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Beautiful Downfall

Page 12

by Scarlett Jade

  He looked at her with a smirk. “Wish I could, but you know the boss was going to mess up my frequency so I couldn't.”

  She sighed and pursed her lips. “You must think I'm stupid. You'll be trying. I have another place to take you first. Let's go get you clothes then we can go the last place. Which way to your crib?”

  He sighed. “We have to go into the Grief Angel section. I'm in a little place there.”

  Sarah smirked, “You do realize we are right around the corner from there, don't you?”

  He looked at her awkwardly. “Um, no.”

  She frowned. “You really don't get out much, do you? You really have been keeping your nose in work for too long. Come on.” She milled through the angels, stopping to talk to a young couple as she passed. He nodded politely and tried not to fidget. He really wanted to get all of this done. He had no idea how long had passed since he had seen Camille. It could have been another month or two, just a few more days, a few hours. Absolutely frustrating. The cobblestone street turned to the right just ahead, and they followed it past some more small brick shops and houses. He saw the Grief Angels section just ahead, a row of grey stone buildings that were squat and square, depressing in appearance with vines growing up the sides. Sarah shook her head. “No wonder you guys are all so stuck up. I would be all grumpy too living in this place. Ick.”

  He shrugged, “It suits our purposes when we need to rest, and gives us a place to store a few things. You wanna come in?” He took the wide stairs leading to the wooden door two by two. She nodded and followed him up. He pushed the heavy door open and started down the dusky corridor.

  “This is really gloomy. No chicks live here, I guess?” She shuddered.

  “No, not really. Just us guys.” He took a left turn and walked up to door number eight. He turned the door knob and the door swung inward. His apartment was a typical bachelor mess, with clothes and books strewn on every available surface. “I haven't cleaned in a while.”

  Sarah closed the door behind her. “Obviously.” She stepped on a magazine and picked it up with a smirk. “Victoria's Secret? Really?”

  He shrugged. “I took care of one of the models that works for them.”

  Sarah held it out with two fingers and muttered, “Oh, eww.”

  He grimaced. “It was nothing like that.”

  Sarah smirked, “Sure it wasn't.”

  He growled low in his throat. “It wasn't. It never has been til Cami.”

  Sarah blinked. “Really? No angel girlfriends or anything?”

  He shook his head no as he rummaged through a pile of clothing on the big grey couch. “Nope. Can you turn around while I get dressed?” He pulled a pair of jeans out of the jumble of laundry and shook them out.

  “Yeah, definitely.” She turned and looked at the door.

  He yanked the robes off and heard something drop on the floor, it sounded like a clink. He pulled his jeans on then zipped and buttoned them before looking down by his feet to locate the source of the noise. “I'm decent. Did you hear that clink?” He kicked the robe around with his foot.

  “Yeah I did. What do you think it was?” She turned around and grimaced. “No shirt?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Oh please. You've seen worse.”

  She stuck her tongue out. “Maybe so, but not on my brother. Eww.” She stepped closer. “Why don't you actually pick stuff up and see what it was.”

  “Nah, it was probably nothing.” He turned to find a shirt.

  “It could have been anything. Get out of the way Big Foot so I can look.” She pushed him and he stumbled forward, tripping over the edge of his clunky brown coffee table.

  “Oww! Was that necessary?” He rubbed his foot.

  Sarah was shaking out clothing in search of the mysterious clink. “Yeah. Either shut up and help me look or get out of the way. I'm curious now.” She shifted his robe and went silent. “Oh shit, Casey.”

  He had picked out a shirt and was pulling it over his head. “What is it?” He fell silent seeing what was in Sarah's hand; it was a ring that he hadn't seen in a very long time. “It's her ring.”

  Sarah nodded. “It is the ring that was Granny's and Mom sold it. I wonder how she got it back? You know what this is for right? She must have stuck it in your pocket when you didn't pay attention!” Her eyes were feverishly bright.

  “My pinky?” He held it out like someone drinking tea.

  She rolled her eyes. “Be serious.”

  He smirked. “It is yours.”

