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InSpire (Spire Chronicles Book 1)

Page 19

by April Wood

  “I guess it worked then,” he calmly stated.

  “That’s it?”

  “Should I have more of reaction?” he asked.

  “I did.”

  “Lucky for you, I am not a woman. I don’t think with my heart. I use my head,” he replied.

  “Yes whichever one is speaking the loudest.”

  “True,” he chuckled.

  “That isn’t really all,” Athena stated. She was trying to figure out how to tell me. Then it dawned on her that he might already know.

  “Do you want me to dig for it? Or shall I ease your mind by telling you what I know?” He quirked up an eyebrow at her. She looked at him for a moment. Then he patted his lap and she came over and sat down.

  “What you are trying to tell me is Johan isn’t your legitimate brother, but your brother none the less?”


  “And your Aunt isn’t really your aunt?”


  “I told you once before that being Lord Malaicolm’s personal guard was a position that only a few were picked for. He was extremely private. The matters we saw we were sworn to secrecy. Who do you think would sneak her in and out of the castle? She is your aunt but not in a blood way. She was adopted to that family. It makes her family,” he explained.

  “Will anything I find out ever surprise you?”

  “Maybe,” he laughed and touched her nose.

  “You are too much.”

  “Now that we have that all settled, shall we go in for dinner?”



  They awoke the next day early. The pressure to make sure the family was happy seemed to be almost too much for Athena. It had her waking before the sun and cleaning every room even though the servants kept it spotless.

  Athena sat on her throne bouncing Bowen while Darian sat beside her. She reached over and took Darian’s hands. Her nerves were damn near uncontrollable. She hoped her family approved of her and she hoped Sacha and Torin didn’t show. It was almost too much for her to process. She looked up just in time to see Liz gliding into the room. The rest of the aunts and uncles were tight on her heals. They looked a little leery, but they were family.

  “Your Majesties, I would like to introduce Lady Kathleen, Sir Marcus, Lady Melodius, and Sir Josiah.” They all stepped forward as she called their names. They waited until she finished to all bow to Athena in unison.

  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you all.” She stood and handed Bowen over to Darian. She bowed to them knowing they were royalty too. The advisors gasped, but she didn’t care.

  “It’s our pleasure,” Josiah said in a very deep voice. That sent shivers up her spine. His voice was close in intonation to Dorians. Josiah was a manly man. He stood well over six feet tall, had grey hair, grey eyes and muscles in all the right spots.

  “We have prepared a meal for you, if you would follow me.” Athena glided passed them as eloquently as she could manage. They bowed and followed her to her private apartment. She had dinner set up in her own dining room. Darian and Athena checked it over very carefully an hour ago. She wanted to be able to speak freely with her family.

  Athena took her place at the head of the table and let the others figure out where they would sit. She wasn’t going to force them to sit anywhere. She thought conversation would work better if they were comfortable. She slid into her seat and watched as they followed in unison.

  “I want you all to feel free to speak as you like in this room. We are all family here.”

  Melodius blew out a sigh and said, “Good because I hate formality.”

  “We know, Mel.” Liz didn’t hide her curtness. She liked all things to be in order and the way they should be. Apparently Mel was the opposite.

  “It’s good to see you back.” Kathleen’s voice was almost too quiet to hear.

  “Thanks. I’m glad to be back.”

  “We thought you were lost to us forever.” Marcus’s voice wasn’t as deep as Josiah but it still carried the same tone her father had. He looked a lot like her father as well. Athena teared up every time she looked at him.

  “If it weren’t for Darian, you would have.” Athena let out a sigh remembering how he found her. She looked over at him just in time to see a smile creeping across his face.

  “Many thanks to you, Darian once again.” Marcus last statement confused Athena. She made a mental note to ask Darian later what once again meant.

  “I hope we can be as united as you were with my father,” Athena said, standing and raising a glass. She saw the others stand then felt ripped from the ground. Whatever had her was moving with such speed that she couldn’t focus her eyes. She tried to look at what was holding her hands above her head, but she couldn’t see through the tears.

  She tried not to let panic take her. Too many questions floated through her head with absolutely no answers.

  They carried her for what felt like miles. When her feet finally touched the ground she knew where she was. They were outside the cave the royal family used. She wiped her eyes and tried to get her bearings. When her hands moved away from her face they were instantly placed in cuffs.

  “I think you should keep in mind that we just took you from your own castle before you think about trying to get away.”

  She didn’t recognize the voice. It was male but he said we, so there had to be someone else. She blinked her eyes. She knew the people standing in front of her as surely as she knew the ones in her dining room. This was Torin and Sasha. She would stake her life on it.

  “What do you want?”

  “Power of course.” Sasha’s voice reminded her of a hooker. She tried too hard to be seductive and alluring. Athena’s father was right to banish this one. She was damaged goods at best.

  “I can give you none.”

  “You can give it all to us. All we have to do is give you over to Olivia.” Torin was standing toe to toe with Athena. His eyes were blood red and his hair was gone. She had never seen a bald Prin. It was almost amusing enough to make her laugh, but she thought better of it.

