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Summer Love: A Non-Shifter Omegaverse M/M Mpreg Romance

Page 7

by Alice Shaw

  I squinted my eyes at the sign, imagining what it could look like with some work done. “Riley’s Place.” It wasn’t the best name. I’d have to start thinking tonight about it, but I knew I could fix this place up enough to make it stand out.

  I stood up and wiped my hands on the side of my jeans. “Let’s go back to the trailer,” I said. “Maybe we could watch a movie or something, and drink some of that whiskey you got.”

  We drove back to the trailer, parking in the dusty lot. When we stepped inside, I looked toward the open door to his room. We both stood in silence, until he finally asked, “Do you want to come inside?”

  I felt the warm, flustered feeling in the core of my omega spot flurry upward. A shiver of excitement ran through me, but it was always followed by the shallow regret of past experiences.

  Yes, I wanted to go inside with him, but I had seen too many alphas promise the world, only to disappear. Riley had goals, and he had his dreams. But what did that mean for me? What exactly did family mean to him?

  Those were the questions I constantly asked myself as I got older. When I hit twenty-three, I could sense a greater change inside of my body. I was fit to have a child, but I was so far from ready. Yet, there it was. The feeling was there, the palpable desire to bear children.

  I was in a bind, but I still found myself nodding my head. “Yeah. Bring that whiskey,” I said, knowing it was a bad move. Alcohol always loosened me up at the worst moments.

  Riley walked calmly toward the kitchen, but he kept glancing over to me. I was standing by the doorway to his room, unable to walk in. I tried to play it off in a cool manner but it was obvious something was up because I was glistening.

  “What’s the matter?” Riley asked, a sly grin forming.

  “That grin is the matter,” I said, earnestly. “On second thought, maybe we shouldn’t drink any whiskey tonight.”

  Riley stood still, holding the bottle of Jim in his hand. He slowly set it down and said, “We don’t have to hang out in my room if you don’t want to. I’m cool with the couch, or just going to bed.”

  I sighed. I definitely didn’t want to go to bed. Not yet, at least. I wanted to be close to him, but I couldn’t tell if it was my heat pushing me to or just me. The urges came and went like a strong hunger but much more emotional and deep-rooted. Right now, his scent was bringing back all sorts of memories and feelings.

  “No, it’s fine. Sorry,” I said, feeling ashamed of myself. I hadn’t felt it like this in a long time, but I wasn’t going to admit to an alpha that I was in heat.

  Riley left the bottle on the table and walked over to me. Tenderly, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through my hair, whispering, “It’s okay, bud. You’re still going through a lot. I’m here for you, alright?”

  I wanted to smile. I wanted to pounce on top of him and rip his shirt off. The feeling was so intense, but I knew it would pass in minutes. This was just how the heat progressed. Every heat was different for every omega, but mine was especially strong.

  I kept my cheek against his torso, concentrating on the calming rhythm of his breathing. “Thank you,” I said. “You know… for being there for me. Not many people have talked to me like you do. You’re a really calming person, especially for an alpha.”

  “I just want to see you happy,” Riley whispered. “The other night at the bay, you looked so free. It was a whole new side of Holden. I truly loved seeing that. It was inspiring.”

  “You did?” I asked him.

  “Yeah, oddly enough. I barely even know you,” he said.

  His eyes lit up when that realization set in. In a way, that’s what made this experience feel more important. He didn’t have to take me in, but he did. He acted on an impulse and that pulled us closer together.

  I didn’t need to be afraid of him hurting me like the other guys before him. It was okay to let go and open myself up to someone new. Riley was an honest person, and he was waiting for the right moment to prove himself. Tonight, I was going to let him do that.

  I kissed the top of his chest and breathed in his scent. I kissed him one more time for good measure. Soon, I felt Riley kiss the top of my head, against my hair.

  “Let’s go in my room and talk,” he said. “No funny business. I promise. I just want to get to know you more.”

  He let me go and looked me in the eyes. I asked, “As friends, right?” A smile began to form on my face.

  “Whatever you want, bud,” he said, playfully pushing me. I pushed him back and fell against his arms, laughing.