  Sarah frowned. “Whatever. I'll hold it for now.” She stuck the ring in her pocket as she stood. “Can you hurry up? I need to take you somewhere.”

  He pulled some sneakers on and ran a hand through his messy dark hair. “Yeah, we can go.”

  Sarah huffed. “You really want to look like that?”

  He looked down at his slightly wrinkled turquoise polo shirt and low slung faded jeans. “Yeah. I'm comfortable.”

  She pursed her lips. “You really have no fashion sense.”

  He shrugged. “You got all that, baby sister.”

  She walked to the door and opened it. “We are going to be late.” He followed her out of the apartment, down the murky corridor and out into the shade.

  “So what's with all this cryptic bullshit. Tell me where we are going.” He jammed his hands into his jeans as he followed hot on Sarah's heels.

  She looked back quickly, rolling her dark eyes. “You always need to know everything, don't you? Just come with me for once without being a pain in my ass.”

  He rolled his eyes back at her and sighed. “You got it.”

  She flitted down the street, waving and saying hello to everyone. He felt like the third wheel in her one woman band. She took a right turn down a small side street and looked back at him. “We are nearly there!”

  “Nearly where?” He grumbled. She ignored him as they passed a few stucco buildings with tiled roofs. He passed a lilac bush and breathed deeply It reminded him of Camille. “It's beautiful down here.” A few trees lined the street, lending dappled patches of shade to the manicured yards. He touched a white picket fence in front of an emerald green house. Cami's eyes look like that color sometimes, he mused. He wasn't paying attention and ran into Sarah's back. She jerked forward, nearly losing her balance.

  “Oww, Casey, watch where you are going! We are here.” She pointed at the emerald house. He looked closer at the charming abode, seeing the white clapboard shutters and the wrap around porch surrounded with roses of every shade.

  He blinked and looked at Sarah quickly. “We are where?”

  “You wanted to know everything about Camille, didn't you? This is where her parents live.” She opened the little gate at her hip and actually skipped up the pathway to the stairs leading to the door. He was frozen in place. “Come on, Casey.” His heart beat faster.

  “What?” His face broke into a grin.

  Sarah nodded. “Can you please come on?”

  He ran up the pathway, smoothing his hair as he stopped. “Now I see why you asked if I wanted to wear this,” he smoothed his hand down the front of his shirt, trying to push the wrinkles out.

  She rolled her eyes. “Maybe next time you will listen.” She climbed the stairs and rang the doorbell. A cuckoo bird rang out. “Her mom loves these silly doorbells.” She shook her head, laughing softly.

  The door opened and Casey stood face to face with Camille in thirty years. A woman with long baby fine black hair and full lips stood framed in the doorway. She had blue eyes instead of Cami's vivid green, but otherwise, he knew what Camille would look like. “Sarah, I'm so glad to see you.” She reached her long arms out and folded her into a hug. She looked up at Casey and smiled. “Hello, Casey. I'm Alicia and it is a pleasure to finally meet the man that my little girl is meant for.” She released Sarah and reached for him. “Give me a hug.”

  He went into her embrace awkwardly and patted her back. She smelled a little like cinnamon and lilacs. Sarah beamed. “Where is Do

  Alicia rolled her eyes and replied, “Out back playing in the garden, as always.” She stepped back from the door and held her arm out. “You two come inside and let me get us some tea. We have a lot to talk about, don't we?” Sarah nodded enthusiastically and stepped inside. He stepped over the threshold and into a house filled with Cami. On every available surface were pictures of her, from birth until adult. Emerald green curtains hung at the windows and green was mixed with shades of pink and brown for the decor. Sarah grabbed his hand and pulled him into a living room that featured a brown and green striped couch with floral pillows. She sat and pulled him until he sat beside her.

  “Relax, Casey.” He looked around nervously and focused his eyes on the two empty chairs, a his and hers pair, one was brown with a green stripe, the other was brown with a pink stripe. Everything flowed together beautifully and made his heart ache for Camille.She would love to see this.

