Beautiful Downfall

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Beautiful Downfall Page 14

by Scarlett Jade

  Camille smiled brilliantly and murmured,“I love you Casey Philips. I'm not letting you walk out of my life again.”She squeezed him tighter.“The last few months I have felt like I'm just treading water to keep from drowning and now you are here pulling me out of the water, saving me yet again.”She buried her face in his neck again, tears running down her cheeks in joy.

  He pulled back and tipped her face up.“You saved me too, Cami. You were meant for me all along.”His heart thudded against his ribs and he murmured,“If you keep looking at me like that, love, we won't be leaving the house today.”

  “Like what?”she breathed, raising a glorious dark eyebrow wickedly.

  “Like you want me to lay you back on that couch and lick you until you can't breathe then take you over and over until you can't move,”he growled softly.

  Her breath caught in her throat,“Well it's true, that's what I want, but I want coffee first.”

  His eyes went wide and he laughed,“I see how it is, coffee before sex.”

  She nodded,“I want coffee. I don't want to fall asleep on you.”

  He grinned.“Sweetheart, I can promise the last thing you will be doing while I make love to you is falling asleep.”She bit her lip and blushed, looking down.“Hey, what's wrong, baby?”He tipped her chin up again.

  Her eyes shone bright.“I wonder...”she paused, blushing hot again,“I wonder if it will feel different.”

  He throbbed behind his zipper.“I think if anything, it will feel better, you can only feel so much in a dream.”He took a breath to calm himself.“We need to go get breakfast so we can talk. We have the rest of our lives to make love all day. Where should we go for breakfast?”

  She grinned.“We could go to Big Al's, where I work. I just need to get some clothes on.”She pulled away from him and walked to the stairs. He followed behind her, snagging her around the waist as she took the first step.

  “You look adorable just like that, and if I have to think about you getting naked upstairs, we won't be leaving because I have no control when it comes to you,”he growled into her ear.

  She shivered as desire pooled in her core.“Keep saying things like that to me and we won't be leaving either.”She sighed.“Do I really have to go out like this?”She picked at her flannel pajama pants and thermal shirt.

  “Yeah, you do. Put a hoodie on and no one will know. They will just think you got out of bed after having a couple of rounds of great sex and be jealous.”He grinned cheekily.

  “Well, I did, so it isn't far from the truth.”Her mouth tipped up and he went rock hard.

  “This isn't going to work.”He growled softly.

  “Sure it is, I need coffee.”She skirted him and grabbed her jacket off the coat rack by the door.“You promised to feed me before you ravished my body, plus I need some explanation as to what the hell is going on, so let's go. Feed me.”

  Chapter Four –Develop

  He groaned and begged his body to cooperate. A hard on felt a hell of a lot harder and more sensual in a human body. She smelled better, a mix of lilac and mint, crossed with the forest after it rained. Things sounded better and felt better. It was heady and addicting. Her skin was hotter, and it felt like silk. He bit his lip to stop the flood of thoughts running through his mind. She picked her purse up from the floor and jingled her keys.“Shall we?”

  He groaned.“We have to ride in Bertha, don't we? Well hell, there just went half the morning getting the damn thing to run. You will have to go all Harry Potter again.”

  She laughed, the musical lilt twining through the crisp autumn air as she opened the door and stepped out.“Maybe you'll be surprised. She might purr like a kitten for you.”

  He stepped out of the door onto the small porch and smirked,“I already saw your cat this morning. When did you get her? She was none too happy with me touching you.”

  Camille locked the door behind them and grinned,“Yeah, she is protective of her mom. I got her a few weeks ago. I found her behind Big Al's, someone had left her there. Her name is Boo since she's black as night and scares the shit out of me frequently while I sleep. She likes to sneak attack at times.”

  He laughed and followed her down the pathway to the car.“Whoa, did Bertha get new seats? I vividly remember my ass being stuck to duct tape last time I was in your car.”

