a child of the world not unlike Richelle. And her existence, like a candle in the wind, was snuffed out with no more remorse than swatting a mosquito.

  His parents’ anguish when he carried her small, lifeless body home was inconsolable. His father threw himself into battle, vowing death before dishonor, and kept that vow three years after he buried his daughter. His mother, without her daughter or her life mate, faced the Dawn, leaving him alone to carry on. It was then he began his training as a Guardian, an elite sentinel dedicated to the protection of good and destruction of evil.

  As a Guardian, it was his duty, his right, to seek out the guilty and bring them to justice. When he finally found them, the unbridled rage he unleashed upon those who had destroyed his family did not compare with any justice he meted out in battle. It was a dark episode in his life that he would not let be repeated.

  He was blocking his mind from Richelle. He didn’t want her to see the images of how Vampyre hunters killed their victims. He was grateful when she didn’t press the issue.

  “What about the second blood?”

  “Second blood is a little harder. At first, there will be a physical sensation unlike any other you’ve known.”

  She winced. “Pain?”

  He snickered. “Hardly. A wondrous, euphoric feeling like nothing you’ve ever experienced or imagined.”

  “I don’t see anything wrong with that.” She smiled like a Cheshire cat and giggled. “Although I can’t imagine it being any better than when you kiss me or touch me so…intimately.”

  His cock jerked at her words. Closing his eyes, he growled low as he reined in his lust. He took a few deep breaths before responding slowly.


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