  “Olivia will give you nothing but grief then death.”

  “She can get rid of you!” Sasha hissed at Athena putting her ugly long finger in her face. Now that she could see her, there was no doubt why her father thought of her the way he did. She was wearing a skin tight bright pink mini skirt. Her top was so tight her nipples were protruding. The few strands of bleach blonde hair on her head wouldn’t have covered a Barbie doll. She was a whore, no doubt.

  “What makes you so sure?” Athena raised her eyebrow much like her father used to when he was challenged. It gave them both a startle to see it. Good. They should fear her.

  “You bluff,” Torin replied.

  “Do I?” She couldn’t hold back the snicker that came out. These two arrogant assholes actually think they had a chance. Athena was determined to kill everyone, even herself, before Olivia ever touched her.

  “We should take her through now,” Sasha said, grabbing Torin’s arm.

  “Calm yourself, sister. She is bluffing. There is no way she would walk away from Olivia.”

  “Who said anything about me walking away? I don’t think you will.” A smile crossed Athena’s face, but it wasn’t from happiness. She felt the darkness creeping in and taking hold of her. It would normally scare her, but in this instance she would embrace it.

  “Shut up!” His hand was across her face faster than Athena could blink. He drew blood at the corner of her mouth.

  “That was a mistake!” She spat the blood on the ground and let the vibration radiate up from the ground through her chest.

  “You can’t do anything to me!” he spat right in her face.

  The next move came so quickly Athena wasn’t sure how she accomplished it. Her left leg swung up until her toes collided with his face. She heard the bones in his nose shatter and then blood began to pour out of it. Athena smiled at the damage inflicted on his pompous ass.

  “You bitch!” Sasha’s fist slammed into Athena’s gut. Momentary worry for her baby flooded her and then was quickly followed by rage. The cuffs fell from her wrists with one surge of power. The next surge found the two pinned against the wall. She walked toward them grinning maniacally.

  “Now I will give you what you deserve,” she hissed in Torin’s face. She waited for the fear to register in the depths of his eyes. It only took a moment for it to find its way there.

  “The mistake you made is assuming I give a damn about you or her. I am not my father. You mean nothing to me!” By now Athena’s eyes were glowing bright red. The rage had taken her completely. She put her hand out and created a blade of sheer energy. She moved in closer so there was nothing but the breath between them. “You should have never messed with me.” She drove the make shift blade into the center of his sternum. Pulling it down and to the right, a hole appeared. Licking her lips, she stuck her hand inside his chest. Her hands encase his heart. It was beating still but it was growing weaker. Teasing her prey, she gave it a small squeeze. He released a howl of pain. Her thighs were starting to get wet. This was turning her on. Her right hand dropped out of his chest and slid down in between her legs. Stroking her need with her right hand, she ripped his heart of his chest with her left. Her body came hard against her hand as his dead heart hit the ground.

  Sasha was screaming witnessing the death of her brother. Slowly stalking her way over to Sasha, Athena wanted her fear to grow. The fear was what fed the sexual desire. She could already sense another orgasm was on its way. Face to face with Sasha, Athena licked her face sensually with her tongue. Sasha was disgusting, but her heat knew no bounds.

  “Kill me, don’t fuck me you sick bitch!”

  “I’ll show you sick!” Athena brought her arm back to use the blade on Sasha’s most intimate parts only to have a hand grab it. Athena spun around expecting to attack whoever was there. Her eyes dropped the rage and anger as soon as they registered Darian’s form.

  “That’s enough!” His voice was stern but not violent. She collapsed in his arms exhausted.

  “Take her into custody,” he ordered. Athena couldn’t think.

  “I’m so sorry,” she cried into his shoulder.

  “For what?” he said, stroking her hair.

  “I’m a disgusting whore.”

  “You are not a whore. She is!”

  “Did you see what I did to Torin?”

  “No, but the heart on the ground suggests it was much like what you did to Ubrene.” He started moving us forward. They needed to get back to the castle but Athena was still feeling ashamed.

  “I got off on it,” she whispered.

  “What do you mean?” he asked still pushing us toward the castle.

  “I mean I rubbed myself while I pulled his heart out. I didn’t take it out until I felt the orgasm take my body.”


  “So you see why I say I am a whore?”

  “Did he pay you for sex?” His question stumped her a little.


  “Then you aren’t a whore. Stop calling yourself that,” he demanded. They stopped so he could wipe the tears off of her face. She was stunned by how loving he was after all she had done. She knew she had this in her, but it was a shock to see it in motion.

  “Why?” Athena’s eyes roll back in her head. Darian grabbed her before she hit the ground. He was getting very adept at doing so.

  “Is she alright?” Liz’s voice was a comfort for Athena, but she couldn’t quite hear it. It was like she was a mile away.

  “She has slept since we brought her back, three days ago.”

  “You of all people should understand she needs time to process such big events in her life,” Liz chastised Darian.

  “I can hear you.” Athena doesn’t open her eyes but her words are very clear.

