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Diesel (Devil's Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club Book 1)

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by Hampton, Sophia

  Putting her hands on the bed, she leaned back. He straddled her. His head bent and his mouth captured her nipple. Hot coils and loops of passion skidded along her skin when he flicked his tongue over it. Feeling delirious with need, she arched her back. He gorged on her nipples and she writhed under him. Her fingers speared over his back and it was nice to feel his muscles bunch and flex.

  He was simply too good.

  Tania was used to being in charge when she made love to a man but it was obvious that he liked to be in control. And, for a change, she quite enjoyed the way he took over. His fingers skipped and kneaded over her skin and every fiber of her body came alive. His hand slipped down and his thumb brushed over her clit.

  The storm that already swelled inside her peaked. Grabbing his hair, she kept his mouth pinned to her nipple while his finger slid in and out of her hot, velvety center. The need was too great. She thrust up her hips in an effort to find release and, as if understanding her need, he pressed down hard on her clit. The orgasm that thundered through her muscles made her scream out loud. She shuddered and twisted her head from side to side.

  Rising over her, he removed his finger. It was slick with her wetness. When he joined her on the bed again, she put her arms around his neck. Her breasts heaved as she struggled to control her breath. She should’ve been exhausted, but she was hungry for more. It was her turn to please him. Tania felt the need to even the score. Sliding her fingers over his lean, hard torso, she groped between his thighs and found his hard cock.

  He raised his head and gazed into her eyes. “You’re driving me crazy, sweetheart.”

  Was she? Although she was never hesitant in bed, Tania felt as if she were doing this for the first time. Everything felt new and fresh. Their eyes remained locked as she stroked his cock. A pulse beat at the base of his throat. Up and down, she pumped. Just as she thought he was about to come, he slid out of her grasp and slipped up her torso. His beautiful, long penis brushed over her lips. The scent of his arousal hit her nostrils and she sucked in a deep breath. Tania opened her mouth to receive it. She wanted to please him the same way he did her.

  Hovering over her, he pushed his cock deep in her throat. She ran her tongue over it, caressing and fondling until he began to pant. With her fingers, she rubbed his balls, wanting him to come inside her. She wanted to taste him. Just as she thought it was about to come, he pulled out his shaft.

  She groaned. “No!”

  Before she could figure out as to what he was up to, he slipped down her torso, parted her legs with his hands, and slid inside her pussy. Tania groaned out loud. She loved it. Her muscles clenched and unclenched as her sheath stretched to accommodate him. A gasp escaped her lips as he stroked in and out. Over and over, he slammed into her with enough force to make her squeal. Every time he pushed his cock deep, a low growl escaped his lips. His lips tightened as he fought to find the release that he needed just as much as her.

  Together they rocked and moved in unison. Swirls and coils of desire and need looped in and around her body while she was carried higher and higher on the tempest that brought her to the pinpoint of insanity. She couldn’t take the assault anymore.

  She wanted the release that would free her from this delicious torture. Just as she clenched the bed sheets with her hands and arched her body, the second orgasm rippled through her muscles. She shuddered and screamed as it hit all her senses. Her toes curled. Her body jerked and, at the same instant, he came inside her with a loud cry. She felt his semen spill inside her.

  He fell on top of her, but instead of crushing her with his weight, he put his elbows on the bed and held his body rigid. Even in this time, he could think about her. The realization sent a jolt of pleasure through her gut.

  Shit! What had she done?

  When he was her enemy, she could do whatever she wanted and not regret any move, but now he was her lover. Earlier, she’d thought that once they did it, she would get over this weird attraction, but clearly this wasn’t going to happen.

  She was wrong. Totally wrong. There was no way she could push this man out of her life now. He was here to stay – and Tania didn’t know what to do about this situation.

  Chapter Four

  Riley sat on the conference table in a renowned hotel with the rest of his gang. The board members summoned him for an update and he was slightly nervous. Sure, he wanted to create the right impression, but, at the same time, he was a little apprehensive. They seemed to be on edge, and he wasn’t sure about the reason for it. Something about the meeting was off today. He didn’t like the fact that he was called with such urgency. Why were they in such a hurry to acquire that warehouse? Surely, there was more to this story than what they were telling him. He didn’t like surprises. What the hell were they planning?

  “When do you expect to get hold of that warehouse?” asked Mark. He was the oldest member of the board and held a lot of sway over the others. If he got Riley off this assignment, he wouldn’t be able to achieve his objectives. “We were expecting to take possession this week.”

  “I’m working on it. Xavier has already given the go ahead,” he said. “But the paperwork has to be completed and we’ve initiated the process. Unfortunately, there is another bidder who is very determined to acquire the same property.”

  “Who is it?”

  “The estate agents Brin and Co, and their agent Tania is on the case.”