  Alicia came in with a pitcher of iced tea on a tray with four glasses. She sat everything on the coffee table then flitted to the back door to yell for Donnie.“The kids are here!”She turned and moved back to the chair. She folded a leg under her as she sat.“You kids get you something to drink, okay?”Sarah moved to pour them all a glass of tea and she handed one to Alicia, who took it with a smile.“Thank you, Sarah.”

  A short and plump little man who was balding came in through the back door. His hands were damp from washing the dirt from them outside at the water hose and he was wiping them absentmindedly on his pants. He stood nervously, his heart thumping in his throat.“Hello, sir.”

  Donnie looked up, and his eyes were a muted green, nothing like the vivid color Cami had.“Hello, Casey.”He walked forward and shook his hand.“It is good too meet you.”He looked at Sarah and smiled.“As always it is wonderful to see you here, sweet girl.”She stood and he wrapped her in a hug. He took a glass of tea and everyone sat back down in silence.

  Sarah sighed and sat her drink down. She was good at breaking the ice, and break the ice she did.“Donnie and Alicia, Casey is here to ask for your permission to marry Camille.”

  Alicia's eyes filled with tears and she clapped happily, too moved to speak. Donnie grinned and nodded.“About time!”

  He looked at her like she'd suddenly sprouted a fire breathing dragon from her neck.“I am?”

  She shrugged.“It broke the ice.”

  Everyone laughed and then Alicia spoke up, wagging her finger at Sarah.“You are naughty.”

  She pulled the ring from her pocket.“Well, when he is ready to propose, he has the ring.”

  He ran a hand through his hair.“Will you stop, Sarah? I don't even know if she will still have feelings for me anymore. I think it is premature to jump the marriage gun. I don't even know how long I've been up here. My whole concept of time is screwed up.”

  Sarah pulled a phone from her pocket and flipped it open.“You've been up here four months.”

  Alicia smiled at him gently.“I know my Cami. When she is passionate about something, she holds on for dear life. I remember her talking about you as a baby. She loved you so very much. We understood why you had to go, but she held on to your memory for quite some time. I do not believe that four months will change her mind that much.”

  He hung his head and rubbed his temples.“Then I have God only knows how much more time. Great.”

  Sarah touched his hand.“You guys will make it.”She smiled softly.“Now is the perfect time to find out more about Cami, you know.”

  He nodded and looked at her parents.“I want to know everything. I watched the movie of her life, but I want to know basic things, like her favorite color and favorite food.”

  Alicia smiled brightly.“Oh, Cami's favorite color has always been azure blue, she says just like the beach sky. She loves macaroni and cheese, homemade, not boxed, with extra cheese. Her favorite book is Catcher in the Ryeand she loves falling asleep to Mozart. She cannot fall asleep without it. She loves when it storms and the beach is her favorite place to be. She loves ruby red roses and curling up with a good book on a winter's day. She hates football but loves soccer, and her dream has always been to become a photographer. She used to take my camera and take all kinds of pictures. Some of her stuff has been really good. She just needed a little more practice and drive in that direction. She was in college before we died and was learning about photography and design.”

  He smiled.“I always wondered about the beach. That is where we always met in her dreams. Alicia, you are a fantastic photographer. You really capture Cami's eyes. I've never seen a pictures that vibrant before.”He pointed to one picture in particular where her eyes were extremely vivid.

  Alicia smiled.“Camille's eyes are the window to her soul and she has always worn her feelings on her face. I will never forget the first time she told me about you. Her little face lit up and her eyes sparkled like no jewel ever could. I knew right then and there that she would love you all of her days.”

  He smiled softly.“One can only hope.”

  She nodded.“She will, Casey, my girl isn't fickle. She's as true blue as they come. Don't worry about her not waiting on you. There is too much history between the two of you for her to let it go.”

  Donnie nodded.“Camille is stubborn and won't give up that easily, Casey. Why, I remember one time as a kid, she saved every penny for a year to get this Barbie Dream House she wanted but we couldn't afford. She will stick it out with you.”

  They made small talk for a little longer when Sarah pulled out her phone again and smiled.“I think we need to head out now, Casey. Alicia and Donnie, as always, it is a pleasure.”She stood and hugged both of Cami's parents. He stood and shook Donnie's hand before being hugged by Alicia.

