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Of Night and Desire

Page 38

by Of Night

  “Tell me.”

  She didn’t think she could. Not that she didn’t want to. It was just that she had a difficult time finding the words to describe everything she was feeling.

  “Try,” he encouraged. His hands roamed freely over her body, petting and soothing her, all the while his body hardening as she snuggled against him. She had to feel his cock jerk against her thigh when she rested her hand upon his lean hip. He placed his hand over hers to still it before it moved any lower, which would have her lying on her back beneath him again. “Try.”

  Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, using her mind to convey her thoughts and hoping it would be clearer.

  “When we make love, it is so…so…”


  “It takes my breath away. I lose myself in you and yet feel everything around us. I become hypersensitive to every sound, every scent. We become one with the world.”

  He hugged her close, placing an endearing kiss on her forehead.

  “That is how it should be.”

  “But this time was different.”

  “Tell me.”

  She raised her eyes to meet his. There were tears in his eyes as well, his emotional state mirroring hers. She palmed his cheek as she kissed his lips, parting them to allow their tongues to touch intimately, showing him more than words could say how much she loved him.

  Ending the kiss, she gave him a quick buss and burrowed into his arms. He rested his chin on the top of her head and she lay her head across his chest. She felt the thump of his heart against her cheek and smiled contentedly. Stretched out across him like a lazy cat, she all but purred. Safe and warm, she blushed furiously as she continued.

  “But this time it didn’t feel as though we became part of the world. It was more like the world became a part of us.” Her brows furrowed, and he remained silent. She began to shake her head. “I know that doesn’t make any sense.”

  “You felt people around you as if you could reach out and touch them even though no one was there, sensing their emotions. You wanted to gather them in your arms and protect them, feeling as if it were your responsibility to watch over and guide them, as if they were your children.”

  She jerked away and stared at him incredulously. She nodded her head slowly, her eyes wide in amazement that he was able to put so eloquently in words what she was experiencing.

  “That, too, is how it should be.”

  Perplexed, she lay her head back down upon his chest. She stroked her fingertips over his shoulder, down his tricep to his hand, tracing the outline of each finger before lacing her fingers through his. She marveled at his strength, outer and inner. No wonder Nicolae had charged him to be one of the chosen, a Guardian.

  A Guardian. She went over all the events since she had met Valya, both good and bad. She raised her head and rested her chin upon his chest, looking up at him with renewed curiosity.

  “This is how you feel as a Guardian.” It was a remark not a question. He laughed and shook his head.

  “I was duty-bound to be a Guardian. It’s what I was meant to do. These new emotions are confusing.”

  “More like intimidating.” She laughed.

  “Be that as it may, there is one inalienable fact. They are correct. It is how I am supposed to…feel…when I am with you. How we are to feel about one another.” He framed her face with his hands, bringing her mouth a hairsbreadth from his. “And I would want it no other way, mio dusa. My precious heart. I love you.”

  “And I love you,” she whispered back before his mouth took hers in a soul-searing kiss. Forever.

  Valya rolled over onto his back so Richelle could sit atop him.

  “Ride me.”

  Taking his cock in her hand, she stroked him lightly. He groaned at her touch but he needed more.

  “Please, mio dusa, I need to be inside you.”

  Using his newly aroused flesh, she caressed her throbbing clit before slipping the head into her pussy.

  “Oh, so tight,” she moaned.


  Inch by glorious inch she took him deeper, her swollen and most intimate tissues slick with their combined juices easing his passage. Taking him fully, she placed her hands in the middle of his chest, steadying herself as she rode him.

  Meeting her stroke for stroke, he surged upward as she came down on him to give her the most pleasure. He took her globes in his hands, fondling them, flicking the turgid nibs with his thumbs to urge her on.

  She threw her head back, her tresses falling back and tickling the skin of her already sensitized back. She giggled like a child with their sensual play.

  To Valya she looked like a pagan Goddess sitting atop her rightful throne, regal and sacred. They were in no rush, and he gazed up at her illuminated by the moon and stars twinkling down in approval as they made love.

  They took their time as they explored each other like first-time lovers discovering the nuances and pleasures of lovemaking. They took their time to enjoy each other, knowing full well they had time to learn all there was to learn.

  In truth, they had the rest of time.


  The dawn was approaching when Valya and Richelle returned to the Tower of the Red Dragon. They materialized in the center of the great hall clad in matching shades of green. Richelle wore a flowing gown with a high waist. Her hair was piled in a mass of curls atop her head, secured with a golden clamp in the shape of a butterfly. Valya donned a velvet waistcoat with gold trim, green breeches, and his leather boots.

  Richelle accepted the chivalrous gesture of his arm as he escorted her to the head of the room, up the stairs to where Luka’s throne was positioned. The heaviness of the ornate throne as it stood alone in the hollowness of the castle was a stark reminder of the emptiness of Luka’s diabolical plan. With the flick of her wrist, the throne vanished. Standing where the throne once stood, with Valya by her side, they turned to face the gathering Immortals, becoming a symbol of hope for a new beginning.