  “She is of no consequences. Xavier has assured that he is willing to transfer the property the minute we make the payment.”

  “But you haven’t cleared the advance.” They were acting particularly cagey about the funds that the company owned. He’d expected to be given clearance to the bank account so he could close the deal, but it seemed that they were keeping their cards close to their chest. He didn’t like it. Something was up.

  He couldn’t put his finger on it, but it bothered him. He wasn’t sure how Tania would react when she discovered that he went behind her back and closed the deal. He wanted her to be on board with this plan. She was a good woman, and he didn’t want her to feel that he short-charged her. Sure, he told her that the deal would go through with Xavier, but it wouldn’t be nice if he went ahead and didn’t tell her. Not that he owed her anything. Why the hell was he thinking like this?

  “The money will be handed over to Xavier soon enough.”

  Riley wasn’t sure about Xavier, the manager of the place. He assured them that he could talk to the owners and get the paperwork signed in their favor, but if Tania offered more, he might change his mind. “It should be done soon. Otherwise, Xavier might turn over to Tania,” he told them. “If you give me the money, I will take care of this. After they have gotten an advance, no one would be able to shake the deal.”

  “Don’t worry about that aspect,” said Mark. “We’ve got it covered. You just concentrate on completing the paperwork.”

  Damn it! He would have to tell Tania about it. If he didn’t, she would think that he seduced her to keep her off track and then closed the deal. “Sure, all right.”

  After Riley left the hotel, he went straight for Tania’s agency. She was one of the hotshot agents, but he was aware that she needed this deal quite badly. The account she was trying to take over was one of the most lucrative clients of the company and if she lost them, her career would be on the line. When he walked into the office and gave his name to the receptionist, Riley wasn’t sure about the welcome he would get.

  Before he made love to her, he’d assumed that it would be a one night thing. But the minute it was all over, he knew that there was no way he could leave this woman alone. She was perfect for him in every way. He loved her sheer guts, her courage, and her sharp intelligence. Of course, she was hot, too. If he lost her, he wouldn’t get another woman quite like her. How could he convince her that he was serious after the bad impression that he made during their first meeting?

  “Please go up, sir. First room to the left,” said the receptionist after she talked to Tania
on the intercom. “Ms. Mathew is expecting you.”

  Riley sauntered in her office a few minutes later. Like her personality, the office was done in sharp hues and gave a rich vibe. His gaze traveled over the steel gray rug, the two picture frames that adorned her desk, and the cabinets that lined the wall. Not a paper or file was out of place. He could imagine that she used the same ruthless efficiency to organize this place that she employed during her business meetings.

  The woman who stood to greet him was as gorgeous as he remembered. Seeing her clad in a sky-blue suit, he recalled the way her skin flushed under his hands. His mouth salivated at the thought of her firm, heavy breasts that fit into his hands so perfectly that it seemed as if they were made for him.

  Seeing him, she raised her eyebrows. “Riley, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “Came here to give you some information that you might consider vital,” he drawled. Walking over, he pulled out a chair and sat. “Xavier has given his nod to my people. We’re on our way to close the deal.”

  “But…” she sputtered. “He told me he is still talking to the owners.”

  Riley sighed. This is exactly what he was afraid of. Xavier was playing both sides very nicely, probably in order to win a better commission. “He has got a vested interest to play us both,” he said. “After all, the more desperate you are to win this, the greater his commission.”

  She chewed her bottom lip and sat opposite him. “Why are you telling me?”

  “Obviously because I don’t want you to think I’m a complete asshole. I want to close this deal as much as you, but I have got certain standards, and one of them is not to cheat the woman I like.”

  She shifted her phone from one side of the desk to another. “Like? I thought I was the enemy.”

  “I’ve changed my mind,” he said. “You’re no longer the enemy.”

  “Wow! I am so touched,” she said in a sarcastic tone. “Thank you.”

  Riley sighed. He wasn’t doing this right. Leaning forward, he put his hands on the desk. “Listen, Tania. We can butt heads over this, but that’s not the way to go. I like you a lot…and I wanted to see where this mutual attraction takes us.”

  “Mutual attraction?”

  “Come on, sweetheart. I am not a fool and neither are you. We can do something great here, together, but if you are hell bent on not accepting your feelings, there isn’t much I can do.”

  She stood and walked over to the window. Tania stared out as if she were deep in thought. Riley kept quiet. He wanted her to give him another chance, but he couldn’t force her. Instead, he wanted her to accept him. This could be something great and amazing, but she needed to make it happen.

  Finally, she turned around to face him. “What are you offering?”

  “A normal relationship. Dinner. Cinema. Walks. Whatever you want.”

  “And what about this deal?”

  “As I said, it’s out of my hands. Xavier is going to make the final decision.”

  She walked back over and sat. “But I am not going to let up on the deal.”