  I walked into his room and dropped my butt on his bed. Riley followed, but first he dug into his drawer. I thought he was going to pull out something different, but when he turned around, he had a cell phone in his hand.

  “Here, I forgot to give you this.” He tossed the cell phone onto the bed. It bounced into my hands. It was an old throwaway cell phone, a burner, but it worked.

  “You should call your folks, eventually. They’re probably worried sick,” he said.

  “Riley, I don’t need to do that. They’re fine without me.” I winced at the thought of talking to them.

  “Keep it, anyway. Just in case. You never know when you’ll need it. It’s got some data on it, pre-paid. Try not to use it up too fast,” Riley said. Then, he sat down next to me.

  “Well, thanks,” I said.

  The call earlier with my brother didn’t go well, but I didn’t expect it to. Even though our family wasn’t in the right place, I still had hope things could change. Maybe someday I’d call them and tell them about everything I’ve accomplished. Who knows? Maybe they’d actually be proud of me.

  I scooted my butt up against him. I found myself leaning on his shoulder, feeling the rhythm of his body rise and fall. I was waiting for him to say something to break the silence of his room. He didn’t.

  “You ever think about having a family?” I finally asked.

  The sulfur yellow lighting was stale against our skin. Even so, Riley looked undeniably handsome and a bit sagely. “Sometimes I do,” he said. “I’m an alpha. I guess I have to think about it, right? I’ve been thinking about it more lately, though.”

  I looked into his dark eyes. His eyelids held deep trenches of mystery. What had he gone through to end up here?

  I suddenly wished that I could take the bad experiences away from him, but then we wouldn’t have met. Maybe, it was okay to experience the bad if it meant turning it into something better.

  “Why now?” I asked.

  Riley took a deep breath through his nose. Then, he looked straight into my soul. “Because you’re in heat,” Riley said, clutching around my waist. “And I’ve wanted you the moment I saw you.”

  I trembled against him and closed my eyes as he took a deep breath inward, inhaling my strong scent. He knew this whole time. As much as I tried to mask it, he was all too aware of all that I was going through.

  “How did you know?” I asked.

  “Well, for one, you left your heat masking pills in the bathroom. Those things don’t work too well either. Two, I can see it in your eyes. The way you’ve been acting… your heat must be strong,” Riley said. He let go of my waist and smiled. “Don’t worry. I can control myself if you can.”

  I swallowed hard, feeling my throat tighten. Twenty minutes ago, I would have flipped out. Now, I didn’t care. I knew where this had to go.

  “Maybe I don’t want you to control yourself,” I said.

  My eyes shifted back and forth. I could feel my lips part open, tongue pushing against my bottom front teeth. I felt a surge of lustrous energy flood through my body. At that precise moment, I let my heat take the wheel.

  When he placed his hand around my waist, I put my palm against him. I pushed his hand down, very slowly, underneath my jeans. Finally, he was grasping my fully erect cock. I tilted my head back and let out a soft moan.

  “Do you feel it?” I asked him, pushing even lower. Finally
his hand was in between my legs, curled against my taint. His finger brushed against my rim, pushing gently.

  “Your omega spot,” he grunted, “I need to feel you.”

  I hadn’t shown anyone this side of me before. I felt more vulnerable than ever, but Riley was slow moving and tender with me. “My heat is stronger than most, but I’ve never felt it this strong before. I want you, but I want to know that you’re on my side,” I said.

  I lowered my eyes and furrowed my brow. Maybe I had asked for too much. It was stupid to get too emotional too fast. Alphas hated that.

  “I’m on your side,” Riley said, within seconds. “And if you’ll let me, I’ll be your partner. I’ll protect you.”

  I felt the penetrating warmth inside my body quickly build. I was falling into something unknown so fast, but it felt fucking good. Silently, I unbuttoned my jeans, pushing them to the floor. Riley slowly pulled up my shirt, tossing it behind him.

  Since he gave me his word, I wanted to give him something of my own. I wanted to let him feel the core of my body. “I believe you,” I said.