  “We know.” Liz moved over to the bed and sat down beside Athena. She grabbed her hand and gave it a good squeeze.

  “I killed him.”

  “I know, dear.”

  “What about her?” Athena opened her eyes and glanced at Liz. Her hair was tied back in tight braid. It made her look several years younger. She was wearing a metal armor breast plate over her red gown. She looked fit for war.

  “She will be dealt with soon enough.”

  “What’s with the armor? Did more happen?” Athena tried to push herself up on the pillows and found it very difficult. She looked down to see her belly was now protruding. “How did this happen?”

  “First of all, nothing else happened. I haven’t changed since you were taken. We were prepared to go to war to get you back. Secondly, the amount of power you tapped when you killed Torin had an impact on your baby. You are now only days away from delivery.” Her hand covered Athena’s. The shock went from bad to worse. Now she couldn’t form words.

  “Will she deliver okay?” Darian asked, taking a seat at Athena’s vanity.

  “The baby is just fine. She simply grew much faster than normal.”

  “So it is a girl. I knew it,” Darian said, jumping up and clapping his hands together.

  “It is.”

  “For that reason, Athena, the doctor has ordered you to bed rest. He doesn’t want the baby to come any faster than she is already. I can’t believe it’s a girl. Sabine is her name.”

  “So I get no say in our daughter’s name?” Darian had discussed this name several times with Athena. Secretly it was her favorite, but she wanted to make him suffer a little.

  “No.” He smiled triumphantly then came over to help her sit the rest of the way up. He plumped up the pillows behind her and then sat back down on the vanity.

  “So what will happen to Sasha?” Athena wanted to finish her job, but hoped they had done it for her. The shame still bothered her.

  “We haven’t decided. I advised it would be best to wait for your decision as you are the one who was kidnapped.” Darian was confidant once again.

  “Good. Tell them I want her killed in the most drawn out and painful manner they can devise.” Athena felt the rage licking at her toes then the baby kicked her. Apparently she had enough excitement for a while. She breathed deep to calm herself.

  “I will leave you to rest,” Liz said, kissing Athena’s cheek and ducking out the door. Athena sat there on her bed pondering how her life kept coming up with all these interesting and sadistic turns.


  “Is it finished?” Two days had passed since Liz told Athena she was having a girl. She was ordered to bed rest. Sitting in the one room had made her very anxious. She wanted to know everything going on outside her four walls the minute anyone entered her room.

  “It is.” Darian sat on the bed beside her and then bent over to kiss the baby bump.


  “You want details?”

  “Of course.” She rubbed her belly a few times. Athena thrived on the gory details. She couldn’t leave the room so filling her in was a must. The information Darian brought her was all the new she would usually get. It was important to her to know what happened to her would be assassin.

  “They started by putting her on the rack.” He got up and walked over to the closet. She watched him intently as he undressed. She wanted him so bad, but that would definitely be breaking the rules.


  “She was stretched until her bones started to crack. Then they took a blade and cut her abdomen. They reached in and pulled her organs out one at a time until she stopped breathing. Then she was beheaded.” He came out of the closet in pajamas ready for bed.

  “Good. At least she suffered.”

  “You can be truly sadistic,” he said, climbing into bed.

  “That is not all I can be.” She was rubbing his bare chest with her hand.

  “You know the doctor said no.”

  “They said no before and we did it.”

  “And look what happened,” he replied, rubbing her belly.

ell I don’t think it’s going to happen again.” She couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Maybe not, but I won’t risk your health to sate my selfish needs.”

  “It’s not just your needs we are talking about here.” She took his hand and put it between her thighs. She pushed his fingers into her folds.

  “I see.”

  “Now will you help me?” she asked, batting her eye lashes at him.

  He doesn’t answer with words. His fingers started circling her clit. She laid back on her pillow content to let him relieve her. She closed her eyes to concentrate on the feeling. Then she split. Not now. Her soul was being pulled away from her body.

  “Nice to see you again!” Olivia hissed.

  “What the hell?”

  “I see you dispatched my allies easy enough.” Athena tried to get her barring but the pleasure her body was getting was distracting.

  “As I will you.”

  “You think you can?”

  “I know I can.” Athena tried to show her confidence but her body was coming closer to orgasm.

  “I will be giving you your chance soon enough.”


  Athena let out a cry as her body and soul joined back together. She’d reached her climax without even being in the room. Her legs were shaking. She knew what had just happened would have to be explained, but first she would please her husband.

  “My turn.”

  She rolled over onto her knees and found her way in between his legs. She took his shaft in her hand and gave it a squeeze. She put her lips around him and sucked him down. Sucking on him brought up the need in her loins again. His left hand trailed over her round belly and toward her clit. The harder she sucked on him, the harder he rubbed her clit. He gripped her hair letting her know he was about to come. That made her intensify her actions. Seconds later his warm fluid was traveling down her throat as his fingers were coated in her slick juices. Completely sated she rolled back over on her back.

  “There no rules were broken.”


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