  “It was great to meet both of you. I see why Cami is special,”he whispered in Alicia's ear. She stepped back and beamed at him before patting his arm.

  “We see why she loves you, Casey. You are always welcome to come back and visit. We would love nothing more. Goodbye, kids.”He felt himself blush and he swallowed nervously as he moved to follow Sarah to the door. He felt like he left a part of him behind but got a new piece of Cami that helped fill the void.

  He sighed.“I want to go sleep. I am drained out.”

  Sarah flipped out her phone again and opened it as they walked back down the street.“Yeah, I bet you could use some sleep.”She walked with him back to his apartment building.

  “Thanks for everything, Sarah.”He pulled her into an awkward one armed hug.

  She smiled brilliantly.“Of course. I will see you tomorrow?”

  He nodded.“Yeah. I need to get up with the boss and see if he needs anything from me, plus I still need to finish those other two doors. No idea what they could be.”

  “Hmm.”Sarah replied.“Yeah, you probably should get on that. Can you wait until I come by tomorrow? I'll be here around lunch. I need to take you somewhere first. It won't take long.”She pulled her phone out again, punched a couple of buttons and smiled.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  “Me?”She blinked.“Nothing. Not a thing. Sweet dreams, big brother.”

  Part Three:

  Chapter One –Determination

  “Okay guys, I want one more great shot! The lighting is perfect. How about you two kiss? That would be a beautiful engagement shot!”The couple happily obliged, the setting sun a perfect backdrop for their love. She snapped a shot that they would cherish the rest of their lives. She smiled sadly and lowered her camera.“Guys, I think we got some great shots for you. Let me go home and do a little light editing on them and I'll get a CD of the pictures out to you by Friday. Will that work for you?”

  The enthusiastic couple nodded.“Camille, you are fantastic,”Linda gushed, touching her hand quickly.“I'd love to have you shoot the wedding as well, if you'd be willing.”She looked back at her fiance, Tom, eagerly.

  She put a bright smile on even though her heart felt like someone had stomped on it with excessive brute force.“O
f course, I'd love nothing more.”She unzipped her bag and slid the camera inside, focusing her mind on the zipper; trying to keep from crying.

  “Fantastic! We will get back to you with the finalized details!”Linda and Tom shook her hand and then the couple got in their car and left. She looked around the park where she had just spent the last hour making photographic memories of Linda and Tom's engagement for their friends and family. She looked at the sky, which was calming into rich shades of purple and orange and felt her eyes tear up.“Damn it, Casey. Times like this I really hate this fucked up situation we are in. It is killing me staying busy and not knowing where you are or even how you are. I have been waiting for you at the beach and I'll keep waiting for you until you come back to me.”She murmured, sighing. Finally she picked her equipment up and trudged back to Bertha, her heart heavy.

  Bertha had been fixed up recently and she ran like a champ. Camille opened the door that didn't squeal and smiled, remembering a time Casey had come to her in the car. She felt tears welling up again.“Fuck,”she whispered, sliding into the seat. She rested her head against the steering wheel, trying to calm her breathing before she turned the key in the ignition. Bertha purred to life with only one turn. The radio clicked on to her favorite 80s station and she buckled her seat belt before backing out of the parking lot and driving home. The ride was quiet because everyone was inside eating dinner. All the perfect families. She sighed, trying to lift her mood by turning up the fun song on the radio. It did little to lift her dejected mood.

  Things in the past four months had been tumultuous to say the least. The day after Casey left, she went to the cute diner that she and Sarah had been to and was sitting in the booth alone, drowning her tears in a stack of pancakes.

  Barb, Big Al's wife convinced her to apply for a waitress position. Big Al had been delighted to have her on board even though she'd had no experience. Big Al had been the one to fix Bertha up, claiming she needed a reliable vehicle to get to work, and Barb had been fantastic about teaching her the ropes as a waitress. She loved her job. She loved her customers and to them she was known as Salami Slim. She finally felt like she had a family there. It was a good feeling. Barb didn't know about Casey, of course, and had been trying to fix her up with every available guy in town. Camille just wasn't interested. She was still in love with him.


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