  I wanted him to give me all that he had been saving. Judging by the look in his eyes, he wanted the same exact thing.

  He took off all his clothes and eyed me up and down, savagely. “You’re body is perfect,” he said. “You’re the hottest omega I’ve ever been with.”

  My eyes trailed down to his cock. It wasn’t just big. It was thick and round, perfectly cut like a statue. This was going to take some effort, but I wanted him so fucking bad.

  “Is this what you wanted?” Riley asked. His smile had disappeared. The soft sounds of the bay could be heard outside of the window, but inside his room, it was filled with the sound of our measured heartbeats.

  I found myself slowly nodding and falling to the floor. “Yes,” I said. At that moment, his body seemed to tower over me. I tried not to look too helpless, but I knew how small I looked. His eyes showed my reflection, my slim body, bent over for him.

  He didn’t say a word, but I knew what his body was telling me to do. “Show me what you’re made of. Give me everything you got,” it seemed to say. “Prove it to me.”

  My heat had gotten the best of me, and now I wanted nothing more than to prove to him I could be a submissive pet, as well as someone he could trust.

  “Open that sweet mouth,” he muttered.

  My lips parted, and I didn’t look away. Our connection remained intact. Hands on the floor, ass arched up into the air, I slowly moved my mouth forward. Before I felt his cock enter my mouth, Riley let out a pained moan of inner pleasure.

  I made sure to give it to him slow. And soft. At the end of the day, I knew why he wanted me. I was the other half to his dark side. When I felt weak, I could depend on him. And when he felt lost, he could come to me and look for guidance.

  His cock grew larger inside of my mouth. I inhaled through my nose and pushed my head forward, groaning with pleasure. I moved my tongue in zig-zag motions, knowing how much I was satisfying him, the guy who saved me the day I arrived here. His mouth suddenly dropped open and he moaned, “Oh, Holden. You’re incredible at this.”

  I kept inching forward until he found the courage to push his palm against the back of my head. He thrust forward, pushing deeper. When I could taste the sweet hint of precum, he released me, sighing.

  “Fuck,” Riley groaned. I wondered how fast his heart was beating. I bet he was about to cum. He couldn’t let himself blow just yet. He wanted more time with me. He wanted to make the first time as special as he could.

  “I know you want to fuck me,” I whispered, sliding back on the bed. I spread my legs slowly. “So do it. Take all of me.”

  I leaned back and watched as Riley’s body lowered over mine. He kissed the crook of my neck, sending powerful shivers throughout my body. I reached around his back and held him as he kissed me all over. His hand groped around my chest, finally pinching my nipple lightly.

  “God, yes,” I moaned.

  I couldn’t believe it. This stranger who picked me up when I was at my lowest was now bringing me to new depths I never thought I could find. I was in heat—we both knew what that meant. I was fertile as a fucking bunny rabbit. When he lifted his head up, he whispered, “Let’s loosen you up a little.”

  I wanted him to explore my body. His body slunk to the front of the bed until his knees dropped to the floor. Forcing my thighs into the air, he pulled me forward and spread my legs. “I’m going to enjoy this,” he said.

  He began kissing the backside of my thighs. Unable to hold back any longer, I took my cock in my hand, surprised at how hard I already was. I stroked intensely, finally feeling his tongue against my hole.

  “That’s right. Rim me,” I moaned. I had never said those words in my life. I had never felt comfortable enough to. Riley brought out a side of me that was uncontrollable. And the urges I felt inside of my body were only growing stronger.

  His tongue pulsed against my tight rim, hands steadily gripping my cheeks apart. “Mmm,” he groaned. “You taste so fucking good.”

  He smacked my ass hard. I felt the resonating pain turn into pleasure and creep up my cheeks. He pulled back and looked me directly in my eyes. He placed his hands around my cock and started stroking for me.

  “Wait,” he whispered. “Let me get something.”

  Standing back and breathing intensely, he turned toward his bedside drawer. Reaching inside, he pulled out the necessary lube. “Lay back and enjoy this,” he said.