  “Yeah, she got some new seats. Big Al fixed the car up for me. I think he felt sorry for me, but his excuse was that I needed to get to work and be reliable. I don't have to do anymore Harry Potter spells either.”She slid in the car and stuck the key in the ignition.

  “No? What a shame. I always thought you made a sexy witch. You definitely put a spell on me.”He grinned, knowing he sounded cheesy as hell.

  She snorted,“What am I going to do when the spell breaks?”

  He sobered up and looked deep into her eyes as the car idled.“You don't have to worry about that, because I'm going nowhere.”She put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway before driving to the restaurant. The road was quiet, people were either snuggled up in bed or already at church. Big Al's Diner sat off the road and Casey had to smirk at the huge smiling hamburger sign.“This is where you work?”

  “Yep, be prepared to hear some strange stuff is all I can tell you,”she remarked as she pulled into the only empty parking spot in the lot.

  “Yeah?”He asked incredulously, a smirk tipping his full mouth up on the corner.

  “Yeah,”she smirked as she turned the car off and opened her door.“Don't be surprised, is all I can say.”He looked at her warily as he climbed out. She grabbed his hand and led him to the glass door of the vibrantly painted diner. She threw the door open and he heard raucous hooting and cheering. His eyebrow raised as he realized it was for Cami.

  “Hey Salami Slim! Look at you, coming in on your day off! You couldn't stay away from us, could you? Hot damn, who is that slice of sex behind her?”Cami looked back at him, her eyes dancing.

  “I told you...”she turned back to the customers, pointing in particular to a rowdy bunch of women that she loved and adored called the Tassel Group who met at the diner every Sunday morning to talk about men and mostly cause a ruckus.“Okay, you news bags. This man is mine, so keep your paws off. Who needs coffee? I had a hell of a night and need something to wake me up!”

  They hooted in delight and Casey actually felt himself blush. One woman from the group, named Jenni, popped up and said,“Honey, send that cute little thing over to me and I'll teach him how to keep you awake.”

  Jill, Liese, Denise, and other members of the group hooted loudly and made some lewd gestures with their hands. Casey covered his eyes and grinned.“Your friends are horrible,”he muttered in her ear.

  Cami tossed a grin over her shoulder.“They are, but the whole gang is really special. They've taken me in and loved on me when I had no one, so be nice. Go sit over in that booth.”She pointed to a seat behind them. His eyes went wide in mock fear and he shook his head.

  “Baby, I don't think I can handle all of those women, I mean I'm told I'm good in bed, but I don't even think a gas powered vibrator could satisfy them.”

  Big Al came out of the back, wielding a spatula, his large stomach draped in a huge apron. He grinned, white teeth showing behind his huge black handlebar mustache.“Bout time you got some action, Salami Slim! Now the rest of you get your shit together and let the girl get some breakfast. No busting her balls!”He smacked the spatula on the counter and then pointed at a few people, mostly those in the Tassel Group.“You know who you are, you damn rowdy bitches!”He pointed around the room one last time, looking ferocious.

  Casey sauntered past the group of women and got his ass slapped by one of them. He jumped and yelped in shock and one of the women yelled,“Tapped his ass! Damn!”

  Cami was behind the counter snickering. She came back around, wearing an apron and wielding some coffee.“Alright, which one of you guys needs a refill?”She held the pot high and the diner full of customers cheered. Casey simply
watched his girl shine. She loved working here, and the patrons loved her, it was as simple as that. Her eyes were shimmering with laughter, her color was high, but she smiled.

  He picked at the chipped Formica of the table. Probably the only thing that kept her going while I wasn't here. Hell, I'm glad she found this misfit bunch. A waitress floated by his table and smacked a menu down on the table. He looked up at the face of one pissed off little redhead.

  “You better treat Salami Slim right, boy, or you'll be strung up, I hope you know that.”She pursed her glossy red lips and gave him a look that would have melted steel.

  “I will!”He threw his hands up.“Who the hell are you anyway?”

  She pursed her lips again and tossed over her shoulder as she sashayed away,“Your worst fucking nightmare, little boy.”