  “You can keep talking to him if that’s what you want, but I would suggest we wait for him to get back.” He tapped his fingers on the desk. “The more we both pursue him, the harder he will try to play us against each other. Let’s just sit tight and wait for him to respond to one of our offers. The minute he contacts me with an offer, I will tell you and vice versa. He might come with a revised amount or he might accept an offer.”

  “So we don’t contact him again…neither one of us.”

  “Yeah, that’s the deal.” Riley didn’t think it was a good idea to turn this into a war. He’d made his offer. Xavier would respond in time when the owner gave his go ahead. He didn’t have any intention of cheating Tania and going over her head. He hoped that Xavier would make this decision soon and put them out of their collective misery, but, until then, he was willing to wait.

  She leaned forward and gazed into his eyes as if she wanted to judge the authenticity of his emotions. Finally, she nodded. “It’s a deal.”

  With a woman, Riley was never unsure. He was always on top of things, but right now, she made him feel like a desperate school boy. “So we…are good? You and I?”

  “Yes, we are.”

  “How about we go out for a date then? Dinner?”

  For a moment he thought she was about to shake her head, but then she smiled. “Sure, why not? Pick me up at seven from the office.”

  Riley resisted the urge to pump his arm in a victorious gesture. He was surprisingly upbeat about this whole venture. Sure, there were some hiccups such as they were still at loggerhead over this warehouse deal, but, other than that, he didn’t foresee any trouble in his love life. It was so long since he dated a woman rather seriously but he was actually excited about being with Tania. With her looks and the brain that worked at the speed of lightning, he anticipated a great beginning for them up ahead. “I will do so, sweetheart.” He stood. Riley spared a glance at the photos she’d displayed on the desk. “Your kids?”

  “I don’t have any. Never been married or engaged, if that’s also what you want to ask. These are my nephews, my sister’s kids. They live in Chicago.”

  “Never been married or engaged? What? Do you have something against men? Just asking so that I am more prepared for our time up ahead.”

  She gave him a long stare out of her sensuous eyes. Man! He could drown in their depths. He sure could take all the time in the world to just look at her and admire the many hues and colors that were reflected in them. “I just haven’t found a man who can hold my interest for that long.”

  He snapped his fingers. “Well, I love challenges, so let me see if we can change that.”

  The smile that flitted over her lips was spontaneous. He could see a brief swirl of admiration as she gazed at him. “You do have a very high opinion of yourself, don’t you?”

  “And I assure from the bottom of my heart that it’s a well deserved opinion.”

  She folded her arms over her chest. “We’ll have to see about that. You know, Riley, I’ve met many men, and I have to admit that you do intrigue me on many levels. First of all, you’re arrogant.”

  “Only a little bit,” he admitted, “but that’s because I am good at what I do.”

  “And you’re also a bit too smart.”

  “That’s a plus point, sweetheart. A lesser man wouldn’t have been able to hold your interest for this long.”

  She nodded her head as if to concede that point. “You’re most definitely great in bed.”

  Amused that she could see it out loud without breaking into a smile, he snapped his finger again. “Thanks. Never got any complaints and I’ve to admit that you’re quite dynamite in bed, too.”

  “We all do what we can.” She inspected her fingernails. “But there is one thing that I detest in a man, and that’s his inability to tell the truth. We’ve tabled this warehouse thing for now, but I hope you won’t double cross me over it. Let Xavier decide whom he wants to pick and we will try to outbid each other in the open. There can’t be any funny deals behind my back. That’s going to close this particular chapter that we’ve opened just now.”

  Riley felt a faint fission of unease slide up his spine. He didn’t have a clue as to what the board was planning now. If they were secretly negotiating with Xavier and kept him out of the loop, he would look like a fool. But they wouldn’t do it. There was no reason for them to do something like that. He was their point man, and they trusted him. “Sure, sweetheart. That goes without saying.”

  She leaned back and put her hands on the desk. “In that case, I will see you sharp at seven. Bye, Riley. I am sure you will be able to find your way back out on your own.”

  He lifted a hand in salute and walked out. He looked forward to their date for the night. It was a good beginning. He quite liked Tania, and it would be nice to meet her in a friendly atmosphere and get to know the woman behind the power suit. It was definitely a promising begi

  Chapter Five

  Sharp on the dot, Riley was in front of her office again. She marched out, talking animatedly to some guy who was laughing at something she said. A hot lance of jealousy stabbed through his heart as the guy leaned forward and dropped a kiss on her cheek. Riley didn’t have any claim on her – and he knew that. They barely knew each other. One night of wonderful passion didn’t make a love story. Still, Riley took a deep breath to control his emotions as she strode forward. He was standing next to his bike.

  Looking at it, she raised an eyebrow. “Are we going on that?”

  He offered her a helmet. “I thought it might be a fun thing to do.”


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