  For Immortals and mankind alike.

  As she watched, each of the men who had risked their lives to save hers fell to one knee. Each looked up at her with reverence and respect, mentally conveying their allegiance and honoring their bonding. A single tear fell on her cheek at their display of admiration. She never imagined a life filled with so much love and hope. All were proud, virulent men from an ancient and wise race that would not dwindle into extinction. There was hope in helping their race find their mates and create new life. She placed her hand protectively over her abdomen, where the spark of a new life she and Valya had created was taking root.

  Taking a step down, Valya gazed in adoration at his life mate. She stood there majestically, imbued with the dedication of a Guardian, a gift from their union as he became a part of her and she became a part of him. And as her hand rested above her womb, lovingly cradling another gift from their union, he was filled with a profound love.

  No longer motivated by mere duty, he was driven by the insatiable hunger for his life mate and his love of family. She turned to meet his gaze. A knowing smile passed between them, and their hearts beat faster. If it were not for the fact that day was approaching, he would lay her down and take her again, witnesses be damned.

  “Later, my darling,” she promised. “When we are alone.” Valya growled low and long as he willed his body to behave. They turned to the task at hand.

  “I can never thank you for rescuing me at such a loss. Jonathon, Ivan, and Nic…Nicolae will be…” Richelle choked back her tears, recalling how he had chosen to give his life for her. “You have all fought well and are to be commended. But it is time to rest.”

  “What do you mean?” Gregor stood and stepped forward, his disagreement in her statement evident in his frown. The other Immortals stood and remained silent.

  “The time for battle is done. It is time for Immortals to establish a new order based on peace and trust.”

  “So we are to lie down with the sheep and allow the wol
ves to strike at will?” he argued vehemently.

  “What I am saying,” she said quietly, “is we do not need to go looking for a war. I am saying we need to regroup, gather our strength. You and the others must focus on finding your life mates—it is there we will find our future.”

  Gregor shored up his shoulders, showing his obvious dissent, but was cut short in his dispute when Valya stepped between him and Richelle.

  “We will return home until we are needed.”

  Andre joined Gregor in his quarrel, although he was more reasonable in his points of contention.

  “We are needed now. Not all humans have a Guardian watching over them. We do more than dispense with Vampyres. We also dispense justice on all those who choose to do evil.”

  Mikhail and Marcus also came forward in Gregor’s defense. Their Slavic accents had been replaced by mild but distinctive Texas twangs.

  “We no longer consider the mountains our home.”

  “We have lived in Dallas for too long.”

  “That is our home.”

  “And we want to return. To do our jobs.”

  “To protect mankind and seek for others. Like you.”

  Stefan and Roman said nothing; however, they came forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with their brethren, their expression mirroring the views of the others. She had heard from all but one of her Immortal warriors. She sought out the last and saw him still on bended knee with his forehead leaning against the hilt of his sword.

  “And what say you?”

  Jorge raised his head, his eyes reflecting the centuries of disease, evil, and death he had seen. She could feel his pain in the loss of his comrade-in-arms, his friend.

  “I am tired. If I may, I wish to return home. I need peace.”

  They were all sincere, and while she believed they needed a rest, they were not ready to return. She still believed the best way to save their race was to stave off Immortals turning Vampyre—the search for their life mates needed to take precedence. As foretold by the prophecy, she would be the mother of a new race—not as their queen, but rather the beacon that would shine a light in the right direction for others to find their life mates.

  “Then as you wish. It will be your individual choice if you return to your guard posts or return to the mountains with us.”

  Bowing at the waist, they stepped back. Then Richelle sought out the female warrior without whom all would have been lost. Selene came forward to stand before Richelle. Through all her help, Richelle thought, Selene was still an outcast, banished from rejoining her people. But not for long.

  Selene bowed her head before Richelle.

  “Welcome, little one. Luka has been defeated.”

  “Thanks to you. We are much in your debt.”

  “You owe me nothing. It was my fault Luka was as he was. I only righted the wrong I had done.” Selene raised her head and Richelle saw the tears she had fought for so long flow freely down her cheeks.

  Richelle hoped welcoming Selene back would alleviate some of her anguish.

  “Then be at peace. Return with us to our mountain home.” Richelle opened her arms wide as if she were going to embrace Selene. “Come back and learn again to find happiness in peace and comfort.”

  Selene slowly shook her head and smiled sadly.

  “I will find peace and comfort, but it will not be in our homeland.”

  “Then where will you go?”

  “Where I long to be most,” was Selene’s enigmatic reply. Richelle probed gently to see where her newfound friend was planning to go. She lay her hand against her throat, aghast at what Selene intended to do.

  Richelle tried to speak, tried to find the words to sway Selene, but she could sense her determination. There would be no way to convince her to change her mind.