  His eyes widened. Camille flitted by with a pot of coffee and he snagged her arm.“Who was that red head with the fire engine lips? She threatened to string me up!”

  Camille laughed and replied,“That's Tam the Damn, she's a waitress here. She's pretty bad ass and serious about murder, so I'd be afraid if I were you.”She wiggled her eyebrows and stuck her tongue out. He reached up quickly, twining his arm around her neck and pulling her down for a scalding kiss.

  “Don't keep sticking that tongue out, love, unless you plan to use it!”He announced, before kissing her loudly again. Everyone hooted and Camille flushed hot.“Sit down, Cami, we really need to talk,”he murmured quietly, stroking her hand.

  “Let me get rid of the morning rush and I will. The Tassels will be gone soon and we can have some peace and quiet without news bags trying to listen to every word we say.”She winked at him and then tapped the menu.“Order something. Can you order me some pancakes?”With that, she was gone again, flitting through the crowd.

  Tam came back to his table and smacked a white coffee cup in front of him. The table vibrated under the force.“You want some coffee, or what?”

  He raised his eyebrow.“Maybe without a side of bitch, sure.”

  She pursed her red lips.“Screw you.”

  He leaned back and smiled.“No thanks! I'm satisfied with Cami.”

  She sneered,“It wasn't an offer, pretty boy.”

  “No? Thank God. Can I get some pancakes for Cami and a bacon and cheese omelet for me? Both with coffee and juice. Thank you, Tam.”She stood still for a full minute giving him dirty looks before snatching her notepad out of her apron and writing his order down. She didn't say anything once she scribbled it down, just turned and walked away. He chuckled to himself then looked over to see all of the Tassel Group looking at him. He waggled his fingers and smiled.“Hello, ladies. Beautiful morning, isn't it?”He grinned wide as they giggled and whispered amongst themselves.

  Cami finally came back to their table and plopped down with a cup of coffee that had been liberally lightened with cream. She added two packets of sugar and stirred it quietly. He reached across the table and caught her hand. She looked up, her green eyes sparkling in the sunlight filtering through the windows of the diner.“I love you Camille.”

  Chapter Five –Detail

  The Tassel Group had gotten bored while they sat quietly drinking coffee and staring into each others eyes. They filtered out of the diner, tossing meaningful glances at Camille, most of the looks including an eyebrow wiggle and a hip thrust. He shook his head and laughed. Tam came out of the kitchen with their food and she slammed his plate down before gently placing Cami's in front of her.“You enjoy your breakfast, Salami Slim.”She shot him a 'fuck you' look and he smiled at her in return. She huffed and flounced off.

  “That girl is one of a kind isn't she?”He snickered as he started in on his omelet.

  Cami nodded and took a bite of her pancakes.“She is protective, like a big sister. I have never mentioned you to anyone because I didn't know how long you would be gone and I couldn't very well say I was in love with an angel. I'd be committed. She probably thinks you are a one night stand that will break my heart.”She cut another piece of pancake and popped it into her mouth.

  He nodded.“We both know that isn't the case though, don't we?”

  “I know,”she replied.“I know you love me. I want to know how the hell we are sitting here in the diner only four months after you had to leave me and how you are sitting here as a human.”

  He took a sip of his coffee, which was now lukewarm and grimaced.“After I left you, I had to stay on the Waiting Bridge. That was when you came to tell me goodbye. I got to see it from both of our points of view. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, watching you walk away and knowing there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.”His throat closed and he took another sip of the coffee.“Once I decided that I wouldn't force trying to see you, God took me down to a anteroom with three doors. He told me behind each of those doors was a key to me getting back to you. In one of the rooms was a place that looked like an old fashioned theater. I...”He paused.“I watched a movie about you. The movie of your life and I met my sister Sarah. She is an angel too, and had been sent to help you, just like I was. Actually, she picked you to be mine...”He looked at Cami quietly for a moment.“Apparently our lives have been intertwined for much longer than we both knew.”