  I felt the cold drops of lube fall onto my body, dripping from my cock to my ass. I held my breath and watched as his hands caressed around my tight balls and throbbing cock. There was nothing to do, but let go.

  “Breathe,” he whispered.

  Slowly, he warmed up my hole with his index finger. He slid it inside me. My omega spot immediately throbbed with pleasure. “Oh, fuck,” I grunted.

  I felt wild and uncontained, and Riley saw the look of hunger in my eyes. He instantly knew he could take it further with me. Slowly, Riley slithered in his middle finger, teasing me open. In and out, he moved, careful not to inch too fast.

  When he slid back out, I took control. “Stand back and watch me as you stroke your cock,” I said. “I want you nice and hard for me.”

  I was loosening up, albeit slowly. But within a few minutes, I would be ready for him. In the corner of the room was a solitary chair. He sat down and kept his eyes fixed on me.

  “You like feeling a little submissive. Don’t you?” Riley asked.

  My eyes widened with intensity. My mouth dropped open. “Yes, Riley. I do,” I said, sliding in two fingers, while gripping my cock at the same time.

  “Put a third one in,” he said.

  “Fuck,” I moaned. The third finger slipped inside surprisingly easy. I was ready for him, and he knew it. But he enjoyed watching me, knowing that I would soon be his.

  “Are you sure you can handle this?” he asked, gesturing down to his cock. He was thick. Part of me didn’t know the answer, but I was sure willing to find out.

  I nodded my head without saying any words. Then, he walked over to me. He tilted my head forward until my lips wrapped around his cock. He moaned loudly and pulled back out. “Fuck.” He took another deep breath. “I’m done waiting. I need you now.”

  I sat up on my knees and turned around for him. I waited while staring at the white bed sheets, until I felt one hand push against my lower back, while his other moved in between my legs, gripping my hard cock.

  Then, I felt him. I really felt him. His cock pushed against my hole. The pressure was astounding, but it felt good. He moved in so deep that I had to grab onto the bedpost to secure myself from falling.

  “There we go,” he whispered. “I’ve been waiting to feel your warm hole for far too long.”

  “Keep going,” I said, barely able to speak. “I want to feel your balls smack against my taint.”

  That seemed to set something off inside of Riley because he started to
move much faster than before. His hand slowly moved up my back, gripping my shoulder blade. He pulled me in, forcing himself deeper, until I felt his tight balls hit my taint.

  He was already moving faster than expected, thrusting with total power. I let myself give into him, finally feeling fully submissive. In my own life, I wanted complete control. In the bedroom, I wanted to let all of that go away. I wanted to spin out, endlessly into the darkest corners of my mind. I wanted him to feel like he was a fucking king.

  “More!” I screamed.

  The whole trailer rocked back and forth. I was glad there weren’t any other houses around. Out here, we were alone. We had this whole place to ourselves. And that meant we could do whatever the hell we wanted.

  I let him slide out of me again. For the third time, he was so close to cumming. “You’re killing me,” he whispered through grit teeth. “I’m going to fucking cum if I keep fucking you like this.”

  I turned around and grinned. “You want to cum inside this omega. Don’t you?” I asked. He nodded, eyes watering with pleasure and lustful satisfaction. We had brought out a side of ourselves we never thought possible, and it was all based around one thing: trust.

  “I want to feel your hole take my load,” he said, biting his lip.

  I reached in between my legs and took hold of my cock. I started to stroke it, feeling myself ride on the edge. “What are you waiting for?” I asked.

  For a brief moment, we just locked eyes. We knew the risk. If we did this, it would be hard to turn back. “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “I’m sure, Riley,” I said. “Are you?”

  He nodded. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. Been waiting for someone to come here and snap me out of my daze. Now, that you’re here, I can barely believe it.”

  “Think about it for a second. We can wait,” I said.

  “As soon as you got here, your heat activated. There’s no waiting. I want to feel you. All of you,” Riley said.

  He leaned forward and kissed me. Our lips curled around one another’s. I could taste the slight hint of whiskey on his breath. He pulled me in closer. All I could feel was an intense emotional connection, and his hand on the back of my head.


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