  Valya joined her by her side, slipping his arm about her waist. Her worried expression stabbed at him, and he sensed Selene’s intentions as well but knew there was nothing he could do to help. He was more concerned with Richelle’s safety.

  “Morning approaches. We must leave.”

  Richelle began to tremble. She didn’t want to lose her friend.

  “But why, Selene? All is forgiven, you can come home. You can find peace.”

  “I will find peace, just as Nicolae has found peace in joining Adelaide in the hereafter.”

  “But why?”

  Selene smiled wistfully. “Because there is someone who waits for me as well. And I wish to go to him.”

  Richelle took in Selene’s words. She had forgotten the pain and suffering Selene had endured over the many, many years of wandering. She was rejected by her lover, rebuffed by her people, and reviled by her son. But still she believed in love and found her life mate, although it was too late. As much as it pained her, Richelle begrudgingly accepted Selene’s decision.

  Streams of the dawn’s first light cast its amber glow through the high open window as silence hung thick over the band of Immortals. Valya pulled Richelle tighter into his embrace, taking her apprehension and sorrow into himself.

  “It is time for us to leave.”

  “Yes,” Selene agreed. “It is time to leave. For each to seek and find their destiny.”

  Richelle ran down the steps until she stood before Selene. Embracing her, Richelle kissed Selene on the cheek like a child would kiss her mother. “Thank you. For everything.”

  Breaking her hold, Selene backed away, resolute with her penance. Placing her hand upon Richelle’s cheek, she kissed her forehead.

  “Fulfill your destiny.”

  Selene turned to leave and was met by the Immortals standing three on one side and four on the other, all standing at attention. They did not turn away from her as they did when she was banished. Instead they met her gaze with respect as they bowed before her.

  She walked through the aisle they had created, each waiting until she had passed by them before they disappeared like wisps of smoke into the air to return to their homes. They would sleep through day and replenish their powers to return with the rising of the moon. To fulfill their destinies— Immortals duty-bound to protect the world.

  The heavy doors opened as Selene bravely walked out into the daylight to welcome the Dawn. The light cascaded shades of purple, red, and orange over her skin as she was encircled by a bright yellow aura. Selene walked forward, her arms outstretched to the rising sun as she shimmered, becoming miniscule points of light dispersing into the sky until there was nothing left.

  It’s so beautiful, Richelle thought. Valya told her it was called the Final Sacrifice, when an Immortal chose to leave this world. But it was nothing like she expected. A product of humanity’s misconceptions of Immortals, she had expected Selene to burn under the sun or explode. Instead, it was a quiet and serene ending, like a sunset sinking below the horizon at the end of the day.

  Richelle heaved a dismayed sigh. Although she was glad Selene’s journey had ended peacefully, it was another example of how anyone she cared for was taken away. A pang of fear intruded into her thoughts, as all that remained in the empty castle were she and Valya. She turned in his arms and lay her head against his chest. Hugging him close, she sniffed.

  “Do not be sad, my love. Selene has joined her life mate. She will never be alone again.”

  “It’s not just her. It’s all of them. Selene, Nicolae, Ivan, Jonathon, Duncan…my mother.” She sniffed again as a lump formed in her throat. “So much pain and suffering, so much death.”

  The fear of losing Valya was more than Richelle could bear, and she burrowed into his arms, holding onto him as if he, too, would disappear like a puff of smoke, and she would be alone once more. He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger. Tipping her head, he looked into her eyes as he spoke the words that would dispel the last of her fears.

  “There will be no more death, no more running and hiding.”

  She wanted to believe him, but with all they had overcome, it was hard, so she did the next best thing. She gave him her trust to kee
p his promises.

  He cupped her face in his hands as he gazed into her sea-green eyes brimming with hope and desire and love. Leaning in, he kissed her lips tenderly with the love he had accumulated throughout the centuries he had searched for her. Together they faded and shimmered, rising into the sky to ride on the wind.

  “There is only our love, our destiny. Forever.”



  Writing is the culmination of a lifelong ambition for romance author Mia Bailey. She remembers as a child spending summers on her grandparents’ farm creating little books from rolled paper her grandfather would bring home from the store. She would cut and fold the papers, stapling them to design the little books, and then spend days creating her own personal library with tales of imagination and wonder. Never one to waste a moment, she charges in headlong to face new challenges and experiences to broaden the mind, body, and spirit.

  Mia lives near Detroit, Michigan, with her daughter, her cocker spaniel, and her four cats. She continues consulting through her public relations company, IDEAS – Innovative Designs for Entrepreneurial Advantages, as well as conducts training as a career mentor in career development. But most importantly, she writes daily and looks forward to the day when she can walk into someone’s home and there, on the bookshelf, she will see their library of Mia Bailey novels. She truly lives by the mantra…

  “Embrace Every Dream…Live Every Moment…Fulfill Every Fantasy.”

  Also by Mia Bailey

  Spicing It Up!

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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