  Cami smiled softly.“I know. I've remembered you from my childhood. I remember a lot of things about you. I remember playing in the dirt with you and playing in forts with you, being the princess and you'd save me. I remember a lot of things.”

  “I remember a lot of things about you as well, love.”They sat simply, their hands intertwined for a few moments. He smiled and continued.“Once I watched you give me up, in all your selflessness, Sarah said I was ready for my next task.”

  “What was your next task?”She queried gently, prompting him to continue.

  He took a bite of his omelet before he responded. Tam came back to fill their cups with coffee, giving him another sourpuss look. He took a quick sip of the bitter brew and then finished the story.“My next task was meeting my mom.”

  “Your mom? Oh, Casey.”She squeezed his hand.“I know that had to be really hard for you.”

  “It was hard,”he admitted.“At first, at least. Sarah explained that she and I had stayed the same age while Mom had aged naturally. Mom is bordering on seventy now, and she helps children. She helps the ones who feel the most alone and the saddest. She has been working with Jian at the Chinese food restaurant at the mall for God knows how long, just watching me every time I came in. Her name is Wendy and you would love her. She is not the woman I used to know and that is hard for me to grasp. I can't hate this woman. She's too damn cute.”

  Camille nodded.“That would be uncanny, to see a woman you know is your mom but be aged so much from what you remember. I am glad she is a good person now and I'm even more glad that the two of you have met and are working on your relationship. We can't expect miracles overnight, but that is so wonderful.”

  He smiled and ate some more of his omelet.“It is good. It is different to not feel angry. I just don't feel that way anymore. I feel like a huge burden is off my shoulders. She was my second door and she gave me a very special key to get back to you.”

  She looked at him curiously,“She did?”

  He nodded.“She did.”

  She frowned at his cryptic words.“I don't understand.”She drained her orange juice and leaned back in the booth.

  He grinned.“Neither did I for a while, but all of the pieces have fallen in place for me.”He took the last few bites of his omelet.“Sarah then took me to my third key.”

  Camille's heart raced.“She did?”

  He nodded quietly.“Yeah, she did. She took me to meet your parents.”

  Tears filled her eyes and obscured her vision.“My parents?”She whispered, her voice cracking.

  He squeezed her hand.“Yeah. They are wonderful. I see a lot of them in you. They told me you love to fall asleep to Mozart, and that you've always loved the beach. That you love fall and that you are passionate, but I alrea
dy knew a lot of that.”He stroked her knuckles with his thumb.“They gave me the go ahead to love you.”

  Her heart trilled in her chest.“They did?”

  He nodded.“After that, all I remember is Sarah taking me back to my apartment and me going to sleep. Then I was with you on the beach. When I woke up, God was in my room and simply said, 'you are done, go to her,' and I knew there was one thing I had to do before I could be at your door. I went back to your parents house and I asked your father a very important question. Then I was at your door before I could think to do anything else because it is exactly where I have always wanted to be. It has always been you, Cami.”His eyes were unfathomably dark pools.“It has always been you,”he whispered brokenly. He leaned forward to brush a hot kiss against her palm.“I love you more than the air I breathe.”

  Chapter Six –Dazzle

  She smiled softly, her green eyes glowing with emotion.“I love you too, Casey. What question did you have to ask my dad? Can you tell me if we are going to live happily ever after?”

  “Yes,”he solemnly replied, leaning over and digging in his pocket. He looked deep into her eyes and whispered,“I had to ask your father's permission to do this. Will you marry me?”His mother's ring sparkled in the sunlight of the diner. It was an exquisite rose gold band with one emerald right in the center.

  Camille's eyes matched the stone perfectly when she looked up at him in awe and whispered,“Yes.”

  He threw his fist up in joy and screamed,“She said yes! She said yes!”

  Barb stood at the counter, her eyes full of tears.“Camille Taylor! Is this why you wouldn't go out with any boy I tried to set you up with?”

  Cami nodded, her eyes wet with tears.“Yeah, Barb. I have been waiting on him.”Casey slid out of the booth and slipped the ring on her finger.


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